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Communication Test


● Given below are 30 questions.

● Mark your answers by highlighting your answer in red.

Example: In the following question, if your answer is Option c - “W,” - select it and
change the font colour to red.

Q1. Which of the following is not a vowel?

a) A
b) E
c) W
d) O

● Only 1 answer per question is correct.

● Questions where more than 1 answer is marked in red will be considered invalid
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Test Questions:

Complete the following sentences.

Q1. The teacher's ______ style of teaching made the class enjoyable and informative.

a) monotonous
b) engaging
c) tedious
d) repetitive

Q2. The ______ of the new law was met with strong opposition from various groups.

a) enforcement
b) implementation
c) inauguration
d) nullification

Q3. Jennifer said she would ______ her son to play online games if he got low marks on his
report card.

a) prevent
b) forbid
c) deny
d) exclude

Q4. His ______ in solving complex math problems is widely recognized.

a) deficiency
b) proficiency
c) irregularity
d) inability

Q5. You have been an ______ help since I moved out here a few months ago.

a) intense
b) infinite
c) excessive
d) enormous

Q6. The black rhinoceros is listed as a critically ______ species.

a) endangered
b) dangerous
c) exposed
d) weak

Reading Comprehension.
Read both passages and the statements. Decide if each statement is supported by:

● Passage A
● Passage B
● Both Passages

Passage A
The Notting Hill Carnival is one of the world's largest street festivals. It is held in the Notting Hill
area of West London. Over one million people attend the carnival, which takes place over three
days every August. The event started in 1996 as a celebration of Caribbean culture, with people
from the West Indies who had immigrated to London organizing the festival. Nowadays, the
event is very multicultural and people from all the different communities of London come
together at the festival. However, the music, costumes, floats, and food still have a strong
Caribbean influence.

Passage B
The Rio de Janeiro Carnival is the biggest and most famous street festival in the world. It is held
annually in the Brazilian city, over six days before the Christian festival of Lent. Each day, over
two million people come out on the streets of Rio to dance and play music. There are
competitions between the different samba schools, with each school trying to have the best
float, costume, and music, as well as to be the best at samba dancing. These days, some of the
main events are ticketed and held in stadiums

Q7. Which passage explains how the carnival started?

a) Passage A
b) Passage B
c) Both Passages

Q8. Which passage provides information about the duration of the carnival's occurrence?

a) Passage A
b) Passage B
c) Both Passages

Q9. Which passage mentions the types of food available at the carnival?

a) Passage A
b) Passage B
c) Both Passages
Q10. Which passage mentions that some parts of the carnival require payment?

a) Passage A
b) Passage B
c) Both Passages

Q11. Which passage provides descriptions of the activities and experiences that people have at
the carnival?

a) Passage A
b) Passage B
c) Both Passages

Q12. Which passage provides information about the location of the festival?

a) Passage A
b) Passage B
c) Both Passages

Reading Comprehension 2

Read the passage about a hotel and choose the best answer to the question.

Laruna Hotel

This is a wonderful resort if you're looking to get away for a week or two. This large hotel has
over 400 rooms, many with a view of the ocean. If you want golden sand and fun in the sea,
then this is the resort for you. The hotel price includes Jet Skiing, waterskiing, and swimming.
You can even try sailing (additional costs apply).

Other than water sports, there is plenty to do. There is a tennis court with a gym next to it in the
local village. The city is only 10 miles away, where you can go shopping. In addition, the hotel
can organize a day trip into the mountains. If you just want to relax, there is a massage room.
A breakfast buffet is served by the swimming pool every morning. For lunch and dinner, the
hotel has a great restaurant that looks over the sea. In the evening, they serve freshly grilled
seafood. The prices are expensive, but the quality is very good. The menu is mostly seafood,
but they do have other options.

