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Şcoala Gimnazială „Pr. Gh.

Săndulescu’’ Dragomirești, județul Neamț

Disciplina: Limba engleză
Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare
Profesor: Năsîescu Ana-Corina
Clasa: 0
Nr. ore/ săptămână: 1
Manual: Maria-Magdalena Nicolescu – Limba engleză pentru clasa pregătitoare, Editura Ars Libri

ANUL ŞCOLAR 2023-2024
Getting to know the pupils. 1.1., 2.1., 2.3.,
1 – Greetings- Hi! Hello! Greetings: How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 3.1. 2 S 1- S 2
Main skills: listening, speaking.
2 – Classroom commands. Commands- stand up, sit down, show, listen, draw, say, colour, come 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3.,
Poster of September here 3.1., 4.1. 1 S3
Main skills: listening, speaking.
3 – School objects The classroom objects. 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3.,
Give me the.... 3.1., 4.1. 2 S 4- S 5
Main skills: listening, speaking.
4 – It’s Halloween time! Halloween symbols and greetings. 1.2., 1.3., 2.2., 2.3.,
Main skills: listening, speaking. 3.1., 4.1. 1 S6
5 - Numbers Numbers: 1 – 10. 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2.,
Poster of October Count objects 3.1., 4.1. 1 S7
Main skills: listening, speaking.
6 - Toys Doll, robot, toy car, teddy bear, ball. 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3.,
What’s this? A .................. 3.1., 4.1. 1 S8
Main skills: listening, speaking.
7 - What is your name? What is your name? My name is............ 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2.,
Poster of November How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 3.1., 4.1. 1 S9
Main skills: listening, speaking.
8 - Stories Snow White, Little Mermaid, prince, Cinderella, pirates, prince, 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3.,
princess. 3.1., 4.1. 1 S 10
Main skills: listening, speaking.
9 - Persons Boy, girl, man, woman. 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2.,
I am a ............ 3.1., 4.1. 2 S 11 – S 12

Questions: What is your name? How are you?
Main skills: listening, speaking.
10 - It’s Christmas time! Vocabulary- Santa Claus, bells, present, Christmas tree, Merry 1.1., 1.2., 1.3.,
Revision Christmas! 2.1., 2.3., 1 S 13
Song: We wish you a Merry Christmas! 3.1., 4.1.
Progress check.
Main skills: listening, speaking.

11 – Farm animals The domestic animals. 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3.,
What is it? It is a .................. 3.1., 4.1. 1 S 15
Main skills: listening, speaking.
12 – What do animals say? Woof, meow, moo, oink. 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3.,
Poster of January Song- Old MacDonald had a farm........... 3.1., 4.1. 1 S 16
Main skills: listening, speaking.
13 - Pets Pets. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3.,
What is it? It is a ...................... 3.1., 4.1. 1 S 17
Main skills: listening, speaking.
14 - Fruits Fruits. 1.2., 2.1., 2.3.,
Poster of February What is it? It is a ...................... 3.1., 4.1. 2 S 18 – 19
Main skills: listening, speaking.
15 – It’s my birthday! Vocabulary related to the topic- present, cake, balloon, paper, card, 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3.,
Happy Birthday! 3.1., 4.1. 1 S 20
How old are you? I am ................
Main skills: listening, speaking.
16 - Actions Simple actions: read, jump, run, sleep, wash, eat, fly, etc. 1.1., 1.2., 2.1., 2.3.,
Main skills: listening, speaking. 3.1., 4.1. 1 S 21

17 – My house. Parts of a house: roof, window, door, floor. 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2.,
The rooms of the house. Rooms. 3.1., 4.1. 2 S 22 – S 23
What is this? It is the ...................
Poster of March Main skills: listening, speaking.
18 - It’s Easter time! Vocabulary. 1.2., 2.1., 2.3.,
Greetings- Happy Easter! 3.1., 4.1. 2 S 24 – S 25
Main skills: listening, speaking.

19 – In the park. Vocabulary related to the topic 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2.,
What is it? It is a ...................... 3.1., 4.1. 2 S 26 – S 27
Poster of April Main skills: listening, speaking.

20 – My body The body. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1 S 28
What is this? It is the ................... 2.1., 2.2., 2.3.,
Show me the................. 3.1., 4.1.
Main skills: listening, speaking.

21 – Which words rhyme? Exercises. Fun games 1.2., 1.3.,
Spot the difference! 2.1., 2.3., 2 S 30 – S 31
Poster of May Main skills: listening, speaking. 3.1., 4.1.
22 – Bring your toys to Vocabulary – toys. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3.,
school! What is it? It is a ................ 2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 3 S 32 – S 34
My page. Name, gender, likes and dislikes. 3.1., 4.1.
Main skills: listening, speaking.
Final revision Evaluation Progress check. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3.,
Oral evaluation. 2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2 S 35 – 36
Main skills: listening, speaking. 3.1., 4.1.

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