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NAME: __________________________________ GRADE____ SECTION: _________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and understand each question and write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided.

_______1. Which of the following is NOT a type of line?

A. Horizontal B. Vertical C. Framing D. Curve

_______2. A _____ is a set of points extending in both directions. It extends from point A to point B.

A. Gaze B. Color C. Line D. Texture

_______3. ____ is the area covered by the entire artwork. It can be positive or negative.

A. Space B. Gaze C. Framing D. Distance

_______4. What color suggests calmness, peacefulness and heaven?

A. Yellow B. Blue C. Red D. Green

_______5. This picture shows an example of which visual element?

A. Line B. Symbol C. Color D. Gaze

_______6. This is a visual element that can create varied emotions like anger, happiness or love.

A. Style of Line B. Color C. Space D. Symbol

_______7. Which of the following is an example of a symbol?

A. B.

C. D.

________8. It is a variation of line that shows how long or short the line is.

A. Texture B. Length C. Style D. Weight

________9. _____ are any characteristic that we can see including line, shape, direction, size, texture,
color and value.

A. Variation of Lines B. Type of Lines C. Visual Elements D. Gaze

_______10. This is a type of line that are slanting in any direction.

A. Vertical B. Diagonal C. Zigzag D. Curve

II. Categorize the following nouns into CONCRETE or ABSTRACT Nouns.

Dogs keys
Anger friendship
Poverty excitement
Bottle death
Dolls rocks


III. Read each statement carefully. Classify them as to, text-text-connection, text-self-
connection, or text-world connection. Write A for text-text, B for text-self and C for text-

_________1. The book “All about Matter” reminds me of our lesson in Science.

_________2. The story of “Juan Tamad” has a connection to what happened to me when
I was a child.

_________3. The movie “The Flu” is the same as what happened to our country during
the pandemic.

_________4. I remember my trip to Baguio when I watched the romantic movie in the

_________5. The character in the story is similar to my experiences as a Grade 6 pupils

who graduated with honor despite the hardship in going to school.

_________6. This picture I am seeing reminds me of my days when I was still in 5th grade.

_________7. The news I watched is the same as what happened to the story we read in
our English Class.

_________8. The air pollution that is happening in our country is also present in the
movie we watched last night.

_________9. The video I watched in YouTube made me remember my childhood days.

_________10. The story I read from the book reminds me of the story that Jose Rizal

IV. Identify if the noun is COUNT Noun or MASS Noun. Write C for Count Noun and M for Mass

________1. Sugar ________6. Hair

________2. Sand ________7. Balloons

________3. Flowers ________8. Rice

________4. Ball ________9. Spoons

________5. Water ________10. Dust

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