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Thomas Booth pracoval 10 rokov ako učiteľ angličtiny v Poľsku

a Rusku. V súčastnosti pôsobí v Anglicku, kde pracuje ako editor
a tvorca materiálov na výučbu angličtiny. Prispel do mnohých
učebníc zo série Angličtina pre každého.

Konzultantka pre americké vydanie

Jenny Wilsonová vyučuje angličtinu ako cudzí jazyk
v USA i v Anglicku. Pôsobí v súkromných inštitúciách,
ako aj na univerzitách, vrátane Univerzity vo Wisconsine -
Madison. J e členkou skúšobnej komisie na IELTS a autorkou
písomných materiálov pre vydavateľstvá Collins Language,
Cambridge University Press a Corwin.
^ l i á Ä.. : ^

i M t e Ä a ti
f Ä ^ M /'t! Aa

f? Ä) EU A rW M il á


Kniha vyšla prvý raz vo Vetkej Británii v roku 2019 vo vydavatetstve

A k o používať u č e b n i c u
Dorling K i n d e r s l e y Limited, 80 S t r a n d , London W C 2 Í O R L


Original title: English for E v e r y o n e E n g l i s h Idioms
Copyright © Dorling K i n d e r s l e y L i m i t e d , 2019
A Penguin Random House Company
Translation © 2020 by M i c h a l a K a m h a l o v á
Vek io
S l o v a k edition © 2020 b y l K A R , a.s.

B*02 Rodina a priatelia 14

V š e t k y práva s ú v y h r a d e n é . Nijaká časť tejto knihy
sa n e s m i e reprodukovať, ukladať do i n f o r m a č n ý c h
. 03 Vzhľad a p ô v o d 18

s y s t é m o v ani prenášať v akejkoľvek podobe či
akýmkoľvek s p ô s o b o m - elektronicky, m e c h a n i c k y ,
fotokopírovaním, n a h r á v a n í m alebo inak -
Osobnostné črty 22
bez predchádzajúceho p í s o m n é h o s ú h l a s u
vlastníka a u t o r s k ý c h práv.
. 05 Čo j e d o b r é 26

.;_ 06 Čo j e zlé 30

07: Zvieratá 34

08 J e d l o 38

Súhlas a nesúhlas 42

Správanie 46

Pocity 50

Pozitívne pocity 54
Z anglického originálu English for E v e r y o n e , E n g l i s h Idioms
(Dorling Kindersley L i m i t e d , Londýn 2019)
preložila M i c h a l a K a m h a l o v á Negatívne pocity 58
Redigovala S o ň a S t u š k o v á
M a n a ž é r k a vydania Zuzana Uškertová
Vydalo vydavateľstvo I K A R , a.s.,
Pamäť 62
B r a t i s l a v a v roku 2020
ako svoju ó 272. publikáciu Ľudské telo 66
P r v é vydanie
Sadzba a z a l o m e n i e do strán I T E M , s p o l . s r. o., B r a t i s l a v a
T l a č T B B , a. s., B a n s k á B y s t r i c a Vojna a zbrane 70

I S B N 978-80-551-7212-5

A W O R L D OF I D E A S :
S E E A L L THERE ISTO KNOW M n o ž s t v o a vzdialenosť 74
1 Začiatok a koniec 78
Náhoda, šťastie a pravdepodobnosť 82 Práca a biznis 1 166

" J e d n o d u c h o s ť a zložitosť 86 Práca a biznis 2 170

U Bezpečie a nebezpečenstvo 90

Nepríjemné situácie 94
• Í P o č a s i e a príroda 98
HÍÍ „ M a k e " a „do" 178

KOMUNIKÁCIA lliU „G i v e " a „take" 182

fffif Rozprávame sa 102 „ H a v e " a „get" 186

H Zdieľame informácie ioď „Set" a „put" 190

g Pravda a lož no jfjlll „Go" a „ c o m e " 194

Pozeráme sa a p o č ú v a m e 114 KU V ý r a z y s inými slovesami 198

i | Hudba a umenie 118 Kfc$ Zosilňujúce príslovky 202

g P r i rovnania 206
*H*- 1 Príslovia 2io
[jedlo a nápoje 122
H Ľahko zameniteľné slová 1 214
g O p i s u j e m e svoje zdravie 126
||§fJ Ľahko zameniteľné slová 2 218
ľpy^m Vedomosti a vzdelanie 130
•"- Farby 222
* » i Peniaze 134

I Nakupujeme 138 Kľúč 226

-. _ J Čas 142 Register 239

Register najbežnejších slov 254
H^il Oblečenie 146
Poďakovanie 256

J Práca a relax íso

: Pohyb a napredovanie 154

j£ Pravidlá a zákony 158

I Úspech a zlyhanie 102

Ako používať učebnicu
Učebnica Anglické idiómy zo série Angličtina pre každého pomáha naučiť sa, porozumieť
a zapamätať si najpoužívanejšie anglické idiómy a výrazy. Každá z 54 lekcií v knihe pozostáva
z časti určenej na osvojenie si danej témy s ilustrovanými vetami, ktoré obsahujú idiómy
v kontexte, ak© aj z časti, ktorá obsahuje cvičenia na posilnenie nadobudnutých vedomostí.
Vypočujte si nahrávky a zopakujte každý výraz a vetu. Odpovede ku všetkým cvičeniam
nájdete vzadu v kľúči spolu s podrobným registrom. 34.3 S i

Číslo lekcie: Kniha je Moduly: Viaceré celky sú

rozdelená na lekcie. rozdelené na moduly
Čísla pomáhajú zapamätať si, podľa rozličných
ako napredujete. kategórií idiómov.

Jednoduchosť a zložitosť
Číslo modulu: Každý modul
j e označený číslom, podľa
ktorého ľahko nájdete
audionahrávku. • 20.1 JEDNODUCHOSŤ ;

The test was a cinch. I finished Getting around my city is a breeze. Doing the dishes after a
it 20 minutes early. Our trains are excellent. party is a pain in the noj
veľmi ľahké, (ako hračka) ľahké, jednoduché veľmi otravné, nepríjemné
Príklady: Anglické idiómy sú
použité v o vetnom kontexte,
ktorý slúži ako príklad. •Winning that race was like It's all too easy to forget to
Don't make a mountaid
shooting fish in a barrel. turn off the lights when
a molehill. I only asked)
Nobody else had trained. you go out.
help me bake a cake!
veľmi ľahké (zvyčajne veľmi ľahké na zapamätanie,
o súťaži) (zvyčajne o chybe) zveličovať, preháňať

Definícia: Idiomatické Making a great cup of coffee Finding Angela's house was
anglické výrazy sú doplnené is not rocket science. easy peasy. I have a GPS. Giving up chocolate is a
said than done.
o ich definíciu. , nič ťažké ľahké, jednoduché
(žiadna veda) nebyť také ľahké ako sa zdd

Podporná grafika: Vizuálne I already play the violin, so Unclogging my sink was
teaming the cello was a walk a piece of cake for Carlita. I was like a fish out of •
pomôcky pomáhajú
in the park. She's a plumber. the science fiction c o n *
porozumieť a zapamätať si
ľahké, (prechádzka ružovou veľmi jednoduché, maličkosť
nové idiómy. (hračka)
byt v ťažkej alebo nezvyi
rnhrnHnii) situácii

Prázdne riadky: Môžete si Alicia's worked in this factory so Driving on the left was difficult at first,
Bashir was totally out itJ
long she could do her job with but soon it was smooth sailing, (us)
do nich zapísať svoje her eyes shut. depth on his first day w
preklady anglických idiómov ľahké, bezproblémové, at the florist.
ľahké, bez potreby rozmýšľať, čo ide hladko
a vytvoriť si tak vlastné (robiť aj so zavretými očami) byť v koncoch


Príklady: Prvá otázka v každom
cvičení je zodpovedaná ako vzor, podľa
Od posluchové cvičenia: ktorého ľahšie porozumiete zadaniu.
Tento symbol označuje, že je Číslo cvičenia: Každé
potrebné vypočuť si nahrávku, cvičenie je označené Inštrukcie k cvičeniam: Každé cvičenie
a následne odpovedať na otázky číslom, podľa ktorého má krátke zadanie, podľa ktorého budete
v cvičení. ľahko nájdete odpovede. vedieť, čo máte robiť.



move on kept busy while waiting

O a drag • unexpectedly soon or quickly
blue moon
O at the crack of dawn K
very late at night
bright and early
of time 0
O dragged on You have no more time to complete a task,

till dawn
• a boring experience that passes very slowly

of dawn flown by
• at the last possible moment
0 killed time
knew it • passed very quickly or too quickly

in the nick of time
Q the dead of night


tíÉt mim
M y h o m e improvements opened n imm
I* a c a n of w o r m s . T h e builders
W e must act« wiovc an. or we'll miss @ Ren arrived _ for his
• d i s c o v e r e d so m a n y p r o b l e m s .
the start of the play. first day at work.
situácia, ktorá vedie k ďalším

rJL~ 9
problémom (Pandorina skrinka)

T h e t e a m has a m o u n t a i n
finishing his painting.
mm *

0 It's nearly midnight. It's

to climb if it w a n t s t o w i n He wanted it to be perfect. we went home.
the game.

neprekonateľný problém,
náročná prekážka

ií I\ O Victoria is always
If!! . for her @ Huan only cooks at home
English class.
Finishing t h e building this m o n t h
• *y 's going to b e a tall order.

J\ 1 ťažká úloha (veľké sústo)


T h e r e h a v e b e e n teething p r o b l e m s w i t h A n g l i c k é / a m e r i c k é id i ó my:
t h e n e w c o m p u t e r system a t w o r k , (uk)
Niektoré idiómy sú špecifické len
počiatočné (ažkosti S»A S3 $J pre anglickú/americkú angličtinu. Priestor na písanie:
P"/? 1
(detské choroby)
Sú preto označené symbolmi UK/US. Môžete si tam zapísať
svoje vlastné odpovede
pre budúcu potrebu.
I tried t o m a k e t h e politician a n s w e r m y
question, b u t it w a s like getting
b l o o d f r o m a stone. (UK)

E zbytočne vynaložená námaha

A u d i o p o d p o r a : Všetky moduly
obsahujú audionahrávky,
ktoré slúžia na rozpoznanie
a správne vyslovovanie slov.

Idiómy a výrazy
Idiómy sú jednou z najťažších častí jazyka, najmä čo do porozumenia a správneho používania.
Učebnica Anglické idiómy zahŕňa viac ako 1000 najbežnejších a najpoužívanejších idiómov.
ako aj ustálených slovných spojení a ľahko zameniteľných slov.

Idiómy sú výrazy, ktoré nemôžeme chápať doslovne.
Napríklad, „ako vajce vajcu" nemá nič s vajcami,
ale znamená to, že dve osoby sú si veľmi podobné.

Idiomatický výraz

Mateo and his brother Lucas are like two

peas in a pod. I can't tell them apart.


Niektoré z výrazov v tejto knihe nie sú idiómy, ale určité
zaužívané kombinácie slov. Študenti často robia chyby
pri ich používaní.
Ustálený výraz

Shreya's going to have a baby

this summer.

Kniha obsahuje aj dve lekcie so slovami, ktorých používanie si
študenti ľahko mýlia, ako napr. „say" a „telí".

Keď používame „say", nemusíme určiť osobu, - ^

^ ktorej t o hovoríme C^r W

í *k
"Oh, no " said Kayleigh. "I've left my school
bag on the bus with all my homework in it." j|
Keď používame „telľ, musíme
určiť osobu, ktorej to hovoríme.

Kayleigh had to t e l l her teacher that

she had left her homework on the bus.

Audionahrávky Odpovede
Učebnica Anglické idiómy zo série Angličtina pre Kniha je navrhnutá tak, aby ste
každého obsahuje rozsiahle podporné audiozdrqje. mohli ľahko zaznamenávať svoje
Každý výraz a veta v učebnom liste sú nahráte, takže napredovanie. Pre každé cvičenie
frázy a vety si môžete vypočuť a opakovať nahlas, máte k dispozícii správne
až kým nadobudnete istotu, že výrazom rozumiete odpovede, takže môžete vidieť,
a to, čo počujete, viete aj správne vyslovovať. či ste idiómom a výrazom správne
porozumeli a zapamätali si ich. She's working hard.
We rested.
Julie tried her best,
DOPLŇUJÚCE NAHRÁVKY j Carmen is notworkin
It was hard work.
Tento symbol značí, že audionahrávky
idiómov a viet v module sú dostupné Čísla cvičení:
na počúvanie. Čísla si spojte s číslom
HI Leo always goes the exj
v hornom ľavom rohu
customers happy.
ODPOSLUCHOVÉ CVIČENIA pri každom cvičení.
@ Akash usually takes 40 1

Tento symbol značí, že najskôr by ste

his lunch.
si mali vypočuť nahrávku, až potom
© I'm sorry, I can't talk to
odpovedať na otázky v cvičení.
hands full.
l|| Celia had to put her he
essay to meet the deadline!
Odpovede: Správne odpovede »© Brandon is a slacker. H J
AUDIONAHRÁVKY ZDARMA ku každému cvičeniu nájdete and ignores the customers
webstránka a aplikácia vzadu v kľúči. ® After a long day workir
www, to put his feet up and watcj

Táto kniha obsahuje dva registre: register idiómov a výrazov,
a tiež register najbežnejších slov a podmetov.
REGISTER IDIÓMOV A VÝRAZOV Tento register používame vtedy,
Tento register obsahuje každý výraz z časti keď chceme nájsť idióm týkajúci
určenej na učenie, kde sú zoradené podľa sa podmetu, alebo výrazu, ktorý
idiómy: Ak má
abecedy. obsahuje nejaké bežné slovo.
idióm anglický alebo
americký ekvivalent,
v registri sú obe verzie.
keep in mind (US) / bear in mind (UK) 14.1
someone's mind goes blank 14.1 ""Ä
can't make heads or tails of (US) / can't make something slips your mind 14.1 .absolutely* 49.1
head or tail of (UK) 31.1 speak your mind 24.2 Kľúčové slová: „as" 50.1
make a beeline for 37.1
make a cake 43.1
spring to mind 14.1 Každé heslo
great minds think alike 31.1
make a choice 43,1 a minefield 16.1 v registri obsahuje
make a fresh start 18.1 a misery guts (UK), see a downer (US) kľúčové slovo B
make a joke 43.1 go missing 47.1 „beať 52.4
make a mess 43.1
break the mold 31.3
z hrubovytlačeného .borrow" 52.5
make a mountain out of a molehill 20.2 make a mountain out of almolehillp0.2 výrazu.
make a noise 43.1 easy money 32.1
make a phone call 43.1 money doesnt grow on trees 32.1
make a pig's ear of something 7.1 throw money around 32.1 C
make a rod for your own back 2 2.2 throw money down the drain 32.1 „carry" 53.4
make arrangements 43.1 once in a blue moon 34.1, 54.1 .catch" 48.3
make a scene 28.1 over the moon ŕ 2.1 I Číslo modulu: „chargé" 53.2
make ends meet 32.1 moth-eaten 6.1
make great strides 37.1 Spojte si číslo v registri „come" 47.2
set the wheels in motion 37,1
make progress 43.1 a mountain to climb 20.2 s číslom modulu
make some friends 43.1 make a mountain out of a molehill 20.2 v učebnej sekcii.
make someone's blood boil 13.1 as quiet as a mouse S0.2 D
make someone's hair stand on end 13.3 be bom with a silver spoon in your mouth 3. .damage" 53.1
make someone's mouth water 29.1 by word of mouth 25.1
make waves 23.2 .deeply" 49.3
foam at the mouth 11.2 „do" 43.2

I Vek

After climbing t h e hill, I realized M y assistant is a bit wet behind the

I'm no spring chicken! ears. H e still has a lot to learn. -

už nie mladý mladý a neskúsený

Becky's w o r r i e d she's getting o n in years Sanjay feels as old as the hills w h e n

after spotting m o r e gray hairs, (us) ľ~ his kids talk about technology.

starnúť veľmi starý

it *!
These bright young things This T V show bridges the generation gap.
have just started college. T h e w h o l e family loves it.

mladý nadšený, moderný alebo vhodný pre každú vekovú kateqóriu ft fľ

ambiciózny človek
.. II n II


M y grandpa got married again Brendan's teacher told him

at the ripe old age of 92. to start acting his age.
veľmi starý správať sa primerane if-
určitému veku

Sally first sang o n stage I Age w h e n I go

at the tender age of 7.
I c-ŕl— I
* n I shopping with m y children.
>• <g. •£

veľmi mladý \l jL I byt si vedomý toho, že som starší <U""~ S

I've just turned 40, a n d I'm Katie started learning piano
in t h e prime of m y life. I always w h e n she was knee-high to
go to the g y m after work. a grasshopper.

v najlepších rokoch, zdravý a úspešný veľmi mladý

I'm too long in the tooth Derek and J o a n spent their twilight
to try out skydiving. years traveling the world.

už nie najmladší posledné roky života

I can't c o m e to that nightclub Angela might b e 84, but she is

with y o u ! I'm over the hill. still y o u n g at heart.

It l k
mat najlepšie roky mladistvý napriek vysokému ML
za sebou : veku, srdcom mladý

In many countries, there is a

Damien's at that a w k w a r d age and big celebration w h e n y o u n g
finds it hard to talk to people people c o m e of age.

obdobie dospievania, kedy sa mladí dosiahnuť plnoletosť, získať
často cítia trápne, v rozpakoch rovnaké práva ako dospelí

M a n y singers' voices Stephen has reached the

improve with age.

vekom sa zlepšovat, vyspiet JLl great age of 100.

veľmi pokročilý vek

1.3 N A P Í Š T E I D I Ó M Y Z R Á M Č E K A D O S P R Á V N E J S K U P I N Y

. — ~ ^ ^- ——
bright young things

no spring chicken bright young things tender age

over the hill knee-high to a grasshopper great age



I've just turned 40, and I'm ivi the prime of

my life, . I always go to the gym after work. 0 M y grandpa got married again at the
of 92.

O This TV show.
O Becky's worried she's .. The whole family loves it.
after spotting more gray hairs.

:i n
RIň . when I go
O Damien's at shopping with my children.
and finds it hard to talk to people.


Brendan's teacher told him to start playing his age.

• ^ >

1 Brwdeivis ttack&r told kirn to start actinq kis <nqe-

VH n
0 I'm too long in t h e mouth to try out skydiving.

,JM ™
, rel
0 M y assistant is a bit w e t behind t h e neck. H e still has a lot to learn.

0 Derek and J o a n spent their midnight years traveling the world.

O In many countries, there is a big celebration w h e n young people arrive of age. • •

*i \ »i

0 Angela might be 84, but she is still y o u n g at mind.

0 Sanjay feels as old as t h e mountains w h e n his kids talk about technology. - S"

an) i


už nie mladý — no s £_ r i n c k í c k. c K

0 zlepšovať sa vekom — i w a

© mať najlepšie roky za sebou = o t h

O veľmi pokročilý vek ~ -g. a

© posledné roky života = * •» X

© mladistvý napriek vysokému veku S X a h

O útle detstvo — t a

é" [ Jt Rodina a priatelia

Harper regrets losing touch with I think Claire's found a soulmate. Both
all her old school friends. A she and Dan love reading.
nebyť už v kontakte, strácať kontakt \ £m dokonalý partner IT—
s niekým _ j a/efao priateľ

I've kept in touch with Lin since M a r i e and Pierre met through Isaac,
w e left college 25 years ago. a mutual friend of theirs. M

pokračovať v udržiavaní kontaktu zdieľať priateľstvo s dvomi osobami,

mat spoločného priateľa

Ramón and Tara get o n like a house M i a a n d I have drifted apart since
o n fire. They're always talking she left our choir a n d started
a n d laughing. boxing instead.

veľmi dobre spolu vychádzať,

mat dobrý, pevný vzťah
menej sa priateliť, prestávať
si byt blízky, odcudziť sa - i
I struck up a friendship with M y wife and I hit it off immediately
Pete while w e w e r e in w h e n w e first met at a country
cooking class last year. music concert.

spriateliť sa veľmi rýchlo sa spriateliť

Donna w a s a fair-weather friend. Cy and I got off on the w r o n g foot o n

She wouldn't help w h e n m y our date. H e w a s an hour late

house flooded. and forgot m y name.

priateľ, ktorý nás v ťažkostiach

začať budovať vzťah
opustí od zlého konca


We're moving to a bigger house
B o b reminds m e so much of his father. because we're hoping to
H e is a chip off the old block. m start a family soon.

veľmi podobný niekomu z rodiny založiť si rodinu

J a d e is a family friend. S h e grew up on I a m close to my immediate family,

the same street as us. but rarely see m y other relatives. ^ (

niekto, kto našu rodinu už nejaký najbližšia rodina, t. j. rodičia, synovia,

čas pozná dcéry, bratia a sestry jn jiiiiiif^

Uncle Tony is the black sheep of the family. W e ' r e bringing up our children to
He's been to prison three times. ,«». be kind to animals.
f iste
niekto, kto rodine robí hanbu alebo učií dieťa, ako sa má správať,
je čudný, odlišný vychovávať

That vase is a family heirloom. Boris often asks members of

Lou's grandfather bought it in his extended family to help
China in 1893. with childcare. ^,

predmet, ktorý sa dedí v rodine širšia rodina, t. j. starí rodičia,

z generácie na generáciu bratranci a sesternice, synovci a netere f

W e ' r e a close-knit family. W e Curly hair runs in our family,

always meet up for birthdays and my daughter, m o m , a n d
and holidays. ^ I all have it.

súdržná zomknutá rodina i| dedičná črta v rodine


najbližšia rodina, t. j . rodičia, synovia, dcéry, bratia

a sestry a fair-weather friend

predmet, ktorý sa dedí v rodine z generácie

immediate family
na generáciu, rodinná pamiatka

O I priateľ, ktorý nás v ťažkostiach opustí losing touch with

nebyť už v kontakte s niekým a family heirloom

0 dokonalý partner alebo priateľ a soulmate

0 menej sa priateliť extended family

ä širšia rodina, t. j . starí rodičia, bratranci a sesternice,

drifted apart
synovci a netere



O íJ G 1

1 Íl ^ I r


Bob reminds me so much of his father. He is a chip off the old bride/ block /Jog-.
^. , I i p * „.„„ m

% • We're moving to a bigger house because we're hoping to b e g i n / s t a r t / have a family soon.

& M y wife and I struck / hit / beat it off immediately w h e n w e first met at a country music concert.

O Uncle Tony is the black sheep / horse / c o w erf the family. He's been to prison three times.

O Cy and I got off on the wrong hand / leg / foot on our date. He was an hour late and forgot my name.

0 Ramon and Tara get on like a h o u s e / barn / h o m e on fire. They're always talking and laughing.


° 3
M y wife and I kit it off immediately 0 Curly hair
w h e n w e first met at a country music concert. and my daughter, m o m , and I all have it.

% We're 0 I've Lin since

our children to be kind to animals. w e left college 25 years ago.

1111 n 11

0 Marie and Pierre met through Isaac, _"• J a d e is

of theirs. She grew up on the same street as us.

I Vzhľad a pôvod
M a t e o a n d his brother Lucas
Leo bears a striking resemblance are like t w o peas in a p o d .
t o his grandfather. I can't tell t h e m apart.

vyzerat veľmi podobne podobníjeden druhému,

navzájom podobní

Karen is the spitting image of You must eat something!

that actor in the n e w sci-fi film. You're all skin a n d bones.

takmer identická podoba vychudnutý

Oscar is only 25, but he's already Rita looked like she'd seen a ghost
getting thin o n top. (us) after I told her m y news. jgj|

plešivieí vyzerať veľmi vydesene a šokovane

Milan returned h o m e w i t h Rachel looked like a d r o w n e d

five o'clock shadow after rat after she got caught in
a long d a y at the office. the rain o n her w a y h o m e .

zarastať premoknúť, veľmi zmoknúť

Edie looks like butter wouldn't melt M y aunt believed in keeping

in her mouth, but she's actually up appearances despite
really naughty. having little money.

vyzerať ako neviniatko, predstierať, že všetko je

akoby nedokázať urobiť nič zlé v poriadku, udržiavať dekórum


. ŠTYL A OBLEČENIE George arrived at the restaurant
Domenica looked the part for immaculately groomed for his
her first day of w o r k at the bank. date with Cassie.

byt vhodne, primerane oblečený vyobliekaný, elegantne oblečený,
robiaci dobrý dojem

Clara looked like a million Nalini never has a hair

bucks w h e n she arrived out of place. She cares a
for her wedding, (us) lot about her appearance.

vyzerať okúzľujúco upravený, pestovaný účes



Rebecca has blue blood. Philip was born with a silver spoon
Her great-grandmother mouth. H e grew up in a
w a s a princess. m castle in France. in
inmi * i i
pochádzať z vysokopostavenej narodiť sa do bohatej rodiny

M y aunt is a pillar of the community, M a x i n e is such a highflier.

She supports charities a n d
attends local events.
She's been promoted twice
this year and is only 23. (us) 11
dôležitá a rešpektovaná osoba veľmi talentovaná

nun a úspešná osoba

Danika's parents don't approve M y parents didn't have t w o

of B o b because he's from the pennies to rub together, but

4tf éé
w r o n g side of the tracks. w e still had lots of fun.
zo zlého sociálneho prostredia veľmi chudobní


M y parents didn't have t w o pennies to rub together, but w e still had lots of fun.
Moji rodičia boli bohatí. Moji rodičia boli chudobní.

0 My aunt is a pillar of the community. She supports charities and attends local events.
M o j a teta j e rešpektovaná osoba. M o j a teta j e nečestný človek.

O Philip was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. H e grew up in a castle in France.
Philip bol v ž d y bohatý. Philip bol v ž d y štedrý.

O Danika's parents don't approve of Bob because he's from the w r o n g side of the tracks.

B o b j e rušňovodič. Bob pochádza zo zlého sociálneho prostredia. Q

O Clara looked like a million bucks w h e n she arrived for her wedding.

Clara v y z e r a l a veľmi nervózna. Clara v y z e r a l a nesmierne okúzľujúco.

0 Rebecca has blue blood. Her great-grandmother was a princess.

Pochádza z dôležitého rodu. J e princezná.


George arrived at the restaurant immaculately styled for his date with Cassie. tfi
George arrived at the restaurant immaculately groowud for his date vJvtk Cassia. ' —.

U Edie looks like ice c r e a m wouldn't melt in her mouth, but she's actually really naughty.

© Oscar is only 25, but he's already getting slim on top.

0 M y aunt believed in holding up appearances despite having little money.

0 Nalini never has a hair out of sight. She cares a lot about her appearance.

0 Milan returned home with four o'clock shadow after a long day at the office.

3.6 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U A D O P L Ň T E V E T Y O P I S U J Ú C E J E D N O T L I V É

I Leo bears a striking rtscmbtance. to his grandfather.

Domenica .for her first day of work at the bank.

Clara . when she arrived for her wedding.

•i' * * L , Mateo and his brother Lucas are. I can't tell them apart.

Karen is that actor in the new sci-fi film.

ilk Rita . after I told her my news.

Rachel . after she got caught in the rain on her way home.



veľmi podobní jeden druhému í-A_Éi _L____ JLJ^JLJL _ Ĺ _ _ _§_ pod

Hl príliš vychudnutý a b
— _a s

O takmer identická podoba — j s

4"s plešivieť - JL o t

vi? zarastať - _f_

ô veľmi talentovaná a úspešná osoba — __ Í L _

Osobnostné črty
N o r a h is such a fuddy-duddy.
Lucia has a vivid imagination. S h e never w a n t s t o c o m e o u t
H e r a r t w o r k s a r e so original. w i t h us o n Saturday night. \l*Sbi—9
schopnosť predstaviť si vzrušujúce niekto, kto nie je ochotný "^Q^uf
obrazy, mať živú predstavivosť skúšať nové veci

Gustáv has a selfish streak. A r t u r o is so two-faced. H e said

H e won't share his cookies he liked m y haircut but told ^
with his friends. •o his friends h e hated it. f|| ^ t v

mať sklon k sebectvu

N neúprimný, pokrytecký, falošný it *gg

Chetan is as bold as brass. H e walked

up to t h e actor a n d asked f o r ^
M y dad's just a n average joe.
H e enjoys burgers a n d fries, a n d
IS 11 LI
a n autograph. frv? loves w a t c h i n g baseball, (us) # ^
človek s jednoduchými nárokmi \ <
veľmi sebavedomý m^n I' <

It w a s great t o see J a s m i n e B o b is such a crybaby. H e

at the party. She's always w a s v e r y upset about not -^SSL-
a barrel of laughs. getting a perfect score.
zábavná osoba často bezdôvodne plače

Z o e loves proving h o w m u c h N o a h is really down to earth.
she knows. She's too smart for H e earns lots of money, but h e lives
her o w n good. in a little cottage.

protivné hrdý na svoju skromný a nenáročný

inteligenciu alebo vedomosti

I k n o w Rex looks a bit scary, Claire k a social butterfly. She's always
but he wouldn't hurt a fly. going to parties.

St K
úplne neškodný veľmi spoločenský

I W R ft
M y uncle's a lone wolf. H e Tony wouldn't say boo to a goose.
lives o n his o w n in a cabin H e gets really shy w h e n h e talks t o
in t h e forest. customers. (UK) ,,g

človek, ktorý uprednostňuje život veľmi plachý a nervózny


Don't b e afraid of Linda. Her B e n never told us he could t a p dance.

bark is w o r s e than her bite. H e is such a dark horse. 9 e , 4

Nie je až taká desivá, skrývať pozoruhodnú zručnosť

ako vyzerá. alebo vlastnosť.


Jim's a good egg. H e helped Hassan is the salt of the earti . I saw him
m e to m o v e last w e e k . help an o l d lady cross t h e road.

čestná, spoľahlivá alebo milý, úprimný a skromný človek _

ohľaduplná osoba

Debbie's a tough cookie. S h e Kirsty r e m a i n e d as c

doesn't mind w h e n people a cucumber throughout
criticize her w o r k . her p e r f o r m a n c e . ÍL
odhodlaný, fyzicky alebo pokojný a uvoľnený
emočne silný


-4" »ir-_
x /
Ben never told us he could tap dance. H e is such a dark sheep.
n H Ben never told us he could tap dance. H e is such a dark horse. _/f

% & »^ ' t w a s
great to see J a s m i n e at the party. She's always a barrel of laughs.
ff f) n It w a s great to see J a s m i n e at the party. She's always a tub of laughs.

B o b is such a crying baby. H e w a s v e r y upset about not getting a perfect score. Q

^~ B o b is such a crybaby. H e w a s very upset about not getting a perfect score. Q

© j , --^j Don't be afraid of Linda. Her bite is worse than her bark. [J
W Don't be afraid of Linda. Her bark is w o r s e than her bite. O

• jj-a Jim's a good egg. H e helped m e to m o v e last week.

' " Jim's a good cheese. H e helped me to m o v e last week. | j

Gustáv has a selfish streak. H e w o n ' t share his cookies with his friends.
n* Gustáv has a selfish line. He w o n ' t share his cookies with his friends.

'í. : Debbie's a tough cake. She doesn't mind w h e n people criticize her work.
Debbie's a tough cookie. She doesn't mind w h e n people criticize her work.

4.5 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U A Z O R A Ď T E V E T Y V P O R A D Í ,

O Lucia has a vivid imagination. Her artworks are so original.

© Chetan is as bold as brass. H e walked up to the actor and asked for an autograph. (

© M y uncle's a lone wolf. H e lives on his o w n in a cabin in the forest.

© B o b is such a crybaby. H e w a s very upset about not getting a perfect score. [JJ

O I k n o w Rex looks a bit scary, but he wouldn't hurt a fly.

0 Z o e loves proving h o w much she knows. She's t o o smart for her o w n good.

0 Claire is a social butterfly. She's always going to parties.

O Kirsty remained as cool as a cucumber throughout her performance.


i M y dad's just an average Joe. He enjoys burgers and fries, and he loves
ff\J\ iBSf — watching baseball.

Hassan is the salt of the earth. I saw him help an old lady cross the road.
mum *iľ H'ii!!-

jľasliJ j Noah is realľ

ŕ AJä j Noah is really down to earth. He earns lots of money, but he lives in a

i Arturo is so two-faced. H e said he liked my haircut but told his friends

€* "1 Í ' he hated it.

a k I Tony wouldn't say boo to a goose. He gets really shy when he talks
i to customers.

Norah is such a fuddy-duddy. She never wants to come out with us on

Saturday night.


človek, ktorý nie je ochotný skúšať nové veci — fuddy-duddy

O nieje až taký desivý, ako vyzerá — _ _

0 pokojný a uvoľnený —

O veľmi sebavedomý —

© zábavná osoba —

0 úplne neškodný —

J Co je dobré

M y kids think this T V show is the M a r c e l o stole the show

best thing since sliced bread. with his amazing singing.

veľmi dobré (odjakživa) byt najlepší, alebo získať
najviac pochvál

The ice cream at Giuseppe's parlor

really is the bee's knees!
M y n e w T V is miíes
ahead of my old one.
n" 1
najlepší na svete oveľa pokročilejší než...,
mat náskok

The w o r k m e n have done The v i e w f r o m the top of the mountain

a first-class j o b on our is totally out of this w o r l d .
kitchen. It looks beautiful. You can see for miles.

skvelé, vynikajúce úžasné, mimoriadne

Francisco thinks the world World-class athletes

of his grandson. He loves need to train for a f e w
spending time with him. hours every day.

mat naozaj rád alebo obdivovať na svetovej úrovni

W e had a w o n d e r f u l boat trip. Elisa just m o v e d into the house

The icing o n the cake w a s of her dreams. It's a fabulous
seeing some dolphins. lakeside villa.
najlepšia časí z dobrého niečo vysnívané

W a l k i n g to w o r k gives m e the best Losing my office j o b was a blessing
of both worlds. It helps me save in disguise. M y n e w j o b is much
m o n e y and get fit. more interesting^

vyíažií výhody, získať úžitok javí sa ako zlé, é**."~ *

z viacerých vecí súčasne ale v skutočnosti je to dobré j|j|f f|

Chan's store only sells watches The burgers in Max's diner are
that are top of the line, (us)

najvyššia kvalita
rill to die for. A n d they're huge!

I * 0

The gallery has a mind-blowing Laura's play has received rave

collection of m o d e r n art. reviews. The critics loved it!

úžasná, ohromná výborné recenzie

Javier's performance will

A b e l is a top-notch reporter.
be a tough act to follow. It He's interviewed some really
was incredible. famous actors.
ťažké poraziť, najvyššej kvality
nemať konkurenciu

The c r é m e de la c r é m e
Karolina's cake is second to
of the fashion world w e r e
none. It looks beautiful, and
at the launch party.
it tastes delicious.
elita, vyvolení
oveľa lepšie než čokoľvek iné,
bez konkurencie

i f°ll° w
I t a j \ act j ' tough ) . to j

Javier's performance will be a tough act to follow . It was incredible.

j i sliced the thing

M y kids think this TV show is,

The the
1 ... !5_8
W e had a wonderful boat trip. was seeing some dolphins.

of top jí the

O Chan's store only sells watches that are.

ie 1 I crémel í Ja J The J J créme

of the fashion world were at the launch party.

B 5.3 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U

i tap of of both worlds

.n out of to none

I m
o n O i the best the line

? second knees

O ( stole the this world

O lU CH^ [_J
the créme de in disguise

O ! the bee's la créme

a ri O j a blessing show
!_ i


second to none výborné recenzie

naozaj má rád alebo obdivuje

m top-notch

o the icing on the cake byť bez konkurencie

m rave reviews mať niečo vysnívané

thinks the world of najlepšia časť z dobrého

of her dreams najvyššej kvality


: „ _ , i '

Elisa just moved into the house of ker of the fashion

drtawis . It's a fabulous lakeside villa. world w e r e at the launch party.

" n i
. athletes O Walking to work gives me
need to train for a few hours every day. . It helps me save money and get fit.


@ Marcelo . with # The burgers in Max's diner a r e .

his amazing singing. . And they're huge!

Čo je zlé
6.1 I D I Ó M Y N A K R I T I Z O V A N I E

Pete's habit of dropping litter The weather in Hawaii didn't live up to

leaves a bad taste in my mouth. expectations. It rained every day.

mat z niečoho zlý pocit nebyt taký dobrý, ako sa očakávalo

The clothes in this store are second Country music is not my cup
rate. They don't last v e r y long. of tea. I prefer rock music.

nízkej kvality

*4 z čoho nemáme radosť,

čo nás až tak nebaví

I'm afraid this product just isn't up Noah's old car is past its prime.
to scratch, Kyle. (UK) He's been driving it for years.

nie na požadovanej úrovni v zlom stave,

mať najlepšie roky za sebou

I know e v e r y o n e else loves it, The museum in my t o w n is nothing

but this book is not all that it's to write h o m e about. There are
cracked up to be. v e r y f e w exhibits.
nie až také dobré, ako sa povráva nebudiť dobrý dojem,
nie až taký pozoruhodný

The hotel was cheap and nasty I was stuck in traffic for three hours
There w e r e cockroaches on a boiling hot day. It was a fate
in my r o o m . (UK) worse than death!

lacné, dostupné, ale nízkej kvality Ô veľmi nepríjemný zážitok

Marco's suit has seen better days. W a t c h i n g golf o n T V is so boring.
H e should buy a n e w o n e . It's like watching paint dry.

v zlom stave, zažií aj lepšie časy nesmieme nudný

His voice is O K , but he's not going It's still rough around the edges,
to set the w o r l d on fire. but this is my design for the park. ^ ^

H ^^Sifi
nič vzrušujúce alebo nie dokonalé, resp. dokončené,
svetoborné 4 h Ä potrebné dopracovať Jf| j — ^

It's time y o u got rid of that moth-eaten Rita's T V is on its last legs. She's
old sofa of yours. - m had it for over 10 years.

obnosené, ošúchané, v zlom stave, M TjjB|j§§|h čoskoro prestať fungovať,

príliš staré || dosluhovať

I told my r o o m m a t e to m o v e out. W e had been really looking f o r w a r d

The last straw w a s w h e n she broke to the meal, but thought the food
m y favorite mug. .„ ^ w a s a let-down. i//
presahovať všetky medze byt sklamaním

Sales fell short of expectations M y old desktop computer is

last m o n t h . W e need to do its sell-by da . I t takes a

better this m o n t h . \h
long time to start up.

nie také dobré, ako sa očakávalo potrebovať výmenu, byť už

dlho po záruke

Jt$P*. sa 2
niečoho veľmi nepohodlne/nepríjemne past its sell-by date

m lacné, dostupné, ale nízkej kvality \ like watching paint dry

nesmierne nudný leaves a bad taste in my mouth

© potrebovať vymeniť cheap and nasty

© veľmi nepríjemý zážitok rough around the edges

ft z čoho nemáme radosť, čo nás nebaví a fate worse than death

O nie dokonalé, resp. dokončené, potrebné dopracovať not my cup of tea

v J


should buy a n e w one.
• •|| Marco's suit has seen better days /-times/.yaars: H e

• * f- The museum in my t o w n is nothing to w r i t e / c a l l / g o h o m e about. There are very few exhibits.

U I!

The weather in Hawaii didn't get / go / live up to expectations. It rained every day.

^ jgf R i t a s T V i s o n i t s l a s t f e e t
/ l e
S s
/ stand. She's had it for over 10 years.

1»r The clothes in this store are second class / quality / rate. They don't last very long.

• .it

w J P e t e
' s h a b l t
of dropping litter leaves a bad flavor / taste / m e a l in my mouth.

6 . 4 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U A D O P L Ň T E V E T Y ,


1 l

It's still rough ground the edges , but this 11-111-

is my design for the park. O I know everyone else loves it, but this book is

I 1% Inn
D I told my roommate to move out. © I'm afraid this product just.
. was w h e n she broke my favorite mug. Kyle.

aj L _J

O Sales O His voice is OK, but he's

last month. W e need to do better this month.



z čoho nemáme radosť, nebaví nás 1 JLJLÄ. J0Q.X JLiLiL o_J_ 1 1 . 1

O v zlom stave, ošúchané — m - e

O byť sklamaním = a 1 - d

O v zlom stave, mať najlepšie roky za sebou — -P_ ' JL

O nízkej kvality, podradný — s r

O lacný, dostupný, ale nízkej kvality — c a n

• Zvieratá

T i m is such a scaredy-cat. He's I don't think you're really t o o sick t o go

terrified of spiders. to school. Y o u always c r y wolf. m

osoba, ktorá sa ľahko vyľaká tváriť sa, že hrozí nebezpečenstvo, m Lgm

pričom žiadne nie je f j >_

Clarita's n e w a p a r t m e n t is tiny. There's M y colleagues all have terrible colds.

not enough room to swing a cat. They're dropping like flies!

veľmi málo priestoru padať od únavy

You're bar king up the wrong tree if y o u O u r falling profits a r e

think I c a n help y o u w i t h y o u r h o m e w o r k . t h e elephant in the room
I'm terrible at science. at e v e r y t e i m meeting.

T h e half-mile run w a s a two horse race I chickened out of diving off t h e

b e t w e e n Beatriz a n d Maria. top board in t h e pool. It w a s
too high!

súťaž, v ktorej sú dopredu jasní byť príliš vydesený, vycúvať

len dvaja víťazi agar z niečoho (zo strachu)

Flo looked like a deer in I told m y boss I w o n ' t finish m y report

headlights w h e n I caught today, but she still keeps badgering

her reading m y diary. (US)
ĽD jt me a b o u t it. m

príliš šokovaný alebo vystrašený; dohovárať, nedať pokoj

stuhnúť, zmeravieť od strachu

34 H
Bill looked like the cat that
Lech is a night owl. H e never imaal got the cream w h e n he w o n
goes to bed before midnight. © the competition.

» I
rád zostávať hore dlho do noci Alte— I veľmi šťastný, spokojný

It really gets my goat w h e n s o m e o n e eats W e had a bird's-eye view of the

smelly food on the train.

iritovať, rozčuľovať

t^žL..'^SI I
city from the hot-air balloon.

výhľad zhora do diaľky *

Rachel always gets on her high You can d o anything n o w that you've
horse about being a vegetarian. finished college. The world is
It's so annoying! ^ your oyster.

mať morálne nadradený prístup ÄS—ľ'f' mať nedozierne možnosti, príležitosti

m i m
Frank ate the lion's share of Ruby is a e-trick pony. She's j. ^
t h e cake. There wasn't a great singer, but she can't n j- j-
enough for us! dance or act. * U^-'H

najväčšia časť niečoho
mať talent, vynikať len v jednom " * | ^
il III

I tried to fix the photocopier, J e n n y didn't mind w h e n her friends

but I've really m a d e a pig's laughed at her coat. It was water
ear of it. (UK) Q. off a duck's back.

urobiť niečo veľmi zle, zbabral

C 3 q
in n
vôbec sa nevzrušovať, byt úplne


0 1 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U A Z O R A Ď T E V E T Y V P O R A D Í , V A K O M I C H

O I don't think you're really too sick to go to school. You always cry wolf.

O Lech is a night owl. H e never goes to bed before midnight.

0 Frank ate the lion's share of the cake. There wasn't enough for us!

O J e n n y didn't mind w h e n her friends laughed at her coat. It w a s water off a duck's back,

f 0 I told my boss I won't finish my report today, but she still keeps badgering m e about it. [TJ

O The half-mile run was a two-horse race between Beatrizand Maria. •

7.3 S P O J T E O B R Á Z K Y A V E T Y S P R Á V N E

if í You're barking up the w r o n g tree if y o u think I can help y o u with your

homework. I'm terrible at science.


m offľductíbS" W h 6 n frÍendS l 3 U g h e d a t h e r c o a t
1 was water

! It really gets my goat w h e n someone eats smelly food

] on the train.

Our falling profits are the elephant in the room at every team meeting.

J Rachel always gets on her high horse about being a vegetarian.

It's so annoying!

Bill looked like the cat that got the cream w h e n he w o n

the competition.

IHT^T R F ľ a n
' < a t e t
' 1 e
'' 0 n s
/J S
i e r
^/-t j e a r
^ s n a r e
of the cake. There wasn't enough for us!

I tried to fix the photocopier, but I've really made a cow's / sheep's / pig's ear of it.

Ä -i
W ••^pj} My colleagues all have terrible colds. They're d r o p p i n g / falling / buzzing like flies!


O Ruby is a one-trick horse / pony / donkey. She's a great singer, but she can't dance or act.

0 J I pigged / chickened / c o w e d out of diving off the top board in the pool. It was too high!

Clarita's new apartment is tiny. There's not enough room to swing a mouse / f r o g / cat.
0 hrJfgt


mať talent, vynikať len v jednom B <t ont-trick pony

0 iritovať, rozčuľovať ľz

O veľmi málo priestoru —

0 pohľad zhora do diaľky/z vtáčej perspektívy S

0 osoba, ktorá sa ľahko vyľaká 5

0 mať nedozierne možnosti —

0 stuhnúť, zmeravieť od strachu —


W e t h o u g h t o u r w a l k w o u l d b e really hilly, I don't like m y j o b , b u t it puts food

b u t t h e l a n d w a s as flat as a pancake. on the table.
veľmi plochý, rovný poskytovať dosf peňazí na to,
aby sa zaplatili najdôležitejšie veci

W e ' r e usually packed like sardines o n t h e S h a r o n a l w a y s spoon-feeds h e r staff. S h e

bus t o w o r k in t h e m o r n i n g . tells t h e m e x a c t l y w h a t t o d o . ^

stáť veľmi blízko jeden pri druhom

iaJftatrnM äľ príliš pomáhať, držať ochrannú ruku
nad niekým
|| ^j

O u r boss t r i e d t o s u g a r c o a t t h e n e w s t h a t D o n ' t g e t so u p s e t a b o u t b u r n i n g t h e
w e wouldn't get a bonus by saying we'd cookies. It's n o u s e crying over
h a v e a s u m m e r party. spilled milk. rxO ^ ^ {

vyznievať v lepšom svetle, než to rozčuľovať sa nad niečím, ,a«äŕ Ár ^» "^^)

v skutočnosti je, prikrášľovať čo sa už nedá odčiniť iHii n
H í L J /I n

J e n n i f e r is s u c h a couch p o t a t o . S h e D a m i e n m a k e s c o f f e e f o r his boss e v e r y

n e v e r g o e s o u t a n d w a t c h e s T V all m o r n i n g . H e knows what side his bread
w e e k e n d instead. q is buttered o n !

