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Q1 What do you like about the organisation?
M.M is known for producing high-quality steel
products. This includes ensuring that the steel
meets industry standards for strength, durability,
and other essential properties.
M.M invests in cutting-edge technologies and
innovative processes tend to stay competitive.
This leads to the development of advanced steel
products and more efficient manufacturing

Q2 Do you consider the organisation to be

environmental friendly?
M.M prioritize the use of recycled materials in the
production process. Recycling scrap steel reduces
the demand for raw iron ore, conserving natural
resources and energy.
Energy-intensive processes are inherent in steel
production. M.M invests in energy-efficient
technologies to minimize their overall energy
consumption. This includes using advanced
furnaces, optimizing production processes, and
incorporating renewable energy sources into their
Customer interview 2
Q1 What do you like about the organisation?
Safety is a crucial aspect of any industrial operation.
M.M prioritizes the well-being of their employees by
implementing stringent safety measures and adhering
to industry safety standards are generally well-
regarded. Effective supply chain management ensures
that products are delivered on time and in the desired
quantities. M.M maintains efficient logistics and
distribution networks to meet customer demands.

Q2 Do you consider the organisation to be

environmental friendly?
Steel production can generate significant greenhouse
gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2). M.M
actively work to reduce these emissions through the
adoption of cleaner technologies, carbon capture and
storage (CCS), and other emission reduction
strategies. Steel production involves substantial water
usage for cooling and other processes. M.M
implements responsible water management practices,
minimizing water consumption, recycling water where
possible, and treating wastewater before discharge.

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