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corrientes filosoficas del pensamiento humanista

Definition of Humanism
Emphasizes the value and agency of human beings

Focuses on individual dignity, human potential, and the importance of human


Key Principles of Humanism

○ Humans as the center of attention and focus

○ Recognition of human rights and freedoms

Human Flourishing
○ Belief in the capacity for personal growth and development

○ Encouragement of self-actualization and fulfillment

Rationality and Critical Thinking

○ Emphasis on reason, logic, and evidence-based thinking

○ Promotion of rational decision-making and problem-solving

Ethics and Morality

○ Moral responsibility and ethical behavior as integral to human life

○ Values such as empathy, compassion, and justice

Human Freedom
○ Respect for individual autonomy and freedom of choice

○ Opposition to oppression, discrimination, and tyranny

Major Humanistic Philosophical Movements

Renaissance Humanism
○ Flourished during the Renaissance period

○ Reintroduced Classical Greek and Roman ideas and values

○ Focused on human potential and achievements

Enlightenment Humanism
○ Emerged during the Enlightenment era
○ Emphasized reason, science, and intellectual progress

○ Advocated for individual freedoms and social reform

○ Developed in the 19th and 20th centuries

○ Explored themes of human existence and freedom of choice

○ Emphasized individual responsibility and authenticity

○ Emerged in the early 20th century

○ Examined the nature of consciousness and subjective experience

○ Emphasized the importance of lived experiences in understanding the world

Humanistic Psychology
○ Originated in the mid-20th century

○ Focused on the holistic development of individuals

○ Stressed the significance of self-actualization and personal growth

○ Arises in contemporary philosophy and cultural studies

○ Challenges traditional human-centered perspectives

○ Explores the blurring boundaries between humans and technology

Applications of Humanistic Thinking


Psychology and therapy

Social and political philosophy

Healthcare and medicine

Art and literature

○ Note: This mind map provides an overview of the main ideas and movements in humanistic
thinking and their applications. It is not an exhaustive representation and there may be
additional subtopics or nuances within each category.

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