človek závislý od televízie, vie, koho potešiť, aby z toho

lenivec mal osoh
M y g r a n d d a u g h t e r is the apple I don't k n o w w h e t h e r t o a p p l y f o r this j o b . It

of my eye. I'm so p r o u d o f her. looks really interesting, b u t it pays peanuts.

osoba, ktorú máme veľmi radi alebo prinízke finančné ohodnotenie,

sme na ňu hrdí platiť málo

I bought so m a n y clothes that I can't afford I k n o w Aiden's always late, but arriving
a vacation. I suppose y o u can't have late for his o w n w e d d i n g
y o u r cake and eat it, too.
takes the cake! (us)
všetko má svoje výhody aj nevýhody byt už príliš, cez čiaru

I felt w a r m and toasty sitting in Asher is such a butterfingers. H e

front of the fire. (US) is always dropping things.

veľmi príjemne osoba, ktorej často padajú veci

The head of sales said he w o u l d double our Fiona told m e she doesn't like my
profits, so he had to eat humble pie w h e n n e w scooter. I think it's just
he told us they had fallen. sour grapes.

verejne priznať omyl závisť, zatrpknutý postoj

alebo zlyhanie

I'm really stressed! I think I bit off I wanted J o to water my plants w h e n I was
m o r e than I could c h e w w h e n I on vacation, so I buttered her up by
took this promotion. saying her backyard looked nice.

vziať si priveľa vecí na zodpovednosť, chváliť alebo lichotií niekomu

viac ako vieme zvládnuť zo zištných dôvodov

Copies of Sadie's n e w novel are selling like You have to walk o n eggshells around
hotcakes after it got great reviews. Dylan. H e gets upset so easily.

f T
predávať sa rýchlo a vo veľkom dávatsi veľký pozor, aby sme
množstve niekoho neurazili; správať sa opatrne


S n a r
° n always spoon-feeds her staff. on the bus to work in the morning.

O We're usually packed like sardines but the land was as flat as a pancake.

<* M y granddaughter is the apple of my eye. She tells them exactly what to do.

Q W e thought our walk would be really hilly, He gets upset so easily.

d I felt w a r m and toasty I'm so proud of her.

0 I don't like my job, sitting in front of the fire.

O You have to walk on eggshells around Dylan. ( ( but it puts food o n the table.


. Don't get so upset about burning the cookies. It's no use crying over spilled water, •ft
n ! Don't get so upset about burning the cookies. It's no use crying over spilled milk.

€P .• V» r^H I know Aiden's always late, but arriving late for his o w n wedding takes the bread! •
M II u I know Aiden's always late, but arriving late for his o w n wedding takes the cake! •

© s'&^l
I'm really stressed! I think I bit off more than I could chew w h e n I took this promotion.
I'm really stressed! I think I bit off more than I could eat w h e n I took this promotion.

0 <fc-;> Fiona told m e she doesn't like my new scooter. I think it's just sour grapes. •
m^o I Fiona told m e she doesn't like my new scooter. I think it's just bitter grapes. •
o h •
Asher is such a butterhands. H e is always dropping things.
Asher is such a butterfingers. H e is always dropping things.

©-•ý - ^ i Z f •
i, P ° f Sadie's n e w novel are selling like hotbuns after it got great reviews.

C o i e s

«. {jMRh « Copies of Sadie's n e w novel are selling like hotcakes after it got great reviews.

FJf 3.4 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U A O Z N A Č T E S P R Á V N Y O B R Á Z O K K V E T E ,

J "

©n W o|

JQfxII illlflilH 1
o ©• © • i i

Bi! t •43*, ,
o n 8LJ


vziať si viac, než viem zvládnuť bit of mart tkiAv^lJéJ^áj^-^

O verejne priznať, že sa mýlime, alebo sme zlyhali

O lenivec, osoba, ktorá pozerá priveľa televízie

O poskytovať priveľa pomoci, správať sa ochranársky

0 dávať si veľký pozor, aby sme niekoho neurazili

0 prikrášľovať, opísať lepšie, než to v skutočnosti je

l a Súhlas a nesúhlas
Samira has been given the
W e ' r e on the same page about go-ahead to play tennis
w h o should get this j o b . after her injury.

súhlasiť, mat rovnaký názor povoliť alebo dať súhlas na niečo

It's great to w o r k with t h e creative T h e government has given the
people in this t e a m . W e ' r e all on the green light to the construction
same wavelength. of a n e w train station.

mať podobné myšlienky, dať povolenie, dovoliť začať niečo

názory, postoje ^

Fran's dad gave her the thumb I'm glad m y boss and I see eye to
to go out with her friends. about recycling in t h e office.

povoliť zhodne súhlasiť, mat podobný postoj,


W e found the middle ground
W e struck a deal with the clients about h o w much to spend
after w e offered them a discount. o n our n e w car.

dosiahnuť dohodu, dojednať dosiahnuť vzájomnú dohodu sS|

(zľavu a pod.) alebo kompromis

Diana and I reached a M y son w a n t e d to stay out all night.

I met him halfway a n d let him
compromise about w h a t
stay out until midnight.
movie to w a t c h tonight.

dôjsť k dohode urobit kompromis

Don j u m p e d d o w n m y throat
Nelson and Carole are at odds w h e n I suggested he clean
about which car to buy. the kitchen.

neschopný dohodnúť sa reagovať nahnevane, osopiť sa If

M y girlfriend a n d I have agreed W h o takes the dog for a walk

to disagree about w h a t to is a bone of co tion for
do o n vacation. t our kids. f

prijať odlišné názory téma, o ktorej sa ľudia

pravidelne hádajú

M y wife read m e the riot act for forgetting Lenka and I fought like cats and
to lock the door again. dogs w h e n w e w e r e children. #.

prísne pokarhať hádatsa celý čas, bez prestania


The negotiating teams stayed M y neighbor and I have buried

up all night h a m m e r i n g itchet after arguing
out a deal. f about the parking.

dosiahnuť dohodu po dlhej diskusii ukončiť dlhotrvajúcu hádku

I tried to smooth things over After arguing w i t h Dan, Cy held

b e t w e e n Pari and Toni after out an olive branch and bought
their argument. him a drink.

zmierniť problém alebo konflikt urobiť niečo pre ukončenie konfliktu


9^ ^ A i ^ T E ^ p ^ p ^ ^ ^

Jľ! 1
1 ''m glad my boss and l s e l f ^ ľ T ^

™ I a b
° U treCydÍn
* 1 the officeľ
O My neighbor and f have buried the ax after
guing about the

© The negotiating teams

^ayed up all night drilling out a deal.

O The government has given the red light to

the construction of í
a new train station.

O My girlfriend and I have

A 7n^ r2- "

P < U J T E S l

ty© •fert H-ow are y o u ? i h a d son-t-e

•problents a t w o r k r e c e n t l y . M y
©m boss flyvd i are oi/vthe
sacw-e -page /-sheet-about worte,
butt w e were a t o-ffs / odds a b o u t

w-y h o u r s , s h e j u m - p e d dowtA-
cvty w,outh / t h r o a t whe^v I s a i d
©Q I Gouldfv/t worte thus w e e k e n d ,
w e fouti^d the ťvúddLe / c e n t r a L
g r o u n d wheľv i agreed to s t a y

OG Late oľv Fridau.

OD s e e y o u soot-v,

Fran's dad gave her the thumbs-up to go out with her friends.

M y son wanted to stay out all night. I met him halfway and let h
stay out until midnight. im


I tried to smooth things over between Pari and Toni after

their argument.



reagoval nahnevane, osopil sa g — j u wi p t d _d_jJ_JYiJÍ: m y l k r ú c\ t

O urobil niečo pre ukončenie konfliktu ~ h j) _a _o _b

© súhlasiť, zhodnúť sa — _o J J _p_

O neschopný dohodnúť sa — _a o.

O dosiahli dohodu — J A -d

© udelil jej povolenie, dal je zelenú ~ _ g _ _ _h_ _ _t__ -u


Yulia offered to lend a h i p d with the Pedro quit his j o b at the store, leaving
dishes after the party. me in the lurch.

pomôcť nechať niekoho samého

rnif v náročnej situácii

1 nflH f
I really feel for Mario. He has to work Phil gave me a hard time about
so hard in the kitchen. being late for work again. ©.—.
načúvať problémom iných, • S
Jt/ L
sympatizovať s niekým obviňovať alebo vynadať £c„ \ifl . j^o
niekomu —^ jpj V j .

Semir is generous to a fault. The boss makes the trainees stay

He invited us into his home until 11 most nights. She treats
for a wonderful meal. them like dirt!

veľmi štedrý, veľkorysý zaobchádzať veľmi zle

^TinrTr! s niekým

Yoshiko offered a sympathetic Laughing at Sandy's new

ear w h e n my cat went missing. dress was bef he belt.

ponúkol sa, že si vypočuje niekoho

zbytočne krutý alebo nepríjemný
R fí #

Alex is so big hearted. She bought Šelma let us down w h e n she

me a beautiful vase for my canceled the concert at the
new apart m e nt. -<# ! i;
last minute.
rm é

milý a štedrý, veľkorysý sklamať, prestať podporovať


Paulina poked furl at M y friends ribbed m e for having

Mirek's n e w hairstyle. P to such an old phone, (us)

smiať sa, robiť si vtipy z niečoho sh podpichovať, robiť si srandu

Aziz told m e he'd crashed m y car, but Brad loves playing practical
he was pulling m y leg. jokes o n his brother.

hovoriť nepravdivý príbeh '^^» uťahovať si, zosmiešňovať niekoho

pre zábavu Jj'^j



The children w e r e v e r y well behaved M y dog behaved beautifully w h e n

during the performance. I took him o n the train.

správať sa dobre, byť slušný správať sa vynikajúco

H e n r y can't control his badly I w a s on m y best behavior w h e n I m e t

behaved students. vjpp-~" m y boyfriend's parents.

zle sa správať - J ! ^ ft g v správať sa najlepšie, najzdvorilejšie,

ako sa dá

mm ia'lf
J e a n behaved o u t of character M a r g o explained to her daughter
at the office party. She's that drawing o n the walls w a s
normally so quiet! unacceptable behavior. %<-

správať sa nezvyčajne veľmi zlé, nevhodné, neprijateľné


1 1 TTTn 4»)

10.5 O Z N A Č T E V E T Y , K T O R É S Ú S P R Á V N E

Phil gave me a hard time about being late for work again. 0 "
Phil gave m e a nasty time about being late for work again. •

I n íi
Yoshiko offered a sympathetic listen w h e n my cat went missing.
Yoshiko offered a sympathetic ear w h e n my cat went missing.

Pi Aziz told m e he'd crashed my car, but he was pulling my leg. •

Aziz told m e he'd crashed my car, but he was pulling my arm. D
I w a s on my best behavior w h e n I met my boyfriend's parents.

I w a s o n m y good behavior w h e n I met my boyfriend's parents.

Pedro quit his j o b at the store, leaving m e in the dumps. •

Pedro quit his j o b at the store, leaving m e in the lurch. •
J e a n behaved out of character at the office party. She's normally so quiet! Q
II f! ffTnT J e a n behaved out of person at the office party. She's normally so quiet!

Paulina poked laughs at Mirek's new hairstyle.

/i II Paulina poked fun at Mirek's new hairstyle. •

10.6 R O Z D E Ľ T E I D I Ó M Y Z R Á M Č E K A D O S P R Á V N Y C H S K U P Í N

generous to m fnuXt

below the belt gonorous to a fault big hearted treats them like dirt

behaved beautifully let us d o w n unacceptable behavior lend a hand


O The children were very well behaved during the performance. •

O Laughing at Sandy's new dress was below the belt. •
© Selma let us d o w n w h e n she canceled the concert at the last minute. •
O Margo explained to her daughter that drawing on the walls was unacceptable behavior. (TJ

© Yulia offered to lend a hand with the dishes after the party. •


R B íl
Laughing at Sandy's new dress was below % M y friends
It í
tWe belt for having such an old phone.

O Henry can't control his. 0 M y dog when

students. 1 took him on the train.

SI \\
O I really Mario. He has O Brad loves _
to work so hard in the kitchen. on his brother.

11,1 I D I Ó M Y O Ľ U D S K O M TELE

They can't stop arguing. They're always You can always tell w h e n he's upset.
H e wears his heart o n his sleeve.

velmi agresívni a hádaví 9 ^ f-;® dávať najavo svoje pocity

Caitlin got cold feet about Leo cried his eyes out w h e n I said h e
singing karaoke. couldn't have another cookie.

netrúfať si
li nekontrolovane plakať

It w a s a weight off my shoulders w h e n People in m y t o w n are up in

M a r k found m y cat. S h e had arms about plans to build a
been missing for a week. n e w supermarket.

obrovská úľava

U f rezolútne, dôrazne proti niečomu


11.2 I D I Ó M Y S O S L O V N O U Z Á S O B O U O F A R B Á C H

Liz w a s feeling blue w h e n her best M y neighbor saw red w h e n I parked

friend left t h e country. in front of his house.

byt smutný, cítiť sa mizerne nahnevať sa, rozčúliť sa

I w a s green with envy w h e n Jamila showed Silvio w e n t as white as a sheet w h e n

m e her n e w house. It w a s so big! he got t h e bad news.

veľmi závidieť zblednúť od šoku alebo strachu

W h e n Dylan copied her homework, After a long w e e k at work,
Z o e w a s so a n g r y t h a t s h e w a s I let m y hair d o w n a t m y
f o a m i n g at t h e m o u t h . gjjj best f r i e n d ' s party.

byť veľmi nahnevaný uvoľniť a zabavit sa

1 w a s broken-hearted w h e n I g e t itchy f e e t w h e n I h a v e n ' t b e e n

m y g i r l f r i e n d left m e . •
abroad for a long time.

byt veľmi rozrušený (po ukončení I-•: Ifv nuda z rovnakého miesta, nutkanie
vzťahu) niekam ísí

I b e c a m e tongue-tied w h e n I had I w a s really u p s e t w h e n a c u s t o m e r

to g i v e a p r e s e n t a t i o n t o t h e shouted at me, but I managed to
b o a r d of d i r e c t o r s . g k e e p a stiff u p p e r lip.

nebyť schopný hovoriť vyzerať pokojne napriek rozrušeniu,

(od nervozity) ovládať sa


T h e c h i l d r e n all w e n t b a n a n a s w h e n I t o o k This t e r r i b l e w e a t h e r is

them to the playground. MÉj /£ d r i v i n g m e nuts.

byt bez seba od vzrušenia, I ~ . Ig!-^.^ hnevať, štvat

privádzať do zúfalstva ^jf" n jj~ J«» ťf - Ä

A k i o w a s full of b e a n s w h e n h e I h a d egg o n m y face after I called

s t a r t e d his n e w j o b a t t h e s a l o n . | Jo's n e w b o y f r i e n d B e n . T h a t
w a s h e r ex-boyfriend's n a m e !
prekypovať šťastím, nadšením
cítiť sa trápne, byť zahanbený


j 11.4 N A P Í Š T E V E T Y S P R Á V N E

I was y e l l o w w i t h e n v y w h e n Jamila showed m e her new house. It w a s so big!

L vjeis green, with envy when Tanula showed me her nevj house. It Was so big! » lr"

I get itchy legs when I haven't been abroad for a long time. |gj

t j h
i*f i i
í* Liz was feeling green w h e n her best friend left the country. "**~

- " M i
0 W h e n Dylan copied her homework, Z o e was so angry that she was f o a m i n g at t h e lips. C2/#

•X$ This terrible weather is driving m e fruit. W 1 f

M y neighbor s a w purple w h e n I parked in front of his house. py\ *¥*

V, . J
PlS 11.5 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U A Z O R A Ď T E V E T Y V P O R A D Í ,

© I became tongue-tied w h e n I had to give a presentation to the board of directors. •

( © They can't stop arguing. They're always at each other's throats. UJ

0 It was a weight off my shoulders when Mark found my cat. She had been missing for a week. •

0 I w a s green with envy w h e n Jamila showed m e her new house. It was so big!

0 The children all went bananas w h e n I took them to the playground. D

0 Leo cried his eyes out w h e n I said he couldn't have another cookie. EH

0 You can always tell w h e n he's upset. H e wears his heart on his sleeve. EH

© Akio was full of beans w h e n he started his new j o b at the salon. ED

V )

11.6 S P O J T E Z A Č I A T K Y A K O N C E V I E T S P R Á V N E

People in my town are up in arms w h e n my girlfriend left me.

j I w a s broken-hearted been abroad for a long time,

O I get itchy feet w h e n I haven't about plans to build a new supermarket,

O Caitlin got cold feet w h e n I parked in front of his house,

O The children all w e n t bananas about singing karaoke,

0 M y neighbor saw red w h e n I took them to the playground.

11.7 P O Z R I T E S A N A O B R Á Z K Y A D O P L Ň T E V E T Y

f! 1

It was a Weight off my shoulders w h e n Mark Silvio went
found my cat. She had been missing for a week. w h e n he got the bad news.

• ((J m i

nil ii II
after I called Jo's new - - í was really upset when a customer shouted at me,
boyfriend Ben. That was her ex-boyfriend's name! but I managed to

7 f.
© After a long week at work, I Leo when I
. at my best friend's party. said he couldn't have another cookie.

Pozitívne pocity

Clare w a s o n cloud nine after J a c k w a s o n t o p of the w o r l d

she w a s p r o m o t e d . w h e n his t e a m w o n t h e trophy. \ ,%\
nadšený, veľmi šťastný nadšený, veľmi šťastný,
ako majster sveta

Dan grinned f r o m ear to ear w h e n T h e news that o u r profits w e r e

he read his test results. up w a s music to ears. n 1 ** I

usmievať sa od šťastia mat dobré správy, znieť ako rajská " . ' J III L


I w a s o v e r the m o o n w h e n I A n n e is head o v e r heels w i t h *r^~Jk

w o n t h e best actor a w a r d . that b o y she m e t at t h e festival. \ J \ )
veľmi šťastný veľmi zaľúbený O

12,2 V Ý R A Z Y S , J O Y "

M y m o t o r c y c l e is m y pride a n d joy. T h e kids j u m p e d for j o y w h e n I brought

I clean it e v e r y day. our n e w puppy home.
J? byť veľmi šťastný if* W
byť všetkým, najdôležitejším

Brendan wept with j o y w h e n he w o n T h e sight of t h e park in

t h e talent c o m petition. H spring is a j o y to b e h o l d .
plakať od radosti radosť (u)vidieť


Two minutes before the race, t h e I w a s o n t h e edge of my seat as the

athletes w e r e all raring to go. detective revealed the murderer.

dychtivý, nedočkavý niekam J i t ' " čakať nervózny od vzrušenia

niečo robiť a pod.

Salvador loves cooking. H e W e waited with bated breath for the

puts his heart and soul into it. judge to announce the winner.

dávať do niečoho veľa úsilia s nadšením, ale zároveň s úzkosťou

a nadšenia

Our n e w intern is such an eager The children w e r e b o u n c i n g off the walls

beaver. S h e works really hard. after a w h o l e day indoors.

nadšenec, horlivec príliš vzrušený a plný energie,

elánu a vitality

Robbie has flung himself Sally was bursting with

into training for the excitement as her favorite
gymnastics competition. band c a m e o n stage.

pustiť sa do niečoho naplno, vybuchnúť od radosti


Clara w a s bright-eyed a n d J a m a l had butterflies in his stomach

bushy-tailed as she set off as he waited for his date
on t h e hike. outside t h e restaiifant.
plný nadšenia a energie

byt vzrušený a nervózny, mat trému


Jack was on top of the earth"/ w o r l d /jjlarref w h e n his team w o n the trophy.

0 The news that our profits w e r e up was singing / noise / music to our ears.

© Our n e w intern is such an eager / enthusiastic / able beaver. She works really hard.

0 I was over the m o o n / w o r l d / stars w h e n I w o n the best actor award.

0 Salvador loves cooking. H e puts his m i n d / h e a r t / s t r e n g t h and soul into it.

© I was on the edge of my chair / stool / seat as the detective revealed the murderer.


W e waited with bated brtatk for the í* M y motorcycle is.

judge to announce the winner. I clean it every day.

# ; The kids when Ô Jamal

brought our new puppy home. as he waited for his date outside the restaurant.

fi) 'ť
% Robbie has © Clara was
training for the gymnastics competition. as she set off on the hike.

12.7 D A J T E S L O V Á D O S P R Á V N E H O P O R A D I A A D O P L Ň T E V E T Y

í ear
ií ear

j from j j grinned


i the j [ off ) ; walls j : bouncing

O The children were after a whole day indoors.

j ears J : to j 1 music j . our

O The news that our profits were up w a s

[ of on ' the i top i

© J a c k was w h e n his team w o n the trophy.

i the J i my , j edge j ^ seat j | on } ! of j

O I was as the detective revealed the murderer.

a j ; behold j \ joy j '•• to

Ô The sight of the park in spring is.

m m 12.8 D O P L Ň T E C H Ý B A J Ú C E P Í S M E N Á A NAPÍŠTE S P R Á V N Y I D I Ó M

príliš nadšený a plný energie — JlJLi!.

- b w e
O burácať nadšením

— _o _c _n_
0 nadšený, veľmi šťastný
~ h o h
O po uši zaľúbený
~ _w _w J _
O plakať od radosti
® dychtivý, nedočkavý začať r

l _ J
Negatívne pocity
13.1 SMÚTOK 13.2 HNEV

J o s e p h has been d o w n in the dumps It makes my blood boil

since his girlfriend left him. w h e n people litter.

in naozaj rozhnevať

Yannis had a lump in his throat w h e n Jason's loud music is really

tn 1
he said goodbye to his son. driving m e crazy.

smutný, íst sa rozplakať hnevať

It w a s with a heavy heart that I decided to I kicked myself w h e n I realized

leave m y j o b at the gallery. I had left m y b a g o n the train. }L

so smútkom byť na seba nahnevaný

1\ i
Carlos w a s reduced to tears Dad hit the roof w h e n
w h e n M a r t a w a s mean he heard I'd failed m y v_
about his cooking. tests again.

byt dohnaný k slzám vyletieť od hnevu, 1

rýchlo sa rozčúliť

I've taken y o u for a day out at the beach. Our boss is on the warpath about
W h y are y o u being such people leaving their computers
a downer? (US) o n overnight.

, -* b ft*-- pripravený hneď sa

človek usomraný pohádať

J e n got ig w h e n she That horror m o v i e >nt sh rs down
realized she h a d lost her keys. my; . It w a s so scary!

cítit, že sa stane niečo zlé; mat byť vydesený

nepríjemný pocit (v žalúdku)

M y blood r a n cold w h e n I heard Christine feit >n ec as she

a strange noise outside. w a i t e d to see h e r dentist.
•n •
I náhle sa vylákať, stuhnúť
od strachu Á; nervózny, rozrušený

T h e sight of t h e old, s p o o k y house Alice was making in her boots before

she did her first b u n g e e j u m p . (us)

náhle sa vydesiť veľmi vystrašený, nervózny

N i n a w a n t e d t h e earth to s w a l l o w h e r u p
Stella lost face w h e n she got t h e figures w h e n her d a d s h o w e d her b o y f r i e n d
w r o n g in h e r presentation. pictures of h e r as a baby.

stratiť reputáciu, cítit sa trápne chcieť utiecť z nepríjemnej situácie

j j
I almost died of s h a m e w h e n m y T h e players left the field w i t h their
girlfriend f o u n d m e singing in tails b e t w e e n their legs after

losing t h e g a m e .

cítit sa veľmi trápne vyzerať zahanbene

Dad hit the roof when he heard I'd failed my
tests again.
Ocko bol šťastný.
Ocko bol nahnevaný. [_f •phi n íi
Ocko bol rozrušený.
©• ©•
O Yannis had a lump in his throat when he said
goodbye to his son.
V/, v,
Yannis bol smutný.
Yannis bol nahnevaný.
Yannis sa bál.
o o o
© I almost died of shame when my girlfriend
found me singing in front of the mirror.
Bol som smutný.
Bol som nahnevaný.
Cítil som sa trápne. (~] ©u
f) It was with a heavy heart that I decided to
leave my job at the gallery.
Bol som smutný.
Bol som nahnevaný.
Bál som sa.

O M y blood ran cold when I heard a strange

noise outside.
Bol som nahnevaný.
Vyľakal som sa.
Cítil som sa trápne.
o 1^ o OD

0 The players left the field with their tails
between their legs after losing the game.
Báli sa. • ° t #
Boli nahnevaní.
Hanbili sa. 8 D


The sight of the old, spooky house made my hair stand on end.
II R n
%' \i/
fronTof^ m t o r
6 a m e
^ found m e 1

Alice was shaking in her boots before she did her first bungeejump.


náhle ma vydesil made my kgír stav\Á ovi end

$ ušomraný človek

Q pripravený hneď sa pohádať

© mať slzy na krajíčku

O mať nepríjemný pocit

O chcel utiecť z trápnej situácie

© byť nahnevaný sám na seba

14.1 I D I Ó M Y A V Ý R A Z Y O P A M Ä T I

T h e a n s w e r t o t h e teacher's question I can't believe I forgot t o bring

w a s o n t h e tip
tip of my r tongue. t h e sandwiches! I've got

nevedieť si spomenúť

H j ^jj

aflilHiiOry like a sieve.
n , e
dobrá pamäť

ip2f_šÉí jj^-
That b o r i n g lecture w e n t in |T~~~^ M e m o r i e s are fading of w h a t
o n e ear a n d out the other! j^/ gji t h e w o r l d w a s like b e f o r e TV.

veľmi ľahko zabudnuteľné || >^#-v

ľahko zabudnúť

Y o u should keep in m i n d that it gets J a c o b w a s explaining t h e

cold in t h e w i n t e r a n d pack s o m e diagram w h e n he suddenly
w a r m clothes, (us) lost his train of thought.

pamätať si niečo dôležité, čo sa

neskôr môže zísť
zabudnúť hlavnú myšlienku -f

W h e n m y son asked m e t o M a r t h a has a photographic m e m o r y .

r e c o m m e n d a book, t w o titles She copied that painting perfectly
sprang to m i n d immediately. s- a»s a n d she'd only seen it o n c e . .

prísť rýchlo na um, napadnúť pamätať si informácie do najmenších

íl detailov

It's the w o r s t w i n t e r in living T h e police s h o w e d m e a

men . I've n e v e r seen so p h o t o o f t h e suspect t o
m u c h snow. ° ° \ \ *° „° jog my memoff.

čo si ani tí, ktorí ešte žijú, pomôcť spomenúť si

nepamätajú (osviežiť si pamäť)

W h e n t h e hotel receptionist asked I'm sorry I didn't get y o u a present.
m e for m y phone number, my C ^~\ r
It slipped my mind that it w a s
mind w e n t blank. oS^i your birthday. 4

nedokázať si na nič spomenúť zabudnúť, uniknúť


That n a m e rings a bell! I think I've seen that animal before,

I w e n t to college w i t h her.
r but its name escapes me.

byť známe, blízke, pripomínať niečo nevedieť si spomenúť na meno

I've been racking m y brain all morning I enjoyed the party, but at the
but can't r e m e m b e r w h e r e back of my mind I knew I had
I put m y passport, (us) to catch t h e last train h o m e .

intenzívne o niečom
i É napriek snahe nemyslieť
na niečo
I Ml
W h e n Betty found her old teddy Looking at m y old medals stirred
bear, memories of her childhood up memories of competing in
c a m e flooding back. the Olympics.

navracať sa v spomienkach prinavracať, vyvolávať


Emi a n d Sofia took a trip d o w n Keeping busy at w o r k is helping

m e m o r y lane as they talked m e erase the m e m o r y of m y
about their school days. ex-girlfriend. I

urobiť si výlet do príjemných spomienok JL

vyhýbať sa spomienkam
na niekoho

[~ tip j i o n j f" of j j tongue ") | the ) i my )

The answer to the teacher's question was on, the tip of my tongue .

I went
i Ji
o n e
J i a n d
j í out ) [ ft\*A (~ear~j otner in
€1 That boring lecture

me J I name j f^ jtš j j .escapes^

O I've seen that animal before, b u t .

( memory ] [ tripj (~aj [jane~l ("tookj [ down {

© Emi and Sofia as they talked about their school days.

thoughtj J p s t J

Q Jacob was explaining the diagram w h e n he suddenly.


It's the worst winter in living-mind-/ m e m o r y . I've never seen so much snow.

# 1 ,-jy ÍJ| You should keep in mind / m e m o r y that it gets cold in the winter and pack some warm clothes.

® 'jf "jf ^ e
P°'' c e s n o w e
d m
e a photo of the suspect to j o g my mind / m e m o r y .

§ f 4-4 I enjoyed the party, but at the back of my mind / memory I knew I had to catch the last train home.
if j \ fs

Keeping busy at work is helping m e erase the mind / m e m o r y of my ex-girlfriend.


jsT^ Looking at my old medals stirred up memories of competing in the Olympics.

[ T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ 1 J

O ' i A. W h e n the hotel receptionist asked me for my phone number, .

II •
H <N
j rl ^ The answer to the teacher's question was .

© n I iYlll I'm sorry I didn't get y o u a present. that it was your birthday.

© ^ ^ 1| I can't believe I forgot to bring the sandwiches! I've got .


1 *§ f | |
© H of what the world was like before TV.


nevedieť si spomenúť na meno H its name escapes me

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y

O pamätať si do najmenších detailov —

O navracať sa v spomienkach —

© intenzívne premýšľať

® byť známe, propomínať niečo —

© vyhýbať sa spomienkam na niekoho —

© prinavrátiť, oživiť spomienky —

© čo si ani tí, ktorí ešte žijú, nepamätajú —

© prísť rýchlo na um —

Ľudské telo
15 J

Harjit | his heart set on M a u r e e n was a bundle of

getting a pet. nen before her w e d d i n g .

upnúť sa na niečo, vkladať nádeje

do niečoho
t byť veľmi nervózny

W h e n you're a parent, you need to have Scarlett got cold feet about
eyes in the back of your head! going o n the rollercoaster.

neúctu: g.

vedieť všetko, čo sa okolo zľaknúť sa a rozmyslieť si niečo


A s a rule of thumb, it takes about Boris deserves a pat on the back for
10 minutes to cook pasta. making this beautiful table.

spravidla, založené na skúsenosti VTT
vyjadriť uznanie, gratulovať

Keep your chin i I'm W y a t t is a good friend. H e was

sure the w e a t h e r will get a shoulder to cry w h e n I broke
better soon. up with my girlfriend.

zostať veselý, aj keď sú okolnosti súcitná a podporujúca osoba

ťažké; nezúfať

I haven't booked a restaurant for lunch, You've been to Bali, haven't you?
so let's play it by ear and find s o m e w h e r e Can I pick your brain about the
that looks nice. best places to visit?

prispôsobiť sa vzniknutej situácii, vyzvedať


I can't believe Iris is starting school
Paolo almost jumped out of his skin today. She has grown up in the
when a bat flew into his room. .- - ^ blink of an eye. •

byt šokovaný, vystrašený *m i ' f*m veľmi rýchlo m


Oh, no! I've forgotten my wallet. Isla has such a sweet tooth.
I'm such a scatterbrain! She loves eating cakes.

zmätkár mat rád sladkosti, maškrtit

I hope the performance goes I wish Nathan would turn his music d o w n .
well, A d a m . Break a leg! It's getting on my nerves.
jgp. Á . wmr • /
Veľa šťastia! (pred vystúpením,
pretekmi a pod.) h ľ

• H 1

There's nothing to do at work at the M y heart sank w h e n I got

moment. I'm just sitting here to the museum and saw
twiddling my thumbs. that it was closed.

nerobiť vôbec nič cítiť smútok a sklamanie

0 Ô

1 =
Our profits keep falling, but our boss is You have to be very thick-skinned
burying his he; a n d and not w h e n you work in this job. The
doing anything about it. customers often get angry.

dúfať, že problém zmizne sám

od seba 1 nedať sa kritikou ľahko vyviesť
z rovnováhy
vču /j? -jj^lf*
Jjj i l ^ j |
/ti 1

a rule

ff burying his head Hl •

a bundle
/i n ©•

o n
0 getting on in the sand

O Keep your on the back

set on

chin up!
AJ! 1 M t •'•'•'-#1

to cry on


Keep your chin up! I'm sure the weather will get better soon. W(
Keep your head up! I'm sure the weather will get better soon. Q

O I hope the performance goes well, Adam. Break a leg!

I hope the performance goes well, Adam. Break a bone!

€1 Oh, no! I've forgotten my wallet. I'm such a scatterhead!

Oh, no! I've forgotten my wallet. I'm such a scatterbrain!

© Isla has such a sweet tongue. She loves eating cakes.

Isla has such a sweet tooth. She loves eating cakes.

O W y a t t is a good friend. He was a shoulder to cry on when I broke up with my girlfriend.

Wyatt is a good friend. He was an arm to cry on when I broke up with my girlfriend.


vyzvedať, ťahať rozumy z niekoho

0 [ urobiť niečo bez plánovania vopred, improvizovať

© byť nervózny

0 — — '—^ has his heart set on

byť šokovaný a vystrašený thick-skinned

veľmi chcieť niečo dostať, upútať
© nedať sa ľahko nahnevať kritikou almost jumped out of his skin



Boris deserves a pat ovi the back for r

| Scarlett
making this beautiful table. about going on the rollercoaster.
... J

O Oh, no! I've forgotten my wallet. I'm such €»" There's nothing to do at work at the moment. I'm

! just sitting here .

•OJI ?1 II

© W h e n you're a parent, you need t o . Maureen was

before her wedding.

Vojna a zbrane

I have an ax to grind with m y roommate. I decided to hold fire before booking

She's always playing loud music at night. such a n expensive holiday. (UK)
rozhorčenie, mrzutosť, konflikt počkať s niečím, neunáhliťsa
alebo hádka

W h a t has b e e n going o n while w e w e r e

Buying a house can be a minefield. There's
away? It's like a w a r zone in here! r
always so much to think about!
veľmi neporiadny a chaotický
zložitý proces s potenciálnymi
i i l II. problémami

Balwant had to bite the bullet a n d

Sonia stuck to her guns and told
tell his teacher that h e hadn't d o n e \ 1/
her daughter that she couldn't
his h o m e w o r k . rjh
go to t h e party.
odolať napriek strachu, zaťať zuby
nezmenit názor ani tvárou
v tvár konfliktu, trvať na svojom
O u r daughter d r o p p e d a bombshell
w h e n she told us she a n d her n e w I always e n d up crossing swords with m y
boyfriend w e r e engaged. grandfather w h e n w e talk about what's
happening in t h e news. \l, \i N

oznámiť šokujúce novinky

hádať sa pre iný názor i Jpfc; ^^(f


Trying to make m y children

eat m o r e vegetables has M y boss didn't give m e a promotion, a n d
been an uphill battle. m then twistt a knife w h e n she said m y
ťažký boj, úloha report w a s full of mistakes.

povedať/urobiť niečo,
čo ešte zhorší zlú situáciu
T T T T f t

Poor y o u ! You've really They w e r e so angry with each other
been in the w a r s ! (uk) that they almost c a m e to blows! \l \b

prežiť viacero zranení alebo nešťastí, mať vážny konflikt, hádať sa TNT

The boss is in a terrible m o o d today! W e ' r e I have some v e r y bad news, but please
all going to be in the line of fire, (us) don't shoot the messenger!

k í
kritizovať alebo trestať f-^, R #| hnevať sa na niekoho neprávom
(často neprávom) * j |ft~
B> (lebo za to nemôže)

A u d r e y looks really stressed. I think J e r r y is a loose cannon. W e should never

I dodged a bullet w h e n she got that have invited him to dinner with the clients.
promotion and I didn't.
správať sa nepredvídateľne,
dokázať sa vyhnúť nepríjemnej často so zlými následkami

M y supervisor stabbed me in the back w h e n I'm going to take my lunch break

she reported m e to the store manager. I now. Could y o u hold d o w n R7TTJ1
thought she was happy with my work. the fort until I get back? (us)

podraziť postarať sa o niečo, kým je niekto

§1 l ^ " " i v : #
18 " preč

I lost my phone w h e n I was shopping. M y girlfriend caught me off guard w h e n

It's a long shot, but I'm going to ask if she said t w o of her friends w o u l d be
anyone has handed it in at the store. joining us for dinner tonight.

pokus, ktorý má malú šancu

zaskočiť, prichytit nepripraveného \ ^0 ^j
na úspech ffljj IN h IN



that they almost came to blows!

L'J 1ave
.5 l
r ax t 0
§ r i n d
w t h my roommate.

0 They were so angry with each other We're all going to be in the line of fire.

O I decided to hold fire before She's always playing loud music at night,

i ( booking such an expensive holiday,

0 i The boss is in a terrible mood today
but please don't shoot the messenger!
0 Poor y o u !
You've really been in the wars!
0 ) I have some very bad news,

0 16.3

m 1Í \ \
Jl ITvI íf3l j v^]^ U
©U ©• O• O

f!| I I

%mr I 1

iíSiií / M '
4 n

0 • o• ŕH i i
O • I—I
F "I
lap I I

•ft I i// 3Š»

n.. ,.rl IM\I\

© n
©_ O• 0 r]


! 1 ^ ^ ^ ™ ~ ~ ~ ~ ™ ~ » ^ m

i^^yŕ' Trying to make my children eat more vegetables has been an uphill battle / f i g h t / . w a r

Ä É " ~~~~
SV Balwant had to bite the gun / bullet / s w o r d and tell his teacher that he hadn't done
his homework.

Buying a house can be a bombshell / battle / minefield. There's always so much

to think about!

I'm going to take my lunch break now. Could you hold d o w n the fort / castle / m o a t
ft until I get back?

€- 2 v j5 jjy Our daughter dropped a minefield / b o m b / bombshell w h e n she told us she and her
new boyfriend w e r e engaged.

© Sonia stuck to her swords / guns / b o m b s and told her daughter that she couldn't go
I \ to the party.



doručil šokujúce správy

H „ _ L _ _ _ _ _ . _ ^ . A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

O zákerne zaútočil rn J _t_

© ťažký boj _: _a JJ b

© hádať sa, postaviť sa proti niekomu

© veľmi neporiadny a chaotický • J _a_ vv

© mrzutosť alebo hádka = _ _ J: _g-

Množstvo a vzdialenosť

W h a t w e ' v e saved is just a d r o p in the Kaitlin's received stacks of letters f r o m

o c e a n c o m p a r e d to w h a t w e n e e d . the bank, but hasn't o p e n e d t h e m .

nepatrne množstvo veľké množstvo, hromada, halda

W e a l w a y s take e v e r y t h i n g but t h e The Olympie swimming team
kitchen sink w h e n w e travel. has w o n tons of medals. « jŕífj

všetok majetok, všetko možné veľké množstvo

I'll give y o u a thousand-and-one Rajesh has w o n e v e r y possible

reasons w h y y o u shouldn't a w a r d for his movies, give or
b u y that house. take o n e or t w o .

obrovské množstvo plus-minus, približne • 4ŕ A i

T h e guests began to arrive at S a m bought his brother's business,
the p a r t y in dribs a n d drabs. lock, stock, a n d barrel. »

v malých skupinkách,
za druhým
jeden ako to leží a beží
(t í;
Customers w e r e f e w a n d far I'm so tired. I got precious little
b e t w e e n because of t h e rain. sleep last night.
I A 2

j malé množstvo, poriedko zúfalo, žalostne málo

T h e castle is in a far-flung corner
Carla's school is just a stone's throw
of the island. It takes hours to
a w a y from the bus stop.
drive there.
blízko, na dosah ruky
vzdialená, nedostupná časí,
neznáme končiny

T h e car avoided hitting my bike The forest stretched as far

by just a hair's breadth.
as the eye can see.
o veľmi krátku vzdialenosť, tesne do diaľky, kam až dovidieť

M y n e w apartment is within walking You don't need to drive to t h e store.

distance of my workplace. It's just around the corner.

v krátkej vzdialenosti, kde

sa dá zájsí aj peši

People came from far and w i d e CVTv^ I love to travel off the beaten path
to w a t c h the rock concert. ^tilmlŠ w h e n I'm o n vacation, (us)
, Willie
zo široka-daleka na miesta, ktoré sú menej populárne
(mimo vychodených chodníčkov)

Jennifer w o n the marathon Sharon lives in the middle of n o w h e r e

by a whisker. You can't get there by train.

o veľmi malú vzdialenosť miesto, na ktoré je ťažké sa dostať


the kitchen sink a

of nowhere
* 5 »

Ô :. :



J \


T h e car avoided hätting my bike by just a hair's w i d t h .

The car avoided hitting my bik& by just a hairs breadth.

The guests began to arrive at the party in drips a n d drabs.

| | M y new apartment is w i t h i n r u n n i n g distance of my workplace.

A W e always take e v e r y t h i n g but t h e b a t h r o o m sink w h e n w e travel.

0 The castle is in a f a r - t h r o w n c o r n e r of the island. It takes hours to drive there.

# Sharon lives in the c e n t e r of n o w h e r e . You can't get there by train.


Carla's school is just a stone's throw away from the bus stop.

W h a t we've saved is just a drop in the ocean compared

to what w e need.

'I/O ftí You don't need to drive to the store. It's just around the corner.

•f %f


v malom množstve, po troške

O miesto, na ktoré sa dá ťažko dostať

i}, zo široka-ďaleka

O veľké množstvo

O malé množstvo, poriedko

0 na pešiu vzdialenosť, na dosah

0 o veľmi malú vzdialenosť

<ti' všetok majetok

Začiatok a koniec
The sales t e a m has hit the ground
Mike's made a fresh start this year. ^ running since w e launched
He's eating much more healthily. our n e w smartphone.

začai nový život, začat nanovo

robit niečo s veľkým nadšením
hneď od začiatku

T h e N e w Year's celebrations Sophie's café finally got off

kicked off with a band the ground w h e n she
playing rock music. lowered h e r prices.

začai, odštartovať začat, rozbehnúť niečo,

m m byt úspešný

Tim's turned over a n e w leaf. H e used The soccer t e a m m a d e a promising

to watch T V in t h e evenings, but start to the season, b e l t i n g
n o w he goes jogging. last y e a r s winners. @ v [i

začať sa lepšie správať, zmeniť sa sľubný začiatok; štart,

k lepšiemu ktorý má veľký potenciál

The pottery course w a s Mia's fashion firm got off to a

far too difficult for a newbie flying start. She has already
like m e . MM w o n three awards.

začať niečo robiť po prvýkrát, začať veľmi úspešne


Let's get the balí rolling! jr m I need to get going o n

Here's a brush and some
paint for y o u . i- jfc the dinner. The guests are

rozbehnúť, začat niečo

robit s nadšením - j arriving in an hour! , © QJ

[ m
- _
dať sa do pohybu, pustiť sa
do niečoho
Jjjj "ŕ
13.2 K O N I E C
M y cake's going to be great.
After selling the last sandwich, I'm just putting the finishing
Dean decided to call it a day. touches on it. (US)

prestať pracovať, nechať tak pridať posledné detaily

As the day drew to a close, w e collected Trains across the city ground to a halt
our things and left the beach. $ -j because of the snow.

blížiť sa/schyľovať sa ku koncu ttBL spomaliť a zastaviť ,í


J e n is campaigning to put an end to It was the end of an era w h e n
the sale of plastic bottles. our boss retired after 30 years.
prestat/skoncovat s niečím dôležitá udalosť, ktorá označuje
koniec istej éry, medzník

M y vacation in Bali was so A tasty pizza after a day of

relaxing, but all good things sightseeing provided the
must come to an end. perfect end to a perfect day.

nič netrvá večne, všetko ideálny spôsob ako ukončiť deň
dobré sa raz skončí

I've been marking tests all day, Winning the best actor award was
but the end is in sight! a fitting end to Goro's career.
čoskoro bude po tom, už sa to najvhodnejší spôsob, ako niečo ukončiť

H Let's get the ball rolling /-running-/-fatting! Here's a brush and some paint for you.

M y cake's going to be great. I'm just putting the e n d i n g / closing/finishing touches on it.

The pottery course was far too difficult for a startie / n e w b i e / n e w i e like me.

©p Mike's made a fresh / clean / c o o l start this year. He's eating much more healthily.

g I've been marking tests all day, but the end is in v i e w / reach / sight!



čiatok f koniec upf O začiatok koniec C$ začiatok koniec

O začiatok koniec 0 začiatok koniec O začiatok koniec


, perfect | j the j \ day :

a ! i perfect | end i j t o j

A tasty pizza after a day of sightseeing provided the perfect end to 0 perfect dery.

off j ( flying í ! a 1 [ t o \ start J ' got

_ Mia's fashion firm . She has already w o n three awards.

end j j the ) j era j [ an J j of j

0 It was w h e n our boss retired after 30 years.

¥ayQ Q Q f calQ { ^ )

# After selling the last sandwich, Dean decided to .

off f j ground "j j the ! got

O Sophie's café finally w h e n she lowered her prices. I

"halt" j a ! grounds j to

because of the snow.



