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THCA Healthcare App-

good health and well being.

The SDG our app will be covering is “good health and well being”. By supplying medicines to
people, helping people locate doctors near them and letting people keep reminders for when to
take their medicines. We all collectively believe in good health and well being, being a very
important factor in life and so we think this app will benefit society in a great way.
No transaction of money is going to profit the owners of the app as we would like to provide our
customers/users and convenient and affordable way to purchase medicines and get them to be
delivered at your doorstep. All 10 leading causes of death are caused by diseases and bad
health and we are all for changing that. We would like to start with bandra and then slowly move
up to Mumbai and soon with the right investors we can make it available country wide.The app
will help users to keep track of their medications and set reminders when to have it.

Young Musketeers App-

Social Development Goals For Little Musketeers

Little Musketeers targets not one, not two, not five but all seventeen Social Development Goals.
As the app allows various Non Government Organisations to advertise and easily raise
awareness towards their goal it can contribute to anything from No Poverty to Global Warming.

Allow me to explain. The process is simple after an Non Government Organisation is verified, it
will be added to the catalog on the app, as users search through the catalog they would find this
Non Government Organisation and would right there be able to join the Non Government
Organisation. They would then be able to open a notice board where Posting on how the NGO
is currently contributing towards their cause and how they can help will appear.

For example, If the NGO is contributing towards No World Hunger and they are hosting a food
bank, the information such as the location and timing can be posted on the Notice Board. But of
course this can be used for a various amount of goals.

While Young Musketeers targets all Sustainable Development Goals, it cannot promise an equal
split between them as that is completely up to the users of the app. Something such as Gender
Equality may be given more attention than finding an Affordable and Clean Energy.

What Sustainable Development Goal will you give your attention to on Young Musketeers?
Algae Biofuel-

Algae biofuel is a promising alternative to petroleum, especially in the context of SDG 7, which
ensures access to clean and affordable energy. It is relatively more affordable in the long run
compared to petroleum.While a takes a long time to produce but with the right investors it will
take less time to produce and become more efficient.Algae biofuel is renewable, carbon dioxide
neutral, and highly productive, with the potential to yield at least 30 times more oil per acre than
land-based crops. Algae can be grown on non-arable lands using saltwater or brackish water,
reducing the need to displace farmland. Algae also efficiently recycle atmospheric carbon,
absorbing and fixing up to 50 percent of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Additionally, algae produce
numerous byproducts and can be used to generate various types of fuel, including biodiesel,
diesel, and jet fuel. However, there are challenges to overcome, such as the large water
demand and the need for further research and development to address energy, water, and
nutrient resource demands. While algae biofuel offers economic and environmental advantages,
it is important to understand both its pros and cons for mass adoption and use. In comparison to
petroleum, algae biofuel has the potential to be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly
alternative. Algae biofuel has some disadvantages, including high water demand, expensive
production costs, and a larger carbon footprint than other biofuel sources. Algae require a
significant water source to maximize growth, and temperature levels for the best growth cause
water to evaporate, so algae biofuel uses much more water than other resources. Algae biofuel
is also expensive to produce, and its manufacturing process requires more energy than the final
product can produce, resulting in a larger carbon footprint. However, these negatives can be
countered by using stress-based strategies, co-cultivation, and overexpressing antioxidant
enzymes and stress tolerance genes from algae. Additionally, algae can be grown on land that
would not be used for traditional agriculture, and they are very efficient at removing nutrients
from water, making them a more sustainable alternative to petroleum-based fuels.

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