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This paper is submitted to fulfill Internship course

Lecturer : Yani Lubis, S.Ag, M.Hum

Complied By :
Group 3
Ainan Ningrum (0304203173)
Dika Hidayani Lubis (0304203004)
Fauzan Azima (0304202037)
Ira Wardani (0304202014)
Latifah Hanum (0304203030)
Misbahul Fadhilah Daulay (0304203029)
Putri Rezeki (0304202017)
Siti Rahma Tanjung (0304203181)


We give praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, because with His
blessing, mercy and grace, we were able to complete the internship paper with the title
"Lessonj Plan". We hope that the paper we have written can be useful in increasing our
insight and knowledge regarding RPP. We realize that the paper we have written still has
many shortcomings and is far from perfection.
Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions to improve the papers we will write in
the future. Hopefully this simple paper can be understood and comprehended by anyone who
reads it. We apologize if there are any errors in words that are not pleasing to readers.

Medan, 25 December 2023

Group 3



DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1

1.1. Background of The Paper............................................................................................1

1.2. Problem Formulations..................................................................................................1

1.3. Purpose of The Paper...................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...................................................................................................2

2.1. Definition of RPP.........................................................................................................2

2.2. The Purpose and Benefit of RPP..................................................................................2

2.3. Components of RPP.....................................................................................................3

2.4. The Differencess between lesson plan in KTSP, K13, and Merdeka Belajar..............5

CHAPTER III CLOSING.....................................................................................................12

3.1. Conclusion.................................................................................................................12

3.2. Suggestion..................................................................................................................12



1.1. Background of The Paper

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) is a plan that describes
learning procedures and management to achieve one or more basic competencies
determined by content standards and described in the syllabus. RPP is an
important component of the education unit level curriculum (KTSP) whose
development must be carried out professionally. In developing lesson plans,
teachers are given the freedom to change, modify and adapt the syllabus and
school and regional conditions, as well as to the characteristics of students.
Teachers must understand and implement this, especially if the school where they
teach does not develop its own syllabus, but uses a syllabus developed by the
Ministry of National Education or a syllabus from another school. In order for
teachers to be able to create effective and effective lesson plans, teachers are
required to understand what the RPP itself actually is so that teachers can review
the RPP components, create the RPP format, and formulate subject competency
standards. Every teacher in an educational unit is obliged to prepare lesson plans
completely and systematically so that learning takes place in an interactive,
inspiring, fun, challenging manner, motivates students to participate actively, and
provides sufficient space for initiative, creativity and independence in accordance
with their talents, interests and development. physical and psychological of

1.2. Problem Formulations

- What is the definition of RPP?
- What are the functions and benefits of RPP?
- What are the components in the RPP?
- What are the RPP of the KTSP, K-13 and Merdeka Belajar

1.3. Purpose of The Paper

- To know and understand the essence of RPP.
- To find out the purpose and benefits of RPP.
- To find out the components of RPP.

- To know the RPP of KTSP, K-13 and Merdeka Belajar Curriculum?


2.1. Definition of RPP

RPP is an abbreviation for Learning Implementation Plan. In the general
learning guidelines for the 2013 curriculum, it is stated that a learning
implementation plan (RPP) is a learning plan that is developed in detail from a
particular main material or theme that refers to the syllabus. The broadest RPP
includes 1 (one) basic competency which includes 1 (one) or several indicators for
1 (one) meeting or more. Based on Minister of National Education Regulation No.
41 of 2007 dated 23 November 2007 concerning Process Standards for Primary
and Secondary Education Units, the development of Learning Implementation
Plans (RPP) is outlined from the syllabus to direct students' learning activities in
an effort to achieve Basic Competencies (KD)(BSNP, 2007) .
Developing lesson plans requires thinking, decision making and
consideration by teachers, and requires intellectual effort, theoretical knowledge,
experience which is supported by a number of activities, such as predicting,
considering, organizing and visualizing. The development of lesson plans based
on the 2013 curriculum can be carried out by teachers independently or in groups
at schools/madrasahs, coordinated, facilitated and supervised by the
school/madrasah principal. The development of RPPs can also be carried out by
teachers in groups between schools or between regions, coordinated, facilitated
and supervised by the local education office or ministry of religion office.
RPPs are prepared for each KD which can be implemented in one or more
meetings. The teacher designs a lesson plan fragment for each meeting that is
adjusted to the lesson scheduling in the educational unit.

