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The Greek Mythology Gods and Goddesses

▪ Achilles - Greek hero of the Trojan War in Greek mythology
▪ Adonis - Known for his legendary looks in Greek mythology
▪ Agni - Hindu god of fire
▪ Ajax - A hero in Greek mythology
▪ Alla - African Earth mother goddess
▪ Amma - African creator god
▪ Andromeda - Princess and daughter of the Aethiopian king Cepheus and his wife Cassiopeia in
Greek mythology
▪ Ani - Two-faced Roman god of change
▪ Antigone - Daughter of Oedipus, King of Thebes, in Greek mythology
▪ Apollo - Greek god of music
▪ Ares - Greek god of war
▪ Artemis - Greek goddess of the hunt
▪ Arthur - Legendary knight and king of Britain in Arthurian legend
▪ Asa - An African protection god
▪ Asteria - Greek titan goddess of nocturnal oracles and falling stars
▪ Atalanta - Virginal female huntress in Greek mythology
▪ Athena - Greek goddess of wisdom
▪ Atlas - Greek Titan god who held up the heavens
▪ Aurora - Roman goddess of the day
▪ Amun - Egyptian god of the wind; sometimes known as Ammon
▪ Branwen - Welsh goddess of love and beauty
▪ Brigit - Celtic goddess of fire
▪ Belisama - Gaulish Goddess of light and fire
▪ Bellona - Roman goddess of war
▪ Calliope - Greek muse of poetry
▪ Camilla - Warrior heroine in Roman mythology
▪ Cassiopeia - Queen Cassiopeia, wife of king Cepheus of Aethiopia in Greek mythology
▪ Castor - Son of Leda, Queen of Sparta, and twin of Pollux in Greek and Roman mythology
▪ Ceres - Roman goddess of agriculture and motherly love
▪ Ceridwen - Celtic goddess of wisdom and magic
▪ Chandra - Hindu god of the moon
▪ Charity - Refers to the Charities, minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, and human creativity in
Greek mythology
▪ Chia - An evil moon goddess from South America
▪ Circe - Goddess of magic in Greek mythology
▪ Clio - Greek muse of history
▪ Cepheus - King of Aethiopia in Greek mythology
▪ Chiron - Centaur trainer of demi-gods in Greek mythology
▪ Danu - Irish goddess of Earth
▪ Daphne - Water nymph and daughter of the minor river god Ladon in Greek mythology
▪ Deborah - Mycenaean queen bee goddess worshipped in ancient Crete.
▪ Diana - Roman goddess of the hunt
▪ Dolya - Slavic goddess of luck
▪ Eda - African abundance god who specializes in production of organic natural goods
▪ Eir - Norse herbal healing god who taught her tricks only to women
▪ Elaine - Sister of the enchantress Morgan in Arthurian legend
▪ Elli - Norse goddess of old age
▪ Eros - Greek god of love
▪ Finn - Hero of Irish legend
▪ Freya - Norse goddess of love, fertility, and beauty
▪ Fenrir - Giant wolf; offspring of the god Loki in Norse mythology
▪ Grace - Refers to the Graces, minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, and human creativity in
Greek mythology
▪ Guinevere - Unfaithful wife of King Arthur in Arthurian legend
▪ Geb - Egyptian god of the Earth
▪ Hanna - Refers to mother of all Hittite gods, Hannahanna
▪ Harmonia - Greek goddess of peace and harmony
▪ Hector - Trojan prince and great warrior of Troy in Greek mythology
▪ Helen - Most notably of Troy; a great beauty in Greek mythology
▪ Helios - Greek god of the sun
▪ Hera - Greek goddess of women and marriage
▪ Hercules - Hero of Roman mythology
▪ Hermes- Greek messenger of the gods
▪ Hades - Greek god of the Underworld
▪ Hephaestus - Greek god of the forge and metalworking
▪ Inara - Middle-Eastern goddess of all wild animals
