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Victor Macedo Pereira

Universidade Veiga de Almeida

Disciplina: Inglês Instrumental para Informática

23 de junho de 2023


Learning English and being able to be fluent in the language did change my life.

Not only do I get to speak with people from Australia to China but also I have the opportunity
to absorb the whole English culture by understanding their manners and lifestyle.

I started learning English when I was 15 years old and that was when I started having classes in
an English course near my House. I did so for 6 months and then kept learning further by
myself with books, TV series, movies, music, and talking constantly to foreigners on the

Reading was a very big part of my learning process as well as meeting up with foreigners in my
city with the polyglot club I am part of.

Now I have the honour of working in English and German as an IT Infrastructure Analyst at
BASF, a multinational chemistry industry based in Germany.

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