2.2. The Purpose and Benefit of RPP

There are two main purposes for preparing the RPP.
- RPP helps the teaching and learning process become easier and smoother. This
helps teachers to ensure the teaching and learning process complies with the
syllabus and objectives that have been previously set.

- By preparing lesson plans properly, teachers can see, check and evaluate
whether learning has gone well.

Meanwhile, there are several benefits to preparing lesson plans for teachers

- Enable teachers to design learning methods and methods that are

interesting for students.
- Learning plans will be more clearly organized and systematic.
- The time to provide learning is also regular.
- The material presented will be carried out according to the timeline that
the teacher has created.
- Teachers can predict when the material will start and finish, the number of
meetings to complete the material, and what will happen if it is faster than
the estimated time.
- Teachers can also more easily reflect on their learning.
- Teachers can see again what to do if the class is less effective and less

2.3. Components of RPP

Syllabus development activities are the authority of the government,
except for certain subjects which are specifically developed in the educational unit
concerned, however the preparation of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is
still the authority of the teacher concerned, namely by developing it from the
Babon Book (including the syllabus) which has been prepared by the government.
Therefore, this time will share the article Signs for
Preparing RPPs for the 2013 Curriculum.
The very basic thing about the 2013 Curriculum RPP is that the learning
approach to be developed must describe a learning process that prioritizes students'
active role in constructing their knowledge and skills. Meanwhile, teachers mostly
display their role as guides and facilitators of student learning.
Before preparing a RPP, there are several things you need to know:
1. RPP is described from the syllabus to direct students' learning activities in an
effort to achieve basic competencies.
2. Every teacher in an educational unit is obliged to prepare a lesson plan
completely and systematically.

3. RPP is prepared for each KD which can be implemented in one or more
4. The teacher designs a lesson plan fragment for each meeting that is adjusted to
the scheduling in the educational unit.
The lesson plan component itself must contain:
1. Subject Identity
2. Basic Competencies
3. Indicators of Competency Achievement
4. Learning objectives
5. Teaching materials
6. Time allocation
7. Learning methods
8. Learning activities
9. Assessment of learning outcomes
10. Learning resources
The following are the steps taken in preparing the RPP:
1. Include identity
The identity of the RPP consists of: School name, subject, class/semester, and
time allocation/number of meetings
2. Competency standards
Competency standards are the minimum qualifications or abilities of students
in mastering the knowledge, attitudes and skills that are expected to be
achieved in each class and/or semester in a subject.
3. Basic competencies
Basic competencies are a number of abilities that students must master in
certain subjects as a reference for preparing competency indicators in a lesson.
4. Indicators
Competency indicators are behavior that can be measured and/or observed to
show the achievement of certain basic competencies that are used as a
reference for subject assessment. Indicators of competency achievement are
formulated using operational verbs that can be observed and measured, which
include knowledge, attitudes and skills.
5. Learning objectives

Learning objectives describe the learning process and outcomes that students
are expected to achieve in accordance with basic competencies.
6. Learning Materials
Learning material contains relevant facts, concepts, principles, procedures, and
is written in the form of detailed descriptions in accordance with the
formulation of competency achievement indicators.
7. Learning methods
The learning methods used by teachers should be able to create a conducive
learning atmosphere and learning process so that students achieve basic
competencies or a set of indicators that have been determined. The choice of
learning method is adjusted to the situation and conditions of the students, the
characteristics of each indicator, and the competencies to be achieved in each
8. Learning Media
Media should be chosen that is appropriate to the learning method that will be
used. Choosing the right learning media can make learning more interesting,
making it easier to achieve the predetermined KD.
9. Learning Activities

2.4. The Differencess between lesson plan in KTSP, K13, and Merdeka
RPP is one of the administration tasks that a teacher must carry out before
carrying out learning. In making a lesson plan, the teacher must determine which
lesson plan to make, of course according to the curriculum taught by the subject.
There are two types of RPP, namely; The educational unit level curriculum RPP
(KTSP) with the 2013 Curriculum RPP (K13) and now added with the
implementation of the Merdeka curriculum which also has its own RPP
preparation component.
1. Systematic preparation of the KTSP curriculum
 Nama Sekolah
 Mata Pelajaran
 Kelas
 Semester