I spomaliť a zastaviť • _g_xA_ii.._ _L__ _ A_L_LiL

O najvhodnejší spôsob, ako niečo ukončiť — a f e

%i prestať pracovať — _c__ j A___

0 začať, odštartovať — _k__ o _

švihnúť si, dať sa do pohybu r: _g_ _g_

1 blížiť sa ku koncu — d t a c

Náhoda, šťastie a pravdepodobnosť

I think you'll need to replace your washing There was only a s l i m c h a n c e that we'd
machine, but 111 take a look on t h e see a cheetah, so w e were
off-chance that I can fix it. # amazed when w e spotted one. —Í

pre prípad, skusmo IKHIf^l mizivá, nepatrná šanca

The weather forecaster announced that W e d o n ' t s t a n d a c h a n c e of getting into

we're i n for a c h a n c e of rain tomorrow. the museum before lunchtime. | © i |

byt pravdepodobné, pravdepodobne nemať šancu, bez šance $£^hW$

sa uskutočniť

1 9 . 2 VÝRAZY S „LUCK"
It was just a case of b e g i n n e r ' s l u c k when
Winning the lottery was I w o n that card game. I'd never
a s t r o k e of l u c k for us. played it before. # ^
BI $1,000,000 * |
niečo dobré, čo sa stane náhodou neskúsenému šťastie praje

it l 4
* h : r

I've already bought you ice cream You're in luck! W e have one
Don't push your luck! \/, dress left in your size.
nepokúšať šťastie, nepýtať si |j^ mat šťastie
m f i t

už nič iné

1 m
\ \

I'm afraid you're o u t of luck. The last I hadn't studied for my tests, so it
train has just left the station.
was sheer luck w h e n I passed them. J* r/i
nemať šťastie, mať smolu 4 f mať šťastie, ktoré nemá nič spoločné

wwA s vynaloženým úsilím

It looks like a medal is in t h e
Buster is the hot favourite cards for Noriko after that
to w i n the d o g show, (UK) amazing throw, (us)

veľká pravdepodobnosť, že niekto byt veľmi pravdepodobné
vyhrá > T -

The result of the experiment is Isabella says she will pass her English test,
a foregone conclusion. but don't hold your breath! mm*

hotová vec, vopred istá záležitosť 3L* UJ

nespoliehať sa na niečo v^T~ g8JMr>

Kerry will only clean up her I think Ruben's dreams of becoming .

room w h e n pigs fly! (US) a p o p star are totally pie in the sky.

f ft s
veľmi nepravt nerealistické alebo
DO nepravdepodobné, že sa stane

It's anyone's guess w h i c h player I had a n interview for a great

will w i n the game. They're j o b , but blew it w h e n I arrived
both superb. half a n hour late.

neisté, nemožné predpovedať, /ŕ\^gji>

byt (ešte) vo hviezdach

Against all odds, R y d e r completed Russell has injured his knee. It's touch
his round-the-world sailing and-go w h e t h e r he'll be able to play
trip today. in the tournament this month. _ _«
• . »
napriek prekážkam, navzdory
všetkému riskantný V* m .

I've already bought y o u ice cream.

It looks like a medal
Don't push your luck!
is in the cards for
M á š šťastie. • Noriko after that

Nepokúšaj šťastie. • amazing throw.

Nepýtaj si nič iné.

P The weather forecaster announced that

we're in for a chance of rain tomorrow. The weather forecaster
announced that we're
Dážd'je veľmi p r a v d e p o d o b n ý . in for a chance of
Dážď j e dosť ne p ravd e podobný. [ rain tomorrow.

Dážďje veľmi nepravdepodobný, j "

5 Buster is the hot favourite to w i n the

dog show. W e don't stand a
Buster p r a v d e p o d o b n e v y h r á . chance of getting
into the museum
Buster pravdepodobne nevyhrá. before lunchtime.
Busterovi j e priteplo.

O Kerry will only clean up her room

w h e n pigs fly! I think Ruben's dreams

J e t o veľmi p r a v d e p o d o b n é . f of becoming a pop

M o ž n o sa t o stane. I star are totally pie in

the sky.
J e to veľmi n e p r a v d e p o d o b n é .

d Isabella says she will pass her English

test, but don't hold your breath!
You're in luck! W e
Určite prejde. have one dress left
P r a v d e p o d o b n e neprejde.
fur in your size.
U ž neprešla.

© The result of the experiment is a

foregone conclusion.
I'm afraid you're out
Už t o v i e m e . of luck. The last train
has just left the station.
N e v i e m e t o predpovedať.
J e to t a k m e r isté.



It's anyone's gujess which player © Russell has injured his knee. It's.
will w i n the game. They're both superb. . whether he'll be able to play in the
tournament this month.


f l i p ? I

O It was just a case of when I 0 I hadn't studied for my tests, so it was

w o n that card game. I'd never played it before. w h e n I passed them.

g- fciw-Ä
0 There was only. that we'd see a © I had an interview for a great job, but _
cheetah, so w e were amazed when w e spotted one. w h e n I arrived half an hour late.


stratiť šancu, pokašľať blew it

0 pre prípad, s nádejou

0 napriek ťažkostiam

© niečo dobré, čo sa stane náhodou

O Nepokúšaj šťastie!

© horúci favorit

Jednoduchosť a zložitosť

The test was a cinch. I finished Getting around my city is a breeze

it 20 minutes early. Our trains are excellent.

veľmi ľahké ľahké, jednoduché

W i n n i n g that race was like It's all too easy to forget to

shooting fish in a barrel. turn off the lights w h e n
N o b o d y else had trained. y o u go out.

veľmi ľahké (zvyčajne veľmi ľahké na zapamätanie

o súťaži) (zvyčajne o chybe)

M a k i n g a great cup of coffee Finding Angela's house w a s

is not rocket science. easy peasy. I have a G P S .

nič ťažké ľahké, jednoduché

(žiadna veda)

I already play the violin, so Unclogging my sink was

learning the cello was a walk a piece of cake for Carlita.
in the park. She's a plumber.

ľahké veľmi jednoduché, maličkosť


Alicia's w o r k e d in this factory so Driving on the left was difficult at first,

long she could do her j o b with but soon it was smooth sailing. (US)
her eyes shut. J»
ľahké, bezproblémové, ^ é ^ ^
ľahké, bez potreby rozmýšľať čo ide hladko

M y home improvements opened
Doing t h e dishes after a d i n n e r a c a n of w o r m s . T h e builders
p a r t y is a pain in t h e neck. discovered so m a n y p r o b l e m s .

veľmi otravné, nepríjemné situácia, ktorá vedie k datším


Don't m a k e a m o u n t a i n o u t of T h e t e a m has a m o u n t a i n
a molehill. I o n l y asked y o u to to climb if it w a n t s t o w i n
help m e bake a cake! the game.
zveličovať, preháňať neprekonateľný problém, — — f H
náročná prekážka

G i v i n g u p chocolate is easier Finishing t h e building this m o n t h
said t h a n d o n e . is going to b e a tall order.
nebyť také ľahké ako sa zdá ťažká úloha

I w a s like a fish o u t of w a t e r at There have been teething problems with

the science fiction convention the n e w c o m p u t e r system at w o r k . (UK)
byt v ťažkej alebo nezvyčajnej počiatočné ťažkosti
situácii (detské choroby)

Bashir w a s totally o u t of his I tried to m a k e t h e politician a n s w e r m y

d e p t h o n his first d a y w o r k i n g question, but it w a s like getting
at t h e florist. b l o o d f r o m a stone. (UK) _ M TM
byť v koncoch
1__ zbytočne vynaložená námaha

The test was a cinch. I finished it 20 minutes early.

It's all too easy to forget to turn off the lights w h e n you go out.

Alicia's worked in this factory so long she could do her j o b with her eyes shut.

Hi Making a great cup of coffee is not rocket science. [Tj

Finding Angela's house was easy peasy. I have a GPS.


I already play the violin, so learning the cello was a walk in the street.
I already play the violin, so learning the cello was a walk in the park.

There have been teething problems with the new computer system at work.
There have been toothing problems with the new computer system at work. n

Unclogging my sink was a slice of cake for Carlita. She's a plumber.

Unclogging my sink was a piece of cake for Carlita. She's a plumber.

Doing the dishes after a dinner party is a pain in the head.

Doing the dishes after a dinner party is a pain in the neck.

Getting around my city is a wind. Our trains are excellent.

Getting around my city is a breeze. Our trains are excellent.

finishing the building this month is going to be a tall order.
Finishing the building this month is going to be a high order.


smooth seiilJKq

0 v
easier said than done -smooth sailing like shooting fish in a barrel out of his depth

a breeze a tall order with her eyes shut like getting blood from a stone



•t á ?i

A w
Bashir was totally out of his depth
O The team has "
on his first day working at the florist.
j if it wants to win the game.

1 #
a f\ m
ii i\ tl If
<4k Don't
I only asked you to help me bake a cake! at the science fiction convention.

Ľ ŕt:
A • .v

<t My home improvements ô Doing the dishei after a dinner party is.
The builders discovered so many problems.

21 Bezpečie a nebezpečenstvo
The rescue t e a m found t h e
It might rain later. I'll play it SK; climbers safe and sound after
a week-long search.
safe and take an umbrella.

vyhnúť sa rizikám, ísí na istotu nezranený a v í (živý a zdravý)

M a k e sure y o u w e a r a helmet Zahira is an excellent scuba

w h e n you're cycling! Remember, teacher. You're in safe hands
safety first! * with her.

bezpečnosťje na prvom mieste, pod dohľadom niekoho

nadovšetko zodpovedného Áäíii


T h e route through the jungle That bike almost hit m e ! It w a s

w a s fraught with danger. too close for comfort. •"*'
plný nebezpečenstva nebezpečne blízko

Elsa's j o b at the café is hanging You're skating o n thin ice, Dai

by a thread after she d r o p p e d You've arrived late for school
another tray of drinks. every day this week. , G ,
vo veľmi nebezpečnej alebo potenciálne v problémoch <*- ...
neistej situácii
íl i \

If y o u don't d o y o u r violin practice, Blake is teetering on the brink of

y o u run the risk of failing your , . losing his j o b . His boss has yy
test next w e e k . given him a final warning. ^
vystavovať sa riziku ocitnúť sa v blízkosti nebezpečnej

T h e bear had left, a n d t h e After the crash, I called
coast w a s clear. W e could m y m o m t o tell her I w a s

continue w i t h o u r trek. still in o n e piece.
bezpečné niečo urobiť,
nebezpečenstvo nehrozí
byť celý, nezranený
alebo nepoškodený n
A r e y o u sure y o u w a n t to b u y that I always w e a r goggles w h e n I
motorcycle? I think y o u should d o a n experiment. Better safe
look before you leap. than sorry!

myslieť na dôsledky rizika, byť opatrný, a tak sa vyhnúť
neprenáhlit sa problémom II

Y o u have to take your life I advised Kathy not to go

in y o u r hands e v e r y t i m e into t h e water. It w o u l d b e
y o u cross this road. ^ ^ risking life a n d limb.

podstúpiť veľké riziko

Ji\ J\ v nebezpečenstve, riskovať život ŕ! -'C*

M a r c o had a n a r r o w escape,
H a y l e y h a d a close shave. but m a n a g e d to avoid being
That ball almost hit h e r ! hit by t h e truck.

situácia, kedsa niečo zlé takmer tesne sa vyhnúť/uniknúť

stane nebezpečenstvu

M a d d y caught t h e train by
Jill's operation w e n t well, but the skin of her teeth. It left
she's not out of the w o o d s y e t .

nebyť ešte mimo nebezpečenstva

a f e w seconds later.

tesne stihnúť


After the crash, I called my mom to tell her I was still in o n e bit.
After the crash, I called my mom to tell her I vJas still in, one piece. f 1

O Zahira is an excellent scuba teacher. You're in safe arms with her.

•Q Hayley had a near shave. That ball almost hit her!

1= °ir

I advised Kathy not to go into the water. It would be risking life a n d leg.

_ " i The bear had left, and the ocean was clear. W e could continue with our trek.



O bezpečie © bezpečie @ bezpečie 0 bezpečie

nebezpečenstvo [ / f j nebezpečenstvo [_ nebezpečenstvo _ nebezpečenstvo L nebezpečenstvo Q

4' I
,» bezpečie Q 0

O bezpečie O
11 1

bezpečie Q]
O bezpečie

nebezpečenstvo nebezpečenstvo nebezpečenstvo nebezpečenstvo [ nebezpečenstvo Q


"•3Bäa__*\ The rescue team found the climbers safe and sound after

a week-long search.

Elsa's job at the café is hanging by a thread after she dropped another
tray of drinks.

•V Ä l

Maddy caught the train by the skin of her teeth. It left

a few seconds later.

ô jfc
Make sure you wear a helmet when you're cycling! Remember,
safety first!



myslieť na dôsledky rizika, neprenáhliť sa Look before you. Letup

|ý nepoškodený alebo nezranený

U tesne sa vyhnúť nebezpečenstvu

€•' bezpečnosť je najdôležitejšia vec

O byť v dobrých rukách

0 nebezpečne blízko
Nepríjemné situácie

Oh, no, I've missed the last bus home Logan's restaurant is in dire straits.
I'm really in a j a m now. There a r e never any customers.
• 5 *
v ťažkej situácii, v úzkych
c o x vo veľmi zlej, zúfalej situácii
n I

Getting to work today The police officer c a m e up against a brick

was a nightmare. AH the wall w h e n he asked if there w e r e any
trains w e r e canceled. \\i i//witnesses to the crime.
veľmi ťaživé, nepríjemné
íiM i naraziť na mlčanlivý odpor,
neprekonateľnú prekážku
!1 /!

Not being able to read music w a s I'm in a bit of a tight spot because m y boss
a stumbling block w h e n I started has just asked m e to w o r k late tonight
learning the saxophone. 1jlLÍ •Hl and it's my w e d d i n g anniversary. ®

príčina tažkostí, problémov; byť v kaši, v prekérnej situácii
neprekonateľná prekážka

i hated working at the diner. The final The peeling wallpaper was just the tip
straw w a s w h e n they m a d e of the iceberg. The house
m e dress as a chicken. needed so many repairs. ^ .

posledná netolerovateľná udalosť m malá, viditeľná časť väčšieho


Rosa w a s t h r o w n in at the d e e p e n d w h e n Tina w a s in a no-win situation. H e r son

she had to teach the worst class in the w a n t e d a beach vacation, but her daughter
school o n her first day at work, jjjj w a n t e d , o go skiing. ^

dostať sa do ťažkej situácie bez

# bezvýchodisková/neriešiteľná
času na prípravu 4k * £ * * situácia R Si H
M I f f ,• II I! I! B\

Lisa has had a b u m p y ride recently.
First she b r o k e h e r a r m , a n d n o w ^- I hate going to t h e dentist, but I k n o w
she has failed her tests. \_^jt^ I h a v e to g r i n a n d b e a r it.

náročné, nepokojné obdobie nedať najavo mrzutosť, preniesť sa

II cez niečo nepríjemné

W h e n A v a told m e h o w m u c h fun she'd Getting the old g r a m o p h o n e r e c o r d

had at t h e party, it r u b b e d salt player t o w o r k w a s jl
into t h e w o u n d . I wasn't invited. (

zhoršiť už aj tak zlú situáciu láročný problém na riešenie

i II

I h a v e b e e n offered a m o r e interestingjob, The p l u m b e r g o t t o t h e b o t t o m o f

but t h e pay is terrible. I'm caught b e t w e e n what's causing t h e leak. W e n e e d
a rock a n d a hard place. to replace the pipe.

mat dve zlé možnosti na výber zistiť, čo spôsobuje problém


If y o u let y o u r children eat w h a t e v e r t h e y I can't believe y o u ' v e upset y o u r

w a n t for dinner, you're making a rod sister again! I'm the o n e w h o
for y o u r o w n back. (UK) * has to pick u p ieces.

zachrániť situáciu/čo sa dá
I ľff
spôsobiť si viac ťažkostí do budúcna lát 1

T h e protesters w a n t to stop t h e building Working on the farm meant

being d e m o l i s h e d , but they're I had to grips w i t h
fighting a losing battle. driving a tractor, (us)

pokúšať sa dosiahnuť niečo veľmi naučiť sa robit niečo

nepravdepodobné, viesť márny boj nové/náročné


O in dire straits
imne up against losing battle
0 a stumbling block
a tough nut ' bear it
• 0 the final straw

fighting a 1 a brick wall

© caught between a rock and a hard place [_

rubbed salt ( to crack 0 making a rod for your o w n back

0 a bumpy ride
grin and ( the pieces
0 a no-win situation
thrown in at into the w o u n d 1
© grin and bear it

pick up the deep end fl

0 in a bit of a tight spot


j* I hate going to the dentist, but I know I have to s m t f e / grin / l a u g h and bear it.

0 H U-U4 O h , no, I've missed the last bus home. I'm really in I j a m / t r a p / h o l e now.

'S^O forking o n t n e
f a r m m e a r ,
t' n a a
" t o
come to hands / holds / grips with driving a tractor.

The peeling wallpaper was just the t i p / t o p / e n d of the iceberg. The house needed

so many repairs.

I hated working at the diner. The fiftil line / straw / rope was w h e n t h e y made me

^ dress as a chicken.

0 &' | V K
|~ The plumber got to the base / depth / bottom of what's causing the leak. W e need to

" replace the pipe.


htrl Logan's restaurant is m dire, streets . There are n e v e r a n y customers.

H '"M b S
e>n a D
' e
to read music w a s . w h e n I started

| 1 learning t h e s a x o p h o n e .

0 f^gxn T h e
protesters w a n t t o stop t h e building being demolished, b u t they're

0 H jffiffr If y o u let your children e a t w h a t e v e r t h e y w a n t for dinner, y o u ' r e .

O ď vr I hate going to t h e dentist, but I k n o w I have to

O ^ I can't believe y o u ' v e upset y o u r sister a g a i n ! I'm t h e o n e w h o has t o .

fighting a losing battle -in dire s t r a i t r pick u p t h e pieces

a stumbling block m a k i n g a r o d for y o u r o w n back grin a n d b e a r it



naučiť sa robiť niečo nové, chopiť sa niečoho _ _ come to j>_ r í j>_ s w í t k

O veľmi ťažké, nepríjemné __ a n

0 ťažký, náročný čas _* a b r

O vo veľmi zlej (finančnej) situácii __ i d s

0 náročný problém na riešenie zz a t n t c

0 v ťažkej situácii, v úzkych — J _a_ J

Počasie a príroda
A r e y o u sure y o u w a n t to go
Nina always takes her dog for for a walk? There's a h o w l i n g
a walk c o m e rain or shine. w i n d out there! (us)

bez ohľadu na počasie, silný vietor, víchrica

za každých okolností

It's raining cats a n d dogs. I wish I hadn't You don't need a coat, Phil!
forgotten m y umbrella. It's like an o v e n outside.

husto pršaí, Hat I veľmi horúco

.31 |i

W e had to leave the beach because it W h a t a scorcher! It's perfect

started bucketing d o w n . (UK) weather for a barbecue.

husto pršať, Hat veľmi horúci a slnečný deň


There are lots of cafés and restaurants After months of boring lessons, our n e w
in my neck of the w o o d s . teacher was a breath of fresh air.

oblasť, ktorú poznáme, vzrušujúca zmena k lepšiemu

naše končiny

Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud! If y o u try This politician used to be really popular,

skydiving, y o u might enjoy it. but n o w the tide has turned. JOt-
'.*. B p %M
človek nie ochotný skúšať okolnosti sa zmenili
nové veci
1 ^1^*11 II" /1


I love looking after my niece. I had five minutes' peace before my students
She's a ray of sunshine. arrived. It was the calm before the storm.
veselá osoba, ktorá robí ľudí šťastnými tiché obdobie pred problémami

Isaac and Fatima's argument about Sorry, but we'll have to take a rain
which movie to watch was just check on meeting up tonight. I'm
a storm in a teacup. not feeling v e r y well.
zbytočná hádka kvôli malichernostiam odložiť alebo zrušiť niečo

You weren't listening to me, w e r e you? M e g a n stole my t h u n d e r w h e n she told the

You had your head in the clouds. professor the result of m y experiment.
rozmýšľať o niečom inom, rojčit strhnúť pozornosť na seba

líriri i

I wish m y boss w o u l d stop beating a r o u n d Kieran is so involved in every detail

the bush and tell m e w h a t he really of this project that he can't see the
thinks of my product idea. ,, , forest for the trees. (US)
vyhýbať sa dôležitej téme pozerať sa zblízka na malé detaily,
aby bolo vidieť celú situáciu jasne

I'm so tired tonight! I'm going JTJ B L The decision to close the library
to hit the hay. (us) • m a d e waves in my local area.
ísť do postele, ísť spať, zaliezť zapríčiniť rozruch, narušiť pokoj
pod perinu
ii 1 n l R
W e had to It's raining cats
N i n a always takes W h a t a scorcher! It's
leave t h e b e a c h a n d dogs. I wish I
her d o g for a walk perfect w e a t h e r for
because it started hadn't forgotten
c o m e rain or shine. a barbecue.
bucketing d o w n . m y umbrella.


I love looking after m y niece. She's a ray of sunshine. m

I love looking after m y niece. She's a b e a m of sunshine.

i You w e r e n ' t listening to m e , w e r e y o u ? You had y o u r head in t h e air.

You w e r e n ' t listening to m e , w e r e y o u ? Y o u had y o u r h e a d in t h e clouds.

i This politician used to be really popular, but n o w t h e tide has t u r n e d .

This politician used to be really popular, but n o w t h e o c e a n has t u r n e d .

I Isaac a n d Fatima's a r g u m e n t a b o u t w h i c h m o v i e to w a t c h w a s just a cloud in a teacup.

Isaac a n d Fatima's a r g u m e n t a b o u t w h i c h m o v i e to w a t c h w a s just a storm in a teacup.

i You don't n e e d a coat, Phil! It's like a fire outside.

You don't n e e d a coat, Phil! It's like an o v e n outside.

| I'm so tired tonight! I'm going to hit t h e hay.

I'm so tired tonight! I'm going to hit the grass.

• T h e r e are lots of cafes a n d restaurants in m y neck of the w o o d s .

T h e r e are lots of cafes a n d restaurants in my neck of the trees.


ísť do postele/ísť spať O vzrušujúca zmena k lepšiemu

kit the hay

v _ /

0 niekto, kto nechce skúšať nové veci 0 veľmi silný vietor

O veselá osoba, ktorá ťa robí šťastným 0 veľmi horúco

0 odložiť alebo zrušiť f

U husto prší

a ray of sunshine raining cats and dogs a breath of fresh air like an oven

-hit the hay a howling wind take a rain check on a stick-in-the-mud

V mth t r i i l i - i i r a m - '



0 0

n H n1! P, 71—IŤ^

0 Offl


3 íf m v i n
0 ©

Rozprávame sa
24.1 V Ý R A Z Y S „TALK"
I've tried telling Maya to clean
A h m e d talks the talk, but isn't up her room, but it's like
very hardworking. talking to a brick wall.

hovoriť presvedčivo činnosť, ktorá nemá zmysel,

lebo druhá osoba neodpovedá

Ryan wants to join the circus. Kirsty's always commenting

I'm trying to talk some on other people's clothes.
sense into him. She can talk! i' f
presviedčať/prehovárať niekoho, Ved ona je rovnaká!
aby sa správal rozumne

M y colleagues love to talk shop Linda likes to talk big. She claims
w h e n they meet for lunch. she's visited every country.

hovoriť o práci (pri obede chvastať sa, zveličovať

a pod.)

Leo can talk himself out of any Tamara is really friendly, but
awkward situation. she can talk your ear off.

utiecť z nepríjemnej situácie hovoriť donekonečna

klamstvami alebo humorom

I hate it w h e n my boss I made small talk with Marisha

talks d o w n to me! while w e waited for the train.

hovoriť na niekoho povýšenecky, neformálna spoločenská konverzácia,

poúčať zdvorilostný rozhovor


I always enjoy a chitchat with

my sister over coffee, (us) f ňk This politician has a reputation

klebetenie, trkotanie t' i for speaking
povedat otvorenehis mind.

M y grandpa spins a good yarn. The students parroted the

H e loves telling us about his facts w i t h o u t using their
childhood adventures. & o w n words.

hovoriť vtipné, ale vymyslené ™ opakovať slovo za slovom


Akio struck up a conversation with I sat on the shore with my boyfriend,

o n e of his fellow passengers shooting t h e breeze, (us) p

nadviazať rozhovor, dať sa do reči priateľsky si pokecať

s niekým
Nina keeps droning o n about her n e w Sarah was born with the gift of the gab.
car. It's getting really boring! ^ ^ She could sell y o u anything.
n rf^v K o n e L U U I U sen y o u a n y i m n g .
hovoriť zdĺhavo a nezaujímavo

M y cousin is such a loudmouth. Cat got your tongue? You usually

H e never stops talking! have so much to say.

hovoriť priveľa, tárať veľmi ticho, hovoriť málo, mlčať


Akio struck up a conversation without using their o w n words,

m I always enjoy a chitchat talks d o w n to m e !

The students parroted the facts with one of his fellow passengers,

A h m e d talks the talk, with my sister over coffee,

O I hate it w h e n my boss but isn't very hardworking.

is Leo can talk himself out for speaking his mind.

M y colleagues love to talk shop but it's like talking to a brick wall,

© This politician has a reputation of any awkward situation.

m I made small talk with Marisha . w h e n they meet for lunch,

-C I've tried telling Maya to clean up her room, while w e waited for the train.



trkotanie, klebetenie a c (t i r c k d í

fS hovoriť o práci (pri obede a pod.) t s

rozprávať vtipné, ale vymyslené príbehy — _s__ JL _g_ x.

® Veď ona j e rovnaká! S c t

O chvastať sa, zveličovať t b

><*" opakovať slovo za slovom ~

O hovoriť zvysoka, povýšenecky t d

i'ŕ hovoriť presvedčivo t t t


• struck up a conversation [JJ speaking his mind Q shooting the breeze

r talk some sense into him [~J

talks down to me Q
She can talk!

0 speaking his mind
spins a good yarn [
talk your ear off

© the gift of the gab
droning on
a loudmouth

talks d o w n to me
talks the talk •
small talk



Ryan wants to join the circus. I'm trying 0 Sarah was born with
to talk some, sense, into him She could sell you anything.

Nina keeps, about her I"; You usually
new car. It's getting really boring! have so much to say.

0 This politician has a reputation f o r . -.. I sat on the shore with my boyfriend,.

speaking his mind Cat got your tongue? 4alk some sense into him

shooting the breeze droning on the gift of the gab

Zdieľame informácie
25.1 Z D I E Ľ A M E N O V I N K Y

G o o d luck w i t h y o u r i n t e r v i e w today. R u m o r s that t h e t w o actors h a d secretly

Keep m e posted a b o u t h o w it goes! gotten m a r r i e d spread like wildfire.

informovať o najnovších šíriť sa veľmi rýchlo


Anna's manager t o u c h e d base w i t h her for A n g i e filled m e in o n w h a t h a p p e n e d

a quick u p d a t e o n her research. at w o r k w h i l e I w a s away.
, . . . .
mat krátky rozhovor o novinkách povedať, čo je nové,
f M H f

(po dlhšom čase) informovať o niečom

This restaurant couldn't afford a n

II W e must h a v e got o u r wires crossed.
advertising c a m p a i g n , but it has b e c o m e I thought t h e dress c o d e for this
really p o p u l a r by w o r d of m o u t h . party w a s casual.
i V

z počutia zamotať/popliesť sa, zle niečo

fí 8 pochopiť


Pedro's going t o m a r r y Elena. I A little bird told m e that Richa

heard it f r o m t h e horse's m o u t h . is going to b e p r o m o t e d .

• Í ®

počuť priamo zo spoľahlivého zdroja povráva sa, donieslo sa mi

II 11
I'm planning a surprise trip to Paris w i t h T h e boss stirred up a hornet's nest
Liam to celebrate o u r w e d d i n g anniversary. w h e n she said w e w o u l d
Don't let t h e cat o u t of t h e b a g ! , || have to take a p a y cut. (us)

omylom prezradiť tajomstvo vyvolať rozruch

I'm afraid your cat will have to stay here Lin decided to get it off her chest
overnight, but I promise I'll keep y o u in the a n d told M e l all about her
picture about h o w she's recovering. relationship problems.

pravidelne informovať zdieľať, zveriť sa, vyrozprávať sa

The tour rep broke the news to us that our The design t e a m make sure they
flight had been canceled. always keep m e in the loc .

odhaliť, (náhle) oznámiť niečo odovzdávať si, zdieľať čerstvé

nečakané (spravidla zlé)
Ami informácie

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad Phil showed m e around the kitchen.
news, but w e won't be able to fix He knows the nuts and bolts of
your computer. running a restaurant.

niekto, kto doručuje zlé správy praktické detaily

a pravidlá, základné veci
1 I I 11


W h e n news stories are shocking, I always I heard it through the grapevine

take t h e m with a grain of salt. (US) that Luisa is pregnant.

neveriť úplne, brať s rezervou dopočuť sa (klebety alebo fámy)

After leaving the band, M a r c o W h y did y o u spill the beans and tell
dished the dirt about the other Luke I had a n e w boyfriend? I
band m e m b e r s to a journalist. w a n t e d to tell him myself.

zdieľať zlomyseľné klebety

ft prerieknuť sa, vyzradiť



© G o o d luck w i t h your interview today. Keep me posted about h o w it goes!

O T h e tour rep broke t h e n e w s t o us that o u r flight had b e e n canceled.

0 Phil showed m e around the kitchen. H e knows the nuts and bolts of running a restaurant. [JJ

© Pedro's going to marry Elena. I heard it from the horse's mouth.

O A little bird told me that Richa is going to be promoted.

O Angie filled me in o n w h a t happened at w o r k while I w a s away.

© T h e design team make sure they always keep m e in t h e loop.

© Lin decided to get it off her chest and told M e l all about her relationship problems.


I'm sorry to be t h e giver of b a d news, but w e w o n ' t be able to fix your computer. |\ y _-§,

I'm sorry to be the, bearer of bad ncvJs, but vve vjovit be able to fix, your computer. nL J n

W e must have got o u r lines crossed. I thought the dress c o d e for this party w a s casual.

W h e n news stories are shocking, I always t a k e t h e m w i t h a grain of sugar. ft

T h e boss stirred u p a bee's nest w h e n she said w e w o u l d have to take a pay cut.
• S n

O After leaving the band, M a r c o s e r v e d t h e dirt about the other band members to a journalist.

Anna's manager t o u c h e d g r o u n d with her for a quick update on her research.

l í

The tour rep s m a s h e d t h e n e w s to us that our flight had been canceled.


j This restaurant couldn't afford an advertising campaign, but it has

become really popular by word of mouth.

Lin decided to get it off her chest and told M e l all about her
relationship problems. e r

* á I'm afraid your cat will have to stay here overnight, but I promise
I I'll keep y o u in the picture about how she's recovering.
ii l\

W h y did you spill the beans and tell Luke I had a new boyfriend?
I wanted to tell him myself.
Rumors that the t w o actors had secretly gotten married spread
like wildfire.


j I'm planning a surprise trip to Paris with Liam to celebrate our wedding
I anniversary Don't let the cat out of the bag!


zdieľajte so mnou informácie fceep m e in the Loop

0 niekto, kto doručuje zlé správy

€ í neveriť úplne, brať s rezervou

f/ zle niečo pochopiť, popliesť sa

Ô dozvedieť sa novinky cez klebety, dopočuť sa

•f:i mať krátky rozhovor o novinkách

i Pravda a lož
26.1 H O V O R Í M E P R A V D U 26.2 D R Ž Í M E TAJOMSTVO

I'm scared of dogs. In fact, I'm terrified Tania told me a secret but asked m e
of them, to tell you the truth. to keep it under my hat.

byť úprimný, otvorene povedai snažiť sa neprezradiť, držať

v tajnosti

Nathan c a m e clean with his parents Anita's recipe for her banana cake
and told t h e m he had broken is top secret. She won't share it
the window. with anyone.

K l\ • ť. mt
priznať sa k zlému skutku držať niečo v tajnosti, prísne

M y teacher was brutally honest with I promise I won't tell Lizzie you're
m e and told m e my essay going to propose to her. M y lips
was terrible. are sealed.

byt necitlivý, kruto úprimný udržať v úplnej tajnosti

The voting process in this election is I'm not going to tell y o u h o w much
completely above board. All the votes my house cost. It's nc
are counted and checked. of your business!

byt korektný, v súlade súkromná informácia
so zákonom (To nie je tvoja starosť!)

A whistleblower has told the authorities W e ' r e keeping our new car model
about the dirty conditions in the under wraps until the launch later
kitchen at work. • this week.

človek, ktorý povie autorite o niečom , |g[ v tajnosti, zahalený

nelegálnom alebo nesprávnom ä || §f " tajomstvom

49) 4))

I think W a r r e n w a s bending t h e truth
I t h o u g h t Bella's hat w a s ridiculous, b u t I w h e n I i n t e r v i e w e d h i m f o r this j o b . H e
t o l d h e r a w h i t e lie a n d said I l o v e d it said h e h a d excellent IT skills. ^

klamat, aby sme nezranili city

klamat, zavádzaí, ^'^"^i
preháňať f^'^Sŕ^ ||

M y wife was angry w h e n I went D a v i d lied t h r o u g h his t e e t h
behind her and bought t o his m o m . H e c l a i m e d t h e c a t * /—\
z ft
myself a n e w motorcycle. had broken her favorite vase. ' r^tr) •
U* • g
urobit niečo potajme a n nehorázne klamat *w ~ |\
o tom
T h e s a l e s m a n r e a l l y t o o k us f o r a r i d e O u r boss says t h e c o m p a n y is d o i n g
w h e n h e sold us this car. It's a l w a y s well, but she has a reputation f o r
breaking d o w n ! telling half-truths. ^hSi
oklamať, napáliť, podviesť t i povedať len polovičnú pravdu yflC/Ä. |§||JEJ

I k n e w F r i d a h a d n ' t b e e n o u t sick.
I have a sneaking suspicion that M a r c i a w a s I s m e l l e d a rat w h e n s h e c a m e
at a j o b i n t e r v i e w this m o r n i n g . back to w o r k with a suntan. |—, ^
• m r*
tušiť klamstvo/podvod «j f^^'^S^)
podozrievať bez jasného dôkazu 0yj&tem iw-
Jln* A

The children a r e being v e r y quiet The piano teacher had a hunch

I t h i n k there's s o m e t h i n g fishy that J o r d a n hadn't d o n e a n y
going o n ! ^1 p r a c t i c e since his last l e s s o n .
niečo podozrivé
mať tušenie, šípiť niečo


f /|v-*'-5í'' A n i t a
' s recipe for her banana cake is high secret. She won't share it with anyone, •
/l M i l 11 Anita's recipe for her banana cake is top secret. She won't share it with anyone.

' '@*^JI ^ e c n
'' '
c r e n a r e
being very quiet. I think there's something fishy going o n ! •
The children are being very quiet. I think there's something tricky going o n ! •
Jtfiil Tania told me a secret but asked me to keep it under my coat. •
tmim % Tania told me a secret but asked me to keep it under my hat. •
•fL*-' M y wife was angry w h e n I went behind her head and bought myself a new motorcycle, rj
M y wife was angry w h e n I went behind her back and bought myself a new motorcycle, fj

t f I promise I won't tell Lizzie you're going to propose to her. M y lips are sealed. •
I promise I won't tell Lizzie you're going to propose to her. M y lips are closed. •
• m ^ I thought Bella's hat was ridiculous, but I told her a white lie and said I loved it. •
1fM||» I thought Bella's hat was ridiculous, but I told her a pink lie and said I loved it. •



I bending the truth telling half-truths came clean

above board went behind her back took us for a ride brutally honest

26.7 V Y P O Č U J T E SI N A H R Á V K U A

© lied through his teeth

O rny lips are sealed • H i Sunita,

O to tell you the truth • I have some exciting news for you, but please
keep it under /-bekrWyour hat because it's
0 had a hunch • most / top secret at the moment. I've been

0 under wraps • promoted! I had a hint / hunch that I would

get the job because my interview went well. As
0 bending the truth • I said, please don't tell anyone because my new
0 have a sneaking suspicion • boss still wants to keep it under wraps / cover.
Love, Lindsay

llll 26.9 P O Z R I T E S A N A O B R Á Z K Y A D O P L Ň T E I D I O M Y Z R Á M Č E K A

W e ' r e keeping our
I I ;new car model under 0 I knew Frida hadn't been out sick. I.
Wrapj until the launch later this week.
. w h e n she came back to work with a suntan.

n If

0 I'm not going to tell you h o w much my house O David to his m o m .
cost. It's ! H e claimed the cat had broken her favorite vase.

m Is I B

. has told the authorities 0 M y teacher w a s .

about the dirty conditions in the kitchen at work. with me and told me my essay was terrible.

smelled a rat none of your business brutally honest

Awhistleblower -under wraps- lied through his teeth

Pozeráme sa a načúvame

T h e e x a m i n e r w a t c h e d us like a hawk, Felipe cast a glance at his w a t c h . T h e

m a k i n g sure w e didn't cheat. bus w a s a l r e a d y 10 minutes late.
rýchlo, letmo sa pozrieť
sledovať veľmi pozorne,
nespustiť oči z niečoho
i* TI lír

Kezia looked furious w h e n I told her I'd Bastian kept a close w a t c h o n his children
torn her dress. If looks could kill! ^V/^ as t h e y played outside. TTTTT^
m m
* f!
vyzerať veľmi nahnevane m pozorne niečo sledovať, f
dohliadať na

T h e teacher turned a blind e y e W e kept o u r eyes p e e l e d , h o p i n g

to his students' bad behavior. we'd spot s o m e rare birds.

ignorovať alebo sa tváriť, sledovať niečo veľmi pozorne

že nevidíme; prehliadať
I asked m y brother to keep a n e y e o n T h e b o r d e r guard gave m y
t h e d i n n e r w h i l e I w a s talking d o c u m e n t s t h e once-over,
on the phone. t h e n let m e d r i v e o n .

postarať sa o niečo, postrážiť,

dať pozor na niečo
n IE zbežne prehliadnuť,

I always cast a n eye o v e r m y desk t o m a k e K a r e n has a n eagle e y e . S h e f o u n d lots

sure I haven't forgotten a n y t h i n g w h e n I of mistakes w h e n I asked her to c h e c k
leave t h e office. 9 m y essay.

letmo sa pozrieť, rýchlo niečo schopnosť všímať si detaily



27.2 N A Č Ú V A M E A P O Č Ú V A M E

Jenny, please tell m e h o w t h e I told m y daughter she should w o r k harder,

i n t e r v i e w w e n t . I'm all ears! but m y a d v i c e fell o n deaf ears. #

rúž/ť niečo počuť byť ignorovaný, zostať bez odozvy

I %

M y grandfather is hard of hearing, so I O m a r lent a sympathetic ear w h e n

often have to repeat things to him. c I b r o k e up w i t h m y b o y f r i e n d .

čiastočne hluchý, nedoslýchavý počúvať niekoho problémy súcitne,

n n s porozumením

M a r t i n a didn't hear the teacher's question. B e careful w h a t y o u say a b o u t t h e boss

S h e w a s a million miles away. R e m e m b e r , walls have ears!

vôbec nepočúvať/byť (mysľou) na míle H| ,<v nikdy nevieš, kto môže počúvať,
vzdialený |j keď hovoríš

I c o m p l e t e l y zoned out It w a s music t o m y ears w h e n

during that meeting. m y son told m e he'd passed
It w a s so boring! his driving test.

prestať počúvať, nesústrediť sa

#2 4
úžasné novinky, príjemné počúvať

Ethan w a s only listening with half an ear W h e n m y parents got w i n d of t h e

a n d kept checking his p h o n e as I spoke fact that I'd h a d a house party,
to him. they w e r e furious.

nepočúvať pozorne
4 é( , . ,
dopocut sa o niecom


I told my daughter she should work harder, but my advice fell on jcloseď/i—••-" ru7 deaf ears.

#1 Felipe cast / t h r e w / looked a glance at his watch. The bus was already 10 minutes late.

O Jenny, please tell me how the interview went. I'm all eyes / ears / listening!

0 Bastian kept / held / gave a close watch on his children as they played outside.

O The examiner watched us like a bear / h a w k / lion, making sure w e didn't cheat.

0 Kezia looked furious w h e n I told her I'd torn her dress. If looks / eyes / ears could kill!

O W h e n my parents got air / ear / w i n d of the fact that I'd had a house party, they w e r e furious.

O Omar lent a kind / sympathetic / nice ear w h e n I broke up with my boyfriend.



a million half an ear

W rV
M/ i If looks hearing

o • OJ ©n M hard of ;^ miles away

M listening with could kill!

fell on sympathetic ear

on ©• cast an like a hawk

•r- ' blind eye

watched us

W f\ * i eye over

lent a
O Ľj
deaf ears
turned a

I asked my brother to put an eye on the dinner while I was talking o n the phone. •

I asked my brother to keep an eye o n the dinner while I w a s talking o n the phone. [7f

Be careful w h a t y o u say a b o u t the boss. Remember, walls have ears!

- Ejl—-iv- Be careful w h a t y o u say about the boss. Remember, doors have ears!

W e kept our eyes peeled, hoping we'd spot s o m e rare birds.
^ ^^^^ W e kept our eyes alert, hoping we'd spot some rare birds.

Martina didn't hear the teacher's question. She w a s a thousand miles away.

I rr Martina didn't hear the teacher's question. She w a s a million miles away.

The border guard gave my documents the twice-over, then let m e drive o n . •
The border guard gave my documents the once-over, then let m e drive o n . •
The teaeher turned a blind e y e to his students' bad behavior.

Tľi flFT The teacher turned a closed eye to his students' bad behavior.



niečo veľmi pozorne sledoval — JíĽ J L j L - i - J3.JLJL e y c s

O úžasné novinky — m_ _ J vn__ e

G schopnosť všímať si detaily S) J L _ J Ľ _ _e

£ ŕ pozrieť sa letmo, rýchlo skontrolovať — c .4- J ! _o

O bol ignorovaný, prehliadaný - _f_ S> _d _e_

O čiastočne hluchý, nedoslýchavý = _h_

Hudba a umenie

H o w many times must I d r u m it into Our n e w bookstore opens today.

your head? W i p e your feet on the mat! Let's get the show on the road! g

hovoriť niečo opakovane

začať niečo, poriadne začať
f ffff
You've changed your t u n e ! Dennis broke his mom's laptop. H e
I thought y o u didn't like cats. had to face the music and tell her. \\/

zmeniť názor, hovoriť niečo iné prijať dôsledky konania

kí It

Pavel decided to jazz up his Juanita is so careful at work. She

h o u s e , i o he painted it purple. does everything by the book.

oživiť, vylepšiť, urobiť niečo farebnejšie konať podia pravidiel; robiť veci
alebo vzrušujúcejšie tak ako treba

Isaac's speech at the w e d d i n g hit the M a k i n g sure people know about

right note. It was really funny, but no our concert will help us d r u m up
o n e was offended. an audience.

povedať/urobiť vhodnú alebo uspieť; získať si, prebudiť (obecenstvo
správnu vec a pod.)

R a m o n a loves to toot her o w n W h e n Fay told me about her

horn. She's always showing us engagement, it was
her trophies, (us) music to my ears!

hovoriť príliš o svojich úspechoch, skvelá novinka

chváliť sa

Dad's always telling m e to clean lan's desserts are amazing. He'll
m y r o o m . H e is like a ( T^») b e a tough act to f o l l o w w h e n
broken r e c o r d . he leaves.

opakovať stále to isté ťažké mať rovnaký úspech,

ťažké nahradiť/zopakovať

T h e police chief put us in t h e picture I k n e w it w a s Enzo w h o had eaten m y

a b o u t t h e bank robbery. (UK) lunch. I can read him like a book.

vysvetliť fakty k situácii, vedieť, čo si niekto myslí

zasvätiť (podia reči tela)
H "
I'm going to take a page out of y o u r b o o k A n t o n i o is great at f l o w e r arranging.
a n d clean m y desk, (us) H e has it d o w n t o an art.

kopírovať, napodobňovať byť expertom na niečo, zvyčajne

dobré zvyky niekoho iného po dlhom tréningu, majster v niečom
i f

Nisha is helping m e fine-tune Kira's boss m a d e a scene

my presentation for w h e n she arrived five
t o m o r r o w morning. minutes late.

niečo jemne zmeniť, a tak to zlepšiť, robiť zbytočný rozruch/scény


Arjun felt left o u t of t h e picture w h e n Despite the rain, w e decided

his r o o m m a t e s got a d o g not to cancel the play in the
w i t h o u t telling h i m . park. T h e s h o w must go o n ! ' / / •
neinformovať o nejakej realizovať niečo aj napriek
novinke/situácii ťažkostiam


j music to my ears tá face the music • made a scene •

h drum up • hit the right note • face the music •
changed your tune • music to my ears • fine-tune •
O a tough act to follow • jazz up • hit the right note •
O toot her o w n horn • left out of the picture • The show must go o n ! •
© changed your tune • fine-tune • music to my ears •
O get the show on the road • has it d o w n to an art • is like a broken record •
O face the music • read him like a book • changed your tune •


Pavel decided to rock up his house, so he painted it purple.

Pavel decided to jazz- up his house, so he painted it purple. ilíl

O Antonio is great at flower arranging. He has it d o w n to a picture.

C ' Juanita is so careful at work. She does e v e r y t h i n g by the story.

A I'm going to take a chapter out of y o u r b o o k and clean my desk.

0 The police chief put us in the d r a w i n g about the bank robbery.


H o w many times must I shake it into y o u r head? W i p e your feet on the mat!



povedať/urobiť vhodnú alebo správnu vec music to my ears

hovoriť príliš o svojich úspechoch, chváliť sa m a d e a scene

O skvelé novinky hit the right note

o uspieť, získať si (obecenstvo a pod.) toot her o w n horn

o robiť zbytočný rozruch/scény face the music

o tú istú vec opakovať znova a znova d r u m up

prijať dôsledky konania is like a broken record


R a m o n a loves to toot ker ÓYJVI kom H You've
She's always showing us her trophies. I thought y o u didn't like cats.

O lan's desserts are amazing. He'll b e . O Nisha is helping m e
w h e n he leaves. my presentation for t o m o r r o w morning.


f! A
O Arjun felt i; Dennis broke his mom's laptop. H e had to
w h e n his roommates got a d o g w i t h o u t telling him. a n d tell her.

