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Group 1:Family Life

Our intercultural peers were enthusiastic and
very accommodating, enabling us to
communicate with them through various
platforms like Zoom, Padlet and WhatsApp.
We had a minor language barrier, English
being their second language, so our Zoom
call was not as productive as our interactions
with Padlet and WhatsApp. Alexandra,
Vivienne, Feline and Annemarie answered
all the General Questions and Alexandra
Vivienne and Annemarie answered all of our
Topic Research Questions on Padlet. They
gave us thoughtful and informative answers,
allowing us to compare and contrast our
cultures. We utilized WhatsApp to explain
the information we needed to be inputted
into the Padlet.
Communicating with our Dutch peers was a great
eye-opening experience and they were very
cooperative. We were able to communicate via a
Zoom meeting and they told us about their daily
life as well as their language, teaching us how to
introduce ourselves in Dutch. They also made a
WhatsApp group and communicated to us about
how they would fill out the Padlet form we made
for them, which was another great method of
communication. Within a day majority of them
had responded to all the questions, and hence I
would say that we had a clear and effective
means of communication with them.
Our group with the topic of family life contains six
members, connected with a group of four members;
Alexandra, Vivienne, Feline and Annemarie from the
Netherlands. We were able to communicate with
them through various means, for example, conference
calls, the Padlet form and WhatsApp. Although I
(Mariska) for one was unable to get in touch with the
group via a Zoom Conference because I was
participating in a school event, I was able to reach out
to the group editor, Alexandra, who was very open to
discussion. We quickly bonded over our shared
passion for 2000s movies learning that we had
watched all of the same ones, not once but more.
Alexandra's kindness and understanding made it so
easy for us to communicate and realize that we're
quite similar.
Our peers from the Netherlands were amiable
and welcoming. Our Zoom meeting together was
a fun and eye-opening experience. I learned
how to introduce myself in Dutch and likewise,
we taught them how to introduce themselves in
Hindi. Everybody answered our questions to the
best of their abilities and were extremely
amicable. I, being the group editor reached out to
Alexandra to ask her about her experience as a
group editor, We had a good discussion which
was sadly cut short due to her having classes. I
hope to talk to her more. Overall it was a
wonderful experience and I believe we
communicated effectively and efficiently.
In our two sessions with the other group, we were
able to effectively communicate and gain a thorough
understanding of the cultural differences between us.
Even though there were some problems at the first
meeting, the second one went smoothly and allowed
us to gain a lot of information and insight into their
lives. We learned about them, their families, and their
daily routines. Though there was a very slight
language barrier along with a few technical issues we
were able to understand their culture, we were also
able to teach them a few Hindi words and pick up a
few Dutch terms. I, Ananya, especially spoke with
Vivienne and Alexandra, who provided us with
extensive information about their families.
I had a great time speaking with them, and the session
was quite engaging and educational.
Engaging with my newfound friends in The Hague
has been enlightening, offering a deeper
understanding of their beautiful lives. Our program
involved two interesting calls with students from
Maerlant Lyceum, revealing their passions and
hobbies. Many girls in our group are avid field
hockey players, and they've graciously offered to
teach me the sport during my visit. Surprisingly, our
shared taste in music has brought us even closer.
We even learned how to say our names in Dutch.
We also sent them our Padlet which led to us
getting to know each other even better.

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