 Pertemuan ke-
 Alokasi Waktu
 Standart Kompetensi
 Indikator
 Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Materi Pembelajaran
 Metode Pembelajaran
 Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
 Media Pembelajaran
 Penilaian
2. Systematic preparation of the K13 curriculum
 Nama Sekolah
 Mata Pelajaran
 Materi Pokok
 Kelas/Semester
 Alokasi Waktu
 Kompetensi Inti
 Kompetensi Dasar
 Indikator
 Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Materi Pembelajaran
 Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
 Metode Pembelajaran
 Media/Alat/Sumber Pembelajaran
 Penilaian
From the systematic explanation of the preparation of RPPs above, it can
be seen that the two have differences. The following are the differences between
1. KTSP uses standard content while K13 uses core competencies
2. KTSP places more emphasis on the knowledge aspect while K13 has more
detail on spiritual attitudes, knowledge and skills

3. In KTSP there are fewer subject hours than in K13 which has more subject
4. In the Standard KTSP the learning process consists of exploration, elaboration
and confirmation. Meanwhile, K13 consists of 5 processes, namely; observing,
asking, gathering information, associating and communicating
5. In KTSP there is no description of learning resources, whereas in K13 it
explains learning resources
6. And in K13 explains several points in detail, namely; learning objectives,
learning materials, learning methods, steps for learning activities.
7. In KTSP, assessment is carried out only on the knowledge aspect, while K13
assessment is more detailed with 3 assessments, namely; spiritual attitudes,
knowledge, and skills.

Meanwhile, in the Merdeka Curriculum, the term RPP is changed to Teaching

Module. Even though the name has changed, the urgency of the RPP or teaching
module remains the same. Teachers need to prepare teaching modules so that
learning can be more focused.

Components in the Merdeka Curriculum Module

1. General Information
General information contains various components and basic information
contained in the teaching module, including:
a. Module Identity
The module identity contains the name of the author, institution, and
the year the teaching module was prepared. Apart from that, this section
also provides information regarding the school level in question, such as
Elementary School, Middle School or High School.
The module identity also contains the intended class and the allocation
of learning time. The time allocation in question is in accordance with the
allocation decisions made in the work unit or school.
b. Initial Competency
In this section, the teacher explains the knowledge or skills that
students need to have before the learning process is carried out. The

knowledge and skills in question may vary according to the topic to be
These initial competencies can be used as a reference in designing
teaching modules. By knowing students' initial competencies, teachers can
measure how deep the teaching and learning modules that will be created
will be.
c. Pancasila Student Profile
One of the important keys in preparing the Merdeka Curriculum RPP
for grades 1 elementary to high school is the formation of a Pancasila
student profile. So, teachers need to determine which profile is appropriate
to the learning material. Next, this profile will be implemented in student
learning methods.
d. Facilities and infrastructure
Supporting infrastructure can help the learning process become more
optimal. However, teachers also need to have creativity by making optimal
use of existing infrastructure. So, learning can be more interesting for
e. Target Students
In general, target students can be divided into 3 large groups. Namely
regular students, students with learning difficulties, and students with high
These three groups tend to have different learning needs. Therefore,
teachers need to make adjustments so that learning methods can support
these 3 groups evenly.
f. Learning model
Furthermore, the Merdeka Curriculum RPP must also contain the
learning methods used. The choice of learning method can be adjusted to
the circumstances and learning needs of students.
The learning models in the Merdeka Curriculum system are quite
diverse. Among them are face-to-face learning models, distance learning
on the network, distance learning outside the network, and blended
learning models.
2. General Information

General information contains various components and basic information
contained in the teaching module, including:
a. Module Identity
The module identity contains the name of the author, institution, and
the year the teaching module was prepared. Apart from that, this section also
provides information regarding the school level in question, such as
Elementary School, Middle School or High School.
The module identity also contains the intended class and the allocation
of learning time. The time allocation in question is in accordance with the
allocation decisions made in the work unit or school.
b. Initial Competency
In this section, the teacher explains the knowledge or skills that
students need to have before the learning process is carried out. The
knowledge and skills in question may vary according to the topic to be
These initial competencies can be used as a reference in designing
teaching modules. By knowing students' initial competencies, teachers can
measure how deep the teaching and learning modules that will be created will
c. Pancasila Student Profile
One of the important keys in preparing the Merdeka Curriculum RPP
for grades 1 elementary to high school is the formation of a Pancasila student
profile. So, teachers need to determine which profile is appropriate to the
learning material. Next, this profile will be implemented in student learning
d. Facilities and infrastructure
Supporting infrastructure can help the learning process become more
optimal. However, teachers also need to have creativity by making optimal use
of existing infrastructure. So, learning can be more interesting for students.
e. Target Students
In general, target students can be divided into 3 large groups. Namely
regular students, students with learning difficulties, and students with high