Jedlo a nápoje
29.1 JEDLO

Yuka's c o m p l a i n i n g t h a t h e r You can buy yourself a square

sons h a v e e a t e n h e r o u t o f meal at t h e student café for
house a n d h o m e . a f e w dollars.

zjest všetko, čo je v dome výdatné, výživné jedlo

M a r i o c e l e b r a t e d his 70th b i r t h d a y Aliyah whipped up an omelet

w i t h a f e a s t fit f o r a k i n g . f o r C a l e b a n d his f r i e n d s .

chutné jedlo s viacerými narýchlo pripravit


T h e sight o f t h e c a k e in t h e c a f é E t h a n t o o k his n e w c l i e n t o u t
w i n d o w m a d e m y mouth water. f o r a s i t - d o w n m e a l . (US) m

vyvolať hlad alebo chut niečo zjest veľké a chutné jedlo pri stole
(zvyčajne v reštaurácii)

Paolo w a s so h u n g r y that h e w o l f e d d o w n Krish a l w a y s starts his d a y

that huge burger really quickly. w i t h a hearty breakfast.

jest rýchlo/hltavo/pažravo výdatné raňajky

' II


I w a s h e d d o w n m y pizza w i t h Chris b o u g h t a r o u n d o f d r i n k s
a glass o f l e m o n a d e . for t h e basketball t e a m .

dot si nápoj po jedle, zapit zaplatit nápoj, rundu pre

skupinu ľudí
B l u e cheese is a n acquired taste. I w a s in a rush, so I g r a b b e d
I still think it's disgusting, but s o m e t h i n g t o eat f r o m
J o e loves it. t h e fast f o o d stand. =3 , m
niečo, čo nám chutí až po niekoľkých
kúpiť si niečo narýchlo
na zjedenie ' t i
W a y n e eats like a bird. H e o n l y e v e r I'm so glad I o r d e r e d a n extra-large
orders a small salad for lunch. pizza. I could eat a horse!

zjesť veľmi malé množstvo jedla cítiť veľký hlad

Nigel t o o k a tray of piping hott Q O W e c o m p l a i n e d to t h e w a i t e r that

cupcakes o u t of t h e o v e n o u r soup w a s stone cold

veľmi horúce, vrelé veľmi studené, ľadové

W e sat in front of t h e T V stuffing Y o u shouldn't eat so m a n y cookies!
o u r faces w i t h p o p c o r n . You'll spoil y o u r appetite.

jesť veľa a hltavo, nadžgávať sa pokaziť si chut do jedla

A f t e r t h r e e hours in t h e g y m , I felt p a r c h e d after w o r k i n g

Dan q u e n c h e d his thirst w i t h in the sun, so I drank a
a glass of j u i c e . -j. w h o l e bottle of water.

zahnať, utíšiť smäd vysmädnúť
W e sat in front of the
TV stuffing our faces
with popcorn.

Krish always starts his ©• ©h"'
day with a hearty


Ethan took his new

client out for a
sit-down meal.

life** J . You shouldn't eat so

many cookies! You'll
spoil your appetite.

O O LJ 0 L]
Nigel took a tray of

If. I 10
piping hot cupcakes
out of the oven.

I washed d o w n my
pizza with a glass
I ňr
© U
of lemonade.

Aliyah whipped up
4 ľ « if an omelet for Caleb

and his friends.

W e complained to © ©ľ
the waiter that our
it soup was stone cold.

Mario celebrated his

70th birthday with a
feast fit for a king.
©• O ©


her í í house ] ŕ of i i home ] and i j eaten j out

Yuka's complaining that her sons have eaten __ her __JM£__ of house and honu,

fit king
a 1 I for t { feast A a
O Mario celebrated his 70th birthday w i t h .

í t 0
J Lá ometn
' g
I '< grabbed j ( eat 1
was in a rush, so I from the fast food stand.

f mouth ] I my ~ J ( water j I made

The sight of the cake in the café w i n d o w .

drinks 1
i of 1 roun ď j r
< :
Chris bought. for the basketball team.

could a horse! i i 1 eat

„' I'm so glad I ordered an extra-large pizza.


kúpiť si niečo narýchlo na zjedenie — grabbed something to wt

O výdatné a výživné jedlo

zjesť veľmi malé množstvo

C jesť rýchlo a hltavo

O pripraviť narýchlo jedlo

i"; stratiť chuť dojedla

Opisujeme svoje zdravie

Leo was feeling the worse for w e a r M y hay fever tends to
after he stayed out all night. flare up every summer.

cítiť sa unavený, v zlom stave náhle sa zhoršiť, prepuknúi

1 - u

A y a n o w a s feeling under the This music's far too loud! It has given
weather, so she left w o r k early. m e a splitting headache.

cítit sa zle/nesvoj, trochu chorý spôsobiť hrozné bolesti (hlavy)


I don't feel v e r y well. I think I'm Pablo is on the road to recovery

coming d o w n with something. after breaking his leg.

začaí sa cítit zle, ochorieť na niečo zlepšovať sa, pomaly sa uzdravovať



Ollie received a clean bill of health The dancers in this show have
from his doctor. to be as fit as a fiddle.
správa o zdravotnom stave, ktorá j zdravý, fit a v kondícii
potvrdzuje, že sme úplne zdraví

After turning 40, Tom decided to get in M o v i n g to the country has given Kira
sha and started jogging.
a new lease on life, (us)
byť zdravší, dostať sa do formy
(zvyčajne vdaka schudnutiu) získať novú energiu a chut do života

Yuka fell a n d cut her leg really
I'm not well enough to go to w o r k today, badly w h e n she was hiking, but
so I'm going to call in sick. she's on the mend now.

zavolať zamestnávateľovi, že sme zotavovať sa

chorí a neprídeme do práce

J e a n n e has a heavy cold, so she's Valentína has a n upset stomach

staying at h o m e today. and can't stop throwing up.

silné prechladnutie/nádcha zvracať

I'm in bad shape. I w a s exhausted after U m a is up and about following

running to catch the bus. her operation last week.

v zlom fyzickom stave, byť hore, na nohách, byť schopný

nemať kondičku chodiť


A w e e k at a health spa w a s just w h a t A relaxing afternoon in t h e

the doctor ordered after a stressful park helped m e recharge
month at work. & atteries.

presne to, čo bolo potrebné v získať energiu oddychom

After a f e w days by the coast, Lauren

I m ran looks the picture of health
began t o feel as right as rafa. since he started going t o t h e g y m .

zdravý a v kondícii prekypovať zdravím


30.3 DAJTE S L O V Á D O S P R Á V N E H O P O R A D I A A D O P L Ň T E V E T Y

| road on I i the i ' recovery ; to j

Pablo is OK the road to recovery after breaking his leg

I don't feel very well. I think I'm down I something coming j I with

! lease í I life on
J ( new""] [
Moving to the country has given Kira.

l a
í clean i
í" health ] í bill'J
1 Ollie received from his doctor.

f fiddle fit as

The dancers in this show have to be


I [ choroba Q O choroba [ choroba • choroba Q

zdravie zdravie zdravie Q zdravie Q zdravie f~J

i;: >

P II m
choroba • choroba Q choroba • , choroba Q O choroba •

zdravie []] zdravie zdravie zdravie Q] zdravie Q


After a few days by the coast, Lauren began to feel as good as rain. mg
After a fevJ days by the coast, Lauren began- to feel as right as rain..

This music's far too loud! It has given me a hitting headache.

C* A week at a health spa was just what the nurse ordered after a stressful month at work. f
Uma is up and around following her operation last week.

0 Imran looks the drawing of health since he started going to the gym.

A relaxing afternoon in the park helped me load my batteries.



1 •

nebyť vo svojej koži z: u n d e r t h e w e a t h e r

O unavený alebo v zlom stave j w _f w_

© zvracať — t u

O zotavovať sa — 0 t m

O nemať kondičku S i b s

'-: silné prechladnutie s _L

€ mať silnú nádchu m _a_ _h_

ŕ mať lepšiu kondíciu
= _g_

Vedomosti a vzdelanie
31.1 V E D O M O S T I , P R E M Ý Š Ľ A N I E A U Č E N I E S A

Mary's an expert in ancient history Peter's brush n his French

She really knows her stuff. before his vacation in Paris.
vedieť veľa o niečom, ovládať svoje zopakovať si vedomostí,
remeslo, vyznať sa v niečom osviežiť si znalosti

The professor's astrophysics A n d r e a only started w o r k here last

lecture w e n t over my head. ŕ <ft? í®; week. She's still learning the ropes.

nejsť do hlavy, nechápať,

nerozumieť 'a naučiť sa základné zručnosti/ako ísť
na vec

I can show y o u around my city. I k n o w it Vineetha loves m o d e r n art.

like the back of my hand. ••. She knows it inside out.
•1 * i
poznať veľmi dobre » «, poznať niečo do podrobností


W e both thought of buying Dan M y client wanted a completely

a camera for his birthday. G n e w design. I had to
minds t h i n k alike!

... B

Múdri ľudia majú rovnaké nápady! ^' äi l

# ^jjp pustiť sa do premýšľania T*
(povedané s humorom) vážne alebo kreatívne

I just can't make heads or tails of Sumiko gave her speech without notes.
this map. (us) She had led it by heart.

nevedieť sa zorientovať, naučiť sa naspamäť A

nevyznať sa
4 k .


Brad thought he w o u l d pass the test Dion's new laptop is light-years

easily, but he only scraped by. ahead of his old one. ^
spraviť test s ťažkosťami, len tak-tak

oveľa lepší než...

Ian is such a b o o k w o r m . R o m a n has bought himself

H e loves reading. a state-of-the-art T V set.

človek, ktorý rád číta knihy technická novinka

W h e n Souad took her piano test, These doctors have m a d e a breakthrough

she passed with flying colors. 11 in their medical research.

zvládnuť skúšky s ľahkosťou, významný objav,
s vyznamenaním prelom v niečom

B e n accused Stefan of being O u r cutting-edge products have

a copycat. Their artworks m a d e our company millions
w e r e v e r y similar. of dollars.

kopírovať nápad, prácu inej špička v niečom, niečo veľmi
osoby moderné a inovatívne

Trent is a teacher's pet. H e always Ping's design for the n e w library

offers to carry the teacher's bag. really breaks the mold.
miláčik, obľúbenec učiteľa zmeniť zaužívané spôsoby a zvyky


S w H i l a gave her speech without notes. went over my head.

Y- Brad thought he would pass the test easily, have made our company millions of dollars.

m Our cutting-edge products She had learned it by heart.

o The professor's astrophysics lecture She knows it inside out.

o Ian is such a bookworm. but he only scraped by.

Vineetha loves modern art. a breakthrough in their medical research.

Ping's design for the new library He loves reading,

0 These doctors have made really breaks the mold.


Peter's _ brushing up c n- his French 0 Ben accused Stefan of being _
before his vacation in Paris. Their artworks were very similar.

0 W e both thought of buying Dan a camera for his Mary's an expert in ancient history. She really

0 Dion's new laptop is 0 The professor's astrophysics lecture

his old one.


|jj , m
! k 0
S a v e n
f i P e e c n
without notes. went over my head.

Brad thought he would pass the test easily, have made our company millions of dollars.

Our cutting-edge products She had learned tt by heart"'

The professor's astrophysics lecture She knows it inside out.

Ian is such a bookworm. but he only scraped by.

Vineetha loves modern art. a breakthrough in their medical research.

Ping's design for the new library He loves reading,

These doctors have made really breaks the mold.


Peter's brushing up on- his French O Ben accused Stefan of being _
before his vacation in Paris. Their artworks were very similar.

iTnl 84
Ú W e both thought of buying Dan a camera for his I Mary's an expert in ancient history. She really

í ár
Dion's new laptop is O The professor's astrophysics lecture
his old one.


Trent is a teacher's f t í e n ď / pet/JaerpTHe always offers to carry the teacher's bag.

r s - . iT • . . 1 -si
Andrea only started work here last week. She's still learning the ropes / strings / lines.

i I can show you around my city. I know it like the back / palm / fi of my hand.
"n ň

M y client wanted a completely new design. I had to put on my thinking hat / cap / head.

0 f
I just can't make heads or f e e t / b o d i e s / t a i l s of this map.


4 || f | l
Peter's brushing / sweeping / cleaning u p o n his French before his vacation in Paris.


nerozumieť, nechápať Went over my Wecnd

IJIpspraviť test s ťažkosťami, len tak-tak

0 v e ľ m i moderný, súčasný

©okopírovať prácu inej osoby

©človek, ktorý rád číta knihy

Onevyznať sa, nevedieť sa zorientovať

© p r e l o m , významný objav . _

©zvládnuť skúšky s ľahkosťou

í- Peniaze
M y uncle started his o w n business
Luisa had to pay a hefty sum to a f e w years ago, a n d n o w
get a ticket for the g a m e today. he's really well off.

veľké množstvo peňazí zámožný, bohatý, dobre situovaný

M a r c o had to tighten his belt, Sarah had to pay through the

so he started bringing his o w n nose t o get a taxi h o m e after
lunch t o w o r k . she missed t h e last train.

minúť menej peňazí zaplatiť veľa peňazí/platiť

h tr in ako divý

Luna w a n t s to b u y a house soon, D o n n a struck it rich w h e n she

so she's building up a nest-egg. ^ w o n t h e lottery.

peniaze pre prípad núdze, finančná náhle zbohatnúť


Irena's n e w h a n d b a g w a s v e r y pricey. Aranza and Dominic decided to

* hl
It cost h u n d r e d s of dollars. go Dutch at the e n d of t h e m e a l .
0 H
príliš drahý rozdeliť sa o účet s niekým, J p - _ • -^i

platiť si každý svoje

If y o u don't turn off the lights

T h e shoes at t h e market cost
w h e n y o u leave the house, you're
next to nothing, so J e r e m y 0
bought t h r e e pairs.
•s. ä» v
t h r o w i n g m o n e y down t h e drain.
1 •i

mrhať peniazmi

veľmi lacný

I f o u n d it hard to m a k e e n d s m e e t T h e p o p c o r n in this m o v i e theater
w h e n I w a s a student, so I started is a rip-off! I prefer t o bring m y
w o r k i n g in a café. o w n snacks.

vystačiť s platom na základné oveľa drahšie ako by malo byť

výdavky (zderstvo)

I loved looking after Nadia's cat It w a s really generous of I m r a n t o b u y us

w h i l e she w a s o n v a c a t i o n . d i n n e r at that expensive restaurant, but
It w a s easy m o n e y . he does like t o t h r o w m o n e y a r o u n d .

ľahko zarobené peniaze

mm s* rozhadzovať, vyhadzovať
za nenáročnú prácu
iil peniaze (okázalo)

W e e n d e d up o u t of pocket w h e n no o n e Getting the car fixed will b e expensive, but

w a n t e d t o b u y o u r ice c r e a m . luckily I h a v e s a v e d for a rainy day.

mať menej peňazí ako na začiatku, odkladať si peniaze na horšie časy

prerobiť na niečom

M i k e is roiling in it. He's just T h e stall is closing in a n hour, so it's selling

bought himself a n o t h e r yacht. its sandwiches at rock-bottom prices.

hrnúť sa vo veľkom množstve veľmi nízke, najnižšie možné ceny


M y daughter w a n t s a n e w s m a r t p h o n e . Vegetables don't have to b e expensive.

I keep telling h e r m o n e y Carrots a n d c a b b a g e a r e dirt c h e a p
doesn't g r o w o n trees! jjjjjl at this store. • ,

mať obmedzené množstvo

• 1 S 'n"

i veľmi lacné, takmer zadarmo
) ii i


I loved looking after Nadia's cat while she was on vacation. It was

easy money.

If you don't turn off the lights when y o u leave the house you're
throwing money d o w n the drain. "°use,youre

i M y daughter wants a new smartphone. I keep telling her money

I doesn't grow on trees!

It was really generous of Imran to buy us dinner at that expensive

restaurant, but he does like to throw money around.
n n

i Vegetables don't have to be expensive. Carrots and cabbage are

\ dirt cheap at this store.
| j^r-" —To" j 1



money doesn't f*. a rainy day
tighten rich

saved for S ^ g r o w on trees

out of his belt

pricey -dirt cheap- rock-bottom prices

struck it in it
I a hefty sum cost next to nothing a rip-off
! rolling pocket


© If you don't turn off the lights when you leave the house, you're throwing money down the drain. •

© Sarah had to pay through the nose to get a taxi home after she missed the last train.

0 M y uncle started his o w n business a few years ago, and now he's really well off.

0 The stall is closing in an hour, so it's selling its sandwiches at rock-bottom prices.

ô M y daughter wants a new smartphone. I keep telling her money doesn't grow on trees!

© Luisa had to pay a hefty sum to get a ticket for the game today.


mm l^fe^A m AT
It was really generous of Imran to buy us
dinner at that expensive restaurant, but he © Luna wants to buy a house soon, so she's building
does like to throw money around .

^<SP- i

0 I found it hard t o . O Marco had to
w h e n I was a student, so I started working in a café. so he started bringing his o w n lunch to work.

U Aranza and Dominic decided to Getting the car fixed will be expensive, but luckily
at the end of the meal. I have


I like to shop around Be careful, M a x ! That

before I buy a n e w sofa. vase cost a fortune.

porovnávať ceny v rozličných stáť hrozné peniaze, balík peňazí

obchodoch, porozhliadať sa

Tourists usually pay over the odds M y n e w suit cost an a r m and a leg.
w h e n they buy souvenirs. (UK) I bought it from a tailor in M i l a n .

zaplatiť viac ako je bežné stáť veľké množstvo peňazí


Adrian loves to go bargain-hunting M a r t i n a found a designer jacket

at his local market. f .- m -ar-ar-i for a steal at a thrift store.
m, w *r./-ft *
veľmi dobrá zľava, výhodná kúpa
hladat masovo vyrábaný tovar, ® Ô íl ľl
ktorý je lacnejší

Most customers prefer to buy During the sales, many stores

off-the-shelf products because slash prices by more than
they are cheaper. 50 percent.

komerčne dostupné, drasticky, radikálne znížiť ceny

W 0 W
masovej výroby

A valuable painting w e n t under Javier drove a hard bargain,

the h a m m e r and sold for refusing to drop the price
£3 million last week. (UK)
I of his house.

tvrdo zjednávať, uzavrieť


ii n
predať v aukcii, na dražbe
výhodný obchod

The taxi f r o m the airport For her 50th birthday, Davina
cost m o r e than $70. It was decided to splurge on a
highway robbery! (us) n e w sports car.

omnoho drahšie ako malo byt márnotratné míňat peniaze,


After winning the lottery, Tomáš This store sells designer labels
w e n t on a shopping spree. at bargain-base prices.

nakupovať vo veľkom, mat najnižšie možné ceny

záchvat míňania

Ayesha goes w i n d o w shopping with her Hannah needed a n e w party dress

friends every Saturday. a n d found ood deal ©nline.

prezerať si tovar vo výkladoch

bez nakupovania
dobrá, výhodná cena 3j|

O n the last day of the sales, Austin n e e d e d some retail therapy,

S a m and Hiromi shopped so he spent the afternoon at
till they dropped. the mall.

nakupovať až do úmoru, nakupovanie ako spôsob zbavenia

do vyčerpania, veľa nakupovať sa stresu, terapia nakupovaním

It w a s so quiet on M o n d a y that W e w e r e on a tight budget for our

w e decided to close up shop for vacation, so w e stayed in a
the afternoon, (us) cheap hostel.

dočasne alebo natrvalo zavrieť mať málo peňazí na míňanie,

obchod (počas obeda a pod.) mat nízky rozpočet

oi good ÁeAÍ
Tourists usually pay over the odds
w h e n they buy souvenirs.

Platia priveľa. 0"

v* Platia akurát. •
r Neplatia dosť. •
highway robbery _a-goeé-éeaf
Adrian loves to go bargain-hunting
bargain-basement prices cost an arm and a leg
at his local market.
pay over the odds slash prices Vyhľadáva drahé veci.
Nezáleží mu na tom, koľko veci stoja, f j
Vyhľadáva lacné veci.

ô Martina found a designer jacket for

33.3 VYPOČUJTE SI NAHRÁVKU a steal at a thrift store.


VAKOM ICH POČUJETE Kabát bol lacný.
Kabát bol drahý.

O During the sales, many stores slash

Sk prices by more than 50 percent.
Zvyšujú ceny.

Q ... o Trochu znižujú ceny.

Dosť znižujú ceny.

O Ayesha goes w i n d o w shopping with

her friends every Saturday.
Ayesha si kupuje veci.
Ayesha si nič nekupuje.

o Ayesha si kupuje okná.

0 O n the last day of the sales, Sam and

Hiromi shopped till they dropped.

• n t\
Kúpili veľa vecí.
Nekúpili t o h o veľa. •
Potkli sa. •

pam W e were on a short budget for our vacation, so w e stayed in a cheap hostel. Q
ÍM'M W e were on a tight budget for our vacation, so w e stayed in a cheap hostel. [/f

M y new suit cost an arm and a leg. I bought it from a tailor in Milan.

M y new suit cost a hand and a foot. I bought it from a tailor in Milan.

0 • After winning the lottery, Tomáš went on a shopping ride.

TIP? After winning the lottery, Tomáš went on a shopping spree.

0 ''tjjj^g^ The taxi from the airport cost more than $70. It was highway robbery!
|H The taxi from the airport cost more than $70. It was highway stealing!

Austin needed some retail therapy, so he spent the afternoon at the mall.

Austin needed some shopping therapy, so he spent the afternoon at the mall. Q

This store sells designer labels at bargain-attic prices. •

This store sells designer labels at bargain-basement prices. •

Javier ran a hard bargain, refusing to drop the price of his house.

Javier drove a hard bargain, refusing to drop the price of his house.



dočasne alebo natrvalo uzavrieť obchod _c L o_j_c_ jJ_jL JLÄJLil

: rozhadzovať peniaze, márnotratné míňať

•f porovnávať ceny v obchodoch

zaplatiť viac ako j e bežné

C> drasticky, radikálne znížiť ceny .t

c stáť hrozné peniaze, hory-doly c a f


Júlio took his time finishing

his painting. H e wanted it to Time's up! I n e e d y o u t o
be perfect. give m e an a n s w e r now.
á M
; I
mat dost času, nenáhlit sa nemat čas na dokončenie úlohy

Victoria is a l w a y s on t i m e H u a n only cooks at h o m e

for her English class. o n c e in a blue m o o n

byt presný, prist načas veľmi zriedka

You'll have to w a i t until t h e That m e e t i n g really dragged o n .

cows c o m e h o m e before Col m w a s almost asleep by ,
Yuri fixes y o u r car. the e n d .

extrémne dlho, nekonečne vliecť sa, dlho sa tahat


T h e teacher told C o r y to W e must get a m o v e o n
stop w a s t i n g t i m e on or we'll miss t h e start of
his p h o n e . t h e play.

trávit čas neproduktívne, ponáhľať sa, nezastavovať sa

plytvať, mrhať časom

Driving to w o r k during rush It's b e e n ages since I last w e n t to

hour is such a dra . T h e t h e circus. I haven't b e e n , |g
traffic's terrible! since I w a s a child. P"

byt nudný, pomalý, otravný veľmi dlhý čas, večnosť

3 4 . 2 ČASTI DŇA

Today has f l o w n by, a n d I W e w e r e u p at t h e

still h a v e so m u c h w o r k crack of d a w n t o
to d o ! catch o u r flight.

ubehnúť príliš rýchlo veľmi skoro ráno, zavčasu,

na brieždení

It's nearly midnight. It's Ren arrived bright a n d early
abou ne w e w e n t h o m e . for his first day at w o r k . ©

akurát vhodný čas, byť načase

n ma zavčas rána a dobre naladený

Finley's g r o w i n g u p so quickly! I w a s w o k e n in t h e d e a d
He was walking before w e of night by a loud
k n e w it. noise outside.
neočakávane skoro alebo rýchlo uprostred noci, kedje

W e a r r i v e d in t h e nick of I worked on my

t i m e . T h e train w a s a b o u t assignment f r o m
t o leave. dusk till d a w n .

na poslednú chvíľu celú noc, od večera do rána

d iff

O u r flight w a s d e l a y e d for a Fred stayed up until t h e

f e w hours, so w e killed time w e e hours, chatting w i t h
playing cards. his grandfather.

zamestnávať sa niečím počas do neskorej noci

čakania; márniť, zabíjať čas

move on
© a drag

blue moon © at the crack of d a w n [•f

® bright and early

of time
Q dragged on •

l once in a till dawn © ages •

0 flown by
I before w e of dawn
killed time
*> at the crack knew it
( j ) the dead of night


You'll have to wait until the s b e e p r / j j i g y / cows come home before Yuri fixes your car.

Time's out / up / off! I need y o u to give me an answer now.

„ ; *•» The teacher told Cory to stop wasting / losing / using time on his phone.

•v 1
m . 1
was woken in the death / die / d e a d of night by a loud noise outside.

§ '_ľgMi__

O # J[^t W e were up at the split / crack / gap of dawn to catch our flight.

© H That meeting really slowed / crawled / dragged on. Colm was almost asleep by the end.


kept busy while waiting Time's up!

unexpectedly soon or quickly before w e knew it

very late at night killed time

You have no more time to complete a task,

o a boring experience that passes very slowly

€ at the last possible moment

m passed very quickly or too quickly


W e must get c\ move ovi or we'll miss j 3 Ren arrived _ for his

the start of the play. I first day at work.

v i "t

O Júlio finishing his painting. O It's nearly midnight. It's.

H e w a n t e d it to be perfect. w e went home.

_ _ j i
Victoria is always for her Huan only cooks at h o m e .
English class.


W h e n J u a n w o n the national art prize, Pedro's upset about failing the test. You'll

m Mi
it was a feather in his cap. have to handle him with kid gloves.

úspech, na ktorý sme hrdí zaobchádzať s niečím veľmi opatrne,


If Sven wins the race, I take my hat off to J o for collecting so

I'll eat m y hat!
I much m o n e y for charity this year.

byt prekvapený, zároveň

pochybovať, že sa to stane
f. urobiť veľký dojem
M y daughter thinks my taste M y boss got v e r y hot under the collar
in music is really old hat. w h e n I handed my report in late. |


it podráždený, nahnevaný

The movie was a spy thriller with Our plan to improve sales didn't work, but
lots of cloak-and-dagger action I have a n e w plan up my sleeve.

tajomný záhadný, dobrodružný mat niečo v rezerve,


J a n e has a b e e in her b o n n e t lan's b e c o m e too big for his boots

about people dropping litter since his promotion. H e always
on the sidewalk. ignores m e . (UK)

veľmi sa hnevať, rozčúliť sa byt arogantný, veľa si o sebe


W e need to roll up o u r sleeves Cathy had been lining her pockets
if we're going to finish painting with c o m p a n y funds for years
the house today. before the boss caught her.

pripraviť sa na ťažkú prácu zarábať peniaze nelegálne

Austin is in a lot of trouble. I wouldn't This steak really is as tough as shoe

w a n t to be in his shoes. leather. I need a sharper knife! (us)

tt t
v jeho situácii, na jeho mieste ťažké krájať alebo prežúvať

If Gavin doesn't start working harder, we'll M y teacher explained that I w o u l d fail the
have to give him the boot. exam if I didn't pull m y socks up. (UK)
vyhodiť niekoho z práce
dostať vyhadzov
t začať pracovať usilovnejšie,
viac pridať

M y cousin is v e r y emotional. He'll start Carter is such a clever clogs. He's always
an argument at the drop of a hat. the first to raise his hand in class. (UK)
okamžite, bez váhania

if človek, ktorý rád ukazuje svoju

I don't think he thought about After working at the bank for
w h a t he was saying. It was just 30 years, it was time for m e to
an off-the-cuff c o m m e n t . hang up my boots.
• to
nang up my ooots. j | ••/
spontánny, bez prípravy
jSf' "W ísť do dôchodku *» Iff ^


I takejmy hat off to J o we'll have to give him the boot.

% W e need to roll up our sleeves w h e n I handed my report in late.

for collecting so much money for charity this year.

O If Gavin doesn't start working harder, (
if we're going to finish painting the house today.
© Austin is in a lot of trouble.
r~" ™*—— —- • — • —— —-— I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
O M y boss got very hot under the collar (
about people dropping litter o n the sidewalk.
O The movie was a spy thriller
v in music is really old hat.
O If Sven wins the race,
•f: M y daughter thinks my taste I'll eat my hat!

0 J a n e has a bee in her bonnet . with lots of cloak-and-dagger action.


I don't think he thought about what he was saying. It was just an off-the-sleeve comment. «jL J
I dovCt think, he thought about What he Was saying. It Was just an off-the-cuff comment. " ^

O Pedro's upset about failing the test. You'll have to handle him with kid socks.

lan's become too big for his shoes since his promotion. He always ignores me. JO- ;f-
I h

O W h e n J u a n w o n the national art prize, it was a feather in his hat.

O M y teacher explained that I would fail the exam if I didn't pull my shoes up.
ft A


lane has a btc ín kar bonnet Carter is such


He's always the first

*"*th about people dropping litter on
to raise his hand in class.
I \ ® -the sidewalk.

This steak really is. ."^""^C After working at the bank

. I need * §j§ for 30 years, it was time for me to
a sharper knife!

_ . < ||** M y cousin is very emotional. He'll W e need to

f\ ^ start an argument if we're going to
A / í íl finish painting the house today.



začať pracovať usilovnejšie

. dostať vyhadzov z práce — JL.

*•'"* mať niečo v zálohe r_ JU rn

vjeho situácii, na jeho mieste h i

0 pripraviť sa na ťažkú prácu mm J> _o_

O ísť do dôchodku z: ÍL. m.

-_- spontánny, bez prípravy — JL_ - t c

O zarábať peniaze nelegálne — x* -E..

l staromódny — o

Práca a relax

Nicole's burning the candle at both ends. I'm sorry, I can't talk to y o u for \\/
She must be exhausted. long. I have my hands full. , ^jkh

pracovať usilovne od rána II

do večera
n f

Leo always goes the extra mile It took a lot of elbow grease to get the old
to keep our customers happy. car looking good again.
I f .
! vydávať viac úsilia než sa očakáva, ťažká práca, drina, námaha
ísť dale] než treba

The police left no stone unturned in their Samira was snowed under with complaints
efforts to solve the crime. from unhappy customers. k
... ... s •
zavalený prácou, preťažený ^MjiiW*^
skúsiť všetky možnosti, riešenia JHýjt&m-'Ak
Anŕfl fj
Although Julie had never tried Adele's parents pulled out all
roller-skating before, she the stops to make sure she had
gave it her best shot. a wonderful 18th birthday.

vydať zo seba to najlepšie/všetko vynaložiť všetko úsilie, urobiť v JU,

pre úspech čo sa dá
Čelia had to put her head d o w n We'll have to roll up our sleeves if
and finish her essay to meet
• mi we're going to finish the building
the deadline, (us)
•m this m o n t h .

skoncentrovať sa a usilovne pracovať \ÉllfläfáÉĹ byť pripravený na ťažkú prácu


Akash usually takes 40 winks after he's If y o u cut corners to save time, the quality
finished his lunch. of your w o r k will suffer.

krátko si pospať, zdriemnuť si robiť veci rýchlo bez ohľadu
na kvalitu

Kelly took a cat nap in the Carmen is not pulling her weight. I found
afternoon sun. her asleep at her desk again!

pospať si na chvíľu, zdriemnuť si nepracovať tak usilovne

ako ostatní, ulievať sa

After a long day working at the Erik was so lazy. H e didn't lift
store, M a r c likes to put his feet up a finger to help us clean up
a n d watch TV. after the party.

odpočinúť si, vyložiť si nohy,

uvoľniť sa i neurobiť vôbec nič pre niečo

W e stopped to take a breather before Brandon is a slacker. H e looks

loading the rest of the boxes at his phone all day and ignores
into the v a n . the customers.

dať si krátku prestávku, veľmi lenivá osoba, flákač,
oddýchnuť si ulievač

W e w e r e up late at our housewarming I was such a lazybones w h e n I was a

party last night, so we're student. I spent most of the time playing
taking it easy today. v i d e o games.

byť v pohode, nestresovat sa

L St lenivá osoba, leňoch

Kelly took a cat nap in the
afternoon sun.

kra II

0 Nicole's burning the candle at both ends. She
must be exhausted.

e G L_l

0 W e stopped to take a breather before loading

the rest of the boxes into the van.
i f S^ V •

e •
0 Although Julie had never tried roller-skating

n before, she gave it her best shot.

/t: •
o O' © •
O Carmen is not pulling her weight. I found her

L \1S asleep at her desk again!

0 It took a lot of elbow grease to get the old car
looking good again.

É. i NTri


*y. * W e were up late at our housewarming party last night, so we're taking it simple today p*
I . • party
W e were up late at our housewarming . .last
. .night,
. . so we're
, taking it easy today, h/f
it. Leo always runs the extra mile to keep our customers happy.
'ifiUP 11
Leo always goes the extra mile to keep our customers happy.

4tffii i Akash usually takes 40 blinks after he's finished his lunch.
3«***iipi U S U a | | y takes 40 winks after he's finished his lunch.

0 ^«B&o I'm sorry, I can't talk to you for long. I have my hands f u l l

4fi I'm sorry, I can't talk to you for long. I have my arms full.

H mi
m m Celia had to put her head d o w n and finish her essay to meet the deadline,

^ťŕt Celia h a d t o
P u t
her face down and finish her essay to meet the deadline.

"' " Ä j T Brandon js a relaxer. He looks at his phone all day and ignores the customers.
Brandon is a slacker. He looks at his phone all day and ignores the customers.

IK I After a long day working at the store, Marc likes to put his legs up and watch TV.
After a long day working at the store, Marc likes to put his feet up and watch TV.


vydávať viac úsilia, než sa očakáva £jj goes the extm míle

vynaložiť všetko úsilie —

pripraviť sa na ťažkú prácu

zavalený prácou, preťažený

ťažká práca, drina

neurobil vôbec nič, nepohol ani prstom

Pohyb a napredovanie

The traffic usually moves at a snail's T h e hikers forged ahead in spite of the
pace during the rush hour. terrible snowstorm.

ísť veľmi pomaly, vliecť sa c j^M»^t=ť7\ ^ÉlfcrCTr robiť pokroky, postupovať


The children t h r e w the ball back and forth Astronauts m a d e great strides in space
as they played outside. ^ - ^ i ^ exploration in the 1960s.

sem a tarn
' i t urobiť veľký pokrok, výrazne

The guests m a d e a beeline for all the M a r i o n is going to up sticks and

cakes o n the table. • • _ m o v e to Bristol. (UK)

ísť rýchlo a priamo vpred, —-~ H f P J I zbaliť sa a odsťahovať sa inam

zamieriť priamo t\ '\
k niečomu *l

I've been at my desk all day. I'm going to I w a n t to buy a house this year, so I've
stretch my legs and make some coffee. set the wheels in motion and
arranged s o m e viewings.
ísť na krátku prechádzku
po dlhšom sedení uviesť do pohybu,

O u r c o m p a n y has blazed a trail I was late for my business

with these n e w environmentally meeting, so I had to eat
friendly cars. lunch on the run. (us)
A 3

urobiť niečo, čo nikdy počas kráčania alebo cestovania,

predtým, nový smer/cesta |j ^^^j v behu

S i
Maisie's restaurant is u p a n d I'm r u n n i n g a r o u n d like a headless
r u n n i n g . The first diners arrived c h i c k e n t r y i n g to get t h e meal ready
at lunchtime. for m y guests tonight.

otvorený a v prevádzke zmätene pobehovat a robit

velá vecí naraz

Scientists a r e o n t h e v e r g e of S l o w l y but surely, m y daughter

d e v e l o p i n g intelligent robots is learning to ride a bike.

na pokraji, veľmi blízko pomaly ale isto

cieľa/vynájdenia niečoho napredovať

Julia used to b e so disorganized, but has A f t e r squeezing o u r luggage into t h e car,

really got her act together recently. w e w e r e r e a d y t o hit t h e r o a d .

začať sa správať zodpovedne, vyraziť na cestu/výlet

zorganizovať sa

I've b e e n going a r o u n d in circles t r y i n g A f t e r losing a f e w games earlier

to w r i t e this report, but I haven't b e e n this m o n t h , t h e t e a m is

W r
given e n o u g h information. back o n track now.

/1 i i n
bez pokroku, nenapredovať začatznovu
(po problémoch)

T h e client hates m y design W e had just finished repairing t h e r o a d a n n

for t h e c o m p a n y logo, so it's n o w it has b e e n d a m a g e d in a storm. | f s

back to t h e d r a w i n g b o a r d . b a c k t o square o n e .

začai odznova, od nuly, vrátiť sa « INÁ' byť späť na začiatku

a skúsiť iné


her | [ together ) act j j got^J

Julia used to be so disorganized, but has really .got h&Ĺ togttkex recently.

ľ tcT~j ("board] fdrawing^] [ back"] f^iťs ] [~lhe ~]

0 The client hates my design for the company logo, so .

pace j [ snail's ] at

O The traffic usually moves during the rush hour.

a J [ for J f made I [ beeline

i The guests all the cakes on the table.

verge ) [ on ~j ( of ) j the 1

% Scientists are developing intelligent robots.


O I've been at my desk all day. I'm going to stretch my legs and make some coffee. •
% Our company has blazed a trail with these new environmentally friendly cars. •

Q I want to buy a house this year, so I've set the wheels in motion and arranged some viewings. [fj

% After losing a few games earlier this month, the team is back on track now

% Marion is going to up sticks and move to Bristol.

back and forth vyraziť na cestu/výlet

\: hit the road \ nenapredovať, točiť sa na mieste

._ , \

í up and running ^ sem a taiH

back to square one otvorený a fugujúci

i going around in circles robiť pokroky, výrazne napredovať

Ä made great strides byť spať na začiatku



I've been at my desk all day. I'm going to
(Skr 9 rs

stretch my legs and make some coffee. _, my daughter

is learning to ride a bike.

$p The hikers O I was late for my business meeting, so I had to

in spite of the terrible snowstorm. eat lunch

flBÉ Kľ! t t
/I 1!
\J I'm < The children threw the ball.
trying to get the meal ready for my guests tonight. as they played outside.

Pravidlá a zákony
38,1 I D I Ó M Y A V Ý R A Z Y K P R A V I D L Á M A Z Á K O N O M

It's i m p o r t a n t t o obey the law w h e n B e n suffered the consequences of his

y o u ' r e c y c l i n g in t h e city. Ä m i s b e h a v i o r a n d h a d t o w a s h t h e car.

dodržiavať zákony/pravidlá potrestať za niečo,

1 ÄA£*í
vyvodiť dôsledky

Gavin broke the law w h e n he drove Since leavingjail, Crystal has

t h r o u g h a r e d light. kept on the straight and narrow.
porušiť/nerešpektovať zákon, vyhýbať sa problémom,
predpisy poslúchať

Danielle decided to bend the rules It w a s t h e first t i m e R a u l h a d

a n d let h e r kids stay u p b e e n c a u g h t s p e e d i n g , so t h e p o l i c e

later t h a n u s u a l . let him off the hook. í*

ohýbať, prispôsobovať si pravidlá rozhodnúť sa nepotrestať


W e h a v e a m e e t i n g w i t h the head o f o u r Seth took the law into his own hands
department every week. and confronted the vandals.

osoba s najväčšou autoritou, neriadit sa zákonom

šéf pri potrestaní zločinu

Carla r e f u s e d t o toe the line Despite being rude to a customer,

and wear the same uniform E d o n l y r e c e i v e d a slap on the w r i s t ,
as t h e o t h e r s t u d e n t s . and got a verbal w a r n i n g .

prispôsobiť sa pravidlám, nízky, mierny trest,

byť komfortný pohrozenie

It's the children w h o rule the roost It w a s the day of reckoning.
in Kaylee's family. They don't The judge w a s about to
respect her. - sentence M a s o n for burglary.
mať hlavné slovo, rozkazovať

f: ft
deň, keď zistíme dôsledky
svojho konania

The vandals got their just deserts and The jury discussed the evidence and
had to do community service. , T* m r reached a v e r . after t w o days.
aostat primeraný trest, . ~* rozhodnúť o vine,
spravodlivú odplatu \ vyniesť rozsudok

Paul has really crossed the line Chrissie calls the shots in our
this time. He's eaten all his restaurant. She decides what's
sister's birthday cake. on the menu.
j m
správať sa veľmi nevhodne, mať autoritu/posledné slovo
ft 1MB
prekročiť medze

Pedro's father put his foot d o w n and Leah's manager twisted her arm,
refused to let him watch TV. and she agreed to w o r k late, g

urobiť pevné a konečné

The party got out of hand,

rozhodnutie, vyvinúť tlak na niekoho, robiť nátlak

Jack's boss is always breathing
so the neighbors called d o w n his neck. H e wants
the police. m o r e independence.
vymknúť sa spod kontroly sledovať neustále prácu niekoho


[ let him off the hook m rule the roost put his foot down —i

O crossed the line • a slap on the wrist [~] calls the shots 1 1

O got out of hand n bend the rules broke the law •

L 1
© toe the line • obey the law twisted her arm O

t,í reached a verdict broke the law suffered the consequences Q

© got theirjust deserts • calls the shots crossed the line •


It's the children w h o rule the roost in Kaylee's family. They don't

IM7£ m§ jgg
respect her.

He's eaten 1 his

It was the day of reckoning. The judge was about to sentence

Mason for burglary.

Seth took the law into his o w n hands and confronted the vandals.

It's important to obey the law w h e n you're cycling in the city.

Ben suffered the consequences of his misbehavior and had to

wash the car.


Danielle decided to twist the rules and let her kids stay up later than usual. JK"*íp 1
Danielle- decided to bend the rules and let her kiefs stay up Later than usual. jtefillŕ

O Carla refused to walk the line and wear the same uniform as the other students. |J|

f j Jack's boss is always breathing d o w n his ear. He wants more independence.

O The party got o u t of reach, so the neighbors called the police. - i •

0 Since leaving jail, Crystal has kept o n the strict and narrow.

0 Pedro's father put his leg d o w n and refused to let him watch TV.

ST H 38,6

dostať zaslúžený, spravodlivý trest = got their just deserts

rozhodli sa ho nepotrestať, prižmúrili oči zz

0 rozhodli, či je niekto vinný alebo nie Zz

0 robili na ňu nátlak zz

0 osoba s najväčšou autoritou, šéf 8£

0 má posledné slovo ~

Q mierny trest, len pohroziť trestom zz

v _
Úspech a zlyhanie
Nathan's first b o o k w a s a n overnight
Melissa did really w e l l in t h e race. success. It sold a million
S h e w o n it hands d o w n . copies in a m o n t h .

ÍL ^
vyhrať ľahko a bez stať sa veľmi rýchlo úspešným
námahy, s prehľadom

J a n e really nailed it w i t h her jokes. Miguel has hit t h e jackpot w i t h

T h e a u d i e n c e loved her. his n e w ice c r e a m m a c h i n e .

stať sa úspešným, populárnym staf sa finančne nezávislým,

získať hŕbu peňazí
Malik's b a n d has hit the big t i m e . Tyler has finally reached t h e dizzy
It p e r f o r m e d at the national heights of h e a d chef. H e started o u t
stadium last night. d o i n g t h e dishes.

stať sa veľmi úspešným, veľmi dôležitá, závratná

populárnym pozícia


Tim's beating a d e a d horse. N o b o d y Margaret's p e r f o r m a n c e fell

w a n t s to b u y his old car. (US) flat o n its face. S h e can't sing!

mrhať energiou na niečo, totálne zlyhať

čo je odsúdené na neúspech

T h e b a r b e c u e w a s an utter failure. The decorators have really

It rained a n d n o n e of m y screwed up this j o b !
friends t u r n e d up.

W e w o n ' t use t h e m again.

úplné, totálne zlyhanie zbabrat, sfušovať



on the ropes -hit thcbigtime worked like a charm

go sideways screwed up brought the house down


3 A | | | i
Ta ^ A
Tim's beating a dead, horse . Nobody wants j O Nathan's first book was
to buy his old car. It sold a million copies in a month.

M l ntň f min
The gang's plan to rob the bank. Lucy's beauty salon is.
.when a policeman recognized Mike. She's opening another soon.


II* % % ' ' T


" Nicola's decision to take her dog shopping turned H Margaret's performance.
out to be . She can't sing!



II •J l f i t
úspech K'> úspech • O úspech • 0 úspech O úspech
zlyhanie • zlyhanie [ zlyhanie • zlyhanie [ zlyhanie [


J) J 111
i f ii j f f l ľ l

O úspech • 'b úspech [~J 0 úspech 0 úspech O úspech

zlyhanie zlyhanie [ zlyhanie zlyhanie [ zlyhanie [


stafsa úspešným, populárnym go sideways

vyhrať ľahko, bez námahy brought the house down
nevydariť sa, zlyhať nailed it
rýchly úspech fell flat on its face
urobiť veľký dojem na publikum won it hands down
totálne zlyhanie (prúser) a recipe for disaster
rýchlo a úspešne rásť an overnight success
hlavná príčina problému hit the jackpot
stať sa finančne nezávislým • screwed up
zbabrať, sfušovať going from strength to strength

Práca a biznis 1
O u r snack bars are delicious, healthy,
Carlos has lots of hands-on e x p e r i e n c e a n d affordable. In a nutshell, y o u r
w o r k i n g w i t h horses. customers will love t h e m .

skúsenosti získané praxou pár slovami, stručne povedané

R o r y goes t h e extra mile to m a k e sure his I'm afraid Glen's busy. He's up to his
customers are satisfied. WSStt eyeballs grading papers. ^

robit viac, ako sa očakáva veľmi zaneprázdnený,

zavalený prácou

Irena's internship at the fashion firm helped Despite the snow, it's business
h e r to get a foot in the door. § r a as usual at t h e store today.

dostať príležitost začat novú prácu bežná rutina vo firme/v práci

I w a s fired f r o m m y j o b at the salon A n d r e w m a d e sure he h a d his

after I d y e d a customer's ducks in a r o w before
hair g r e e n by mistake. his presentation.

nútený odíst z práce,

prepustený, vyhodený
i*. mat všetko pripravené
a zorganizované

Sara has h a n d e d in h e r notice W e offer customers a discount w h e n t h e y

at w o r k . She's going to r e c o m m e n d us to a f r i e n d . It's
study engineering. a win-win situation. jf

dot výpoveď, formálne oznámii, situácia s pozitívnym výsledkom

že odchádzame z práce pre každého, v prospech oboch
Vietor is climbing t h e career ladder.
I'm really bored at work, so I've
H e started w o r k as a receptionist last
decided to start j o b hunting.
year and he's already a manager, p
hládať si novú prácu
dostať vyšší plat a zodpovednosť
v práci, postupovať v kariére

W o r k i n g at the kindergarten is tiring,

After studying for many years, A n n a
but the j o b satisfaction is high. ^
embarked on a career as a surgeon, f 1

radosť, zadosťučinenie z práce f ^/ . —.
začať niečo, pustiť sa do niečoho

Miguel has just landed a j o b at a

M a y a is a great designer. She always
photography firm in San Francisco.
thinks outside t h e box.
nájsť, zohnať si dobrú prácu
myslieť originálne, netradične,
nekonvenčné i --.

