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Grammar for today: Adverbial clauses

 What is the difference between an adverb and an adverbial clause?

(Adverbial clause has a subject and a verb)

- Yesterday I walked to school. (adverb)

- After breakfast, I walked to school. (phrase)
- After I had a delicious breakfast, I walked to school. (clause)

Exercise 1 (5 min) based on

Identify the adverbial clauses, and identify which type they are:

1. You seem very happy when you help other people.

2. Because the rains had started the mud slides, the homes were not safe to live in.
3. The woman took notes so that she would know how to cook broccoli.
4. As the lions approached the carcass, the cheetahs retreated once more.

Exercise 2 (5 min) based on

Combine the following sentences into a complex sentence. Identify which type of adverbial clause
you use.

1. We watched the robins. They raised their young in our apple tree.
2. Becky read the book. It was recommended by a friend.
3. Dad donates his suits to charity. He has worn them a year.
4. The policemen delayed the drivers. The wrecks could be cleared.
5. Ann ate an apple. She studied her vocabulary.

Exercise 3 (3 min)

Write your own complex sentence with an adverbial clause. Be ready to share! No key here sorry!

Extra, clear info on different kinds of adverbials:

Extra practice (the middle should look familiar 😊): - discuss
with classmates and let me know if any of them are unclear (sadly, no key is included…)

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