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Plants They possess the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll

(both a and b forms) and carotenoids in cell organelles called


It has: all plants have true roots, stems, and leaves

 I can: It can Clear the air. ...

 Promote productivity and boost mood. ...
 Brighten a room. ...
 Add depth to interior design. ...
 Freshen the breeze.

It does not have: Plants which do not have roots, stems, and leaves are called thalloid or
foliose plants. They either show the presence of leaf-like structures

It cannot: Snow Plant does not photosynthesize and does not contain chlorophyll.

Possess: animals have sensory organs, the ability to move, and internal digestion. They also
have sexual reproduction.

 It has Animals are multicellular eukaryotes that lack cell walls.

 It can Animals are heterotrophic, obtaining their energy by consuming energy-

releasing food substances.

It does not have Animal cells do not have a cell wall.

It cannot: The food, water and oxygen are called as the necessities of life.If these are absent the
animals wont be able to survive

People physical object, you can possess a particular quality or skill, or you can possess
control or influence over someone

It has the characteristics, attributes or personality traits that make up and reflect who you are.

It can handle a problem or a situation.

He or she does not have A person who does not have fortitude in his/her work would be less
likely to complete his/her duties

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