W e ' r e working a r o u n d the clock I'm surprised Cheryl has managed to hold
to make sure the n e w subway d o w n a j o b at the store for so long. She's
line opens on time. always being rude to customers. *>

pracovať deň aj noc,

udržat si zamestnanie
napriek niečomu m ihjl |f-
I'm afraid Katya can't c o m e to the phone I used to w o r k night
She's tied up in meetings shifts, but n o w I have
all morning. X A a nine-to-five j o b .

byť zaneprázdnený, [. t W práca s pravidelným pracovným

zamestnaný niečím (iným) časom, od pondelka do piatku

eyeballs j j his j , up J
I'm afraid Glen's busy. He's up
to his eyeballs grading papers.

ducks j í ä~ had i row 1

his in

Andrew made sure h e . before his presentation.

box ! [ the J outside ] thinks

Maya is a great designer. She always.

in í ( foot t
O Irena's internship at the fashion firm helped her to get

the J í working"! [ c l o c k J f around

ô We're. .to make sure the new subway line opens on time.



' ' í



Despite t h e snow, it's business as-nemral"/ usual / e v e r at the store today.

0 Carlos has lots of hands-on / h e a d - o n / hands-up experience w o r k i n g w i t h horses.

:• Sara has handed in her letter / s t a t e m e n t / notice at work. She's going to study engineering.

I 1

* V
™ 1} After studying for many years, A n n a embarked o n a j o b / c a r e e r / w o r k as a surgeon,

i j

C .'** I'm really bored at work, so I've decided to start j o b l o o k i n g / searching / hunting.

0 " ^ jl ^ Rory goes the extra distance / mile / length to make sure his customers are satisfied.



radosť, zadosťučinenie z práce ~ J_JLÍL s a t i s f a c t i o n

f ; našiel si dobrú prácu

i>- pár slovami, stručne povedané J _a_ _n_

ÍJ zaneprázdnený niečím iným t u

0 robí viac ako sa očakáva — -S J -§ _ HL

v' vyhodený, prepustený z práce f

Práca a biznis 2

There's a lot of red tape involved in health W e decided to blacklist this supplier after
and safety in the warehouse. they sent us faulty products. M

byrokracia, papierovačky pravidlá dat na zoznam nedôveryhodných

a smernice ľudí a organizácie

M y dad had a blue-collar j o b I have a white-collar j o b in
in the construction industry. an investment bank.

práca, ktorá zahŕňa manuálnu úradnícka alebo administratívna

alebo fyzickú prácu, robotnícky džob práca

O u r ski clothing stores are in the red Boris was given a golden
because there hasn't been any handshake w h e n h e retired
snow this winter. from the company. (UK)

mat deficit, byt stratový, odstupné (zvyčajne pre manažérov
mat dlhy pri odchode z firmy)


W e ' v e already reduced our Our boss is leaving the restaurant soon, and
price by 25 percent. The Angela is the front-runner to get his job.
ball is in y o u r court.
osoba alebo organizácia, ktorá najpravde­
byt na rade konat podobnejšie vyhrá, hlavný kandidát

W e ask all our interview candidates Emily is a team player. She works so well
the same questions to create a level with all her colleagues >
playing field. § at the bookstore.

prostredie, kde má každý na začiatku osoba, ktorá dobre spolupracuje

rovnaké možnosti s inými

O u r n e w bags a r e selling like hotcakes. I've d e c i d e d to leave t h e rat race

W e n e e d to o r d e r m o r e . a n d m o v e to t h e country.

predávať rýchlo stresujúci pracovný/životný štýl, (

a vo veľkých množstvách štvanica
A f t e r m a n y years in j o u r n a l i s m , Raul isn't o u r boss, but he still tries t o b e
S i m o n b e c a m e a big cheese t h e t o p d o g in o u r t e a m . He's a l w a y s
in t h e m e d i a . telling us w h a t to d o . *„„„„

dôležitá osoba (vo firme a pod.) osoba, ktorá má hlavné slovo "*w ''--" : J L i

|| 2DH.EJ

E v a n is a l w a y s asking m e w h a t W e m a d e t h e lion's share of o u r

t o do. I feel like I h a v e to
spoon-feed h i m .
• profits last y e a r f r o m
our new smartphone.

n n V\ i
pn//š pomáhať niekomu AS ag « « f " m
* najväčšia
T časť

M y gardening business O u r range of cereal is a cash

is starting to bring cow. It's c h e a p to m a k e
home the bacon. a n d customers love it.

zarábat peniaze,
mat úspech v niečom 'tí (bohatý) zdroj príjmov; investícia,
ktorá prináša vysoký zisk

I play in a b a n d e v e r y w e e k e n d , M y boss is a fat cat. H e earns lots

but teaching guitar is m y b r e a d of money, but doesn't w o r k
a n d butter. very hard.

hlavný zdroj príjmov,

íl zbytočne preplatená lenivá osoba


I play in a band every weekend, after they sent us faulty products.

# I've decided to leave the rat race "I in the construction industry.

0 M y dad had a blue-collar j o b vj^ ut t e a c n i n

g guitar is my bread and butter,

© W e decided to blacklist this supplier and m o v e to the country,

0 After many years in journalism, in health and safety in the warehouse.

— _
V There's a lot of red tape involved Simon became a big cheese in the media.


There's a lot of red tape involved in have

health and safety in the warehouse. an investment bank.

— $ -
O W e ask all our interview candidates the same ť Our new bags a r e .
questions to create W e need to order more.

''•Sri Am
if •

0 Our range of cereal is It's C J

Evan is always asking m e what to do. I feel like
cheap to make and customers love it. I have to him.


M y boss is a lazy cat. H e earns lots of money, but doesn't work very hard.
My boss is a fat cat. He earns Lots of money, bat doesn't work very hard. M l

0 W e ask all our interview candidates the same questions to create an equal playing field.

O Emily is a sporting player. She works so well with all her colleagues at the bookstore.

O Our boss is leaving the restaurant soon, and Angela is the front-winner to get his job.

O W e ' v e already reduced our price by 25 percent. T h e ball is in y o u r field.

0 1 play in a band every weekend, but teaching guitar is my bread a n d cheese.

9 m

0 Boris was given a silver handshake w h e n he retired from the company.

človek dobre spolupracujúci s inými a team player

@ byť stratový, mať dlhy

0 zarábať peniaze

0 najväčšia časť

0 osoba, ktorá má hlavné slovo

0 administratívna práca


T h e p a r t y w a s already in ful I've failed m y driving test for t h e tenth

swing w h e n w e arrived. time. I think it's t i m e t o t h r o w in t h e t o w e l .

byt veľmi rušný, byt v plnom priznať porážku, vzdat sa,

r 4
prúde, v najlepšom prestai sa pokúšaí o niečo
B r u n o has taken m y parking space at w o r k Hiroto is really on t h e ball a n d
again. Right, t h e gloves are off I n e v e r makes a mistake at w o r k .

hádka, súperenie sa začína výkonný šikovný v práci

O u r client t h r e w us a curveball w h e n she I often have t o w o r k evenings, but

said we'd have t o cater for another 50 I k n e w the score w h e n I d e c i d e d
guests at her w e d d i n g . to accept this j o b . © H

nepríjemne prekvapit, zaskočit pochopit situáciu,

najmä jej nevýhody
|[ iP 1!

This client keeps m o v i n g the W e don't have e n o u g h t i m e t o train

goalposts. N o w she w a n t s our e m p l o y e e s properly. They'll just
the b e d r o o m painted red. have to sink o r s w i m . \y
náhle zmenit pravidlá, zdolai niečo vlastnými
menit dohodnuté silami, zlyhai
__H » I

At this stage of the game, it's I w a s having a difficult m e e t i n g w i t h m y

difficult t o say h o w long it j p j ^ S ä boss, but w a s saved by the bell w h e n h e got
will take to fix y o u r roof. m j., called into a n o t h e r meeting.

v tomto bode/štádiu procesu, jgj JL; ^ \ zachránit v poslednej minúte

v tejto etape ~ŕ^-~ g)'

I'm t r y i n g to start m y o w n business, a n d I've had cats a n d rabbits before,
cleared a hurdle today w h e n the bank but looking after a d o g is
a g r e e d to lend m e money. a w h o l e n e w ball g a m e . ^ i=

úspešne sa vysporiadať s problémom, Mťľl úplne iná situácia, niečo úplne iné
zdolať prekážku jj

Sleepless nights a r e par for the course W e ' v e got a lot of unpacking to do
w h e n y o u have a baby. so let's get the ball rolling.

niečo, čo sa dalo očakávať

zacat proces, pustit sa
do niečoho
t á
The service in this restaurant is really T h e firefighters tackled t h e fire at t h e
below par. W e ' v e b e e n waiting w a r e h o u s e a n d m a d e sure
for o u r f o o d for a n hour! e v e r y o n e got o u t safely.

nespĺňať očakávaný štandard, vysporiadať sa s niečím *.. j * " ' * " ' • £ > -

byť pod úroveň

I'm sorry y o u didn't get through to I w a s t h r o w n in at the d e e p e n d w h e n

t h e next r o u n d , C a m e r o n . You w i n m y colleague w a s sick a n d I had to run
some, y o u lose s o m e ! the café o n m y o w n o n m y first day.

nemusieť uspieť vo všetkom čeliť nečakanej a ťažkej situácii, I I Ä * mg / j \

ukázať, čo je v nás
11 IS

T h e plumber gave us All o u r gardeners a r e really

a ballpark figure for t h e hardworking, but H a n n a h is
cost of t h e n e w b a t h r o o m . in a league of her o w n .

približný odhad, orientačná suma nemať konkurenciu, #

byť výnimočne talentovaný a\

j Sleepless nights are par for the field w h e n you have a baby.
Sleepless nights are par for the course w h e n you have a baby. tá

0 All our gardeners are really hardworking, but Hannah is in a league of her o w n . •
All our gardeners are really hardworking, but Hannah is in a game of her o w n . •
0 This client keeps moving the net. N o w she wants the bedroom painted red.
This client keeps moving the goalposts. N o w she wants the bedroom painted red. •
0 W e don't have enough time to train our employees properly. They'll just have to sink or float.
W e don't have enough time to train our employees properly. They'll just have to sink or swim.

© W e ' v e got a lot of unpacking to do, so let's get the ball rolling. •
W e ' v e got a lot of unpacking to do, so let's get the ball going.

O I often have to work evenings, but I knew the score w h e n I decided to accept this job. •
I often have to work evenings, but I knew the goal w h e n I decided to accept this job. •


náhle meniť pravidlá a ballpark figure

0 zdolať prekážku par for the course

e v plnom prúde, v najlepšom moving the goalposts

in full swing
o orientačná suma, približný odhad

cleared a hurdle
o to, čo sa dalo čakať

nespĺňať štandard, byť pod úroveň on the ball

o výkonný, šikovný v práci get the ball rolling

o začať, pustiť sa do niečoho below par


on the ball a w h o l e new ball game [ J get the ball rol ing •
H moving the goalposts the gloves are off in full swing

© at this stage of the game a w h o l e new ball game sink or swim

0 throw in the towel cleared a hurdle thrown in at the deep end

0 saved by the bell a ballpark figure below par

0 throw in the towel saved by the bell threw us a curveball


m mm • Vi -ä

* N f-f
The party was already in, full swing
O The plumber gave u s .
w h e n w e arrived.
. for the cost of the n e w bathroom.

VI „A n

O The firefighters . the fire at the 0 I'm sorry you didn't get through to the next
warehouse and made sure everyone got out safely. round, Cameron.

í A
0 I've had cats and rabbits before, but looking after B I've failed my driving test for the tenth time. I
S . . think it's time to

a d o i s

Make" a „doti
43.1 V Ý R A Z Y S „ M A K E "

I made some friends f r o m t h e local I w a s really pleased w h e n S u e made a cake

area while I w a s o n vacation. for my birthday. •
/• £ /•» f
I li \\
These desserts all look so good! It's difficult I made a phone call to our client
to make a choice. in India to discuss some
important business.

Doug is making progress o n I w a s quite offended w h e n
his n e w novel a n d hopes m ^ s Laura m a d e a j o k e about
to finish it soon. ggr^t Lduia indue a jUKC auuui ™ .flg.

1 m^JÉL m y n e w sweater. ' Jsr

W e ' r e making arrangements for our M y daughter always makes her bed
R if
summer vacation in Italy. m in the morning.

f " ^^^^^^

T h e children had fun painting, There's something w r o n g with t h e
but they've really m a d e a mess. # photocopier. It's making a ^
strange noise.

—rut 3^-

43.2 V Ý R A Z Y S „ D O "

Luiz does the cooking every evening Katy is doing well in her n e w j o b .
after he gets h o m e f r o m work. , • She's getting lots of customers.

W e did an experiment in the Do your best in the game

laboratory as part of our today! I k n o w y o u can beat
research project. the other t e a m .


Paul a n d Liam do the laundry e v e r y Can y o u do m e a favor and get

Sunday so that they have clean that book d o w n f r o m the shelf?
clothes for work.

1 n
Z o e did her hair before her best The flood did a lot of damage to our
friend's engagement party. house, so w e had to m o v e out.


I always do my h o m e w o r k as soon I w a n t to get fit, so I've started

as I get h o m e f r o m school. doing exercise e v e r y day.


These desserts all look so good! It's difficult to m a k e Iáa a choice.

0 Doug is making / d o i n g progress on his new novel and hopes to finish it soon.

© I want to get fit, so I've started making / d o i n g exercise every day.

© M a k e / Do your best in the game today! I know you can beat the other team.

© There's something wrong with the photocopier. Iťt making / doing a strange noise.

0 I always m a k e / d o my homework as soon as I get home from school.

0 The children had fun painting, but they've really m a d e / d o n e a mess.

0 Can you make / d o me a favor and get that book d o w n from the shelf?

^ J


䚧|^ W e ' r e making arrangements for our summer vacation in Italy. [•f
W e ' r e doing arrangements for our summer vacation in Italy.

0 Z o e made her hair before her best friend's engagement party.

zoe did her hair before her best friend's engagement party.

© ^ i I made a phone call to our client in India to discuss some important business.
XM I did a phone call to our client in India to discuss some important business.

0 I was quite offended w h e n Laura made a joke about my new sweater.

I was quite offended w h e n Laura did a joke about my new sweater.

0 The flood made a lot of damage to our house, so w e had to move out. | |
The flood did a lot of damage to our house, so w e had to move out.

0 ^va'THI W e made an experiment in the laboratory as part of our research project.

H S S W e did an experiment in the laboratory as part of our research project.


V /

Mw', --Mi
1 II i\
o ©m

- f


Katy is ^3- . well in her new job. She's getting lots of customers.

. some friends from the local area while I was on vacation.

O I always my homework as soon as I get home from school.

O We're , arrangements for our summer vacation in Italy.

0 I was really pleased w h e n Sue a cake for my birthday.

is We an experiment in the laboratory as part of our research project.

© I was quite offended w h e n Laura a joke about my new sweater.

0 The flood a lot of damage to our house, so w e had to move out.

0 I want to get fit, so I've started exercise every day.

O M y daughter always . her bed in the morning.

© Can you . me a favor and get that book d o w n from the shelf?

„Give" a „take"
44.1 V Ý R A Z Y S „ G I V E "
The professor gave a
The interviewers asked me to give speech to the students
an example of my best work.
% • _
about her n e w discovery.
z U J I !

rnru « - O B i

I had a big suitcase, so Selma offered to W h e n Carole had her first baby, she
give me a lift to the airport. m. chose to give birth in a hospital.

mt La


The dog gave the impression Drivers should

that he w a n t e d to go out always give priority
for a walk. to pedestrians.

Emily is giving a presentation M y father gave m e a hug

about the company's % w h e n he heard I'd passed
sales figures. flf ílu. my final exam.

W h e n D a n n y got to the hotel,
he gave m e a call to say he
had arrived safely.
The journalist kept asking the
politician to give an answer
to the question.
ill ,<


4 4 . 2 V Ý R A Z Y S „TAKE"
Fiona asked us to take a look at
J o r g e gets up v e r y early, so he © her n e w motorcycle. She's

usually takes a nap after lunch. really proud of it.

kn 1PP
Z o r a took a bite f r o m her piece of M a r i o and I are taking a
birthday cake. It was delicious! ^ 0gg^ drawing class this evening.

Hamid took a photo of his class The receptionist asked me

in front of the Colosseum. to take a seat while I waited
for the hairdresser.

D w a y n e likes to take W e decided to take a
a shower as soon as he chance with the weather
gets h o m e f r o m work. and set off on our hike.

N e a r the end of the race, Axel Oscar had to take a fitness

passed the other athletes test before working as a
and took the lead. police officer.
* Hli


Dwayne likes to take a

GIVE TAKE shower as soon as he gets
home from work.
<A pre

Zora took a bite from her

piece of birthday cake. It
was delicious!

Near the end of the race,

I, n Axel passed the other
athletes and took the lead.

Emily is giving a

presentation about the
•a presentation- an example a photo company's sales figures.

a chance the impression a nap birth f

a bite a shower a seat a speech priority j Hamid took a photo

of his class in front of
me a hug the lead an answer a look I the Colosseum.


Dwayne likes to take a shower '[ that he wanted to go out for a walk.

I had a big suitcase, so Selma offered a drawing class this evening.

The dog gave the impression \ a s S

° Q " as he gets home from work.

Mario and I are taking ( to give me a lift to the airport.

The receptionist asked me to take priority to pedestrians.

Drivers should always give ' a seat while I waited for the hairdresser.


O Emily is giving a presentation about the company's sales figures.

O Drivers should always give priority to pedestrians. UJ

0 Jorge gets up very early, so he usually takes a nap after lunch. •

0 M y father gave m e a hug w h e n he heard I'd passed my final exam.

Q W h e n Carole had her first baby, she chose to give birth in a hospital.

O Oscar had to take a fitness test before working as a police officer.

0 The interviewers asked me to give an example of my best work.


W e decided to-give/ take a chance with the weather and set off on our hike.

W h e n Danny got to the hotel, he gave / took me a call to say he had arrived safely.

© jpfl^jj Hamid gave / took a photo of his class in front 0f the Colosseum.

TÍ|Í The professor gave / took a speech to the students about her new discovery.

O Hľ w Emflfr is giving / taking a presentation about the company's sales figures.

Dwayne likes to give / take a shower as soon as he gets home from work.

45.1 V Ý R A Z Y S „ H A V E "

Shreya's going to have Colin has a cold. He's

a baby this summer. r^T** * staying at h o m e today.

t ľi

Lily had a conversation with another Tiffany had fun at the

passenger on the train. festival with her friends.

;» n «r
After gardening all morning, w e w e r e Michael and Heather had an
so tired that w e needed argument about the rules

to have a rest. of the game.

Sadiq has lunch in the park I have an appointment to see the vet 0
w h e n the weather's nice. at 2 o'clock this afternoon. # •

Kylie had a party to celebrate Sean and Lisa had a talk

about the n e w design lj n w

: 'IT
for the office.

was great fun! \ ^

45.2 V Ý R A Z Y S „G ET"

You really need to get going Kyle and Erin got lost in the forest w h e n
if y o u w a n t to catch the train. they couldn't read their map. ,

I need to go to bed I usually get dressed after

now. I'm getting tired. , , gu .—, I've eaten my breakfast. JL

W e finally got home Brian and Isha got married

at midnight after o u r o n a beautiful beach
flight was delayed. in Jamaica.


It was sunny today, but the weather is Claude is getting better

going to get worse tomorrow. at making cakes.
rM m Ä 4 '
W e finally got started o n Robin always gets angry w h e n
decorating the b e d r o o m ^r, his children refuse to
this morning. ^


eat their food. -

t f

Colin has a cold. He's staying at home today.

Colin gets a cold. He's staying at home today.

After gardening all morning, w e w e r e so tired that w e needed to have a rest. •
After gardening all morning, w e were so tired that w e needed to get a rest. •

0 jSffi-' ~gf I need to go to bed now. I'm getting tired, •

/i I need to go to bed now. I'm having tired. •
Shreya's going to get a baby this summer. •
Shreya's going to have a baby this summer. •
Michael and Heather got an argument about the rules of the game. •
n Michael and Heather had an argument about the rules of the game. •
Lily had a conversation with another passenger on the train. •
Lily got a conversation yglth another passenger on the train. •



iM o

if i i i s PS* 4J
©• 0 on

'""-'.-- ?

Shreya's going to get a baby this summer. - m

1 Sľirtya's going to have, a baby this summer. m

O Robin always has angry when his children refuse to eat their food.

1 get a n appointment to see the vet at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

' : Sean and Lisa got a talk about the new design for the office.

Tiffany got fun at the festival with her friends.

'T f*


# J i
I usually get dressed <L| !
II P * ! I need to go to bed now. I m
after I've eaten my breakfast. 1 &

A 4 , Kylie. ^ After gardening all morning, w e

g to celebrate her 18th birthday. It . were so tired that w e needed to
•i was great fun!

1 • Claude is ?,f , . r - s You really need to

j —j jj at making cakes. J if you want to catch the train.

„Set" a „put
46.1 V Ý R A Z Y S O „SET"

I had a long w a y to drive, so I set off Catalina has set the date for
nice and early. her w e d d i n g next summer.

• » n a j

Ed set the tablebefore his Iset a trap to catch the mouse in

guests arrived for dinner. the kitchen. 9

Mateo set an example for his children Iset homework for my students
and ate all his vegetables. at the end of every lesson.

Silvio called the fire department J u d y w a s sad to see the birds
after he accidentally set fire e trapped in their cage, so she
to his shed. m set them free. r*

The ship set sail for China I have to get up early for work, so I always
this morning. It will set an alarm before m «
arrive in 20 days. going to bed. f f c ' \ ^


I always put off doing my homework M y boss is putting pressure on me to sell all
until the last minute. this kitchen equipment today.

odložiť m presvedčiť niekoho, aby niečo urobil

•it Ä

Terry puts his family first. H e always The rangers have put a stop to
leaves w o r k in time to meet people driving through the park
his children after school. to cut pollution.

klást jednu vec nad ostatné, skoncovať s niečím, urobiť

uprednostňovať s niečím rázny koniec

Irfan has put m e in charge of the store After telling my boss I was leaving
while he is on vacation. my j o b , I put it in writing.

poveriť vedením, riadením napísať, dať písomne
niečoho; spravovať

Karen decided to put her cards Sakura has been putting the heat
o n the table and tell Ricky that on the contractors to finish the
she loved him. j o b quickly.

otvorene a úprimne sa vyjadriť 4 súriť, naliehať

Seth isn't always the most hardworking I really put my foot in it w h e n I asked
employee. To put it bluntly, if Hazel was Tamsin's mother.
he's lazy. They are actually sisters. (UK) < g # ^

povedať bez obalu, bez príkras j

nechtiac povedať niečo urážlivé


O M y boss is putting pressure on me to sell all this kitchen equipment today. •

© Ed set the table before his guests arrived for dinner.

0 I have to get up early for work, so I always set an alarm before going to bed. [~J

0 Irfan has put me in charge of the store while he is on vacation.

CI Mateo set an example for his children and ate all his vegetables.



After telling my boss

I was leaving my job,

•a put it in writing.

I always put off

í? rr>r^k" doing my homework
until the last minute.

Catalina has
set the date for
her wedding
next summer.

I had a long w a y to
drive, so I set off
nice and early.

put off .put it in wrtóftg-

I set homework for
my students at the put me in charge of put a stop to
end of every lesson.
put it bluntly put her cards on the table

46.6 V Y Š K R T N I T E N E S P R Á V N E V Ý R A Z Y

wm Wtím I set /.puta trap to catch the mouse in the kitchen.

© lj *W\ & I really set / put my foot in it w h e n I asked if Hazel was Tamsin's mother.
II II II They are actually sisters.

Judy was sad to see the Wrds trapped in their cage, so she set / put them free.
/I 1

The ship set / put sail for Ch inathis morning. It will arrive in 20 days.

O A • . Terry sets / puts his family first. He always leaves work in time to meet his
|C ft children after school.

Sakura has been setting / putting the heat on the contractors to finish the j o b quickly.

46.7 S P O J T E Z A Č I A T K Y A K O N C E V I E T S P R Á V N E

L ^ ľ ^ i l i ^ ^ ^ g pressure on m e so I set off nice and early.

Silvio called the fire department I put it in writing.

0 After telling my boss I was leaving myjob, to sell all this kitchen equipment today,

0 I had a long w a y to drive, after he accidentally set fire to his shed,

0 I always put off doing my homework the store while he is on vacation,

íl í Ed set the table until the last minute.

Irfan has put me in charge of before his guests arrived for dinner.

„G o" a „co m e
47.1 V Ý R A Z Y S „ G O "

Pavel likes to go fishing Dougie prefers to go a b r o a d

o n Saturdays. on v a c a t i o n .

M y kids go crazy w h e n e v e r ST ] -
M y aunt's going deaf. You'll have
t h e y hear that song. W_ I to speak m o r e loudly. Ä

That style of shirt w e n t out This fruit has g o n e b a d . It's
of fashion years ago! not g o o d to eat. (us)

M y m o v e w e n t smoothly. E v e r y o n e w e n t quiet w h e n
I had lots of p e o p l e t h e boss w a l k e d into
helping m e . the room.

Sara's fashion boutique w e n t Joshua's d o g has g o n e missing.

bankrupt. S h e couldn't He's putting up signs
afford t h e rent. around town.

j, ass

T h e traffic c a m e t o a standstill b e c a u s e of
a fallen tree o n t h e road.

The judges have come to a W h e n t h e play c a m e t o a n e n d ,

decision about the winner. e v e r y o n e left t h e t h e a t e r .

P a u l a t r a i n e d v e r y h a r d a n d c a m e in first Riya c a m e prepared for

in t h e h u r d l e s . (US) t h e c a m p i n g trip.

The t e a m has c o m e to a n Everyone thought Gabrielle

agreement about w h i c h logp w o u l d w i n t h e race, but
d e s i g n t o use. s h e c a m e in last, (us)

W e w e r e stranded on the As w e walked through the

r o c k s until t h e l i f e g u a r d s mountains, a ruined cas#t
c a m e to the rescue. c a m e into v i e w .

M y kids go crazy
GO COME whenever they hear
bfivúcrwpt that song.

This fruit has gone

bad. It's not good
to eat.

That style of shirt

went out of fashion
years ago!

Riya came prepared j

for the camping trip. ;
to a standstill close -bafH<rapT quiet

abroad to a decision into view fishing

deaf to an agreement crazy in last W h e n the play came

to an end, everyone
prepared to the rescue missing bad left the theater.



© The climbers came close to reaching the peak but were too tired to continue.

© Everyone thought Gabrielle would win the race, but she came in last. UJ

Q Pavel likes to go fishing on Saturdays. gQ

0 M y move went smoothly. I had lots of people helping me. •

O As w e walked through the mountains, a ruined castle came into view.

0 The traffic came to a standstill because of a fallen tree on the road.


W e were stranded on the rocks until the lifeguards went / c a m e to the rescue

This fruit has gone / c o m e b a l . It's not good to eat.

M y aunt's going / c o m i n g deaf. You'll have to speak more loudly.

The judges have gone / c o m e to a decision about the winner.

Sara's fashion boutique w e n t / c a m e bankrupt. She couldn't afford the rent.

Everyone w e n t / c a m e quiet w h e n the boss walked into the room.

M y move w e n t / c a m e smoothly. I had lots of people helping me.

i The team has gone / c o m e to an agreement about which logo design to use.


As w e walked through the mountains, a ruined O Dougie prefers t o .

castle came into view on vacation.

O Joshua's dog has Pavel likes t o .

He's putting up signs around town. on Saturdays.


i . W e were stranded on the rocks until the Paula trained very hard and
lifeguards .
- i n t h e
hurd| e s
Výrazy s inými slovesám
48.1 V Ý R A Z Y S „PAY"

I live with my parents, but pay The children paid close attention to J o h n
my w a y by buying groceries. as he told t h e m about his travels.

prispievať finančne na niečo počúvať alebo sledovať veľmi


W h e n our CEO retired, Nisha paid tribute Kelly paid m e a compliment and
to her with a wonderful speech. said she liked my new haircut.

verejne niekoho pochváliť, vysloviť kompliment, povedať

vzdat hold niekomu niečo pekné inému človeku

Two firefighters paid a visit to m y It w a s so kind of y o u to lend m e that

son's school today to talk about m o n e y to get my car fixed. I can pay
fire safety. y o u back now.

navštíviť splatiť, vrátiť pôžičku


M a r k holds a grudge against
W e hold a meeting each M o n d a y m e because I didn't give h i m
to discuss the week a h e a d . a promotion last year.

Í l
mat stretnutie byť dlhšie nahnevaný za niečo,
čo sa stalo dávnejšie

I had to hold my tongue w h e n I'm trying to call the bank a n d

Julian s h o w e d m e Ms n e w suit. they've asked m e to hold the
It was horrible! line. It's so annoying! (UK)

nepovedať, čo si naozaj myslíme čakať na linke, neskladať,

nekončiť hovor

I must have caught a cold from that
Raul caught a glimpse of a deer man w h o coulÉn't stop sneezing

as he hiked through the forest. on the train. 0(r%
uvidieť len veľmi nakrátko, zazrieť dostať/chytiť nádchu i

After climbing the stairs, I stopped W e need to tell the waiter we're ready to
to catch my breath. order. Let's try and catch his eye. ^ #

zastaviť sa po cvičení
a pomalšie dýchať upútať, pritiahnuť pozornosť niekoho W • ,_, sir

Don't stand so close to the stove. Pari usually drives to work, but she
Your clothes could catch fire! É caught the train this morning.

t- * ' „ P Si
. 13
začať horieť, vzbíknuť chytiť/stihnúť vlak


Cleo told me about her mom's
It's important to keep your distance w h e n surprise party but asked m e to
y o u drive on busy roads. keep it a secret.

iiijHiit ii

Natalie always keeps calm w h e n she has The teacher asked the
to talk to angry customers. j students to keep quiet
j % 4
H"! ľf

during the test.



Mark p a y s / holds / J c e e p r a grudge against me because I didn't give him a promotion last year.

' Two firefighters paid / held / kept a visit to my son's school today to talk about fire safety.

< I'm trying to call the bank and they've asked me to hold / catch / keep the line. It's so annoying!

i Cleo told me about her mom's surprise party but asked me to hold / catch / keep it a secret.

I W e pay / hold / keep a meeting each Monday to discuss the week ahead.



taught e[ \
glimpse of I
uvidieť nakrátko,
zbadať jŕ

1 Íl it
• © •

1 lh f
íi €y

© • O

caught a cold caught the train

catch fire -caught a glimpse o f

* 5w . f'wi >

catch his eye catch my breath

© • ©n


It's important to keep your to keep quiet during the test,

pay my way by buying groceries.

The teacher asked the students

distance w h e n you drive on busy roads,

O The children paid close attention to J o h n

and said she liked my new haircut.

0 I live with my parents, but

. as he told them about his travels,

O j Natalie always keeps calm

but she caught the train this morning.

O i After climbing the stairs,

(_ a deer as he hiked throughthe forest.
0 I Pari usually drives to work,
í————— — —
I stopped to catch my breath.
0 Raul caught a glimpse of
w h e n she hasJoJaH^to^aingry customers.
0 Kelly paid me a compliment


prispievať finančne na niečo

oay my way

0 splatiť, vrátiť pôžičku

0 verejne chváliť niekoho, vzdať hold

nepovedať, čo si naozaj myslíme

0 čakať na linke, neskladať

0 povedať niečo pekné o inom človeku, vysloviť kompliment

© byť dlhšie nahnevaný na niečo, čo sa stalo už dávno

© sledovať alebo počúvať pozorne

nujuce prís
Používame ju na zdôraznenie výroku, Používame ju na zdôraznenie výroku, ktorý vyjadruje
ktorý vyjadruje istý názor. pravdepodobnosť alebo pochvalu.

This food is absolutely deficit . It is highly pr that

You're such a good cook! Leo is going to lose his job.

The park is absolutely beautiful I highly r iend this book. I stayed

at this time of year. |jgf up all night reading it!
h- * "t v _

It is hly unlikely that

Xavier's old computer was £ t$
I'll be well enough to
absolutely u ss. He | ^ « » go to work tomorrow.
decided to throw it away.

i •*
Cesar's new movie was highly
The weather was a praise by the critics.
when we went to Barbados. a Jť

It was sunny every day. / ^ m^i*


493 .DEEPLY"
Používame ju na vyjadrenie emócií. Gina was deeply concerned
when her cat didn't come
Iwasd t when ŕ '"' home for his dinner.
Madison didn't invite me m S
to her wedding. n j j Jl

Používame ju na zdôraznenie rady Používame ju na zosilnenie výroku o extrémnych
alebo výroku o viere a hodnotách. alebo nepravdepodobných situáciách.

W e 5tron°ly advise you I was unbelievably lucky

not to travel unless it is , • to get my violin back after
absolutely necessary, J y i I left it on the train.

Malachi strongly be S o m e people can be

in looking after the unit: ibly s e l f i s h w h e n
A-Hl n \m_
environment. they are o n the bus.

M y uncle strongly feels That date w a s _

that children shouldn't a w k w a r d . W e had nothing ft
watch too much television. to say to each other.

*>)) 4))

Používame ju na zdôraznenie kritiky
alebo na vyjadrenie neviery v niečo.

T h e clothes in that store a r e Sadie finished the test %

early. She thought it w a s

T h e portions in this restaurant m A n d r e gets up ridiculously

are ridiculously s m a l l . JL ^ early e v e r y morning.


JLjX- • I highly recommend this book. I stayed up all night reading it!

' * Stí André gets up . every morning.

™ This food is You're such a good cook!

.Í4 We you not to travel unless it is absolutely necessary.

n That date was W e had nothing to say to each other.

G i na was w h e n her cat didn't come home for his dinner.


( _ J h e clothes in that store at this time of year,

í'í Cesar's new movie was didn't invite me to her wedding,

O The park is absolutely beautiful are ridiculously expensive,

v?* i w a s deeply hurt w h e n Madison highly praised by the critics,

- — —
0 The portions in this restaurant looking after the environment,

-i Malachi strongly believes in are ridiculously small.


delicious Ír" i r' R


unlikely easy doliciotrr expensive believes probable

useless praised early feels fantastic advise


I was-highly / deeply/st»ftffy hurt w h e n Madison didn't invite m e to her wedding.

I was absolutely / strongly / unbelievably lucky to get my violin back after I left it o n
the train.

Gina was deeply / highly / absolutely concerned w h e n her cat didn't c o m e h o m e for
his dinner.

f S E P
I highly / ridiculously / deeply r e c o m m e n d this book. I stayed up all night reading it!


VŤÍÉÄ® S o m e people can be
the bus.
absolutely/unbelief bly/st ly selfish w h e n they are on

Malachi strongly / highly / deeply believes in looking after the environment.

11 Prirovnania
M y g r a n d m o t h e r is as d e a f as
M a r y ' s c a r is as old as the hills. S h e refuses
a post. S h e a l w a y s t u r n s u p t h e
T V really loud.
to buy a n e w one.

Andrei went as white as a sheet w h e n The children w e r e as good as gold w h i l e

h e s a w a s p i d e r in his b e d r o o m . they stayed with their grandmother.

H a v e y o u b e e n o u t in t h e s n o w ? These n e w high-speed trains a r e great!

Your hands are as cold as ice! They're as fast as lightning.

I don't need help carrying m y T h e r e w a s n o rain f o r m o n t h s , a n d
b a g . It's as light as a feather. the land w a s as dry as a bone.

S e l m a slept like a l o g a f t e r a l o n g z I Roy's n e w suit fits like a g l o v e ,
d a y c l i m b i n g in t h e A l p s . H e looks really g o o d .

206 Ma

Paul is as quiet as a mouse. Naomi was as brave as a lion and confronted

H e never talks in meetings. the school bully in the playground.

I'm recovering from the flu, and I M y grandfather is as wise as an o w l .

still feel as w e a k as a kitten. He always gives good advice. - c

Javier w a s as busy as a bee getting I'm as blind as a bat without

ready for the party. my glasses. Q g

iff Tfl
Fiona looked as proud as a M y uncle is as strong as an ox.
peacock in her n e w hat. He's a champion weightlifter.

/I A

I was shaking like a leaf before W e had to run like the w i n d

I w e n t into the cave. to catch that bus!


W e had to run like t h e í i f e - / w a t e r / w i n d to catch that bus!

^ I don't need help carrying my bag. It's as light as a bird / m o u s e / feather.

M y uncle is as strong as an eagle / ox / elephant. He's a champion weightlifter.

© -9P-^1> M y grandfather is as wise / clever / bright as an owl. He always gives good advice.

I'm as blind as a mole / bat / w o r m without my glasses.


^ Paul is as quiet as a mouse / sheep / fish. He never talks in meetings.


a i i weak as kitten

I'm recovering from the flu, and I still feel as Weak as a kitten-

bone ..J f a š i S dry ] [ a I f 1 as'l

ifc There was no rain for months, and the land was

as peacock ] _ as proud

Fiona looked in her new hat.

j hills j [ o l d j as ] the J [ as j
Mary's car is She refuses to buy a new one.

("Hike J f 'og ) \ a s i slept "í

Selma lone day climbing in the Alps.

after a long


O proud as a peacock [j/f

a s

O as light as a feather

U as weak as a kitten •
© as cold as ice •
ô as wise as an owl •
O as blind as a bat •
© as white as a sheet •
0 run like the wind •
O as quiet as a mouse •


Šelma slept like <n log after a long

Q Javier was
day climbing in the Alps. getting ready for the party.

—M/ A

O Have you been out in the snow? Your hands are O Roy's new suit.
He looks really good.


- Mary's car is. M y grandmother is _ _

She refuses to buy a new one. . She always turns up the TV really loud.


Don't go into that s p o o k y house! Azra a d o r e s her pet snake. I suppose

use, •
Curiosity killed t h e cat. b e a u t y is in the e y e of the beholder. ,

Ak si príliš zvedavý, môže ta Každý má vlastnú predstavu

to dostai do problémov. o kráse.

I can't f o l l o w directions unless I J a k o b really misses his girlfriend n o w that

h a v e a m a p . A picture is w o r t h she has g o n e to college. A b s e n c e
a thousand words. makes t h e heart g r o w fonder.

Je ľahšie vidiet obrázok než opisovat Byt preč od niekoho, koho milujeme,
slovami. vyvolá ešte väčšiu lásku/túžbu.

Don't just say you're going to clean y o u r I w a s so pleased w h e n I finally m a n a g e d to

r o o m , d o it! A c t i o n s speak louder sell m y house for a good price. All g o o d
than words. jiy things c o m e to those w h o w a i t . mtmmami

To, čo robíš, je dôležitejšie ako to, A k čakáš na niečo dobré, nakoniec

čo hovoríš. to dostaneš.

Y o u w e r e m e a n t to give m e this Flo's incompetence at w o r k is affecting t h e

assignment a w e e k ago, but better w h o l e t e a m . A chain is o n l y as strong
late t h a n never. as its w e a k e s t link.

Je lepšie, ak sa niečo stane neskôr, Tím je taký silný ako jeho

ako nikdy. najslabší člen.

Don't c o u n t y o u r chickens before Stop sitting by t h e p h o n e w a i t i n g to hear

they hatch, K i m ! T h e g a m e isn't if y o u got t h e j o b . A w a t c h e d pot
o v e r yet. n e v e r boils.

Nepredpokladaj, že sa niečo stane

predtým, než vieš, ako to dopadne.
ti.* Čas ubehne rýchlejšie, ak sa počas
čakania niečím zamestnávame.

Stop c o m p l a i n i n g a b o u t y o u r t o o t h a c h e I asked Sofia t o help m e w r i t e this
a n d call t h e dentist. There's n o t i m e difficult report. T w o heads a r e better
like t h e present. than one.

Je lepšie robií veci hneď, než čakaí. Je dobré, keď nám niekto môže poradil

f to
I'm so glad I told A m i r a I w a s stressed T h e d a y t h e sales b e g a n , Tamsin w a s

at w o r k . A p r o b l e m shared is a outside t h e store at 6 in the m o r n i n g .
problem halved. T h e early bird catches t h e w o r m .

Ak niekomu povieš o probléme, Tí, ktorí prídu skôr alebo konajú

budeš sa cítiť lepšie. rýchlo, dostanú, čo chceli.

Logan said t h e shelf fell d o w n because I've b e e n playing t h e t r u m p e t e v e r y

his drill w a s b r o k e n , but a bad w o r k m a n d a y a n d I'm really improving. Practice
a l w a y s blames his tools. makes perfect.

Ľudia, ktorým sa niečo nedarí, Tréningom, opakovaním
hádžu vinu na veci, ktoré používajú. sa zlepšujeme.

I told S a m a b o u t a great j o b , but h e didn't W e ' r e almost r e a d y for t h e p a r t y a n d

apply. Y o u can lead a horse to water, w e ' v e still got p l e n t y of t i m e . M a n y
but y o u can't m a k e it drink. h a n d s m a k e light w o r k .

Môžete niekomu niečo uľahčiť, Veci sa urýchlia, ak viacerí
ale nemôžete ho prinútiť, aby to urobil. pomôžu.

I k n o w h e looks a bit scary, but m y I think y o u should tell Carlo that it w a s

dog's really gentle. Y o u can't j u d g e y o u w h o broke his skateboard. H o n e s t y
a b o o k b y its cover. is t h e best policy.

Nič by sme nemali posudzovať Vždy je lepšie povedať pravdu.

len podľa vzhľadu.
fi­ ll

better than one.

make light work,

catches the w o r m ,
the best policy,

than never,

like the present,

o o• O T

louder than words,
íl I
the cat.
© • liP i !


Don't just say you're going to clean your room, do it! Actions talk louder than w o r d s .
Don!t just sery you're going to clean your room, do it! Actions speak louder than words.

Don't count y o u r geese before they hatch, Kim! The game isn't over yet.

Stop sitting by the phone waiting to hear if you got the job. A w a t c h e d kettle never boils.

I've been playing the trumpet every day and I'm really improving. Practice b e c o m e s perfect.

Azra adores her pet snake. I suppose beauty is in t h e e y e of the owner.


Flo's incompetence at w o r k is affecting the w h o l e team. A chain is only

as strong as its weakest link.

i Ä oni" ''
6 m e W Í t e t h Í S d Í f f i C U , t re
P° -
rt T w
° ^ds
h are

• •
J a k o b really misses his girlfriend n o w that she has gone to college.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

W e ' r e almost ready for the party and w e ' v e still got plenty of time.
i Í>MÍ M a n y hands make light work.

IV i\ n ň.

You w e r e meant to give me this assignment a w e e k ago, but better

late than never.

T h e day the sales began, Tamsin w a s outside the store at 6 in the

morning. T h e early bird catches the w o r m !
^ ft


Veci sa urýchlia, ak viacerí pomôžu. Meiny hcmds meikc Light work.

0 J e lepšie urobiť veci hneď než čakať.

;,t J e vždy lepšie povedať pravdu.

© Ak si príliš zvedavý, môžeš mať z toho problémy.

Ô To, čo robíš, je dôležitejšie ako to, čo hovoríš.

52.4 „ W I N " A „BEAT" 52.5 „ B O R R O W " A „ L E N D "

„ W i n " používame vtedy, keď hovoríme o získaní „Borrow" používame vtedy, keď ide o získanie
alebo dosiahnutí niečoho. niečoho na krátky čas.

T h e Lions have won the M y laptop's broken a n d I have to

soccer championship again. apply for a j o b tonight. Could xli
I b o r r o w yours, please? q

„lend" vtedy, keď my dávame, resp. poskytujeme

„Beat" používame vtedy, keď hovoríme niečo na krátky čas.
o víťazstve nad protivníkom.

T h e Lions beat t h e Stars 3-1 H vil Yes, I will lend y o u m y laptop,

but please b e careful w i t h it.

é •

52.6 „WISH"A„HOPE" 52.7 „ S M E L L " A „FEEL"

„Wish" používame v situáciách, ktoré chceme, „Smelľ používame vtedy, keď hovoríme
aby sa stali, ale nie j e to reálne. o vôni alebo pachu.

I wish m y test results This pie that y o u ' v e b e e n ft

w e r e better. baking smells delicious!

„Hope" používame pri situáciách, „Feel" používame pri vyjadrovaní
ktoré sú v budúcnosti ešte možné. pocitov alebo emócii.

I ope I still get into college. PIMJJ It's m a k i n g m e feel hungry.


W The Lions have w o n /-beaterrthe soccer championship again.

ITTUiäff Yes, I will b o r r o w / lend you my laptop, but please be careful with it.

£ I w a i t / expect that there will be lots of people at the party.

© J? I wish / h o p e I still get into college.

O l l i y i Suddenly, Jules listened t o / heard a loud bang coming from behind him.

* ™ ^ *\ This pie that you've been baking smells / feels delicious!


I'm really looking forward to seeing the fireworks display at the party.

i Jules often music on his walk home from work.

f C o m e outside and the flowers I planted last month.

0 The Lions have . the soccer championship again.

O The Lions the Stars 3-1.

€') Keiko's large ginger cat lying on the lawn,

won listens to saw

look at -looking foi wdid lu" beat


Yes, I will lend you my laptop, test results were better,

', The cat watched the birds lots of people at the party.

