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Presented by: Arhan Kharbanda, Ahaan
Shah, Maahir Pagarani, Aadi Chandra, Vihaan
Joshi and Dhiyaan Mehta
01 02
Cooking Oil Biodegradable
Cleanser plastic for dog

03 04
Eco Friendly A subscription
service which
provides science
Air Conditioner
Our biodegradable plastic bags align with the “Climate
Action” (SDG) by causing the following impacts:

While they are especialy designed for dog

waste the eco-friendly nature of these bags
can also indirectly contribute to preventing
ocean pollution. Traditional plastics often find
their way into oceans harming underwater life.
Biodegradable options can help minimize this
environmental problem

While in the decomposition of other plastic Sustainable

bags harmful gases such as methane is
released which are bad for the environment.
Biodegradable bags on the other hand
Development Goal
decompose more effieceintly and release less
harmful gases
With these impacts on the environment our
product aligns with the Sustainable
Developement goal
Our biodegradable plastic bags which are used to pick up
dog feces comes under the “life on land” (SDG). They come
in line with the goal by impacting the environment by these

When you dispose of the collected dog waste near trees,

you're not just cleaning up after your pet, you're nourishing
the soil. The feces act as a natural fertilizer, enriching the
surrounding environment and contributing to the growth of
trees and plants.
Sustainable Unlike other plastics that release harmful chemicals during

Developement decomposition, our bags decompose without leaving a trace

of toxicity. This ensures a safe and healthy environment for
both humans and wildlife.
Goal (SDG) In conclusion this product is eco-friendly and comes in line
with the SDG
Sustainable Development Goals
The Eco Friendly
The development and production Portable Mini Air
of eco-friendly air conditioners Conditior is coined
represent an innovative approach under the Climate
to sustainable infrastructure. Action and
Investing in and supporting such Friendly Industury,Innovation
technologies can contribute to And Infrastrucutre
the advancement of sustainable Category
industrialization. Reduced Environmental Impact:
The use of environmentally friendly refrigerants
Air and energy-efficient components in eco-
Energy Efficiency and Innovation:
friendly air conditioners helps reduce the
Eco-friendly air conditioners often incorporate
environmental impact associated with
innovative technologies and designs that Conditioner
traditional air conditioning systems. This aligns
enhance energy efficiency. By using advanced
with the goal of promoting sustainable
cooling mechanisms and materials, these Mini
industrial practices and minimizing negative
devices contribute to the development and environmental externalities
adoption of sustainable technologies, aligning
with SDG 9's emphasis on innovation.
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13) focuses on taking
urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. An eco-
friendly portable mini air conditioner can contribute to achieving
SDG 13 in several ways;
Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
Eco-friendly air conditioners often use refrigerants with lower
global warming potential, reducing the emission of greenhouse
gases. Traditional air conditioners commonly use refrigerants with
high global warming potential, contributing to climate change. By
adopting eco-friendly alternatives, these mini air conditioners help
mitigate climate change, aligning with SDG 13

Climate Resilience:
Portable mini air conditioners provide a sustainable cooling
solution that can contribute to climate resilience. In areas
experiencing heatwaves or rising temperatures due to climate
change, these devices offer a means to adapt to changing
conditions and reduce the health risks associated with extreme
Science Kit
. .
customers will receive better quality
understanding and knowledge on the 3
sciences of Chemistry Physics and
Biology and a kit on the same every 2
weeks making it easier to understand
concepts in the most detailed way
possible with physical demonstrations
on the same.It enables users to
develop critical thinking skills,
problem-solving abilities, and a
deeper understanding of how the
natural world works Users can rely on
our kits and save money by not
purchasing books, assignment papers,
or study materials
Better quality education that conumers
receive from our app can greatly influence
a better science industry in the future.
The kits the users receive help users think
of innovative ways to apply what they
learnt and use it in their day to day life
and also helps them understand how
certain things happen in the outside world
using the knowlege gained from this
service. Users can use the basic
knowledge of the concepts they have
learnt and apply them in the future to
make innovative inventions which would
greatly effect the industry their working in
making a very positive growth which was
impossible before possible
Sustainable Development Goals
Our super easy and innovative product will help save
resources extracted from cooking oil from various
plants (commonly referred as seeds) such as
sunflower, safflower, sesame, cotton and palm
kernel and help use existing resources to the fullest
maximizing efficiency
And eliminating wastages promoting environmental
security for the future and also saving these
resources used for making oil for the future
generations. The most commonly used edible oil
chemical processing agent is an alkali sodium
hydroxide which is hazardous to the environment.
Every house hold would buy less oil leading in less
production of cooking oil leading to very small
amounts of this hazardous gas being given out into
the environment
*Sustainable Development Goals*
Reusing cooking oil is the best way to reduce the
waste (and cost) of frying. According to the to the
EPA ( United States Environmental Protection
Agency) vegetable oils which are cooking oils made
from the fat of plants ,animal fats all have similar
negative environmental effects. Our product which
ensures the reusability of cooking oil ensures its
users that they are individually protecting the planet
by using cooking oil to its fullest extent without
wasting or harming the environment in any possible
way. It ensures users can use the same oil up to 5
times and after each use gets filtered of its black
harmful residues
By: Arhan Kharbanda
Ahaan Shah
Dhiyaan Mehta

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