Two nights a week, there is live music after dinner. The hotel has a schedule of local bands who
play dance music and even offer samba and rhumba lessons for hotel guests. Many visitors say
this is a favorite feature of their hotel stay.
The hotel offers free transfers from the airport.
Q13. This passage is most likely from ______

a) a travel brochure
b) an email about a vacation
c) a map of an island
d) an article about hotel food

Q14. What is the main purpose of the passage?

a) To compare the Laruna Hotel to other hotels in the area

b) To describe what the Laruna Hotel offers its guests
c) To report on what past guests think of the Laruna Hotel
d) To present what the author thinks is best about the Laruna Hotel

Q15. Which of the following is a feature at the Laruna Hotel?

a) A tennis court
b) Shops
c) A massage room
d) A gym

Q16. According to the passage, the Laruna Hotel restaurant is ______

a) over-priced.
b) cheap.
c) poor quality.
d) good value.

Q17. What must guests at the Laruna Hotel pay extra for?

a) Waterskiing
b) Jet Skiing
c) Swimming
d) Sailing

Q18. Which of the following is a favorite experience of many Laruna Hotel guests?

a) Going to the beach

b) Spending a day in the mountains
c) Taking Latin dance classes
d) Going shopping in the city

Q19. Which description best fits the Laruna Hotel?

a) A place designed to make families with young children comfortable
b) A vacation that includes the beach and some taste of local culture
c) A hotel especially suited to people who love to hike in rugged landscapes
d) A trip for those who especially like nightlife

Q20. Which of the facts does the passage tell you about the Laruna Hotel?

a) The country where it is located

b) The language the people there speak
c) The number of rooms in the hotel
d) The distance from the hotel to the beach

Reading Comprehension 3

Read the comprehension and choose the best answer for each question.

Mount Everest Expedition For those seeking the ultimate adventure, the Mount Everest
Expedition offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to conquer the world's highest peak. Standing
at 29,032 feet, Everest has lured climbers and adventurers for decades.

The journey begins in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, where participants receive
comprehensive training and acclimatization. You will embark on a 40-day expedition to reach
the summit, guided by a team of experienced sherpas.

This expedition involves strenuous physical effort, altitude challenges, and unpredictable
weather conditions. However, the reward is unparalleled—a sense of accomplishment like no
other. The feeling of standing on the top of the world is an experience few ever have.

Join us for this extraordinary adventure and become part of the elite group that has conquered


Q21. What is the main focus of the passage?

a) A vacation in Kathmandu

b) An introduction to Nepal

c) Conquering Mount Everest through an expedition

d) The history of mountain climbing

Q22. How long is the Mount Everest Expedition?

a) 1 week

b) 30 days

c) 40 days

d) 60 days

Q23. What challenges are involved in the Mount Everest Expedition?

a) None, it's an easy journey

b) Strenuous physical effort and altitude challenges

c) Smooth sailing and predictable weather conditions

d) A relaxing holiday with mild hiking

Q24. What is the reward of the Mount Everest Expedition?

a) An unforgettable vacation in Kathmandu

b) An opportunity to become a sherpa

c) A sense of accomplishment and standing on top of the world

d) A new set of friends

Q25. Where does the journey for the Mount Everest Expedition begin?

a) At the summit of Mount Everest

b) In a nearby village

c) In Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal

d) At an undisclosed location

Q26. What kind of weather conditions can participants expect during the expedition?

a) Predictable and mild

b) Sunny and hot

c) Unpredictable

d) Snow and fog

Q27. How does the passage describe the experience of conquering Mount Everest?

a) As an ordinary achievement

b) As an experience few ever have

c) As something everyone can do

d) As a simple task

Q28. Who guides participants during the Mount Everest Expedition?

a) Fellow climbers

b) Experienced sherpas

c) Trained rescue teams

d) Self-navigation

Q29. What elevation does Mount Everest stand at?

a) 29,032 feet

b) 20,000 feet

c) 30,000 feet

d) 40,000 feet

Q30. What does the passage suggest about the Mount Everest Expedition?

a) It is an easy and safe journey

b) It is an affordable adventure

c) It is a unique and challenging experience

d) It is suitable for all age groups

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