%{• I wish my but please be careful with it.

#J> This pie that you've been baking the flowers I planted last month,

O Suddenly, Jules heard a loud bang sitting in a tree.

O I expect that there will be coming from behind him.

Come outside and look at smells delicious!

O I The Lions have won seeing the fireworks display at the party,

0 I'm really looking forward to music on his walk home from work,

O Jules often listens to the soccer championship again.



0 U o

53 Ľahko zameniteľné slová 2
5 3 . 1 „ DAMAGE", „INJURE" A „HURT" 5 3 . 2 „LOAD", „FILL UP" A „CHARGÉ"

„Damage" používame vtedy, keď ide „Load" používame, keď hovoríme o nakladaní
o poškodenie predmetu alebo vecí. predmetov do/na niečo, zvyčajne vozidla.

Colm d a m a g e d Sheila's vase Can you help me load the car with
when he dropped it. everything we need
for the beach?

„Injure" (alebo „hurt") používame vtedy, keď ide o ublíženie „Fill up" alebo „fill" používame, keď hovoríme
alebo o zranenie časti tela. o vlievaní, plnení tekutiny do nádoby.

Colm injured his foot when JjjL Don't forget to bring water. fa
he dropped the vase. I'll fill up some bottles for us. /ISSe

„Hurt" používame vtedy, keď ide o pocit bolesti. „Injure" „Chargé" používame vtedy, keď ide o vkladanie
nikdy nepoužff§me, keď hovoríme o pocite bolesti. prístroja s batériou do elektriny.

Colm's foot still hurt for days Wait a minute! I need to charge
after the accident. my phone before we go.

5 3 . 3 „SAY" A „TELL"

„Pri „say" nemusíme uviesť osobu, ktorej Pri „telí" musí byť určená osoba, ktorej
niečo hovoríme. niečo hovoríme.

"Oh, no," said Kayleigh. "I've left my Kayleigh had to tell her teacher
school bag on the bus with Q\|/ that she had left her *
all my homework in it." •€g*
homework on the bus. m*$$



„Wear" používame vtedy, keď hovoríme „Remind" používame vtedy, keď chceme od niekoho,
o oblečení, ktoré máme na sebe. k . aby na niečo nezabudol. Aby si spomenul na niečo.
r —
Silvia reminded Sanjay to visit

Nina wore her new dress \ífr

B S i

his mother on her birthday.

to Jack's party. ^A


„Carry" používame, keď ide o prenesenie „Remember" vtedy, keď hovoríme o udržaní si
nejakého predmetu z jedného miesta na druhé. niečoho na mysli.

Arnold carried Jack's Sanjay remembered to visit his

birthday cake into the mother, who was delighted
Tá' % M

ň í!
dining room. to see him.

53.6 „SENSIBLE"A„SENSmVE" 53.7 J O B " A „WORK"

„Sensible" opisuje osobu alebo postup smerujúci J o b " používame na opísanie konkrétnej úlohy,
k dobrému, rozumnému rozhodnutiu. na ktorej sa pracuje.

Are you sure you want to buy that I have a job as a sales assistant
car? It would be more in a supermarket.
to save your money.
A f!

„Sensitive" opisuje osobu, ktorá silno preciťuje „Work" hovorí o činnosti, ktorú niekto
emócie a ľahko sa rozruší. v práci vykonáva.

There's no need to be so There is lots of work to do SI:

'III S i
sitivt:! I was only trying I have to stack shelves
to give you advice. and serve customers. /#- £••1111
I iwtff§



"Oh, no," said Kayleigh. "I've left my school bag on the bus with all my
homework in it."


Are you sure you want to buy that car? It would be more sensible to
• save your money.

Colm injured his foot w h e n he dropped the vase.


Kayleigh had to say her teacher that she had left her homework on the bus.

Kayleigh had to tell her teacher that she had left her homework on the bus.

Colm's foot still hurt for days after the accident.

Colm's foot still injured for days after the accident.

' W a i t a minute! I need to load my phone before w e go.

W a i t a minute! I need to charge my phone before w e go.

Silvia remembered Sanjay to visit his mother on her birthday. •


Silvia reminded Sanjay to visit his mother on her birthday.

i I have a j o b as a sales assistant in a supermarket.
I have a work as a sales assistant in a supermarket.


O Don't forget to bring water. I'll fill up some bottles for us.

O Arnold carried Jack's birthday cake into the dining room.

HI Colm injured his foot w h e n he dropped the vase.

@ Can you help me load the car with everything w e need for the beach?

O Colm's foot still hurt for days after the accident.

O Colm damaged Sheila's vase w h e n he dropped it.

I 0 Nina wore her new dress to Jack's party. \f\

© W a i t a minute! I need to charge my phone before w e go.


I have a w o r k as a sales assistant in a supermarket.

I have a job as a scuts assistant in a supermarket. [\

O There's no need to be so sensible! I was only trying to give you advice.

O Kayleigh had to say her teacher that she had left her homework on the bus.

Colm injured Sheila's vase w h e n he dropped it.

. - Sanjay r e m i n d e d to visit his mother, w h o was delighted to see him.

O Nina carried her new dress to Jack's party. m jfvľ^P

9 "
- 5 Don't forget to bring water. I'll load some bottles for us. '"'

m Farby

The party was a black-tie event and Paula has a green thumb. She has so m a n y
e v e r y o n e was really well dressed. beautiful plants in her house. (US)

udalosť, na ktorú sa ľudia obliekajú

veľmi formálne (v smokingu)
m mat talent na záhradníčenie

The day I received my degree w a s The actress m a d e her first appearance

a red-letter day for me. ^ • o n the silver screen in the 1950s.

dôležitý alebo významný deň, sviatok ~\ í 2f 4

vo filme

Sergio got a black eye after he Layla was green with e n v y w h e n

walked into a lamppost. her brother w o n the lottery.

modrina okolo oka, monokel blednúť závisťou

' r f - f

Alyssa knocked on my door out W e ' r e protesting against plans to build

of the blue yesterday. I hadn't u houses on the green belt in our
seen her for years! local area.

nečakane zelená zóna, pásmo zelene, okolo


I hate the winter! It's only 4 o'clock and it's It's my birthday, so I'm going to paint the
already pitch black outside. t o w n red with my friends tonight.

hlboká tma ísť si zaflámovať, bujaro oslavovať

I thought my n e w boss was really nice,
Fake designer goods are sold on but he showed his true colors w h e n I
the black market. forgot to put sugar in his coffee. ^ ^

nelegálna kúpa a predaj ukázať skutočný charakter, svoju pravú

_ ii "i tvár, vyfarbiť sa

Ela turned beet-red w h e n I caught ^ Larry was black and blue after
her copying my homework. (US) #/ falling d o w n the stairs. ^

červenať sa, cítiť sa trápne JSILÍ mať veľa modrín

J o saw red w h e n she found her , Francis only cleans his house
sister wearing her sweater. m ^ o n c e in a blue m o o n . -

hnevať sa, zúriť "Ti veľmi zriedka

There's a gray area in the office dress code. I w a n t to be a teacher, so getting w o r k
M y boss said it was casual, but she experience at the school w a s
told m e I couldn't w e a r shorts. a golden opportunity for me.
m m
situácia, keď nie sú jasné pravidlá jedinečná príležitosť, šanca získať
niečo cenné
II fflíf
f! II
The boys w e r e caught red-handed w h e n I always get the blues w h e n my vacation is
they tried to break into the house. over and I have to go back to work. gBf^

pristihnúť pri čine cítiť sa smutný, bez nálady „o^vZT 3

,"' #
54.3 PRECíT^^jr—
a black eye [•T saw red • a gray area fl|

J Hi Sandra,
4* a red-letter day Q paint the town red Q saw red Alyssa knocked on my door out of
the blue / .gfeeft yesterday. I hadn't
6f black and blue • out of the blue [~J pitch black [~J seen her for years! She said she was
going to paint the town gold / red
© a gray area Q a green thumb Q the green belt \~\ for her birthday next week, and
invited me along, too. You know I
Ô black and blue Q a black eye • out of the blue • only go out once in a white / blue
moon, so 1 thought it would be a
# turned beet-red |~J saw red • caught red-handed Q silver / golden opportunity to meet
some new friends. She said I could
f í a black-tie event Q black and blue J7J pitch black Q bring a friend along. Would you like
to come with me?
0 green with envy Q a green thumb Q the green belt Q Love,


r Francis only cleans his house once in a pink m o o n .

Francis only cleans his house once in a blue moon-.

H Sergio got a blue eye after he walked into a lamppost.


f» The actress made her first appearance o n the golden screen in the 1950s.

Ô I always get the grays when my vacation is over and I have to go back to work.

© The boys were caught blue-handed when they tried to break into the house.


There's a gray area in the office dress code. M y boss said it was casual,
but she told me I couldn't wear shorts.

Iťs my birthday, so I'm going to paint the town red with

friends tonight.

I thought my new boss was really nice, but he showed his true colors
w h e n I forgot to put sugar in his coffee.

I want to be a teacher, so getting work experience at the school was

n f! a golden opportunity for me.

We're protesting against plans to build houses on the green belt

in our local area.

( Ä *
n n nn n
Fake designer goods are sold on the black market.



dôležitý, významný deň — a r c d - \ c t t c r á <t y

O samá modrinu — b a b

O nahnevať sa — s r

Ô talent na záhradníčenie = a _g_ t

Q blednúť závisťou — w. _e_

O nečakane, z čistého neba ~ Q o t b

K ucv ) y

\ all skin and bones
\ the spitting image of
l getting thin o n top
U We're moving to a bigger house because we're 5
five o'clock shadow
hoping to start a family soon. * a highflier
© M y wife and I h i t it off immediately when w e first
met at a country music concert.
© Uncle Tony is the black s h e e p of the family. He's
been to prison three times.
O Cy and I got off o n the wrong f o o t on our date.
bright y o u n g things
He was an hour late and forgot my name.
tender age
Q Ramón and Tara get o n like a h o u s e o n fire.
knee-high t o a grasshopper They're always talking and laughing. It was great to see Jasmine at the party. She's
always a barrel of laughs.
'§ B o b is such a crybaby. H e was very upset about
n o spring chicken O We're b r i n g i n g u p our children to be kind not getting a perfect score.
o v e r t h e hill to animals. © Don't be afraid of Linda. Her bark is worse than
great a g e © Marie and Pierre met through Isaac, a m u t u a l her bite.
f r i e n d of theirs. fU Jim's a good egg. H e helped me to move last week.
© Curly hair r u n s i n o u r f a m i l y , and my daughter, Hl Gustáv has a selfish streak. He won't share his
O Becky's worried she's g e t t i n g o n i n y e a r s after mom, and I all have it. cookies with his friendS;
spotting more gray hairs. © I've k e p t in t o u c h w i t h Lin since w e left college 101 Debbie's a tough cookie. She doesn't mind w h e n
25 years ago. people criticize her work.
O Damien's at t h a t a w k w a r d a g e a n d finds
Q J a d e is a f a m i l y f r i e n d . She grew up o n t h e same
it hard to talk to people.
street as us.
O M y grandpa got married again at the
r i p e o l d a g e of 92.
CI This TV show bridges t h e g e n e r a t i o n g a p .
The whole family loves it.
HI Noah is really down to earth. H e earns lots of
ô I f e e l m y a g e when I go shopping with
money, but he lives in a little cottage.
my children.
i | M y dad's just an average J o e . H e enjoys burgers
a n d fries, and he loves watching baseball.
O I'm too l o n g i n t h e t o o t h to try out skydiving. Moja teta j e vážená osoba. p Tony wouldn't say boo to a goose. H e gets really

iU M y assistant is a bit w e t b e h i n d t h e ears. Philip bol vždy veľmi bohatý. shy when he talks to customers.

H e still has a lot to learn. Bob pochádza zo zlého sociálneho prostredia. J Norah is such a fuddy-duddy. She never wants

@ Derek and J o a n spent their t w i l i g h t y e a r s Clara vyzerá veľmi pôvabne. to come out with us o n Saturday night.
traveling the world. J e potomkom významných ľudí J Arturo is so two-faced. H e said he liked my haircut
HI In many countries, there is a big celebration when
but told his friends he hated it.
young people c o m e o f a g e .
® Angela might be 84, but she is still y o u n g a t O Edie looks like b u t t e r w o u l d n ' t m e l t in h e r
heart. m o u t h , but she's actually really naughty. i Her bark is worse than her bite.
© Sanjay feels a s o l d a s t h e hills w h e n his kids talk O Oscar is only 25, but he's already g e t t i n g t h i n \ as cool as a cucumber
about technology. o n top. l as bold as brass
HI M y aunt believed in k e e p i n g u p a p p e a r a n c e s \ a barrel of laughs
despite having little money. S wouldn't hurt a fly
S improve with age © Nalini n e v e r has a h a i r o u t o f p l a c e . She cares
> over the hill a lot about her appearance.
I great age
ô Milan returned home with f i v e o'clock s h a d o w
i twilight years
after a long day at the office.
í y o u n g at heart
tender age

Hi Domenica l o o k e d t h e p a r t for her first day o f

work at the bank. M y kids think this TV show is t h e best t h i n g
© Clara l o o k e d like a m i l l i o n b u c k s when she s i n c e sliced b r e a d .
arrived for her wedding. ® W e had a wonderful boat trip. T h e i c i n g o n t h e
0 Mateo and his brother Lucas are like t w o p e a s c a k e was seeing some dolphins.
i n a p o d . I can't tell them apart. fjjl Chan's store only sells watches that are
© Karen is t h e spitting i m a g e o f that actor t o p o f t h e line.
a family heirloom in the new sci-fi film. HI T h e c r é m e d e l a c r é m e of the fashion world
i a fair-weather friend Hi Rita l o o k e d like she'd s e e n a ghost after were at the launch party.
losing touch with 1 told her my news.
' a soul mate © Rachel l o o k e d like a d r o w n e d r a t after she got
i drifted apart caught in the rain o n her way home.
extended family

5.4 6.5 8.3
Ô out of this world I moth-eaten © I know Aiden's always late, but arriving late for
© the best of both worlds ) a let-down his o w n wedding takes the cake!
H I second to none * past its prime © I'm really stressed! I think I bit off more than
© stole the show i second rate I could chew when I took this promotion.
© the créme de la créme cheap and nasty 0 Fiona told me she doesn't like my new scooter.
© the bee's knees 1 think it's just sour grapes.
© a blessing in disguise O Asher is such a butterfingers. H e is always
dropping things.
najvyššej kvality 07 O Copies of Sadie's n e w novel are selling (ike
hotcakes after it got great reviews.
najlepšia časť pekného zážitku
vynikajúce recenzie 8.4
má naozaj rád alebo obdivuje © 6 @ 3 Q5 © 2 © 1
fantazírovala o tom, že t o má
7.3 8.5
5.6 ® It really gets my goat w h e n someone eats smelly © eat humble pie
© W o r l d - c l a s s athletes need to train for a few food on the train. © a couch potato
hours everyday. © You're barking up the wrong tree if you think I can © spoon-feeds
© Marce I o s t o l e t h e s h o w with his help you with your homework. I'm terrible at science. O walk on eggshells
amazing singing. Hi Rachel always gets on her high horse about being Q sugarcoat
© T h e c r é m e d e l a c r é m e of the fashion world a vegetarian. It's so annoying!
were at the launch party. O Bill looked like the cat that got the cream when
© Walking to work gives me t h e best o f b o t h he w o n the competition.
w o r l d s . It helps m e save money and get fit. © Our felling profits are the elephant in the room at
© The burgers in Max's diner are t o d i e for. And every team meeting.
they're huge!
H l I tried to fix the photocopier, but I've really made U M y neighbor and I have b u r i e d t h e h a t c h e t
a pig's ear of it. after arguing about the parking.
Ô M y colleagues all have terrible colds. They're © The negotiating teams stayed up all night
d r o p p i n g like flies! hammering out a deal.
© Ruby is a one-trick p o n y . She's a great singer, but © The government has g i v e n t h e green light t o
6.2 she can't dance or act. the construction of a new train station.
d cheap and nasty d I c h i c k e n e d out of diving off the top board in the J M y girlfriend and I have a g r e e d t o d i s a g r e e
@ like watching paint dry pool. It was too high! about what to do on vacation.
d past its sell-by date Q Clarita's new apartment is tiny. Theres not enough
Q a fate worse than death room to swing a cat. 9.5
© not my cup of tea ©7 ©1
} rough around the edges
© 5 © 8
\ gets my goat
6.3 i not enough room to swing a cat 9.6
© The museum in my town is nothing t o w r i t e í a bird's-eye view Hi Fiona,
home about. There are very few exhibits. j a scaredy-cat H o w are you? I had some problems at work recently.
© The weather in Hawaii didn't l i v e up to > The world is your oyster. M y boss and I are usually o n the same p a g e about
expectations. It rained every day. í like a deer in headlights work, but w e were at o d d s about my hours. She
© Rita's TV is on its last legs. She's had it for over
j u m p e d down my t h r o a t w h e n I said I couldn't work
10 years.
this weekend. W e found the m i d d l e ground w h e n
© The clothes in this store are second rate. They I agreed to stay late on Friday.
don't last very long. See y o u soon,
© Pete's habit of dropping litter leaves a bad taste Pablo
in my mouth.
6.4 i We're usually packed like sardines o n t h e b u s © Diana and I reached a compromise about what
© I told my roommate to move out. T h e last s t r a w to w o r k in the morning. movie to watch tonight
was w h e n she broke my favorite mug. 0 M y granddaughter is the apple of my eye. I'm © Fran's dad gave her the thumbs-up to go out with
© Sales f e l l s h o r t o f e x p e c t a t i o n s last month. s o p r o u d o f her. her friends.
W e need to do better this month. © W e thought our walk would be really hilly, b u t © I tried to smooth things over between Pari and
© I know everyone else loves it, but this book t h e l a n d w a s as f l a t as a p a n c a k e . Toni after their argument.
is n o t a l l t h a t it's c r a c k e d u p t o b e . Q [ felt w a r m and toasty sitting in f r o n t o f t h e f i r e . CI Lenka and I fought like cats and dogs when w e
Q I'm afraid this product just isn't u p t o © I don't like my job, b u t it puts f o o d o n t h e t a b l e . were children.
scratch, Kyle. © You have t o walk o n eggshells around Dylan. © Samira has been given the go-ahead to play
© H is voice is OK, but he's n o t g o i n g t o set t h e H e gets u p s e t so easily. tennis after her injury.
w o r l d o n fire.

® This terrible weather is driving me nuts. ® Jack was on top of the world when his team
ŕ held out an olive branch © M y neighbor saw red when I parked in front w o n the trophy.
\ o n the same page of his house. © I was on the edge of my seat as the detective
) at odds
revealed the murderer.
f struck a deal
© The sight of the park in spring is a joy to behold.
i gave her the thumbs-up

11.6 í bursting with excitement

JU I was broken-hearted when my girlfriend I on cloud nine
left me. ) head over heels
Q I get itchy feet w h e n I haven't been abroad for í wept with j o y
a long time. ) raring to go
10.5 Q Caitlin got cold feet about singing
© Yoshiko offered a sympathetic ear w h e n 9 The children all went bananas when I took them
my cat went missing. to the playground.
Ô Aziz told m e he'd crashed my car, but he was Q M y neighbor saw red when I parked in front
pulling my leg. of his house.
® I was o n my best behavior w h e n I met
my boyfriend's parents. 11.7
© Pedro quit his j o b at the store, leaving IH I had egg on my face after I called Jo's new Í Yannis bol smutný.
me in the lurch. boyfriend Ben. That was her ex-boyfriend's n a m e ! 1
Cítil som sa trápne,
© J e a n behaved out of character at the office party.
Q After a long week at work, I let my hair down í Bol som smutný.
She's normally so quiet!
at my best friend's party. ' Vyľakal som sa.
® Paulina poked fun at Mirek's new hairstyle. Q Silvio w e n t as white as a sheet w h e n he got Hanbili sa.
the bad news.
Q I was really upset w h e n a customer shouted
D O B R É SPRÁVANIE: at me, but I managed to keep a stiff upper lip.
generous to a fault ® Leo cried his eyes out when I said he couldn't
behaved beautifully have another cookie.
big hearted
O 't rnakes m y blood boil w h e n people litter.
lend a hand
L The sight of the old, spooky house made my
hair stand o n e n d .
O Alice w a s shaking in her boots before she d i d
below the belt
her first bungee j u m p .
treats them like dirt
© That horror movie sent shivers d o w n my spine.
let us down 12.5 It was so scary!
unacceptable behavior
HI The news that our profits were up was music
to our ears.
Q Our new intern is such an eager beaver. She I a downer
works really hard. \ o n the warpath
f|| I was over the moon w h e n I w o n the best I reduced to tears
10.8 actor award. I that sinking feeling
© Henry can't control his badly behaved students. d Salvador loves cooking. H e puts his heart a n d 1
wanteci t h e earth t o swallow her up
Q I really feel for Mario. H e has to work so hard soul into it.
I kicked myself
in t h e kitchen. I was on the edge of my seat as the detective
© M y friends ribbed me for having such an old revealed the murderer.
© M y dog behaved beautifully w h e n I took him 12.6
on the train.
t f | The kids jumped for joy w h e n I brought our
@ Brad loves playing practical jokes on his
new puppy home.
© Robbie has flung himself into training for the
gymnastics competition. I That boring lecture went in one ear and out
U M y motorcycle is my pride and joy. I clean the other!
it every day. O I've seen that animal before, but its name
) Jamal had butterflies in his stomach as he escapes me.
waited for his date outside the restaurant. HI Emi and Sofia took a trip down memory lane
@ Clara was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as they talked about their school days.
11.4 as she set off on the hike. HI Jacob was explaining the diagram w h e n he
® I get itchy feet w h e n I haven't been abroad for suddenly lost his train of thought.
a long time.
Q Liz was feeling blue w h e n her best friend left f l The children were bouncing off the walls after 14.3
the country. a whole day indoors. Q You should keep in mind that it gets cold in the
© W h e n Dylan copied her homework, Z o e was S The news that our profits were up was music winter and pack some w a r m clothes.
so angry that she was foaming at the mouth. to our ears. S The police showed m e a photo of the suspect
to jog my memory.

© I enjoyed the party, but at the back of my m i n d © W h e n you're a parent, y o u need to h a v e e y e s
I knew I had to catch the last train home. in the back of your head! I P The guests began to arrive at the party i n d r i b s
© Keeping busy at work is helping m e erase the ® Scarlett g o t c o l d f e e t about going on and drabs.
m e m o r y of my ex-girlfriend. the rollercoaster. H I M y new apartment is w i t h i n w a l k i n g d i s t a n c e
Q There's nothing to do at work at the moment. of my workplace.
I'm just sitting here t w i d d l i n g m y t h u m b s . © W e always take e v e r y t h i n g b u t t h e k i t c h e n
H I W h e n the hotel receptionist asked me for my © Maureen was a b u n d l e of n e r v e s before sink w h e n w e travel.
phone number, m y m i n d w e n t b l a n k . her wedding. © The castle is in a f a r - f l u n g c o r n e r of the island.
© The answer to the teacher's question was o n t h e
It takes hours to drive there.
tip o f m y tongue.
© Sharon lives in t h e m i d d l e o f n o w h e r e . You
O I'm sorry I didn't get y o u a present. It s l i p p e d
can't get there by train.
m y m i n d that it was your birthday.
© I can't believe I forgot to bring the sandwiches!
I've got a m e m o r y like a sieve.
The Olympic swimming team has w o n tons
@ M e m o r i e s a r e f a d i n g of w h a t the world was
of medals.
like before TV. @ They were so angry with each other t h a t t h e y © Carla's school is just a stone's throw away from
almost c a m e to blowsl the bus stop.
© I decided to hold fire before b o o k i n g s u c h a n @ You don't need t o drive to t h e store. It's just
í a photographic memory e x p e n s i v e holiday. around the corner.
I memories came flooding back © The boss is in a terrible mood today! W e ' r e all O The forest stretched as far as the e y e can see.
I racking my brain g o i n g t o b e in t h e l i n e o f f i r e .
ŕ rings a bell © Poor y o u ! You've r e a l l y b e e n i n t h e w a r s I
i erase the memory of @ I have some very bad news, b u t p l e a s e d o n ' t © the middle of nowhere
I stirred up memories shoot the messengerl © far and w i d e
in living memory
© a thousand-and-one
• sprang to mind
© few and far between
H I within walking distance
C | by a whisker
© everything but the kitchen sink
© Balwant had to bite the b u l l e t and tell his teacher
that h e hadn't done his homework.
© Buying a house can be a m i n e f i e l d . There's
always so much to think about!
@ burying his head in the sand © I'm going to take my lunch break now. Could you
0 a bundle of nerves hold d o w n the f o r t until J get back?
d getting on m y nerves
© Our daughter dropped a b o m b s h e l l when she
O Keep your chin up!
told us she and her new boyfriend were engaged. M y cake's going to be great. I'm just putting the
© a shoulder to cry on
© Sonia stuck to her g u n s and told her daughter f i n i s h i n g touches on it.
© a pat o n the back that she couldn't go to the party. O The pottery course was far too difficult for a
© has his heart set on
n e w b i e like me.
© Mike's made a f r e s h start this year. He's eating
© stabbed m e in the back much more healthily.
U an uphill battle © I've been marking tests all day, but the end
© crossing swords is in sight!
H I like a war zone
© an ax to grind
@ I hope the performance goes well, A d a m .
začiatok koniec začiatok
Break a leg!
začiatok koniec
© Oh, no! I've forgotten my wallet. I'm such
© Isla has such a sweet tooth. She loves eating cakes.
© Mia's fashion firm g o t o f f t o a f l y i n g start. She
O W y a t t is a g o o d friend. H e was a shoulder to
has already w o n three awards.
cry o n w h e n I broke up w i t h m y g'iňfr'iend.
0 It was t h e e n d o f a n e r a w h e n our boss retired
i a drop in the ocean after 30 years.
\ the middle of nowhere © After selling the last sandwich, Dean decided
\ play it by ear I everything but the kitchen sink to call it a d a y .
I my heart sank I off the beaten path
O Sophie's café finally g o t o f f t h e g r o u n d w h e n
I almost jumped out of his skin M n dribs and drabs she lowered her prices.
I has his heart set on I precious little
© Trains across t h e city g r o u n d t o a h a l t because
* thick-skinned
of the snow.

O O h , no! I've forgotten my wallet. I'm such

© a fitting end © c a l l it a day # kicked off
© get going © drew to a close

smooth sailing
a breeze
like shooting fish in a barrel
Dážď j e veľmi pravdepodobný. with her eyes shut ^ a tough nut to crack
Buster pravdepodobne vyhrá. ^ fighting a losing battle
J e to veľmi nepravdepodobné. ZLOŽITÉ: 1
rubbed salt into the w o u n d
Pravdepodobne neprejde. easier said than done I grin and bear it
J e to takmer isté. out of his depth j thrown in at the deep end
a tall order • pick up the pieces
like getting blood from a stone
O I think Ruben's dreams of becoming a pop star are
totally pie in the sky.
@ It looks like a medal is in the cards for Noriko after | f t Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
that amazing throw. I only asked y o u to help m e bake a cake!
© I'm afraid you're out of luck. The last train has just @ M y home improvements opened a can of
left the station. worms. The builders discovered so many problems.
© W e don't stand a chance of getting into the @ The team has a mountain to climb if it wants
museum before lunchtime. to win the game.
© You're in luck! W e have o n e dress left in your size. © I was like a fish out of water at the science p O h , no, I've missed t h e last bus home. I'm really
fiction convention. in a jam now.
Q Doing the dishes after a dinner party is a pain Working on the farm meant I had to come to
ô It was just a case of beginner's luck when in the neck. grips with driving a tractor.
I w o n that card game. I'd never played it before. O The peeling wallpaper was just the tip of the
|p There was only a slim chance that we'd see a iceberg. The house needed so many repairs.
cheetah, so w e w e r e amazed w h e n w e spotted o n e .
D I hated working at the diner. The final straw was
H i Russell has injured his knee. It's touch-and-go
when they made me dress as a chicken.
whether he'll be able to play in the tournament this
ff| The plumber got to the b o t t o m of what's causing
the leak. W e need t o replace the pipe.
© I hadn't studied for my tests, so it was sheer luck
w h e n I passed them. O Zahira is an excellent scuba teacher. You're
@ ) had a n interview for a great job, but blew it in safe hands with her. |l Not being able to read music was a stumbling
w h e n I arrived half an hour late. Q Hayley had a close shave. That ball almost block w h e n I started learning the saxophone.
hit her! Hi The protesters want t o stop the building being
© J advised Kathy not to go into the water. It would demolished, but they're fighting a losing battle.
\ on the off-chance be risking life and limb. U If you let your children eat whatever they w a n t
i against all odds S The bear had left, and the coast was clear. for dinner, you're making a rodforyour own back
i a stroke of luck W e could continue with our trek. I I hate going to the dentist, but I know I have to
I Don't push your luck!
grin and bear it.
í the hot favorite
| | I can't believe you've upset your sister again! I'm
bezpečie @ bezpečie ® nebezpečenstvo the one who has to pick up the pieces.
nebezpečenstvo H J bezpečie Q nebezpečenstvo
bezpečie | J nebezpečenstvo Q nebezpečenstvo
s a nightmare
> a bumpy ride
j l Maddy caught the train by the skin of her teeth. in dire straits
It left a few seconds later. 1
a tough nut to crack
%U The rescue team found the climbers safe and \ in a j a m
sound after a week-long search.
@ You have t o take your life in your hands every
* There have been teething problems with the new time y o u cross this road.
computer system at work. O Make sure you wear a helmet when you're
! H Unclogging my sink was a piece of cake for cycling! Remember, safety first!
Carlita. She's a plumber. ffl The route through the jungle was fraught
@ Doing the dishes after a dinner party is a pain with danger.
in the neck. | § | W h a t a scorcher! It's perfect weather for
fU Getting around my city is a breeze. Our trains a barbecue.
are excellent.
i in one piece © W e had to leave the beach because it started
O Finishing the building this month is going !
had a narrow escape bucketing down.
to be a tall order. !
safely first U Nina always takes her dog for a walk come rain
in safe hands or shine.
i too close for comfort

23.5 24.6 © Tania told m e a secret but asked m e to keep it
© You weren't listening to me, were you? You had CI Nina keeps d r o n i n g o n about her new car. It's under my hat.
your head in the clouds. getting really boring! © M y wife was angry w h e n I w e n t behind her
© This politician used to be really popular, but n o w © This politician has a reputation for s p e a k i n g back and bought myself a n e w motorcycle.
the tide has turned. his m i n d . © I promise I won't tell Lizzie you're going to
© Isaac and Fatima's argument about which movie © Sarah was born with t h e gift o f t h e gab. She propose to her. M y lips are sealed.
to watch was just a storm in a teacup. could sell you anything. Q I thought Bella's hat was ridiculous, but I told
© You don't need a coat, Phil! It's like an © Cat g o t y o u r t o n g u e ? You usually have so much her a white lie and said I loved it.
oven outside. t o say.
© I'm so tired tonight! I'm going to hit the hay. © I sat on the shore with my boyfriend, s h o o t i n g 26.6
© There are lots of cafes and restaurants in my neck t h e breeze. PRAVDA:
of the woods. awhistleblower
came clean
above board
© a stick-in-the-mud brutally honest
© a ray of sunshine
% t take a rain check on
fyl a breath of fresh air
2 5 4 bending the truth
€jr a howling wind 1 @ 6 © 4 © 2 © 8 © 3
t e l l i n g half-truths
© like an oven
went behind her back
Hi raining cats and dogs 25.5 t o o k us for a r i d e
© W e must have g o t o u r w i r e s crossed. I thought
the dress code for this party was casual. 26,7
© W h e n news stories are shocking, I always t a k e
t h e m w i t h a g r a i n o f salt.
© The boss stirred u p a h o r n e t ' s nest when she
said w e w o u l d have to take a pay cut.
© After leaving the band, Marco d i s h e d t h e d i r t
about the other band members to ajournalist. 26.8
© Anna's manager t o u c h e d b a s e with her for Hi Sunita,
24.3 a quick update on her research. I have some exciting news for you, but please keep it
U I always enjoy a chitchat w i t h m y sister Q The tour rep b r o k e t h e n e w s t o us that our flight u n d e r your hat because it's t o p secret at the
over coffee. had been canceled. moment. I've been promoted! I had a h u n c h that I
@ The students parroted the facts w i t h o u t u s i n g
would get the j o b because my interview w e n t well. As
their o w n words. 25.6 I said, please don't tell anyone because my new boss
H Ahmed talks the talk, b u t isn't v e r y © I'm afraid your cat will have to stay here overnight, still wants to keep it under w r a p s .
hardworking. but I promise I'll keep you in the picture about how Love, Lindsay
© I hate it w h e n my boss t a l k s d o w n t o m e l she's recovering.
© Leo can talk himself out o f a n y a w k w a r d © W h y did you spill the beans and tell Luke I had 26.9
situation. a new boyfriend? I wanted to tell him myself. J I'm not going to tell you how much my house
© M y colleagues love to talk shop w h e n t h e y m e e t © This restaurant couldn't afford an advertising cost. It's n o n e o f y o u r b u s i n e s s !
for lunch. campaign, but it has become really popular by w o r d © A w h i s t l e b l o w e r has told the authorities about
© This politician has a reputation f o r s p e a k i n g of mouth. the dirty conditions in the kitchen at work.
his m i n d . Q I'm planning a surprise trip to Paris with (Jam to © I knew Frida hadn't been out sick. I s m e l l e d a rat
© I made small talk with Marisha w h i l e w e w a i t e d celebrate our wedding anniversary. Don't let the cat when she came back to work with a suntan.
for the train. out of the bag! ) David l i e d t h r o u g h his t e e t h to his mom. H e
© I've tried telling Maya to clean up her room, © Rumors that the two actors had secretly gotten claimed the cat had broken her favorite vase.
b u t it's l i k e t a l k i n g t o a b r i c k w a l l . married spread like wildfire. © M y teacher was b r u t a l l y h o n e s t with me and
told me my essay was terrible.
24.4 25.7
© talk shop © the bearer of bad news
© spins a good y a m © take them with a grain of salt
© She can talk! Cl got our wires crossed
© talk big © heard it through the grapevine
© parroted ô touched base
© talks down to m e 27.3
© talks the talk
© Felipe cast a glance at his watch. The bus was
already 10 minutes late.
© Jenny, please tell me how the interview went. I'm
© talk some sense into him
all e a r s !
© talk your ear off
Q Bastian k e p t a close watch o n his children as they
a loudmouth 26.5 played outside.
© talks the talk © The children are being very quiet. I think there's © The examiner watched us like a h a w k , making
something fishy going o n ! sure w e didn't cheat.

HI Kezia looked furious when I told her I'd torn her 2BA
dress. If l o o k s could kill! l toot her o w n horn
Ô W h e n my parents got w i n d of the fact that I'd had í music to my ears
a house party, they were furious. I drum up
Q Omar lent a s y m p a t h e t i c ear w h e n I broke up i made a scene
with m y boyfriend. ' is like a broken record I don't feel very well. I think I'm c o m i n g d o w n
j face the music w i t h something.
I f l Moving to t h e country has given Kira
28.5 a n e w l e a s e o n life.
HI lan's desserts are amazing. He'll be a t o u g h U Ollie received a c l e a n bill of h e a l t h from his
a c t t o f o l l o w w h e n he leaves. doctor.
0 Arjun felt left o u t o f t h e p i c t u r e w h e n his Q The dancers in this show have to be a s fit
I If looks could kill! roommates got a dog without telling him. as a f i d d l e .
I hard of hearing if) You've c h a n g e d y o u r t u n e ! I thought you
\ listening with half an ear didn't like cats.
) fell o n deaf ears Ô Nisha is helping m e f i n e - t u n e my presentation i zdravie IP choroba B choroba | § | zdravie
I cast an eye over for tomorrow morning. i choroba ô choroba ® zdravie @ choroba
I watched us like a hawk Q Dennis broke his mom's laptop. He had to choroba
Ment a sympathetic ear f a c e t h e m u s i c and tell her.
I turned a blind eye

fH This music's far too loud! It has given me

a splitting h e a d a c h e .
HU Be careful what y o u say about the boss.
fjl A week at a health spa was j u s t w h a t t h e d o c t o r
Remember, walls have ears!
o r d e r e d after a stressful month at work.
© W e kept our eyes peeled, hoping we'd spot some
Hl Urna is u p a n d a b o u t following her operation
rare birds. 29.3 last week.
© Martina didn't hear the teacher's question. She lU W e sat in front of t h e T V stuffing o u r faces © Imran looks t h e p i c t u r e o f h e a l t h since he
was a million miles away. with popcorn. started going to the gym.
Hi The border guard gave my documents the 9 Nigel took a tray of piping hot cupcakes out 0 A relaxing afternoon in the park helped
once-over, then let me drive on. of t h e oven. me r e c h a r g e m y batteries

O T h e teacher turned a blind eye t o his students' Q Ethan took his new client out for a sit-down meal.
S' You shouldn't eat so many cookies! You'll spoil
bad behavior.
your appetite. I the worse for wear
© Aliyah w h i p p e d up an omelet for Caleb I throwing up
music to my ears and his friends. * on the mend
i an eagle eye Hi Mario celebrated his 70th birthday with i in bad shape
cast an eye over a feast fit for a king. • flare up
fell on deaf ears Ô I washed d o w n my pizza with a glass I a heavy cold
hard of hearing of lemonade. I get in shape
Q W e complained to the waiter that our
soup was stone cold.

> face the music Ip Mario celebrated his 70th birthday with © Brad thought he would pass the test easily,
(j changed your tune a feast fit f o r a king. b u t h e o n l y s c r a p e d by.
) jazz up @ 1 was in a rush, so I g r a b b e d something © Our cutting-edge products h a v e m a d e
\ The show must go o n ! t o e a t from the fast food stand. our c o m p a n y millions of dollars.
> fine-tune HI The sight of the cake in the café window ID The professor's astrophysics lecture
I get the show on the road made my mouth water. went over my head.
> read him like a book f|| Chris bought a r o u n d o f d r i n k s for the HI Ian is such a bookworm. H e l o v e s r e a d i n g .
basketball team. O Vineetha loves modern art. S h e k n o w s
28.3 IH I'm so glad I ordered a n extra-large pizza. it inside o u t .
© Antonio is great at flower arranging. H e h a s I c o u l d eat a h o r s e ! © Ping's design for the new library r e a l l y b r e a k s
i t d o w n t o a n art. the mold.
ô Juanita is so careful at work. She d o e s ' % These doctors have made a b r e a k t h r o u g h
e v e r y t h i n g by t h e b o o k |ij a square meal i n their medical research.
® I'm going to t a k e a p a g e o u t o f y o u r b o o k © eats like a bird
and clean my desk. ^fjl wolfed d o w n 31.5
Q The police chief p u t us in t h e p i c t u r e about l|| whipped up HI W e both thought of buying Dan a camera
the bank robbery. © spoil your appetite for his birthday. G r e a t m i n d s t h i n k a l i k e !
fH H o w many times must I d r u m it i n t o y o u r fH Dion's new laptop is light-years a h e a d o f
h e a d ? W i p e your feet on the mat! his old one.

@ Ben accused Stefan of being a c o p y c a t . 32.6
Their artworks were very similar. © I found it hard to m a k e e n d s m e e t w h e n
l f | Mary's an expert in ancient history. I was a student, so I started working in a café.
She really k n o w s h e r stuff. © Aranza and Dominic decided to g o D u t c h at the
© The professor's astrophysics lecture end of the meal.
went over my head ® Luna wants to buy a house soon, so she's building * get a move on
up a nest-egg. i from dusk till dawn
31.6 © Marco had to t i g h t e n his belt, so he started l once in a blue moon
HI Andrea only started work here last week. bringing his o w n lunch to work. i before w e knew it
She's till learning the ropes. @ Getting the car fixed will be expensive, but luckily í at the crack of dawn
® I can show you around my city. I know it like I have s a v e d f o r a r a i n y d a y .
the b a c k of my hand.
Hi M y client wanted a completely new design.
I had to put on my thinking c a p .
HI I just can't make heads or tails of this map.
© Peter's b r u s h i n g up on his French before his
vacation in Paris.
31.7 LACNÝ: 34.5
O scraped by a good deal IP Time's u p ! I need y o u to give me an answer now.
@ state-of-the-art b a r g a i n - b a s e m e n t prices © The teacher told Cory to stop w a s t i n g time on
© a copycat slash prices his phone.
O a bookworm © I was woken in the d e a d of night by a loud noise
@ can't make heads or tails of DRAHÝ: outside.
© a breakthrough highway robbery © W e were up at the c r a c k of dawn to catch our
© passed with flying colors cost a n a r m a n d a l e g flight.
pay over the odds © That meeting really d r a g g e d on. Colm was
almost asleep by the end.

17 34.6
© before w e knew it
© the w e e hours
32.2 P Vyhľadáva lacné veci. HI Time's up!
U Kabát bol lacný. © a drag
Hi I loved looking after Nadia's cat while she was on H Dosť znižujú ceny. © in the nick of time
vacation. It was easy money. 31 Ayesha si nič nekupuje. © flown by
HI Vegetables don't have to be expensive. Carrots J Kúpili veľa vecí.
and cabbage are dirt cheap at this store. 34.7
© M y daughter wants a new smartphone. I keep 33.5 © Julio t o o k his t i m e finishing his painting.
telling her money doesn't grow on trees! © M y new suit cost a n arm and a leg. I bought He wanted it to be perfect.
© It was really generous of Imran to buy us dinner it from a tailor in Milan. © Victoria is always o n t i m e for her English class.
at that expensive restaurant, but he does like to throw HI After winning the lottery, Tomáš went on © Ren arrived b r i g h t a n d e a r l y for his first day
money around. a shopping spree. at work.
HU The taxi from the airport cost more than $70. © It's nearly midnight. It's a b o u t t i m e w e
LACNÝ: It was highway robbery! w e n t home.
dirt cheap © Austin needed some retail therapy, so he spent HI Huan only cooks at h o m e o n c e in a b l u e m o o n .
r o c k - b o t t o m prices the afternoon at the mall,
cost n e x t t o n o t h i n g ô This store sells designer labels at bargain-
basement prices.
DRAHÝ: HI Javier drove a hard bargain, refusing to drop the
a hefty sum price of his house.
a rip-off 35.2
• splurge HI W e need to roll up our sleeves if w e ' r e g o i n g to
32.4 !
shop around finish painting t h e h o u s e today.
© tighten his belt pay over the odds © If Gavin doesn't start working harder, w e ' l l h a v e
Hi saved for a rainy day slash prices to give h i m the boot.

© out of pocket cost a fortune © Austin is in a lot of trouble. I w o u l d n ' t w a n t t o


O struck it rich
b e in his s h o e s .
© rolling in it
Q M y boss got very hot under the collar w h e n
I h a n d e d m y r e p o r t in l a t e .
32.5 © The movie was a spy thriller w i t h lots of
cloak-and-dagger a c t i o n .
© If Sven wins the race, I'll e a t m y h a t !

KU M y daughter thinks my taste in music
© Ben suffered the consequences of his misbehavior
is really old h a t . !jp pulled out all the stops and had to wash the car.
© Jane has a bee in her bonnet a b o u t p e o p l e ||p roll up our sleeves Q Seth took the law into his own hands
d r o p p i n g litter o n t h e s i d e w a l k . ô snowed under and confronted the vandals.
© elbow grease
H i didn't lift a finger
® Pedro's upset about failing the test. You'll have
U Carla refused to t o e t h e line and wear the same
to h a n d l e h i m w i t h kid gloves
uniform as the other students.
Ô lan's become t o o b i g f o r his b o o t s since his
U Jack's boss is always b r e a t h i n g d o w n his neck.
promotion. He always ignores me.
He wants more independence.
HI W h e n Juan w o n the national art prize, it was
@ The party g o t o u t o f h a n d , so the neighbors
a f e a t h e r in his c a p .
called the police.
) M y teacher explained that I would fail my exam
O Since leaving jail, Crystal has k e p t o n t h e
if I didn't pull m y socks up.
I P The client hates my design for the company logo, straight a n d n a r r o w .
so it's b a c k t o t h e d r a w i n g b o a r d f j j Pedro's father p u t his f o o t d o w n and refused
U The traffic usually moves a t a snail's p a c e during to let him watch TV.
U This steak really is a s t o u g h a s s h o e leather. the rush hour.
I need a sharper knife! ® The guests m a d e a b e e l i n e f o r all the cakes on
H t M y cousin is very emotional. He'll start an the table. I let him off the hook
argument a t t h e d r o p o f a hat. Q Scientists are o n t h e v e r g e o f developing s reached a verdict
® Carter is such a c l e v e r clogs. He's always the first intelligent robots. i twisted her arm
to raise his hand in class. * the head
© After working at the bank for 30 years, it was time < calls the shots
for me to h a n g u p m y boots. í a slap on the wrist
® W e need to r o l l u p o u r s l e e v e s if we're going
to finish painting the house today.

