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Jaemie Bernal August 24, 2023

Desmond Gabariles
Ray Draco Tatlonghari Rico
Heaven Soriano

1. While her father’s health is essential, was it ethically acceptable to break up with her boyfriend
and accept the other suitor who can help with the health needs of her father?
- Both forms of love are important and fulfill different needs in our lives. They can coexist and
contribute to our overall sense of happiness and fulfillment. However, being in a such a
situation, it requires a lot of pondering in respect of their own decisions in the matter. I
believe that whatever Katrina chooses, won't imply that she is unethical in any way due to the
fact that this circumstance is very complex in nature. A lot of factors must be taken into
consideration in concluding her final decision. Personally speaking, if it boils down to
choosing between my family and romantic partner, I would choose my family because
familial love outlasts any form of affection. My family are the first ones to love me
unconditionally; my parents welcomed me in their lives with open arms regardless of the
person I'll become in the future. Thence, the wiser decision would have been to pick her
father's well-being above else by virtue of understanding that it was a really hefty decision to

2. Was it ethically all right for the suitor to help her father in exchange for the love?
- It can vary from situation to situation but for me, yes. In this situation alone, there doesn't
seem to be any downside for the suitor. He gets to help the father of his love, which would be
good. And in return, he gets something that he wants. He expends his resources to get what he
wants, there are no negatives from what I can tell apart from the only variable to vary is the
reaction of Katrina whether she will take it good or not.

3. Does love require conditions?

- True love is often characterized by its unconditional nature, where acceptance, understanding,
and support are present without the need for conditions. However, in reality, healthy
boundaries and mutual respect are essential for any relationship. So, while unconditional love
aims to be free from conditions, maintaining a balanced dynamic may involve certain
reasonable expectations and boundaries.

4. What if the mother advised her to accept the suitor, will the mother be correct? Defend your
- The situation can vary widely depending on the individual perspectives. Personally speaking,
for a mother to advise their child to accept their daughter’s suitor to help with the father’s
health needs is correct, especially if the mother's primary concern is the well-being of her sick
husband and she genuinely believes that ending the relationship with the boyfriend is the best
way to provide financial assistance. However, it is important to explain the reason behind
those advises in order to have an open communication with the daughter. Ultimately, the
daughter still has the right to make her own choices in matters of the heart. Consideration is
important ethical principle in such situations. So, the mother has to consider the emotional
well-being and choices of her daughter despite the situation they’re in.

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