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Learning Area: English Language

Topic: Composition writing skills

Sub-topic: Appropriate register in a friendly letter 2


 identify informal language in a friendly letter.

 use appropriate register in a friendly letter.
 write a sound friendly letter.


The friendly letter below will go a long way in familiarizing you with the lay out and
content of this type of letter. Read the letter with a pure spirit of inquiry at least two or
three times and answer questions that follow it. Take note of the writer’s use of
appropriate register.

Chaminuka High School

Private Bag 3489
Gokwe North

12 July 2021

Dear Kaguvi

I hope this letter finds you in the very best of health and wanting for nothing. Without
gambling away your time, let me get to the nuts and bolts of the issue that is eating my
heart away.

I gather Uncle Njelele has been down with heart disease for a couple of days. Is he,
honestly speaking, pulling through or is the heart disease sucking him into its vortex?

If his health seems to be fizzling out, you better consider an idea I’ve been kicking
around for a day or two. We need to take him to a renowned heart specialist at Avenues
Clinic in Harare, a Doctor Sikhangele Mutyavaviri. I do feel it in my marrow that with this
plan executed, Uncle Njelele will soon be on the mend and smiling the length of Save
Surely, we needn’t delay any further. Now, we need to think a little bit beyond the tip of
our noses lest we blame ourselves for failing to make the right decision now. Whoever
said “procrastination is the thief of time” had seen it all and was dead right. The time to
act is now. We can’t continue watching him waste away like that.

I’m aware you’ve been to many a doctor in Harare but a change in his health has
remained insulated. More than ever, I’m armed to the teeth to foot all his medical bills.
Happen what will, he’ll pull through.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is Uncle Njelele’s lighthouse in the dark storm of
his demanding condition. I beseech Jesus courtesy of his holy blood to buy uncle
Njelele’s pains from the slave market of human suffering now. Amen.

On a different note though, remember me to Shuvai, Nontokozo, Ryan and Roohina.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With love from


Task 1

1. Identify sixteen expressions written in informal language.

2. Give the meaning of the following phrases:
i. Wanting for nothing
ii. Gambling away
iii. Nuts and bolts
iv. Eating my heart away
v. Down with
vi. Pulling through
vii. Sucking him in
viii. Fizzling out
ix. Kicking around
x. Feel it in my marrow
xi. On the mend
xii. Smiling the length of Save River.
3. Write a friendly letter to you friend describing your last birthday party or the
happiest day of your life.
Task 2
You have found out that teachers at your school are not carrying out duties properly.
You have decided to inform the school Head. Using the ideas below and any other you
may think of, write a letter to your Head expressing your concern.
 Come late for lessons
 Hardly mark essays
 Rarely give written work
 Do not revise written work given to students
 Play truant on extra-mural activities day
 Disobey the administration
 Dictate notes to the weakest Form One classes

(From The A to Z of Ordinary Level Essay Writing by Jabulani Pongolani)

The art of writing a friendly letter should not scare you. You should enjoy the goodness
of using appropriate words (register) any way you like it to create desired impressions
on those you are writing to. As you can see, the sample letter above boasts of richness
of language (powerful register). You can do it too. To reach such levels of writing you
need to always remember the slogan: “Words are like human beings; they behave
and don’t take them for granted.” Let us keep Zimbabwe at the summit of academic
excellence not only in Africa but also the world over.

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