I vydať sa na výlet alebo cestu

mmb/orené a dobre fungujúce
• give him the boot j | späť na začiatok
í up my sleeve H nerobí nijaký pokrok
> in his shoes §| urobil veľký pokrok
roll up our sleeves
| hang up my boots
hit t h e big t i m e
i off-the-cuff HI The hikers f o r g e d a h e a d in spite of the terrible w o r k e d like a c h a r m
lining her pockets snowstorm. brought the house d o w n
i old hat H I I'm r u n n i n g a r o u n d like a headless c h i c k e n
trying t o get the meal ready for m y guests tonight. ZLYHANIE:
Iffl S l o w l y b u t surely, my daughter is learning to o n t h e ropes
ride a bike. go sideways
I was late for my business meeting, so I had to eat screwed up
lunch o n t h e r u n .
H I The children threw the ball b a c k a n d f o r t h as
they played outside. ® The gang's plan to rob the bank w e n t b e l l y u p
when a policeman recognized Mike.
Ô Nicola's decision to take her dog shopping turned
out to be a r e c i p e f o r disaster.
I Ťažko pracuje.
Nathan's first book was a n o v e r n i g h t success.
I Oddychovali sme.
It sold a million copies in a month.
I Júlia sa vynasnažila zo všetkých síl. Ô Lucy's beauty salon is g o i n g f r o m strength t o
i Carmen nepracuje tvrdo. strength. She's opening another soon.
S Bola to ťažká práca. i a slap on the wrist ) Margaret's performance f e l l f l a t o n its f a c e .
s broke the law She can't sing!
twisted her arm
H I Leo always goes the extra mile to keep our >reached a verdict
customers happy. I calls the shots zlyhanie zlyhanie I úspech
úspech I
| § l Akash usually takes 40 winks after he's finished zlyhanie i úspecff úspech f úspech
his lunch.
| § l I'm sorry, I can't talk to you for long. I have my H i It was the day of reckoning. The judge
hands full. was about to sentence Mason for burglary.
® Celia had to put her head down and finish her H i It's important to obey the law when you're cycling \ w o n it hands d o w n
essay to meet the deadline. in the city. \ go sideways
f U Brandon is a slacker. H e looks at his phone all day ® It's the children w h o rule the roost in Kaylee's t an overnight success
and ignores the customers. family. They don't respect her. 1
brought the house d o w n
© After a long day working at the store, Marc likes i fell flat on its face
to put his feet up and watch TV, f
going from strength to strength

© a recipe for disaster © Our new bags are selling like hotcakes. W e P The plumber gave us a b a l l p a r k figure for the
© hit the jackpot need to order more. cost of the new bathroom.
© screwed up © Evan is always asking me what to do. I feel like © I'm sorry you didn't get through to the next round,
I have to s p o o n - f e e d him. Cameron. Y o u w i n s o m e , y o u lose s o m e !
© I've failed my driving test for the tenth time.
I think it's time to t h r o w i n t h e t o w e l .
© W e ask all our interview candidates the same
questions to create a l e v e l p l a y i n g f i e l d .
© Emily is a t e a m p l a y e r . She works so well with
all her colleagues at the bookstore.
I Andrew made sure he h a d his d u c k s i n a r o w © Our boss is leaving the restaurant soon, and
before his presentation. Angela is t h e f r o n t - r u n n e r to get his job.
© Maya is a great designer. She always t h i n k s © We've already reduced our price by 25 percent. 43.3
o u t s i d e t h e box. T h e b a l l is i n y o u r c o u r t . © Doug is m a k i n g progress on his
© Irena's internship at the fashion firm helped her to J I play in a band every weekend, but teaching new novel and hopes to finish it soon.
get a f o o t i n t h e d o o r . guitar is m y b r e a d a n d butter.
© I want to get fit, so I've started d o i n g exercise
Q We're w o r k i n g a r o u n d t h e c l o c k t o make sure © Boris was given a g o l d e n h a n d s h a k e w h e n every day.
the new subway line opens on time. he retired from the company.
© D o your best in the game today! I know you can
beat the other team.
© There's something wrong with the photocopier.
7 1J# 6 M n the red It's m a k i n g a strange noise.
I bring h o m e the bacon © I always d o my homework as soon as I get h o m e
40.5 I the lion's share from school.
d Carlos has lots of h a n d s - o n experience working * the top dog © The children had fun painting, but they've really
with horses. 1
a white-collar j o b m a d e a mess.
© Sara has handed in her n o t i c e at work. She's © Can you d o m e a favor and get that book d o w n
going to study engineering. from the shelf?
© After studying for many years, Anna embarked
on a c a r e e r as a surgeon. 43.4
© I'm really bored at work, so I've decided to start © Z o e did her hair before her best friend's
job hunting. engagement party.
© Rory goes the extra m i l e to make sure his © I made a phone call to our client in India to
customers are satisfied. All our gardeners are really hardworking, but discuss some important business.
Hannah is in a league of her own. <© I was quite offended w h e n Laura made a joke
© This client keeps moving the goalposts. N o w she about my new sweater.
© landed a j o b wants the bedroom painted red. © The flood did a lot of damage t o our house,
© in a nutshell © W e don't have enough time to train our so w e had to move out.
© tied up employees properly. They'll just have to sink or swim. ) W e did a n experiment in the laboratory as part
© goes the extra mile © We've got a lot of unpacking to do, so let's get the of our research project.
® fired ball rolling.
© I often have to work evenings, but I knew the
score w h e n I decided t o accept this job. © 5 I

423 43.6
| ( | cleared a hurdle © I m a d e some friends from the local area while
© in full swing I was o n vacation.
© a ballpark figure © I always d o m y homework as soon as I get
© I've decided to leave the rat race a n d m o v e © par for the course h o m e from school.
t o t h e country. © below par 1 We're m a k i n g arrangements for o u r summer
© M y dad had a blue-collar j o b i n t h e © on the ball vacation in Italy.
c o n s t r u c t i o n industry. ô get the ball rolling © I was really pleased w h e n Sue m a d e a cake
© W e decided to blacklist this supplier a f t e r t h e y for my birthday.
sent us faulty products.
© W e d i d an experiment in the laboratory as part
C I After many years in journalism, S i m o n b e c a m e } the gloves are off of our research project.
a big cheese in the media. > at this stage of the game p I w a s quite offended w h e n Laura m a d e a j o k e
© There's a lot of red tape involved i n h e a l t h a n d > thrown in at the deep end about m y new sweater.
safety i n t h e w a r e h o u s e . »saved by the bell ) The flood d i d a lot of damage to our house,
»threw us a curveball so w e had to move out.
© I want to get fit, so I've started d o i n g exercise
© W e ask all our interview candidates the same
every day.
questions to create a l e v e l p l a y i n g f i e l d . © The firefighters t a c k l e d the fire at the warehouse © M y daughter always m a k e s her bed
Ô Our range of cereal is a c a s h c o w . It's cheap a n d made sure everyone got out safely. in the morning.
to make and customers love it. © I've had cats and rabbits before, but looking after © Can y o u d o m e a favor and get that book
© I have a w h i t e - c o l l a r j o b in an investment bank. a dog is a w h o l e n e w b a l l g a m e . d o w n from the shelf?

© Judy was sad to see the birds trapped in their

44 45 cage, so she set them free.

© The ship set sailforChina this morning.
It will arrive in 20 days.
Q Terry puts his family first. H e always leaves work
GIVE: © After gardening all morning, w e were so tired that in time to meet his children after school.
a presentation w e needed to have a rest. © Sakura has been putting the heat o n the
an example © I need to go to bed now. I'm getting tired. contractors to finish the j o b quickly.
the impression © Shreya's going to have a baby this summer.
birth O Michael and Heather had an argument about the
a speech rules of the game. © Silvio called the fire department after he
priority © Lily had a conversation with another passenger accidentally set fire to his shed.
me a hug on the train. © After telling my boss I was leaving m y job, I put
an answer
it in writing.
© I had a long way to drive, so I set off nice
TAKE: ^7 and early.
a photo
© I always put off doing my homework until the
a chance
last minute.
a nap gets angry w h e n
© Robin always his children © Ed set the table before his guests arrived
a bite refuse to eat their food. for dinner.
a shower
© I have an appointment to see the vet at © Irfan has put me in charge of the store while
a seat
2 o'clock this afternoon. he is on vacation.
the lead
© Sean and Lisa had a talk about the new design
a look
for the office.
© Tiffany had fun at the festival with her friends.

Dwayne likes to take a shower as soon as he gets 47

h o m e from work. © Kylie had a party to celebrate her 18th birthday.
© Emily is giving a presentation about the It was great fun! 47.3
company's sales figures. Ô Claude is getting better at making cakes. GO:
© Hamid took a photo of his class in front of © I need to go to bed now. I'm getting tired. bankrupt
the Colosseum. © After gardening all morning, w e were so tired that quiet
© Near t h e end of the race, Axel passed the other w e needed to have a rest. abroad
athletes and took the lead. You really need to get going if y o u w a n t to catch
© fishing
the train. deaf
H i I had a big suitcase, so Selma offered to give me missing
a lift to the airport. bad
KU The dog gave the impression that he wanted
to go outfora walk, COME:
ô Mario and I are taking a drawing class to a standstill
this evening. close
© The receptionist asked me to take a seat while to a decision
I waited for the hairdresser. into view
H i Drivers should always give priority
to an agreement
to pedestrians. © Catalina has set the date for her wedding in last
next summer. prepared
© After telling my boss I was leaving my job, to the rescue
I put it in writing.
© I set homework for my students at the end 47.4
of every lesson. © Riya came prepared for the camping trip.
H i W h e n Danny got to the hotel, he gave me a call © I h a d a long w a y t o drive, so I set off nice ^ W h e n the play came to a n end, everyone left
to say he had arrived safely. and early. the theater.
© Hamid took a photo of his class in front of
© M y kids go crazy whenever they hear that song.
the Cohsseum. © That style of shirt w e n t out of fashion years ago!
© The professor gave a speech to the students 1
put her cards on the table
about her new discovery. put off
© Emily is giving a presentation about the i put a stop to
company's sales figures. put me in charge of
© Dwayne likes to take a shower as soon as he gets put it bluntly 47.6
home from work.
Hi This fruit has gone bad. Its not good to eat.
© M y aunt's going deaf. You'll have to speak
© I really put my foot in it when I asked if Hazel was more loudly.
Tamsin's mother. They are actually sisters. © The judges have come t o a decision about
the winner.

@ Sara's fashion boutique w e n t bankrupt. She
© Some people can be u n b e l i e v a b l y selfish w h e n
couldn't afford the rent. © pay you back they are on the bus.
© Everyone w e n t quiet w h e n the boss walked into © paid tribute @ Malachi s t r o n g l y believes in looking after the
the room. @ hold my tongue environment.
© M y move w e n t smoothly. I had lots of people C I hold the line
helping me. © paid me a compliment
© The team has c o m e t o a n agreement about © holds a grudge
which logo design to use. © paid close attention

© Joshua's dog has g o n e missing. He's putting up 50.4
signs around town. © I don't need help carrying my bag. It's as light
© W e were stranded on the rocks until the lifeguards as a f e a t h e r .
c a m e t o t h e rescue. © M y uncle is as strong as a n ox. He's a champion
© Dougie prefers to g o a b r o a d on vacation. 49.7 weightlifter.
© Pavel Iikes to go f i s h i n g on Saturdays. H I Andre gets up ridiculously e a r l y every morning. © M y grandfather is as w i s e as an owl. He always
© Paula trained very hard and c a m e in first in © This food is a b s o l u t e l y delicious. You're such a gives good advice.
the hurdles. good cook! 9 I'm as blind as a b a t without my glasses.
© W e s t r o n g l y a d v i s e y o u not to travel unless it is © Paul is as quiet as a m o u s e . He never talks in
absolutely necessary. meetings.
© That date was u n b e l i e v a b l y a w k w a r d . W e had
nothing to say to each other.
© Gina was d e e p l y c o n c e r n e d w h e n her cat didn't © There was no rain for months, and the land was
come home for his dinner. as d r y as a bone.
© Fiona looked a s p r o u d as a p e a c o c k in
© Two firefighters p a i d a visit to my son's school 49.8 her new hat.
today to talk about fire safety. O Cesar's n e w movie was h i g h l y p r a i s e d b y t h e © Mary's car is a s o l d a s t h e hills. She refuses
Q I'm trying to call the bank and they've asked me critics. to buy a new one.
to h o l d the line. It's so annoying! © The park is absolutely beautiful a t this t i m e © Selma slept like a l o g after a long day climbing
© Cleo told me about her mom's surprise party but of year. in the Alps.
asked me to k e e p it a secret. © I was deeply hurt w h e n Madison d i d n ' t i n v i t e
C I W e h o l d a meeting each Monday to discuss the m e to her wedding. 50.6
week ahead. Ô The portions in this restaurant a r e ridiculously © as good as gold
small. © as deaf as a post
48.6 © Malachi strongly believes in l o o k i n g a f t e r t h e © shaking like a leaf
© catch his eye environment. © as white as a sheet
© caught the train © as fast as lightning
© caught a cold 49.9 © as brave as a lion
Q catch my breath ABSOLUTELY:
O catch fire delicious 50.7
useless ©
48.7 fantastic
• B é B
48.8 unlikely
© The teacher asked the students t o k e e p q u i e t probable
during t h e test. praised 50.8
© The children paid d o s e attention t o J o h n a s h e Have y o u been out in the snow? Your hands are
t o l d t h e m a b o u t his t r a v e l s . RIDICULOUSLY: as cold as ice!
© I live with my parents, but p a y m y w a y easy Q M a r y s car is a s o l d a s t h e hills. She refuses
b y b u y i n g groceries. expensive to buy a new one.
© Natalie always keeps calm w h e n s h e has t o t a l k early © Javier was a s b u s y a s a b e e getting ready for
to angry customers. the party.
© After climbing the stairs, I s t o p p e d t o c a t c h STRONGLY: © Roy's new suit fits l i k e a g l o v e . H e looks really
my breath. believes good.
© Pari usually drives to work, b u t s h e c a u g h t t h e feels © M y grandmother is a s d e a f a s a post. She always
train this m o r n i n g . advise turns up the TV really loud.
© Raul caught a glimpse of a d e e r a s h e h i k e d
through t h e forest. 49.10
© Kelly paid m e a compliment a n d s a i d © I was u n b e l i e v a b l y lucky to get my violin back
she liked m y n e w haircut. after I left it o n the train.
© Gina was d e e p l y concerned when her cat didn't
come home for his dinner.
© I h i g h l y recommend this book. I stayed up all
night reading it!

i f Come outside and look at the flowers
I planted last month.
Ill The Lions have won the soccer championship
51.2 0 The Lions beat the Stars 3-1. 54.2
U Honesty is the best policy. 0 I saw Keiko's large ginger cat lying on the lawn. *IH a red-letter day

J< Many hands make light work.

% pitch black
O There's no time like the present. 52.10
C I the green belt
C I Two heads are better than one. U sitting in a tree.
The cat watched the birds a black eye
@ Curiosity killed the cat. @ test results were better.
I wish my i f turned beet-red
© Better late than never. © This pie that you've been baking smells •) a black-tie event
U Actions speak louder than words. delicious! |l a green thumb
C I Suddenly, Jules heard a loud bang coming
51.3 from behind him. 54.3
® 2 0 5 @ I expect that there will be lots of people at Hi Sandra,
© 3 © 6 the party. Alyssa knocked on my door out of the blue
Q C o m e outside and look at the flowers yesterday. I hadn't seen her for years! She said she
51.4 I planted last month. was going to paint the town red for her birthday next
© Don't count your chickens before they hatch, I The Lions have w o n the soccer championship week, and invited me along, too. You know I only go
Kim! The game isn't over yet. again. out once in a blue moon, so I thought it would be a
£t Stop sitting by the phone waiting to hear if you Q I'm really looking forward to seeing the golden opportunity to meet some n e w friends. She
got the job. A watched pot never boils. fireworks display at the party. said I could bring a friend along. W o u l d you like to
© I've been playing the trumpet every day and I'm © Jules often listens t o music on his walk home come with me?
Practice makes perfect.
really improving. from work. Love,
Q Azra adores her pet snake. I suppose beauty is Janice
in the eye of the beholder. 52.11
M ® 8 @ 5 © 7 54.4
Jj Sergio got a black eye after he walked into a
O Flo's incompetence at work is affecting the whole lamppost.
team. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
I The actress made her first appearance on the
@ We're almost ready for the party and we've still
silver screen in the 1950s.
got plenty of time. Many hands make light work.
j ) I always get the blues w h e n my vacation is over
CI' The day the sales began, Tamsin was outside
and I have to go back to work.
the store at 6 in the morning. The early bird
Jl The boys were caught red-handed w h e n they
catches the w o r m ! iU "Oh, no," said Kayleigh- "I've left my school bag o n tried to break into the house.
Cl Jakob really misses his girlfriend now that she the bus with all my homework in it."
has gone to college. Absence makes the heart © Colm injured his foot w h e n he dropped the vase. 54.5
grow fonder. 9 There is lots of work to do. I have to stack shelves
]§ I thought my new boss was really nice, but he
@ You were meant to give m e this assignment and serve customers.
showed his true colors w h e n I forgot to put sugar in
a week ago, but better late than never. p Are you sure y o u want to buy that car? It would his coffee.
be more sensible to save your money. Ct Fake designer goods are sold on the black market.
0 There's a gray area in the office dress code. M y
® Better late than never. 53.9
boss said it was casual, but she told me I couldn't
O Honesty is the best policy. O Colm's foot still hurt for days after the accident. wear shorts.
© ) Curiosity killed the cat. i|l Wait a minute! I need to charge my phone before C I I want to be a teacher, so getting work experience
@ Actions speak louder than words. w e go. at the school was a golden opportunity for me.
| l Silvia reminded Sanjay to visit his mother on í We're protesting against plans to build houses on
her birthday. the green belt in our local area.

0 I have a j o b as a sales assistant in a supermarket.

53.10 O black and blue
© 4 © 2 # 7 © 3 © 8 # 6 @ 1 @ 5 Ô saw red
52.8 H I a green thumb
® Yes, I will lend you my laptop, but please be «0 green with envy
careful with it. I There's no need to be so sensitive! I was only © out of the blue
@ I expect that there will b e lots of people at trying t o give y o u advice.
the party. Ô Kayleigh had to tell her teacher that she had left
© Ihope I still get into college. her homework on the bus.
[) Suddenly, Jules heard a loud bang coming from H Colm damaged Sheila's vase w h e n he dropped it.
behind him. |f Sanjay remembered to see his mother, w h o was
© This pie that you've been baking smells delicious! delighted to see him.
© Nina wore her new dress toJack's party.
52.9 C I Don't forget to bring water. I'll fill up some
D Jules often listens to music on his walk h o m e bottles for us.
from work.

have an argument 45.1 back and forth 37.1
Výrazy sú zoradené podľa čísla lekcie alebo modulu, cost an arm and a leg 33.1 back on track 37.1
twist someone's arm 38.2 back to square one 37.1
take 40 winks 36.2 up in arms 11.1 go behind someone's back 26.3

go around in circles 37.1 have eyes in the back of your head 15.1
just around the corner 17.2 it's back to the drawing board 37.1
shop around 33.1 know something like the back of your
about time 34.2 work around the clock 40.2 hand 31.1
up and about 30.2 make arrangements 43.1 make a rod for your own back 22.2
above board 26.1 have something down to an art 28.1 pay someone back 48.1
go abroad 47.1 state-of-the-art 31.3 stab someone in the back 16.1
absence makes the heart grow fonder 51.1 as blind as a bat 50.2 water off a duck's back 7.1
absolutely 49.1 as bold as brass 4.1 bring home the bacon 41.3
an acquired taste 29.2 as brave as a lion 50.2 a bad workman always blames his tools 51.1
act your age 1.2 as busy as a bee 50.2 go bad (US) / go off (UK) 47.1
a tough act to follow 5.1, 28.1 in bad shape 30.2
as cold as ice 50.1
get your act together 37.1
as deaf as a post 50.1 leave a bad taste in someone's mouth 6.1
read someone the riot act 9.2
as dry as a bone 50.1 the bearer of bad news 25.2
actions speak louder than words 51.1
as far as the eye can see 17.2 badger someone 7.1
against all odds 19.3
as fast as lightning 50.1 badly behaved 10.4
come up against a brick wall 22.1
as fit as a fiddle 30.2 let the cat out of the bag 25.2
act your age 1.2
as flat as a pancake 8.1 a whole new ball game 42.1
come of age 1.2
as good as gold 50.1 get the ball rolling 18.1, 42.1
feel your age 1.2
as light as a feather 50.1 on the ball 42.1
great age 1.2
as old as the hills 1.1, 50.1 the ball is in your court 41.2
improve with age 1.2
as proud as a peacock 50.2 a ballpark figure 42.1
ripe old age 1.2
as quiet as a mouse 50.2 go bananas 11.3
tender age 1.2
as right as rain 30.2 go bankrupt 47.1
that awkward age 1.2
as strong as an ox 50.2 bargain-basement prices 33.1
ages 34.1
as tough as shoe leather (US) / as tough as an drive a hard bargain 33.1
agree to disagree 9.2
old boot (UK) 35.1 go bargain-hunting 33.1
come to an agreement 47.2
as weak as a kitten 50.2 bark up the wrong tree 7.1
forge ahead 37.1
as white as a sheet 11.2, 50.1 someone's bark is worse than their bite 4.2
light-years ahead of 31.3
as wise as an owl 50.2 a barrel of laughs 4.1
miles ahead of 5.1
at a snail's pace 37.1 like shooting fish in a barrel 20.1
a breath of fresh air 23.2
at each other's throats 11.1 lock, stock, and barrel 17.1
set an alarm 46.1
at odds 9.2 touch base 25.1
great minds think alike 31.1
at the back of your mind 14.1 bargain-basement prices 33.1
against all odds 19.3
at the crack of dawn 34.2 as blind as a bat 50.2
all good things come to those who wait 51.1
at the drop of a hat 35.1 with bated breath 12.3
all good things must come to an end 18.3
at this stage of the game 42.1 recharge your batteries 30.2
all skin and bones 3.1
all too easy 20.1 pay close attention 48.1 an uphill battle 16.1
I'm all ears 27.2 an average Joe 4.1 fight a losing battle 22.2
not all that it's cracked up to be 6.1 a million miles away 27.2 full of beans 11.3
almost die of shame 13.4 talk yourself out of any awkward situation 24.1 spill the beans 25.3
almost jump out of your skin 15.1 that awkward age 1.2 bear a striking resemblance 3.1
get angry 45.2 unbelievably awkward 49.4 bear in mind (UK), see keep in mind (US)
give an answer 44.1 an ax to grind 16.1 grin and bear it 22.2
anyone's guess 19.3 the bearer of bad news 25.2
drift apart 2.1 beat a dead horse (US) / flog a dead horse (UK)
keep up appearances 3.1
spoil your appetite 29.2 B beat around the bush 23.3
the apple of someone's eye 8.1 have a baby 45.1 off the beaten path (US) / off the beaten
have an appointment 45.1 a pat on the back 15.1 track (UK) 17.2
a gray area 54.1 at the back of your mind 14.1 behave beautifully 10.4

beauty is in the eye of the beholder 51.1 a black eye 54.1 be born with a silver spoon in your mouth 3.3
an eager beaver 12.3 a black-tie event 54.1 the best of both worlds 5.1
make your bed 43.1 black and blue 54.1 get to the bottom of 22.2
as busy as a bee 50.2 pitch black 54.1 rock-bottom prices 32.1
have a bee in your bonnet 35.1 the black market 54.1 bouncing off the walls 12.3
the bee's knees 5.1 the black sheep of the family 2.2 think outside the box 40.2
make a beeline for 37.1 blacklist 41.1 pick someone's brain 15.1
turn beet-red 54.1 a bad workman always blames his tools 51.1 rack your brain (US) / rack your brains (UK) 14.1
before you know it 34.2 someone's mind goes blank 14.1 hold out an olive branch 9.2
beginner's luck 19.2 blaze a trail 37.1 as bold as brass 4.1
behave beautifully 10.4 a blessing in disguise 5.1 as brave as a lion 50.2
behave out of character 10.4 as blind as a bat 50.2 bread and butter 41.3
badly behaved 10.4 turn a blind eye 27.1 know what side your bread is buttered on 8.1
well behaved 10.4 in the blink of an eye 15.1 the best thing since sliced bread 5.1
on your best behavior 10.4 a chip off the old block 2.2 a hair's breadth 17.2
unacceptable behavior 10.4 a stumbling block 22.1 break a leg! 15.1
go behind someone's back 26.3 have blue blood 3.3 break the law 38.1
a joy to behold 12.2 like getting blood from a stone (UK) / like getting break the mold 31.3
beauty is in the eye of the beholder 51.1 blood from a turnip (US) 20.2 break the news 25.2
ring a bell 14.1 make someone's blood boil 13.1 a hearty breakfast 29.1
saved by the bell 42.1 someone's blood runs cold 13.3 a breakthrough 31.3
go belly up 39.2 blow it 19.3 a breath of fresh air 23.2
below par 42.1 blow your own trumpet (UK), catch your breath 48.3
below the belt 10.1 see toot your own horn (US) not hold your breath 19.3
below the belt 10.1 mind-blowing 5.1 with bated breath 12.3
the green belt 54.1 come to blows 16.1 breathe down someone's neck 38.2
tighten your belt 32.1 a blue-collar job 41.1 take a breather 36.2
bend the rules 38.1 black and blue 54.1 a breeze 20.1
bend the truth 26.3 feel blue 11.2 shoot the breeze 24.2
do your best 43.2 have blue blood 3.3 come up against a brick wall 22.1
give something your best shot 36.1 once in a blue moon 34.1, 54.1 like talking to a brick wall 24.1
honesty is the best policy 51.1 out of the blue 54.1 bridge the generation gap 1.1
on your best behavior 10.4 get the blues 54.1 bright and early 34.2
the best of both worlds 5.1 put it bluntly 46.2 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 12.3
the best thing since sliced bread 5.1 above board 26.1 bright young things 1.1
better late than never 51.1 it's back to the drawing board 37.1 bring home the bacon 41.3
better safe than sorry 21.2 make someone's blood boil 13.1 bring the house down 39.2
get better 45.2 a watched pot never boils 51.1 bring up 2.2
have seen better days 6.1 as bold as brass 4.1 teeter on the brink 21.2
two heads are better than one 51.1 the nuts and bolts 25.2 be like a broken record 28.1
caught between a rock and a hard place 22.2 drop a bombshell 16.1 broken-hearted 11.2
a big cheese 41.3 a bone of contention 9.2 brush up on 31.1
big hearted 10.1 as dry as a bone 50.1 brutally honest 26.1
hit the big time 39.1 all skin and bones 3.1 bucket down (UK) / rain buckets (US) 23.1
talk big 24.1 have a bee in your bonnet 35.1 be on a tight budget 33.1
too big for your boots 35.1 wouldn't say boo to a goose 4.2 bite the bullet 16.1
a clean bill of health 30.2 do everything by the book 28.1 dodge a bullet 16.1
a bird's-eye view 7.1 read someone like a book 28.1 a bumpy ride 22.2
a little bird told me 25.2 take a page out of your book (US) / take a leaf a bundle of nerves 15.1
eat like a bird 29.2 out of your book (UK) 28.1 burn the candle at both ends 36.1
the early bird catches the worm 51.1 you can't judge a book by its cover 51.1 bursting with excitement 12.3
give birth 44.1 a bookworm 31.3 bury the hatchet 9.2
take the biscuit (UK), see take the cake (US) as tough as an old boot (UK), see as tough as bury your head in the sand 15.1
in a bit of a tight spot 22.1 shoe leather (US) beat around the bush 23.3
bite off more than you can chew 8.1 give someone the boot 35.1 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 12.3
bite the bullet 16.1 hang up your boots 35.1 business as usual 40.1
someone's bark is worse than their bite 4.2 shake in your boots 13.3 none of someone's business 26.1
take a bite 44.2 too big for your boots 35.1 as busy as a bee 50.2

bread and butter 41.3 catch someone's eye 48.3 have your head in the clouds 23.2
butter someone up 8.1 catch red-handed 54.1 the coast is clear 21.2
look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth 3.1 catch the train 48.3 a heavy cold 30.2
know what side your bread is buttered on 8.1 catch your breath 48.3 as cold as ice 50.1
a butterfingers 8.1 the early bird catches the worm 51.1 catch a cold 48.3
have butterflies in your stomach 12.3 fight like cats and dogs 9.2 get cold feet 11.1,15.1
a social butterfly 4.2 rain cats and dogs 23.1 have a cold 45.1
by a whisker 17.2 caught between a rock and a hard place 22.2 someone's blood runs cold 13.3
by the skin of your teeth 21.2 a chain is only as strong as its weakest link 51.1 stone cold 29.2
by word of mouth 25.1 a slim chance 19.1 a blue-collar job 41.1
do everything by the book 28.1 in for a chance of 19.1 a white-collar job 41.1
learn something by heart 31.1 not stand a chance 19.1 hot under the collar 35.1
on the off-chance 19.1 pass with flying colors 31.3
take a chance 44.2 show your true colors 54.1

a piece of cake 20.1
change your tune 28.1
behave out of character 10.4
put someone in charge of 46.2
all good things come to those who wait 51.1
all good things must come to an end 18.3
come clean 26.1
the icing on the cake 5.1 work like a charm 39.2 come close 47.2
make a cake 43.1 cheap and nasty 6.1 come down with something 30.1
take the cake (US) / take the biscuit (UK) 8.1 dirt cheap 32.1 come in first (US) / come first (UK) 47.2
you can't have your cake and eat it, too 8.1 take a rain check on 23.2 come in last (US) / come last (UK) 47.2
call in sick 30.2 a big cheese 41.3 come into view 47.2
call it a day 18.2 get something off your chest 25.2 come of age 1.2
call the shots 38.2 bite off more than you can chew 8.1 come prepared 47.2
give someone a call 44.1 chicken out of 7.1 come rain or shine 23.1
make a phone call 43.1 no spring chicken 1.1 come to a decision 47.2
keep calm 48.4 run around like a headless chicken 37.1 come to an agreement 47.2
the calm before the storm 23.2 don't count your chickens before they hatch 51.1 come to an end 47.2
open a can of worms 20.2 keep your chin up! 15.1 come to a standstill 47.2
burn the candle at both ends 36.1 a chinwag (UK), see a chitchat (US) come to blows 16.1
a loose cannon 16.1 a chip off the old block 2.2 come to grips with (US) / get to grips with (UK) 22.2
can't make heads or tails of (US) / can't make a chitchat (US) / a chinwag (UK) 24.2 come to the rescue 47.2
headortailof(UK)31.1 make a choice 43.1 come up against a brick wall 22.1
can't see the forest for the trees (US) / can't see a cinch 20.1 memories come flooding back 14.1
the wood for the trees (UK) 23.2 go around in circles 37.1 until the cows come home 34.1
a feather in your cap 35.1 first-class 5.1 too close for comfort 21.2
put on your thinking cap 31.1 take a class 44.2 a pillar of the community 3.3
in the cards (US) / on the cards (UK) 19.3 world-class 5.1 pay someone a compliment 48.1
put your cards on the table 46.2 a clean bill of health 30.2 reach a compromise 9.3
climb the career ladder 40.2 come clean 26.1 a foregone conclusion 19.3
embark on a career 40.2 clear a hurdle 42.1 suffer the consequences 38.2
a cash cow 41.3 the coast is clear 21.2 a bone of contention 9.2
cast a glance 27.1 a clever clogs 35.1 have a conversation 45.1
cast an eye over 27.1 a mountain to climb 20.2 strike up a conversation 24.2
a fat cat 41.3 climb the career ladder 40.2 a tough cookie 4.3
a scaredy-cat 7.1 cloak-and-dagger 35.1 do the cooking 43.2
cat got your tongue? 24.2 work around the clock 40.2 cool as a cucumber 4.3
curiosity killed the cat 51.1 run like clockwork 39.2 a copycat 31.3
let the cat out of the bag 25.2 a clever clogs 35.1 a far-flung corner 17.2
like the cat that got the cream 7.1 a close-knit family 2.2 just around the corner 17.2
not enough room to swing a cat 7.1 a close shave 21.2 cut corners 36.2
put the cat among the pigeons (UK), close up shop (US) / shut up shop (UK) 33.1 cost a fortune 33.1
see stir up a hornet's nest (US) come close 47.2 cost an arm and a leg 33.1
take a cat nap 36.2 draw to a close 18.2 cost next to nothing 32.1
catch a cold 48.3 keep a close watch on 27.1 a couch potato 8.1
catch a glimpse of 48.3 pay close attention 48.1 don't count your chickens before they hatch 51.1
catch fire 48.3 too close for comfort 21.2 par for the course 42.1
catch someone off guard 16.1 on cloud nine 12.1 the ball is in your court 41.2

you can't judge a book by its cover 51.1 like a deer in headlights (US) / like a rabbit get dressed 45.2
a cash cow 41.3 in the headlights (UK) 7.1 in dribs and drabs 17.1
until the cows come home 34.1 out of your depth 20.2 drift apart 2.1
a tough nut to crack 22.2 get your just deserts 38.2 you can lead a horse to water, but you can't
at the crack of dawn 34.2 almost die of shame 13.4 make it drink 51.1
not all that it's cracked up to be 6.1 to die for 5.1 a round of drinks 29.2
drive someone crazy 13.1 in dire straits 22.1 drive a hard bargain 33.1
go crazy 47.1 dirt cheap 32.1 drive someone crazy 13.1
like the cat that got the cream 7.1 dish the dirt 25.3 drive someone nuts 11.3
the créme de la crerne 5.1 treat someone like dirt 10.1 drone on 24.2
cross the line 38.1 agree to disagree 9.2 a drop in the ocean 17.1
cross swords 16.1 a recipe for disaster 39.2 at the drop of a hat 35.1
get your wires crossed 25.1 a blessing in disguise 5.1 drop a bombshell 16.1
a shoulder to cry on 15.1 dish the dirt 25.3 drop like flies 7.1
cry over spilled milk 8.1 keep your distance 48.4 shop till you drop 33.1
cry wolf 7.1 within walking distance 17.2 look like a drowned rat 3.1
cry your eyes out 11.1 the dizzy heights 39.1 drum something into someone's
a crybaby 4.1 do an experiment 43.2 head 28.1
cool as a cucumber 4.3 do damage 43.2 drum up 28.1
off-the-cuff 35.1 do everything by the book 28.1 as dry as a bone 50.1
not someone's cup of tea 6.1 do exercise 43.2 like watching paint dry 6.1
curiosity killed the cat 51.1 do someone a favor 43.2 water off a duck's back 7.1
throw someone a curveball 42.1 do the cooking 43.2 have your ducks in a row 40.1
cut corners 36.2 do the laundry 43.2 down in the dumps 13.1
cutting-edge 31.3 do well 43.2 from dusk till dawn 34.2
do your best 43.2 go Dutch 32.1
do your hair 43.2

do your homework 43.2

just what the doctor ordered 30.2
cloak-and-dagger 35,1 dodge a bullet 16.1
do damage 43.2 the top dog 41.3
an eager beaver 12.3
fraught with danger 21.2 fight like cats and dogs 9.2
an eagle eye 27.1
a dark horse 4.2 rain cats and dogs 23.1
go in one ear and out the other 14.1
past its sell-by date 6.1 easier said than done 20.2
grin from ear to ear 12.1
set the date 46.1 don't count your chickens before they hatch 51.1
lend a sympathetic ear 27.2
at the crack of dawn 34.2 don't push your luck! 19.2
listen with half an ear 27.2
from dusk till dawn 34.2 a foot in the door 40.1
make a pig's ear of something 7.1
a red-letter day 54.1 a let-down 6.1
offer a sympathetic ear 10.1
call it a day 18.2 bring the house down 39.2
play it by ear 15.1
day of reckoning 38.2 bucket down (UK) / rain buckets (US) 23.1
talk someone's ear off 24.1
down in the dumps 13.1
save for a rainy day 32.1 bright and early 34.2
down to earth 4.1
the perfect end to a perfect day 18.3 the early bird catches the worm 51.1
daylight robbery (UK), see highway have something down to an art 28.1 fall on deaf ears 27.2
robbery (US) let someone down 10.1 I'm all ears 27.2
have seen better days 6.1 let your hair down 11.2 music to someone's ears 12.1, 27.2, 28.1
beat a dead horse (US) / flog a dead horse (UK) put your foot down 38.2 walls have ears 27.2
39.2 put your head down (US) / get your head wet behind the ears 1.1
the dead of night 34.2 down (UK) 36.1 down to earth 4.1
as deaf as a post 50.1 talk down to someone 24.1 the salt of the earth 4.3
fall on deaf ears 27.2 win something hands down 39.1 want the earth to swallow you up 13.4
go deaf 47.1 a downer (US) / a misery guts (UK) 13.1 easier said than done 20.2
a good deal 33.1 in dribs and drabs 17.1 all too easy 20.1
hammer out a deal 9.2 a drag 34.1 easy money 32.1
strike a deal 9.3 drag on 34.1 easy peasy 20.1
a fate worse than death 6.1 throw money down the drain 32.1 take it easy 36.2
come to a decision 47.2 draw to a close 18.2 eat humble pie 8.1
throw in at the deep end 22.1, 42.1 it's back to the drawing board 37.1 eat like a bird 29.2
deeply 49.3 of your dreams 5.1 eat someone out of house and home 29.1

grab something to eat 29.2 cry your eyes out 11.1 the final straw 22.1
I could eat a horse 29.2 have eyes in the back of your head 15.1 fine-tune 28.1
I'll eat my hat 35.1 keep your eyes peeled 27.1 not lift a finger 36.2
you can't have your cake and eat it, too 8.1 with your eyes shut 20.1 green fingers (UK), see a green thumb (US)
moth-eaten 6.1 put the finishing touches on something (US) / put
cutting-edge 31.3 the finishing touches to something (UK) 18.2
on edge 13.3
on the edge of your seat 12.3
rough around the edges 6.1
face the music 28.1
catch fire 48.3
get on like a house on fire 2.1
hold fire 16.1
a good egg 4.3 fall flat on its face 39.2 in the line of fire (US) / in the firing line (UK) 16.1
a nest-egg 32.1 have egg on your face 11.3 not going to set the world on fire 6.1
have egg on your face 11.3 lose face 13.4 set fire 46.1
walk on eggshells 8.1 stuff your face 29.2 fired 40.1
elbow grease 36.1 two-faced 4.1 in the firing line (UK), see in the line of fire (US)
the elephant in the room 7.1 memories are fading 14.1 come in first (US) / come first (UK) 47.2
embark on a career 40.2 an utter failure 39.2 first-class 5.1
a fitting end 18.3 a fair-weather friend 2.1 put first 46.2
all good things must come to an end 18.3 fall flat on its face 39.2 like a fish out of water 20.2
come to an end 47.2 fall on deaf ears 27.2 like shooting f i s h in a barrel 20.1
put an end to 18.3 fall short of expectations 6.1 go fishing 47.1
the end is in sight 18.3 a close-knit family 2.2 something fishy 26.4
the end of an era 18.3 a family friend 2.2 a feast fit for a king 29.1
the perfect end to a perfect day 18.3 a family heirloom 2.2 as fit as a fiddle 30.2
throw in at the deep end 22.1,42.1 extended family 2.2 fit like a glove 50.3
burn the candle at both ends 36.1 immediate family 2.2 a fitting end 18.3
make ends meet 32.1 run in someone's family 2.2 five o'clock shadow 3.1
green with envy 11.2, 54.1 start a family 2.2 flare up 30.1
the end of an era 18.3 the black sheep of the family 2.2 as flat as a pancake 8.1
erase the memory of 14.1 a far-flung corner 17.2 fall flat on its face 39.2
have a narrow escape 21.2 as far as the eye can see 17.2 drop like flies 7.1
something's name escapes you 14.1 far and wide 17.2 fling yourself into 12.3
a black-tie event 54.1 few and far between 17.1 flog a dead horse (UK), see beat a dead horse (US)
do everything by the book 28.1 go out of fashion 47.1 memories come flooding back 14.1
everything but the kitchen sink 17.1 as fast as lightning 50.1 a far-flung corner 17.2
give an example 44.1 a fat cat 41.3 fly by 34.2
set an example 46.1 a fate worse than death 6.1 when pigs fly (US) / pigs might fly (UK) 19.3
bursting with excitement 12.3 generous to a fault 10.1 wouldn't hurt a fly 4.2
do exercise 43.2 do someone a favor 43.2 get off to a flying start 18.1
fall short of expectations 6.1 the hot favourite (UK)/ pass with flying colors 31.3
not live up to expectations 6.1 the heavy favorite (US) 19.3 foam at the mouth 11.2
hands-on experience 40.1 a feast fit for a king 29.1 a tough act to follow 5.1, 28.1
do an experiment 43.2 a feather in your cap 35.1 absence makes the heart grow fonder 51.1
extended family 2.2 as light as a feather 50.1 put food on the table 8.1
go the extra mile 36.1, 40.1 spoon-feed 8.1, 41.3 a foot in the door 40.1
a bird's-eye view 7.1 feel blue 11.2 get off on the wrong foot 2.1
a black eye 54.1 feel for 10.1 put your foot down 38.2
an eagle eye 27.1 feel your age 1.2 put your foot in it 46.2
as far as the eye can see 17.2 that sinking feeling 13.3 a foregone conclusion 19.3
beauty is in the eye of the beholder 51.1 get cold feet 11.1,15.1 can't see the forest for the trees (US) / can't see
cast an eye over 27.1 itchy feet 11.2 the wood for the trees (UK) 23.2
catch someone's eye 48.3 put your feet up 36.2 forge ahead 37.1
in the blink of an eye 15.1 few and far between 17.1 hold down the fort (US) / hold the fort (UK) 16.1
keep an eye on 27.1 as fit as a fiddle 30.2 back and forth 37.1
see eye to eye 9.1 a level playing field 41.2 cost a fortune 33.1
the apple of someone's eye 8.1 fight a losing battle 22.2 take 40 winks 36.2
turn a blind eye 27.1 fight like cats and dogs 9.2 look forward to 52.2
up to your eyeballs 40.1 a ballpark figure 42.1 fraught with danger 21.2
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 12.3 fill someone in 25.1 set someone free 46.1

a breath of fresh air 23,2 get your head down (UK), see put your head touch-and-go 19.3
make a fresh start 18,1 down (US) give the go-ahead 9.1
a fair-weather friend 2.1 get your just deserts 38.2 move the goalposts 42.1
a family friend 2.2 get your wires crossed 25.1 get someone's goat 7.1
a mutual friend 2,1 look like you've seen a ghost 3.1 get going 18.1, 45.2
make some friends 43.1 the gift of the gab 24.2 get your head down (UK), see put your head
strike up a friendship with 2.1 give an answer 44.1 down (US)
from dusk till dawn 34.2 give an example 44.1 as good as gold 50.1
go from strength to strength 39.2 give a presentation 44.1 a golden handshake (UK) / a golden
the front-runner 41,2 give a speech 44.1 parachute (US) 41.1
a fuddy-duddy 4.1 give birth 44.1 a golden opportunity 54.1
full of beans 11.3 give or take 17.1 a good deal 33.1
have your hands full 36.1 give priority 44.1 a good egg 4.3
in full swing 42.1 give someone a call 44.1 all good things come to those who wait 51.1
have fun 45.1 give someone a hard time 10,1 all good things must come to an end 18.3
poke fun at 10.3 give someone a hug 44.1 as good as gold 50.1
give someone a lift 44.1 too smart for your own good 4.1
give someone the boot 35.1 wouldn't say boo to a goose 4,2

the gift of the gab 24.2
give someone the thumbs-up 9.1
give something your best shot 36.1
give the go-ahead 9.1
grab something to eat 29.2
take something with a grain of salt (US) /
take something with a pinch of salt (UK)
a howling gale (UK), see a howling wind (US) give the green light to 9.1 25.3
at this stage of the game 42.1 give the impression 44.1 sour grapes 8.1
a whole new ball game 42.1 cast a glance 27.1 hear something through the grapevine 25.3
bridge the generation gap 1.1 catch a glimpse of 48.3 knee-high to a grasshopper 1.2
bridge the generation gap 1.1 fit like a glove 50.3 a gray area 54.1
generous to a fault 10.1 handle someone with kid gloves 35.1 elbow grease 36.1
get a move on 34,1 the gloves are off 42.1 great age 1,2
get angry 45.2 go abroad 47.1 great minds think alike 31.1
get better 45.2 go around in circles 37.1
make great strides 37.1
get cold feet 11.1,15.1 go bad (US)/go off (UK) 47.1
a green thumb (US) / green fingers (UK) 54.1
get dressed 45.2 go bananas 11.3
give the green light to 9.1
get going 18.1, 45.2 go bankrupt 47,1
green with envy 11.2, 54.1
get home 45.2 go bargain-hunting 33.1
the green belt 54.1
get in shape 30.2 go behind someone's back 26.3
grin and bear it 22.2
get lost 45.2 go belly up 39.2
grin from ear to ear 12.1
get married 45.2 go crazy 47.1
an ax to grind 16.1
get off on the wrong foot 2.1 go deaf 47.1
grind to a halt 18.2
get off the ground 18.1 go Dutch 32.1
come to grips with (US) / get to grips with (UK)
get off to a flying start 18.1 go fishing 47.1
get on in years (US) / get on (UK) 1.1 go from strength to strength 39.2 immaculately groomed 3.2
get on like a house on fire 2.1 go in one ear and out the other 14.1 get off the ground 18.1
get on someone's nerves 15.1 go missing 47.1 hit the ground running 18.1
get on your high horse 7.1 go off (UK), see go bad (US) the middle ground 9.3
get out of hand 38.2 go on a shopping spree 33.1 money doesn't grow on trees 32.1
get someone's goat 7.1 go out of fashion 47.1 growing pains (US), see teething problems (UK)
get something off your chest 25.2 go over someone's head 31.1 hold a grudge 48.2
get started 45.2 go pear-shaped (UK), see go sideways catch someone off guard 16.1
get the ball rolling 18.1,42.1 go places 39.2 anyone's guess 19.3
get the blues 54.1 go quiet 47.1 stick to your guns 16.1
get the show on the road 28.1 go sideways (US) / go pear-shaped (UK) 39.2
get thin on top (US) / go thin on top (UK) 3.1 go smoothly 47,1
get tired 45.2
get to the bottom of 22.2
get to grips with (UK), see come to grips with (US)
go the extra mile 36.1, 40.1
go thin on top (UK), see get thin on top (US)
go under the hammer 33.1
a hair's breadth 17.2
get wind of 27.2 go window shopping 33.1 do your hair 43.2
get worse 45.2 raring to go 12.3 let your hair down 11.2
get your act together 37.1 the show must go on! 28.1 make someone's hair stand on end 13.3


