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p=UDL in newton / mm2

W=total load on plate, newtons
L=distance between supports (length of plate), millimeters. For rectangular
plates, L = long side, l = short side
t =thickness of plate, millimeters
S=maximum tensile stress in plate, newtons per mm squared
d=maximum deflection of plate, mm
E=modulus of elasticity, newtons per mm squared

Formula for
B) Square flat plate supported at the bottom only of all four edges and a uniformly distributed
load over the surface of the plate.

S= 0.28W/t^3

d =0.0443 WL^2 / Et^3

We Have Following Data

20 mm thk Plate having size of 0.8 mtr x 0.8 mtr
Pressure on Plate 4Kg/CM^2

1kg/cm^2 = 98066.5 newton/meter^2

4kg/Cm^2 =392266 newton / meter^2

thus pressure on plate 392266 newter / meter ^2

Factor for Safety 1.5
so 392266x0.64 = 251050 newton /meter^2
w= 251050 N/M^2
Maximum Tensile Stress on Plate

S 0.28 251050 70294 8.78675 Newton / mm Square

20 20 20 8000

allowble stress for M.S. is 0.66 fy =0.66x250 = 165 N/mm^2

thus 8.786 N/mm^2 is Safe

.=0.0443 WL^2 / Et^3

0.0443 251050 600 600 4E+09 2.441308 mm

205000 20 20 20 1.64E+09
Allowed Deflection l/400
2.666667 mm

Maximum deflection of beam at Center of ismb 300 of 6 mtr long

5/384 Wl^3 / EI

5 251050 6000 6000 6000 2.71E+17 25.26987 mm

384 205000 136300000 1.07E+16

p=UDL in newton / mm2
W=total load on plate, newtons
L=distance between supports (length of plate), millimeters. For rectangular
plates, L = long side, l = short side
t =thickness of plate, millimeters
S=maximum tensile stress in plate, newtons per mm squared
d=maximum deflection of plate, mm
E=modulus of elasticity, newtons per mm squared

Formula for
B) Square flat plate supported at the bottom only of all four edges and a uniformly distributed
load over the surface of the plate.

S= 0.28W/t^3

d =0.0443 WL^2 / Et^3

We Have Following Data

20 mm thk Plate having size of 0.8 mtr x 0.8 mtr
Pressure on Plate 1000 millibar

1 Millibar =100 newton / meter^2

1000 millibar =100000 newton / meter^2

thus pressure on plate 100000 newter / meter ^2

Factor for Safety 1.5
so 150000x0.64 = 64000 newton /meter^2
w= 96000 N/M^2
Maximum Tensile Stress on Plate

S 0.28 96000 26880 3.36 Newton / mm Square

20 20 20 8000

allowble stress for M.S. is 0.66 fy =0.66x250 = 165 N/mm^2

thus 3.36 N/mm^2 is Safe

.=0.0443 WL^2 / Et^3

0.0443 96000 800 800 2721792000 1.659629 mm

205000 20 20 20 1640000000

Supporting Beam Design

Maximum deflection of beam at Center of ismb 300 of 6 mtr long

5/384 Wl^3 / EI

5 96000 6000 6000 6000 1.0368E+017 7902.471 mm

384 205000 166666 1.311995E+13

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