These three groups tend to have different learning needs. Therefore,
teachers need to make adjustments so that learning methods can support these
3 groups evenly.
f. Learning model
Furthermore, the Merdeka Curriculum RPP must also contain the
learning methods used. The choice of learning method can be adjusted to the
circumstances and learning needs of students.
The learning models in the Merdeka Curriculum system are quite
diverse. Among them are face-to-face learning models, distance learning on
the network, distance learning outside the network, and blended learning
3. Core Components
The core component is the main component in the Merdeka Curriculum
RPP. At least, there are 6 components included in the core components,
a. Learning objectives
Learning objectives contain information about important things in
learning. The preparation of learning objectives must adapt to existing
resources, student diversity, and the assessment methods used. In other words,
the content of learning objectives must be measurable and testable.
There are several forms of learning objectives that can be used by
teachers. Starting from knowledge in the form of facts or information,
conceptual understanding, procedural, thinking or reasoning skills, to
collaborative and communication strategies.
b. Meaningful Understanding
The Merdeka Curriculum RPP must also contain information regarding
the benefits that students will obtain after participating in the learning process.
In the future, it is hoped that these benefits can be applied in students' daily
c. Thematic Questions
It is hoped that thematic questions can be a means of fostering
curiosity and critical thinking skills in students. On the other hand, the
thematic questions prepared by the teacher must also be relevant to the
expected learning objectives.

d. Learning Activities
Learning activities need to be explained in a coherent and detailed
manner in teaching modules. Generally, learning activities are divided into
three stages. These are the preliminary stage, core stage and closing stage.
Each stage is carried out based on active learning methods.
Having a learning activity plan in the Merdeka Curriculum RPP can
help teachers optimize the specified learning duration. Therefore, in some
conditions, teachers can also include alternative learning activities that adapt
to students' needs and conditions.
e. Assessment
The existence of assessments is intended to see students' achievements
or understanding of the subject matter. Therefore, assessment criteria must be
in accordance with the learning objectives that have been set. Assessment can
be done through attitude, performance, or written assessments.
There are 3 forms of assessment that can be given to students. These
are diagnostic assessments given before learning begins, formative
assessments given during the learning process, and summative assessments
given at the end of the learning process.
f. Enrichment and Remedial
In every class, of course there will be students who have high
achievements and who need additional guidance. The existence of enrichment
and remedial aims to meet the needs of these students.
Students with high achievements can be encouraged to take part in
enrichment. That way, students' potential can develop optimally. On the other
hand, students who need additional guidance can be helped through
remediation. So, students have additional time to understand the material
g. Attachment
The final component in the Merdeka Curriculum RPP is the
attachment. In this section, teachers can attach student worksheets which can
be reproduced as needed, reading materials for students and teachers, a
glossary and a bibliography.
The existence of attachments helps teachers to carry out learning
activities more easily, practically and purposefully.

These are some of the components that need to be in the teaching module. In
some conditions, the component content in the teaching module can be more
extensive or more concise. Teachers can adjust the content in teaching modules
according to needs in the field.

3.1. Conclusion
The Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is a plan that describes the
procedures and organization of learning to achieve a basic competency. The broadest
RPP includes 1 (one) basic competency which includes 1 (one) or several indicators
for 1 (one) meeting or more. The term competency standards is no longer known in
the 2013 curriculum, but a new term has emerged, namely Core Competencies.
Meanwhile, different from the previous curriculum, in the independent curriculum,
the RPP changed its name to Teaching Module with updated components as well.
The principles of preparing lesson plans are to pay attention to individual
differences in students, encourage active participation of students, develop a culture
of reading and writing, provide feedback and follow-up, linkage and integration,
apply information and communication technology. The steps for preparing a lesson
plan are including identity, formulating learning objectives, determining learning
methods, determining learning activities, selecting teaching resources and determining

3.2. Suggestion
The curriculum is not always used in the education system, but there will be
developments in an effort to make state education more advanced, as well as in the
development of syllabus and lesson plans. Therefore, a teacher must have an
understanding of the basics of education in order to be skilled in creating effective
syllabus and lesson plans according to the curriculum used so that the goals of
education can be achieved.


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