never have a hair out of place 3.2 bury your head in the sand 15.1 hold down the fort (US) / hold the fort (UK) 16.1
listen with half an ear 27.2 drum something into someone's head 28.1 hold fire 16.1
tell half-truths 26.3 go over someone's head 31.1 hold out an olive branch 9.2
meet someone halfway 9.3 have eyes in the back of your head 15.1 hold the line 48.2
grind to a halt 18.2 have your head in the clouds 23.2 hold your tongue 48.2
a problem shared is a problem halved 51.1 head over heels 12.1 not hold your breath 19.3
go under the hammer 33.1 put your head down (US) / get your head bring home the bacon 41.3
hammer out a deal 9.2 down (UK) 36.1 eat someone out of house and home 29.1
get out of hand 38.2 the head 38.2 get home 45.2
hand in your notice 40.1 run around like a headless chicken 37.1 nothing to write home about 6.1
know something like the back of your hand 31.1 two heads are better than one 51.1 until the cows come home 34.1
lend a hand 10.1 a splitting headache 30.1 do your homework 43.2
catch red-handed 54.1 like a deer in headlights (US) / like a rabbit in set homework 46.1
handle someone with kid gloves 35.1 the headlights (UK) 7.1 brutally honest 26.1
hands-on experience 40.1 can't make heads or tails of (US) / can't make honesty is the best policy 51.1
have your hands full 36.1 head or tail of (UK) 31.1 on the hoof (UK), see on the run (US)
in safe hands 21.1 a clean bill of health 30.2 let someone off the hook 38.1
many hands make light work 51.1 the picture of health 30.2 toot your own horn (US) / blow your own
take the law into your own hands 38.2 hear something from the horse's mouth 25.2 trumpet (UK) 28.1
take your life in your hands 21.2 hear something through the grapevine 25.3 stir up a hornets nest (US) / put the cat among
win something hands down 39.1 hard of hearing 27.2 the pigeons (UK) 25.2
a golden handshake (UK) / a golden absence makes the heart grow fonder 51.1 a dark horse 4.2
parachute (US) 41.1 have your heart set on 15.1 a two-horse race 7.1
hang by a thread 21.2 learn something by heart 31.1 beat a dead horse (US) / flog a dead horse (UK)
hang up your boots 35.1 put your heart and soul into 12.3 39.2
caught between a rock and a hard place 22.2 someone's heart sinks 15.1 get on your high horse 7.1
drive a hard bargain 33.1 wear your heart on your sleeve 11.1 hear something from the horse's mouth 25.2
give someone a hard time 10.1 with a heavy heart 13.1 I could eat a horse! 29.2
hard of hearing 27.2 young at heart 1.2 you can lead a horse to water, but you can't
at the drop of a hat 35.1 big hearted 10.1 make it drink 51.1
I'll eat my hat 35.1 broken-hearted 11.2 hot under the collar 35.1
keep something under your hat 26.1 a hearty breakfast 29.1 piping hot 29.2
old hat 35.1 put the heat on 46.2 the hot favourite (UK) / the heavy favorite (US)
take your hat off to 35.1 a heavy cold 30.2 19.3
don't count your chickens before they hatch 51.1 the heavy favorite (US), see the hot favourite (UK) sell like hotcakes 8.1,41.3
bury the hatchet 9.2 head over heels 12.1 the wee hours 34.2
have a baby 45.1 a hefty sum 32.1 bring the house down 39.2
have a cold 45.1 the dizzy heights 39.1 eat someone out of house and home 29.1
have a conversation 45.1 a family heirloom 2.2 get on like a house on fire 2.1
have a hunch 26.4 get on your high horse 7.1 a howling wind (US) / a howling gale (UK) 23.1
have an appointment 45.1 a highflier (US) / a high-flier (UK) 3.3 give someone a hug 44.1
have an argument 45.1 highly 49.1 eat humble pie 8.1
have a party 45.1 highway robbery (US) / daylight robbery (UK) have a hunch 26.4
have a rest 45.1 33.1 go bargain-hunting 33.1
have a sneaking suspicion 26.4 over the hill 1.2 job hunting 40.2
have a talk 45.1 as old as the hills 1.1, 50.1 clear a hurdle 42.1
have egg on your face 11.3 hit it off 2.1 wouldn't hurt a fly 4.2
have fun 45.1 hit the big time 39.1
have lunch 45.1 hit the ground running 18.1
have something down to an art 28.1 hit the hay (US) / hit the sack (UK) 23.2
have your ducks in a row 40.1 hit the jackpot 39.1
have your hands full 36.1 hit the right note 28.1 as cold as ice 50.1
have your head in the clouds 23.2 hit the road 37.1 skating on thin ice 21.2
have your heart set on 15.1 hit the roof 13.1 the tip of the iceberg 22.1
not have two pennies to rub together 3.3 hit the sack (UK), see hit the hay (US) the icing on the cake 5.1
you can't have your cake and eat it, too 8.1 hold a grudge 48.2 if looks could kill 27.1
watch someone like a hawk 27.1 hold a meeting 48.2 I'm all ears 27.2
hit the hay (US) / hit the sack (UK) 23.2 hold down a job 40.2 the spitting image of 3.1

a vivid imagination 4.1
immaculately groomed 3.2
immediate family 2.2
keep a close watch on 27.1
shake like a leaf 50.2
take a leaf out of your book (UK), see take a page
out of your book (US)
give the impression 44.1 keep an eye on 27.1 turn over a new leaf 18.1
improve with age 1.2 keep a stiff upper lip 11.2 in a league of your own 42.1
be in the wars 16.1 keep calm 48.4 look before you leap 21.2
in a bit of a tight spot 22.1 keep in mind (US) / bear in mind (UK) 14.1 learn something by heart 31.1
in a jam 22.1 keep in touch with 2.1 learn the ropes 31.1
in a league of your own 42.1 keep on the straight and narrow 38.1 a new lease on life (US) / a new lease of life (UK)
in a nutshell 40.1 keep quiet 48.4 30.2
in bad shape 30.2 keep someone in the loop 25.2 as tough as shoe leather (US) / as tough as an
in dire straits 22.1 keep someone in the picture 25.2 old boot (UK) 35.1
in for a chance of 19.1 keep someone posted 25.1 leave a bad taste in someone's mouth 6.1
in full swing 42.1 keep something a secret 48.4 leave no stone unturned 36.1
in living memory 14.1 keep something under your hat 26.1 leave someone in the lurch 10.1
in luck 19.2 keep up appearances 3.1 left out of the picture 28.1
in one piece 21.2 keep your chin up! 15.1 break a leg! 15.1
in safe hands 21.1 keep your distance 48.4 cost an arm and a leg 33.1
in someone's shoes 35.1 keep your eyes peeled 27.1 pull someone's leg 10.3
in the blink of an eye 15.1 kick off 18.1 on its last legs 6.1
in the cards (US) / on the cards (UK) 19.3 kick yourself 13.1 stretch your legs 37.1
in the line of fire (US) / in the firing line (UK) 16.1 handle someone with kid gloves 35.1 with your tail between your legs 13.4
in the nick of time 34.2 if looks could kill 27.1 lend a hand 10.1
in the prime of your life 1.2 kill time 34.2 lend a sympathetic ear 27.2
in the red 41.1 curiosity killed the cat 51.1 a let-down 6.1
know something inside out 31.1 a feast fit for a king 29.1 let someone down 10.1
itchy feet 11.2 everything but the kitchen sink 17.1 let someone off the hook 38.1
it's back to the drawing board 37.1 as weak as a kitten 50.2 let the cat out of the bag 25.2
knee-high to a grasshopper 1.2 let your hair down 11.2
the bee's knees 5.1 a red-letter day 54.1

Jhit the jackpot 39.1

twist the knife 16.1
a close-knit family 2.2
before you know it 34.2
a level playing field 41.2
a white lie 26.3
lie through your teeth 26.3
in a jam 22.1 know something inside out 31.1 a new lease on life (US) / a new lease of life (UK)
jazz up 28.1 know something like the back of your hand 31.1 30,2
a blue-collar job 41.1 know the score 42.1 in the prime of your life 1.2
a nine-to-five job 40.2 know what side your bread is buttered on 8.1 risk life and limb 21.2
a white-collar job 41.1 know your stuff 31.1 take your life in your hands 21.2
job hunting 40.2 give someone a lift 44.1
job satisfaction 40.2 not lift a finger 36.2
hold down a job 40.2
land a job 40.2
an average Joe 4.1
climb the career ladder 40.2
as light as a feather 50.1
give the green light to 9.1
light-years ahead of 31.3
jog someone's memory 14.1 land a job 40.2 many hands make light work 51.1
make a joke 43.1 take a trip down memory lane 14.1 as fast as lightning 50.1
play practical jokes 10.3 come in last (US) / come last (UK) 47.2 be like a broken record 28.1
a joy to behold 12.2 on its last legs 6.1 fit like a glove 50.3
jump for joy 12.2 the last straw 6.1 know something like the back of your hand 31.1
someone's pride and joy 12.2 better late than never 51.1 like a deer in headlights (US) / like a rabbit in
weep with joy 12.2 a barrel of laughs 4.1 the headlights (UK) 7.1
you can't judge a book by its cover 51.1 do the laundry 43.2 like a fish out of water 20.2
almost jump out of your skin 15.1 break the law 38.1 like an oven 23.1
jump down someone's throat 9.2 obey the law 38.1 like a rabbit in the headlights (UK), see like
jump for joy 12.2 take the law into your own hands 38.2 a deer in headlights (US)
get your just deserts 38.2 a lazybones 36.2 like a war zone 16.1
just around the corner 17.2 take the lead 44.2 like getting blood from a stone (UK) / like
just what the doctor ordered 30.2 you can lead a horse to water, but you can't getting blood from a turnip (US) 20.2
make it drink 51.1 like shooting fish in a barrel 20.1

like talking to a brick wall 24.1 sheer luck 19.2 a million miles away 27.2
like the cat that got the cream 7.1 have a lump in your throat 13.1 miles ahead of 5.1
like two peas in a pod 3.1 have lunch 45.1 cry over spilled milk 8.1
like watching paint dry 6.1 leave someone in the lurch 10.1 a million miles away 27.2
look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth 3.1 at the back of your mind 14.1
read someone like a book 28.1 mind-blowing 5.1
run around like a headless chicken 37.1
run like clockwork 39.2
run like the wind 50.2
can't make heads or tails of (US) / can't make
keep in mind (US) / bear in mind (UK) 14.1
someone's mind goes blank 14.1
something slips your mind 14.1
shake like a leaf 50.2 headortailof(UK)31.1 speak your mind 24.2
sleep like a log 50.3 make a beeline for 37.1 spring to mind 14.1
risk life and limb 21.2 make a cake 43.1 great minds think alike 31.1
cross the line 38.1 make a choice 43.1 a minefield 16.1
hold the line 48.2 make a fresh start 18.1 a misery guts (UK), see a downer (US)
in the line of fire (US) / in the firing line (UK) 16.1 make a joke 43.1 go missing 47.1
line your pockets 35.1 make a mess 43.1 break the mold 31.3
toe the line 38.2 make a mountain out of a molehill 20.2 make a mountain out of a molehill 20.2
top of the line (US) / top of the range (UK) 5.1 make a noise 43.1 easy money 32.1
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link 51.1 make a phone call 43.1 money doesn't grow on trees 32.1
as brave as a lion 50.2 make a pig's ear of something 7.1 throw money around 32.1
the lion's share 7.1, 41.3 make a rod for your own back 22.2 throw money down the drain 32.1
keep a stiff upper lip 11.2 make arrangements 43.1 once in a blue moon 34.1, 54.1
my lips are sealed 26.1 make a scene 28.1 over the moon 12.1
listen with half an ear 27.2 make ends meet 32.1 moth-eaten 6.1
a little bird told me 25.2 make great strides 37.1 set the wheels in motion 37.1
precious little 17.1 make progress 43.1 a mountain to climb 20.2
not live up to expectations 6.1 make some friends 43.1 make a mountain out of a molehill 20.2
in living memory 14.1 make someone's blood boil 13.1 as quiet as a mouse 50.2
lock, stock, and barrel 17.1 make someone's hair stand on end 13.3 be born with a silver spoon in your mouth 3.3
sleep like a log 50.3 make someone's mouth water 29.1 by word of mouth 25.1
a lone wolf 4.2 make waves 23.2 foam at the mouth 11.2
a long shot 16.1 make your bed 43.1 hear something from the horse's mouth 25.2
long in the tooth 1.2 many hands make light work 51.1 leave a bad taste in someone's mouth 6.1
look before you leap 21.2 the black market 54.1 look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth 3.1
look forward to 52.2 get married 45.2 make someone's mouth water 29.1
look like a drowned rat 3.1 a sit-down meal (US) / a slap-up meal (UK) 29.1 get a move on 34.1
look like a million bucks (US) / look a million a square meal 29.1 move the goalposts 42.1
dollars (UK) 3.2 make ends meet 32.1 a stick-in-the-mud 23.3
look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth 3.1 meet someone halfway 9.3 face the music 28.1
look like you've seen a ghost 3.1 hold a meeting 48.2 music to someone's ears 12.1, 27.2, 28.1
look the part 3.2 look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth 3.1 a mutual friend 2.1
take a look 44.2 memories are fading 14.1 my lips are sealed 26.1
if looks could kill 27.1 memories come flooding back 14.1
keep someone in the loop 25.2 stir up memories 14.1
a loose cannon 16.1
lose face 13.4
lose touch with 2.1
a memory like a sieve 14.1
a photographic memory 14.1
erase the memory of 14.1
nail something 39.1
lose your train of thought 14.1 in living memory 14.1 something's name escapes you 14.1
you win some, you lose some 42.1 jog someone's memory 14.1 take a cat nap 36.2
fight a losing battle 22.2 take a trip down memory lane 14.1 take a nap 44.2
get lost 45.2 on the mend 30.2 have a narrow escape 21.2
actions speak louder than words 51.1 make a mess 43.1 keep on the straight and narrow 38.1
a loudmouth 24.2 not shoot the messenger 16.1 cheap and nasty 6.1
a stroke of luck 19.2 take the mickey out of someone (UK), a pain in the neck 20.2
beginner's luck 19.2 see rib someone (US) breathe down someone's neck 38.2
don't push your luck! 19.2 the middle ground 9.3 someone's neck of the woods 23.3
in luck 19.2 the middle of nowhere 17.2 a bundle of nerves 15.1
out of luck 19.2 go the extra mile 36.1, 40.1 get on someone's nerves 15.1

a nest-egg 32.1 off the beaten path (US) / off the beaten out of the blue 54.1
stir up a hornet's nest (US) / put the cat among track (UK) 17.2 out of this world 5.1
the pigeons (UK) 25.2 off-the-cuff 35.1 out of you r depth 20.2
better late than never 51.1 off-the-shelf 33.1 think outside the box 40.2
never have a hair out of place 3.2 go off (UK), see go bad (US) like an oven 23.1
a new lease on life (US) / a new lease of life (UK) on the off-chance 19.1 go over someone's head 31.1
30.2 put off 46.2 over the hill 1.2
a whole new ball game 42.1 setoff 46.1 over the moon 12.1
turn over a new leaf 18.1 the gloves are off 42.1 pay over the odds 33.1
a newbie 18.1 well off 32.1 smooth things over 9.2
break the news 25.2 offer a sympathetic ear 10.1 the once-over 27.1
the bearer of bad news 25.2 as old as the hills 1.1, 50.1 turn over a new leaf 18.1
cost next to nothing 32.1 as tough as an old boot (UK), see as tough as an overnight success 39.1
in the nick of time 34.2 shoe leather (US) a night owl 7.1
a night owl 7.1 old hat 35.1 as wise as an owl 50.2
the dead of night 34.2 ripe old age 1.2 in a league of your own 42.1
a nightmare 22.1 hold out an olive branch 9.2 toot your own horn (US) / blow your own
a nine-to-five job 40.2 back on track 37.1 trumpet (UK) 28.1
on cloud nine 12.1 be on a tight budget 33.1 as strong as an ox 50.2
a no-win situation 22.1 get on in years (US) / get on (UK) 1.1 the world is your oyster 7.1
no spring chicken 1.1 get on like a house on fire 2.1
there's no time like the present 51.1 hands-on experience 40.1

make a noise 43.1 on cloud nine 12.1
none of someone's business 26.1 on edge 13.3
second to none 5.1 on its last legs 6.1 at a snail's pace 37.1
pay through the nose 32.1 on the ball 42.1 packed like sardines 8.1
not all that it's cracked up to be 6.1 on the cards (UK), see in the cards (US) on the same page 9.1
not enough room to swing a cat 7.1 on the edge of your seat 12.3 take a page out of your book (US) / take a leaf
not going to set the world on fire 6.1 on the hoof (UK), see on the run (US) out of your book (UK) 28.1
not lift a finger 36.2 on the mend 30.2 a pain in the neck 20.2
not out of the woods 21.2 on the off-chance 19.1 growing pains (US), see teething problems (UK)
not pulling your weight 36.2 on the road to recovery 30.1 like watching paint dry 6.1
not rocket science 20.1 on the ropes 39.2 paint the town red 54.1
not someone's cup of tea 6.1 on the run (US) / on the hoof (UK) 37.1 as flat as a pancake 8.1
top-notch 5.1 on the same page 9.1 below par 42.1
hit the right note 28.1 on the same wavelength 9.1 par for the course 42.1
cost next to nothing 32.1 on the tip of your tongue 14.1 a golden parachute (US), see a golden
nothing to write home about 6.1 on the verge of 37.1 handshake (UK)
hand in your notice 40.1 on the warpath 13.1 parched 29.2
the middle of nowhere 17.2 on time 34.1 a walk in the park 20.1
a tough nut to crack 22.2 on top of the world 12.1 parrot 24.2
drive someone nuts 11.3 on your best behavior 10.4 look the part 3.2
the nuts and bolts 25.2 once in a blue moon 34.1, 54.1 have a party 45.1
in a nutshell 40.1 the once-over 27.1 pass with flying colors 31.3
a one-trick pony 7.1 past its prime 6.1
back to square one 37.1 past its sell-by date 6.1

obey the law 38.1
in one piece 21.2
two heads are better than one 51.1
open a can of worms 20.2
a pat on the back 15.1
off the beaten path (US) / off the beaten
track (UK) 17.2
a drop in the ocean 17.1 a golden opportunity 54.1 pay a visit 48.1
five o'clock shadow 3.1 a tall order 20.2 pay close attention 48.1
against all odds 19.3 just what the doctor ordered 30.2 pay over the odds 33.1
at odds 9.2 behave out of character 10.4 pay someone a compliment 48.1
pay over the odds 33.1 get out of hand 38,2 pay someone back 48.1
catch someone off guard 16.1 left out of the picture 28.1 pay through the nose 32.1
get something off your chest 25.2 not out of the woods 21.2 pay tribute 48.1
go off (UK), see go bad (US) out of luck 19.2 pay your way 48.1
let someone off the hook 38.1 out of pocket 32.1 something pays peanuts 8.1

as proud as a peacock 50.2 bargain-basement prices 33.1 as right as rain 30.2
something pays peanuts 8.1 rock-bottom prices 32.1 come rain or shine 23.1
go pear-shaped (UK), see go sideways (US) slash prices 33.1 rain buckets (US), see bucket down (UK)
like two peas in a pod 3.1 pricey 32.1 rain cats and dogs 23.1
keep your eyes peeled 27.1 someone's pride and joy 12.2 take a rain check on 23.2
not have two pennies to rub together 3.3 in the prime of your life 1.2 save for a rainy day 32.1
practice makes perfect 51.1 past its prime 6.1 top of the range (UK), see top of the line (US)
the perfect end to a perfect day 18.3 give priority 44.1 raring to go 12.3
a teacher's pet 31.3 a problem shared is a problem halved 51.1 look like a drowned rat 3.1
make a phone call 43.1 teething problems (UK) / growing pains (US) 20.2 smell a rat 26.4
take a photo 44.2 make progress 43.1 the rat race 41.3
a photographic memory 14.1 a promising start 18.1 second rate 6.1
pick someone's brain 15.1 as proud as a peacock 50.2 rave reviews 5.1
pick up the pieces 22.2 pull out all the stops 36.1 a ray of sunshine 23.2
a picture is worth a thousand words 51.1 pull someone's leg 10.3 reach a compromise 9.3
keep someone in the picture 25.2 pull your socks up 35.1 reach a verdict 38.2
left out of the picture 28.1 not pulling your weight 36.2 read someone like a book 28.1
put someone in the picture 28.1 don't push your luck! 19.2 read someone the riot act 9.2
the picture of health 30.2 put an end to 18.3 recharge your batteries 30.2
eat humble pie 8.1 put a stop to 46.2 a recipe for disaster 39.2
pie in the sky 19.3 put first 46.2 day of reckoning 38.2
a piece of cake 20.1 put food on the table 8.1 be like a broken record 28.1
in one piece 21.2 put it bluntly 46.2 on the road to recovery 30.1
pick up the pieces 22.2 put off 46.2 a red-letter day 54.1
put the cat among the pigeons (UK), see stir up put on your thinking cap 31.1 catch red-handed 54.1
a hornet's nest (US) put pressure on 46.2 in the red 41.1
make a pig's ear of something 7.1 put someone in charge of 46.2 paint the town red 54.1
when pigs fly (US) / pigs might fly (UK) 19.3 put someone in the picture 28.1 red tape 41.1
a pillar of the community 3.3 put something in writing 46.2 see red 11.2,54.1
take something with a pinch of salt (UK), put the cat among the pigeons (UK), see stir up turn beet-red 54.1
see take something with a grain of salt (US) a hornet's nest (US) reduce to tears 13.1
piping hot 29.2 put the finishing touches on something (US) / put come to the rescue 47.2
pitch black 54.1 the finishing touches to something (UK) 18.2 bear a striking resemblance 3.1
never have a hair out of place 3.2 put the heat on 46.2 have a rest 45.1
go places 39.2 put your cards on the table 46.2 retail therapy 33.1
plain sailing (UK), see smooth sailing (US) put your feet up 36.2 rave reviews 5.1
play it by ear 15.1 put your foot down 38.2 rib someone (US) / take the mickey out of
play it safe 21.1 put your foot in it 46.2 someone (UK) 10.3
play practical jokes 10.3 put your head down (US) / get your head strike it rich 32.1
a team player 41.2 down (UK) 36.1 a bumpy ride 22.2
a level playing field 41.2 put your heart and soul into 12.3 take someone for a ride 26.3
out of pocket 32.1 ridiculously 49.6
line your pockets 35.1 as right as rain 30.2
like two peas in a pod 3.1
poke fun at 10.3
honesty is the best policy 51.1
quench your thirst 29.2
hit the right note 28.1
ring a bell 14.1
read someone the riot act 9.2
a one-trick pony 7.1 a rip-off 32.1
as quiet as a mouse 50.2
as deaf as a post 50.1 ripe old age 1.2
go quiet 47.1
keep someone posted 25.1 risk life and limb 21.2
keep quiet 48.4
a watched pot never boils 51.1 run the risk 21.2
a couch potato 8.1 get the show on the road 28.1

play practical jokes 10.3 hit the road 37.1
practice makes perfect 51.1 on the road to recovery 30.1
precious little 17.1 like a rabbit in the headlights (UK), see like a deer highway robbery (US) / daylight robbery (UK)
come prepared 47.2 in headlights (US) 33.1
there's no time like the present 51.1 a two-horse race 7.1 caught between a rock and a hard place 22.2
give a presentation 44.1 the rat race 41.3 rock-bottom prices 32.1
put pressure on 46.2 rack your brain (US) / rack your brains (UK) 14.1 not rocket science 20.1

make a rod for your own back 22.2 know the score 42.1 like shooting fish in a barrel 20.1
roll up your sleeves 35.1, 36.1 scrape by 31.3 close up shop (US) / shut up shop (UK) 33.1
get the ball rolling 18.1,42.1 not be up to scratch (UK) / not be up shop around 33.1
rolling in it 32.1 to snuff (US) 6.1 shop till you drop 33.1
hit the roof 13.1 on the silver screen 54.1 talk shop 24.1
not enough room to swing a cat 7.1 screw up 39.2 go on a shopping spree 33.1
the elephant in the room 7.1 my lips are sealed 26.1 go window shopping 33.1
rule the roost 38.2 on the edge of your seat 12.3 fall short of expectations 6.1
learn the ropes 31.1 take a seat 44.2 a long shot 16.1
on the ropes 39.2 second rate 6.1 give something your best shot 36.1
rough around the edges 6.1 second to none 5.1 call the shots 38.2
around of drinks 29.2 keep something a secret 48.4 a shoulder to cry on 15.1
have your ducks in a row 40.1 top secret 26.1 a weight off someone's shoulders 11.1
not have two pennies to rub together 3.3 as far as the eye can see 17.2 get the show on the road 28.1
rub salt into the wound 22.2 can't see the forest for the trees (US) / can't see show your true colors 54.1
a rule of thumb 15.1 the wood for the trees (UK) 23.2 steal the show 5.1
rule the roost 38.2 see eye to eye 9.1 the show must go on! 28.1
bend the rules 38.1 see red 11.2, 54.1 take a shower 44.2
on the run (US) / on the hoof (UK) 37.1 have seen better days 6.1 shut up shop (UK), see close up shop (US)
run around like a headless chicken 37.1 look like you've seen a ghost 3.1 with your eyes shut 20.1
run in someone's family 2.2 a selfish streak 4.1 call in sick 30.2
run like clockwork 39.2 sell like hotcakes 8.1,41.3 know what side your bread is buttered on 8.1
run like the wind 50.2 past its sell-by date 6.1 the wrong side of the tracks 3.3
run the risk 21.2 send shivers down someone's spine 13.3 go sideways (US) / go pear-shaped (UK) 39.2
a runaway success 39.2 talk some sense into someone 24.1 a memory like a sieve 14.1
the front-runner 41.2 have your heart set on 15.1 the end is in sight 18.3
hit the ground running 18.1 not going to set the world on fire 6.1 be born with a silver spoon in your mouth 3.3
up and running 37.1 set an alarm 46.1 on the silver screen 54.1
set an example 46.1 everything but the kitchen sink 17.1
set a trap 46.1 sink or swim 42.1

Shit the sack (UK), see hit the hay (US)

set fire 46.1
set homework 46.1
setoff 46.1
that sinking feeling 13.3
someone's heart sinks 15.1
a sit-down meal (US) / a slap-up meal (UK) 29.1
better safe than sorry 21.2 set sail 46.1 a no-win situation 22.1
in safe hands 21.1 set someone free 46.1 a win-win situation 40.1
play it safe 21.1 set the date 46.1 talk yourself out of any awkward situation 24.1
safe and sound 21.1 set the table 46.1 skating on thin ice 21.2
safety first 21.1 set the wheels in motion 37.1 all skin and bones 3.1
easier said than done 20.2 five o'clock shadow 3.1 almostjump out of your skin 15.1
set sail 46.1 shake in your boots 13.3 by the skin of your teeth 21.2
smooth sailing (US) / plain sailing (UK) 20.1 shake like a leaf 50.2 thick-skinned 15.1
rub salt into the wound 22.2 almost die of shame 13.4 pie in the sky 19.3
take something with a grain of salt (US) / take get in shape 30.2 a slacker 36.2
something with a pinch of salt (UK) 25.3 in bad shape 30.2
a slap on the wrist 38.2
the salt of the earth 4.3 the lion's share 7.1, 41.3
a slap-up meal (UK), see a sit-down meal (US)
on the same page 9.1 a problem shared is a problem halved 51.1
slash prices 33.1
on the same wavelength 9.1 a close shave 21.2
sleep like a log 50.3
bury your head in the sand 15.1 the black sheep of the family 2.2
up your sleeve 35.1
packed like sardines 8.1 sheer luck 19.2
wear your heart on your sleeve 11.1
job satisfaction 40.2 as white as a sheet 11.2, 50.1
roll up your sleeves 35.1, 36.1
save for a rainy day 32.1 off-the-shelf 33.1
the best thing since sliced bread 5.1
saved by the bell 42.1 come rain or shine 23.1
a slim chance 19.1
wouldn't say boo to a goose 4.2 send shivers down someone's spine 13.3
something slips your mind 14.1
a scaredy-cat 7.1 as tough as shoe leather (US) / as tough as an
slowly but surely 37.1
a scatterbrain 15.1 old boot (UK) 35.1 small talk 24.1
make a scene 28.1 in someone's shoes 35.1 too smart for your own good 4.1
not rocket science 20.1 not shoot the messenger 16.1 smell a rat 26.4
a scorcher 23.1 shoot the breeze 24.2 smooth sailing (US) / plain sailing (UK) 20.1

smooth things over 9.2 stir up a hornet's nest (US) / put the cat among with your tail between your legs 13.4
go smoothly 47.1 the pigeons (UK) 25.2 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 12.3
at a snail's pace 37.1 stir up memories 14.1 can't make heads or tails of (US) / can't make
have a sneaking suspicion 26.4 lock, stock, and barrel 17.1 head or tail of (UK) 31.1
snowed under 36.1 have butterflies in your stomach 12.3 give or take 17.1
not be up to snuff (US), see not be up to a stone's throw 17.2 take 40 winks 36.2
scratch (UK) leave no stone unturned 36.1 take a bite 44.2
a social butterfly 4.2 like getting blood from a stone (UK) / like getting take a breather 36.2
pull your socks up 35.1 blood from a turnip (US) 20.2 take a cat nap 36.2
you win some, you lose some 42.1 stone cold 29.2 take a chance 44.2
come down with something 30.1 put a stop to 46.2 take a class 44.2
grab something to eat 29.2 pull out all the stops 36.1 take a look 44.2
something fishy 26.4 a storm in a teacup 23.2 take a nap 44.2
better safe than sorry 21.2 the calm before the storm 23.2 take a page out of your book (US) / take a leaf
put your heart and soul into 12.3 keep on the straight and narrow 38.1 out of your book (UK) 28.1
asoulmate2.1 in dire straits 22.1 take a photo 44.2
safe and sound 21.1 the final straw 22.1 take a rain check on 23.2
sour grapes 8.1 the last straw 6.1 take a seat 44.2
actions speak louder than words 51.1 a selfish streak 4.1 take a shower 44.2
speak your mind 24.2 go from strength to strength 39.2 take a test 44.2
give a speech 44.1 stretch your legs 37.1 take a trip down memory lane 14.1
spill the beans 25.3 make great strides 37.1 take it easy 36.2
cry over spilled milk 8.1 strike a deal 9.3 take someone for a ride 26.3
spin a good yarn 24.2 strike it rich 32.1 take something with a grain of salt (US) / take
send shivers down someone's spine 13.3 strike up a conversation 24.2 something with a pinch of salt (UK) 25.3
the spitting image of 3.1 strike up a friendship with 2.1 take the cake (US) / take the biscuit (UK) 8.1
a splitting headache 30.1 bear a striking resemblance 3.1 take the law into your own hands 38.2
splurge 33.1 a stroke of luck 19.2 take the lead 44.2
spoil your appetite 29.2 a chain is only as strong as its weakest link 51.1 take the mickey out of someone (UK), see rib
be born with a silver spoon in your as strong as an ox 50.2 someone (US)
mouth 3.3 strongly 49.4 take your hat off to 35.1
spoon-feed 8.1, 41.3 know your stuff 31.1 take your life in your hands 21.2
in a bit of a tight spot 22.1 stuff your face 29.2 take your time 34.1
spread like wildfire 25.1 a stumbling block 22.1 have a talk 45.1
go on a shopping spree 33.1 an overnight success 39.1 small talk 24.1
no spring chicken 1.1 a runaway success 39.2 talk big 24.1
spring to mind 14.1 suffer the consequences 38.2 talk down to someone 24.1
a square meal 29.1 sugarcoat 8.1 talk shop 24.1
back to square one 37.1 a hefty sum 32.1 talk someone's ear off 24.1
stab someone in the back 16.1 a ray of sunshine 23.2 talk some sense into someone 24.1
stacks of 17.1 slowly but surely 37.1 talk the talk 24.1
at this stage of the game 42.1 have a sneaking suspicion 26.4 talk yourself out of any awkward situation 24.1
make someone's hair stand on end 13.3 want the earth to swallow you up 13.4 you can talk! 24.1
not stand a chance 19.1 a sweet tooth 15.1 like talking to a brick wall 24.1
come to a standstill 47.2 sink or swim 42.1 a tall order 20.2
a promising start 18.1 in full swing 42.1 red tape 41.1
get off to a flying start 18.1 not enough room to swing a cat 7.1 an acquired taste 29.2
make a fresh start 18.1 cross swords 16.1 leave a bad taste in someone's mouth 6.1
start a family 2.2 lend a sympathetic ear 27.2 not someone's cup of tea 6.1
get started 45.2 offer a sympathetic ear 10.1 a teacher's pet 31.3
state-of-the-art 31.3 a storm in a teacup 23.2
a steal 33.1 a team player 41.2
steal someone's thunder 23.2
steal the show 5.1
a stick-in-the-mud 23.3
put food on the table 8.1
reduce to tears 13.1
teeter on the brink 21.2
by the skin of your teeth 21.2
stick to your guns 16.1 put your cards on the table 46.2 lie through your teeth 26.3
up sticks (UK) / uproot (US) 37.1 set the table 46.1 teething problems (UK) / growing pains (US) 20.2
keep a stiff upper lip 11.2 tackle 42.1 tell half-truths 26.3

to tell you the truth 26.1 time's up! 34.1 blow your own trumpet (UK), see toot your
tender age 1.2 waste time 34.1 own horn (US)
take a test 44.2 on the tip of your tongue 14.1 bend the truth 26.3
that sinking feeling 13.3 the tip of the iceberg 22.1 to tell you the truth 26.1
the ball is in your court 41.2 get tired 45.2 tell half-truths 26.3
the early bird catches the worm 51.1 warm and toasty (US) / warm as toast (UK) 8.1 change your tune 28.1
the show must go on! 28.1 toe the line 38.2 fine-tune 28.1
the world is your oyster 7.1 get your act together 37.1 turn a blind eye 27.1
retail therapy 33.1 a little bird told me 25.2 turn beet-red 54.1
there's no time like the present 51.1 cat got your tongue? 24.2 turn over a new leaf 18.1
thick-skinned 15.1 hold your tongue 48.2 the tide has turned 23.3
get thin on top (US) / go thin on top (UK) 3.1 on the tip of your tongue 14.1 like getting blood from a turnip (US), see like
skating on thin ice 21.2 tongue-tied 11.2 getting blood from a stone (UK)
all good things come to those who wait 51.1 tons of 17.1 twiddle your thumbs 15.1
all good things must come to an end 18.3 too big for your boots 35.1 twilight years 1.2
bright young things 1.1 too close for comfort 21.2 twist the knife 16.1
great minds think alike 31.1 too smart for your own good 4.1 twist someone's arm 38.2
think outside the box 40.2 a bad workman always blames his tools 51.1 a two-horse race 7.1
think the world of 5.1 toot your own horn (US) / blow your own like two peas in a pod 3.1
put on your thinking cap 31.1 trumpet (UK) 28.1 not have two pennies to rub together 3.3
quench your thirst 29.2 a sweet tooth 15.1 two-faced 4.1
lose your train of thought 14.1 long in the tooth 1.2 two heads are better than one 51.1
a picture is worth a thousand words 51.1 get thin on top (US) / go thin on top (UK) 3.1
a thousand-and-one 17.1 on top of the world 12.1

hang by a thread 21.2 the top dog 41.3
have a lump in your throat 13.1 top-notch 5.1
jump down someone's throat 9.2 top of the line (US) /top of the range (UK) 5.1 unacceptable behavior 10.4
at each other's throats 11.1 top secret 26.1 unbelievably 49.4
hear something through the grapevine 25.3 keep in touch with 2.1 go under the hammer 33.1
lie through your teeth 26.3 lose touch with 2.1 keep something under your hat 26.1
pay through the nose 32.1 touch-and-go 19.3 snowed under 36.1
a stone's throw 17.2 touch base 25.1 under the weather 30.1
throw in at the deep end 22.1, 42.1 put the finishing touches on something (US) / put under wraps 26.1
throw in the towel 42.1 the finishing touches to something (UK) 18.2 until the cows come home 34.1
throw money around 32.1 as tough as shoe leather (US) / leave no stone unturned 36.1
throw money down the drain 32.1 as tough as an old boot (UK) 35.1 not be up to scratch (UK) / not be up
throw someone a curveball 42.1 a tough act to follow 5.1, 28.1 to snuff (US) 6.1
throw up 30.2 a tough cookie 4.3 put your feet up 36.2
a green thumb (US) / green fingers (UK) 54.1 a tough nut to crack 22.2 tied up 40.2
a rule of thumb 15.1 throw in the towel 42.1 time's up! 34.1
give someone the thumbs-up 9.1 paint the town red 54.1 up and about 30.2
twiddle your thumbs 15.1 back on track 37.1 up and running 37.1
steal someone's thunder 23.2 off the beaten track (UK), see off the beaten path up in arms 11.1
the tide has turned 23.3 (US) up sticks (UK) / uproot (US) 37.1
a black-tie event 54.1 the wrong side of the tracks 3.3 up to your eyeballs 40.1
tied up 40.2 blaze a trail 37.1 up your sleeve 35.1
tongue-tied 11.2 catch the train 48.3 an uphill battle 16.1
in a bit of a tight spot 22.1 loseyourtrain of thought 14.1 keep a stiff upper lip 11.2
be on a tight budget 33.1 set a trap 46.1 uproot (US), see up sticks (UK)
tighten your belt 32.1 treat someone like dirt 10.1 business as usual 40.1 ,
about time 34.2 bark up the wrong tree 7.1 an utter failure 39.2
give someone a hard time 10.1 can't see the forest for the trees (US) / can't see
hit the big time 39.1 the wood for the trees (UK) 23.2
in the nick of time 34.2
kill time 34.2
on time 34.1
money doesn't grow on trees 32.1
pay tribute 48.1
a one-trick pony 7.1
reach a verdict 38.2
take your time 34.1 take a trip down memory lane 14.1 on the verge of 37.1
there's no time like the present 51.1 show your true colors 54.1 a bird's-eye view 7.1

come into view 47,2
pay a visit 48.1
a vivid imagination 4.1
spread like wildfire 25.1
a no-win situation 22.1
a win-win situation 40.1
spin a good yarn 24.2
win something hands down 39.1 get on in years (US) / get on (UK) 1.1
you win some, you lose some 42.1 light-years ahead of 31.3

all good things come to those who wait 51.1
a howling wind (US) / a howling gale (UK) 23.1
get wind of 27.2
run like the wind 50.2
twilight years 1.2
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't
make it drink 51.1
a walk in the park 20.1 go window shopping 33.1 you can't judge a book by its cover 51.1
walk on eggshells 8.1 take 40 winks 36.2 you win some, you lose some 42.1
within walking distance 17.2 get your wires crossed 25.1 bright young things 1.1
come up against a brick wall 22.1 as wise as an owl 50.2 young at heart 1.2
like talking to a brick wall 24.1 with a heavy heart 13.1
bouncing off the walls 12.3 with your tail between your legs 13.4
walls have ears 27.2
want the earth to swallow you up 13.4
like a war zone 16.1
within walking distance 17.2
a lone wolf 4.2
cry wolf 7.1
like a war zone 16.1
be in the wars 16,1 wolf down 29.1 zone out 27.2
warm and toasty (US) / warm as toast (UK) 8.1 can't see the wood for the trees (UK), see can't
on the warpath 13.1 see the forest for the trees (US)
wash down 29.2 not out of the woods 21.2
waste time 34.1 someone's neck of the woods 23.3
keep a close watch on 27.1 by word of mouth 25.1
watch someone like a hawk 27.1 actions speak louder than words 51.1
a watched pot never boils 51.1 a picture is worth a thousand words 51,1
like watching paint dry 6.1 many hands make light work 51.1
like a fish out of water 20.2 work around the clock 40.2
make someone's mouth water 29.1 work like a charm 39.2
water off a duck's back 7.1 a bad workman always blames
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't his tools 51.1
make it drink 51.1 not going to set the world on fire 6.1
on the same wavelength 9.1 on top of the world 12.1
make waves 23.2 out of this world 5.1
pay your way 48.1 the world is your oyster 7.1
as weak as a kitten 50.2 think the world of 5.1
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link 51.1 world-class 5.1
the worse for wear 30.1 the best of both worlds 5.1
wear your heart on your sleeve 11.1 the early bird catches the worm 51.1
a fair-weather friend 2.1 open a can of worms 20.2
under the weather 30.1 a fate worse than death 6.1
the wee hours 34.2 get worse 45.2
weep with joy 12.2 someone's bark is worse than their bite 4.2
a weight off someone's shoulders 11.1 the worse for wear 30.1
not pulling your weight 36.2 a picture is worth a thousand words 51.1
do well 43.2 wouldn't hurt a fly 4.2
well behaved 10.4 wouldn't say boo to a goose 4.2
well off 32.1 rub salt into the wound 22.2
wet behind the ears 1.1 under wraps 26.1
set the wheels in motion 37.1 a slap on the wrist 38.2
when pigs fly (US) / pigs might fly (UK) 19.3 nothing to write home about 6.1
whip up 29.1 put something in writing 46.2
by a whisker 17.2 bark up the wrong tree 7.1
a whistleblower 26.1 get off on the wrong foot 2.1
a white-collar job 41.1 the wrong side of the tracks 3.3
a white lie 26.3
as white as a sheet 11.2, 50.1
a whole new ball game 42.1
far and wide 17.2

Register najbežnejších
Heslá sú uvedené podľa čísla lekcie
a modulov. H
„have" 45.1
„remember" 53.5
„hear" 52.3 „remind" 53.5

„highly" 49.2
„hold" 48.2
„hope" 52.6
„ridiculously" 49.6

„as"50.1 „hurt" 53.1

„say" 53.3

„beat" 52.4
„see" 52.1
„sensible" 53.6
„injure" 53,1 „sensitive" 53.6
„borrow" 52.5 „set" 46.1
„smeli" 52.7
„strongly" 49.4

C ,job"40,2, 53.7
„carry" 53.4
„catch" 48.3
„chargé" 53.2
„joy" 12.2
„take" 44.2
„come" 47.2
K „talk" 24.1
„telí" 53.3
"keep" 48.4

„damage" 53.1
„deeply" 49.3 L U
"unbelievably" 49.5
„do" 43.2 „lend" 52.5

„like" 50.3
„listen to" 52.3

E „load" 53,2
„lookať'52.1 „wait" 52.2
„expecť 52.2 „look forward to" 52.2 „watch" 52.1
„luck" 19.2 „wear" 53,4
„win" 52.4

F „wish" 52.6

„feel" 52,7
„fill up" 53.
M „work" 53.7

"make" 43.1

„geť 45.2
„give" 44.1 „puť 46.2

klameme 26.3
pozorujeme 27.1
práca 40, 41
pracovanie 36
kompromis 9.3 pravda 26
kondícia 30.2
pravdepodobnosť 19.3
konflikt 9.2 pravidlá 38
koniec 18.2,18,3 priateľstvo 2.1
bezpečie 21.1 konverzácia 24.2 príroda 23
bežné výrazy 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 kritizujeme 6 prirovnania 50
biznis 40, 41 príslovia 51
problémy 20 2, 22 1 22.2

čas 34.1
časti dňa 34.2
lenivosť 36.3
ľahko zameniteľné slová 52, 53 R
relax 36.2
ľahkosť 20.1
riešenie problémov 22.2

dobré veci 5 M
riziko 21.2
rodina 2.2
rozprávanie 24
držíme tajomstvo 26.2 milota 10.1
množstvo 17.1

myslenie 31
smútok 13 1
emócie 11
načúvame 27, 27.2
správanie 10
strach 13 3
súcit 10.1

F nadšenie 12.3
nakupovanie 33
nápoje/pitie 8,29.2
súhlas 9.1
šance 19
farby 11.2, 41.1, 54 škola 31.2
nebezpečenstvo 21.2 šport 41.2, 42
negatívne emócie 13 šťastie 12.1,19

hnev 13.2
nesúhlas 9.2
noc 34.2
štýl 3.2

hovoríme pravdu 26.1

hudba 28
tajomstvo 26.2
oblečenie 3.2, 35 ťažká práca 36,1

CH ťažké situácie 22
ťažkosti 20.2, 22.1
charakter 4
choroba 30.1
pamäť 14, 53.5
technológie 31.3
telo 11.1,15, 38.2
chválenie 5.1 testy 31.2
peniaze 32 topánky 35
pocity 12,13 trápnosť 13 4

počasie 23
počúvame 27.2

podozrenie 26.4
jedlo 4.3, 8,11.3, 25.3,29.1,41.3
podpichovanie 10.3
jednoduchosť 20.1
pohyb 37 učenie sa 31
pokrok 37 udržanie tajomstva 26.2
porozumenie 9.1 umenie 28
pozeráme 27.1 úspech 39.1
pozitívne emócie 12 uzdravenie 30.1
pozitívne emócie 12

veda 31 3
vzhľad 3
vzrušenie 12.4
vzťahy 2
zdieľanie informácií 25
zdieľanie noviniek 25.1
zdravie 30
vedomosti 31 zlé veci 6
vek 1 zlé zaobchádzanie 10.2
vlastnosti 4
vojna 16
výhody a nevýhody 3.3
začiatok 18.1
zložitosť 20
zlyhanie 39.2
zosilňujúce príslovky 49
výchova 3.3 začínanie 18.1 zotavenie 30.1
vysoká škola 31 2 zákon 38 zvieratá 4.2, 7, 25.2, 41.4, 50.2
vzdelanie 31 zbrane 16
vzdialenosť 17.2 zdieľanie informácií 2 :

Vydavateľstvo ďakuje:

Edwardovi Avesovi za pomoc pri editovaní, Shahid Mahmoodovej, Chhaye

Sajwanovej a Michelle Staplesovej za pomoc pri dizajne, Stephovi Lewisovi
za kontrolu prekladu a register, Christine Stroyanovej za manažovanie
audionahrávok a ID Audio za nahrávanie audio a produkciu.

Všetky obrázky sú vlastníctvom vydavateľstva DK. Pre viac informácií,

prosím pozrite

[2J|J ÍKAR f' Í g|

ĽĽ^tj^ľ) Hl H snowed una i M'^M

f i rings a bell
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