▪ Indra - Hindu god of war, storms and fighting
▪ Isis - Egyptian goddess of the sky
▪ Ismene - Sister of Antigone and daughter of Oedipus in Greek mythology
▪ Isolde - Irish princess and adulterous lover of Sir Tristan in Arthurian legend; sometimes known as
▪ Jade - Refers to the Jade Emperor, supreme heavenly ruler of Chinese mythology
▪ Jari - A Polynesian snake goddess
▪ Jason - Hero and leader of the Argonauts in Greek mythology
▪ Jocasta - Mother and later wife of Oedipus, King of Thebes, in Greek mythology
▪ Jola - A Valkyrie in Norse mythology
▪ Juno - Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth
▪ Kali - Hindu goddess of destruction
▪ Kane - Polynesian god of procreation and the sea
▪ Kara - A Valkyrie in Norse mythology
▪ Koko - A Native American fertility god
▪ Khepri - Egyptian god of rebirth and sunrise
▪ Kratos - Greek god of authority
▪ Lakshmi – Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune
▪ Leda - Queen of Sparta in Greek mythology
▪ Lilith - A demon in Jewish folklore
▪ Liv - A legendary mortal in Norse mythology
▪ Loki - Norse god of mischief
▪ Lang - God of war, poetry and tribal prosperity worshipped in Southeast Asia
▪ Lena - African rain god; also known as Leza
▪ Leto - Greek titan goddess of motherhood
▪ Marian - Lady love of the outlaw Robin Hood in British folklore
▪ Mars - Roman god of war
▪ Medea - Sorceress wife of the hero Jason in Greek mythology
▪ Mercury - Roman messenger of the gods
▪ Merlin - Wizard, tutor, and advisor to King Arthur in Arthurian legend
▪ Minerva - Roman goddess of the hunt
▪ Morgan - Enchantress and adversary in Arthurian legend; sometimes known as Morgana or
▪ Morrigan - The Phantom Queen; a Celtic goddess of birth, battle and death
▪ Magni - Norse god of strength and brute force
▪ Neith - Egyptian goddess of weaving
▪ Nike- Greek goddess of victory
▪ Nyx - Greek goddess of the night
▪ Odin - The supreme god of the Norse pantheon
▪ Oedipus - King of Thebes in Greek mythology
▪ Osiris - Egyptian god of the afterlife
▪ Pandora - Legendary mortal in Greek mythology
▪ Paris - Trojan prince from Greek mythology
▪ Pax - Roman goddess of peace
▪ Penelope - Wife of the heroic King Odyesseus of Ithaca in Greek mythology
▪ Persephone - Consort of Hades; abducted queen of the Underworld
▪ Perseus - Legendary hero and slayer of monsters in Greek mythology
▪ Phaedra - Wife of the hero Theseus in Greek mythology
▪ Pollux - Son of Leda, Queen of Sparta, and Zeus; twin of Castor in Greek and Roman mythology
▪ Ra - Egyptian god of the sun
▪ Raven - Native American trickster god
▪ Rhea- Greek Titan goddess and mother of the gods in Greek mythology
▪ Rhiannon - Welsh goddess of the moon
▪ Rig - Mortal alias of the guardian god of security and surveillance in Norse mythology
▪ Robin - Skilled archer and heroic outlaw in British folklore
▪ Raijin - Shinto (Japanese) god of lightning, thunder and storms
▪ Rama - Seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu
▪ Ravana - Multi-headed demon-king of Lanka in Hindu mythology
▪ Sabrina - Celtic goddess of the river in Severn
▪ Saga - Norse goddess of sagas
▪ Scarlet - The surname of one of Robin Hood's more prominent Merry Men in British folklore
▪ Selene - Greek goddess of the moon
▪ Sheila - Celtic goddess of fertility
▪ Siegfried - Heroic dragon slayer in Norse mythology
▪ Sirena - Refers to the mythological Greek sirens
▪ Sol - Norse goddess of the sun
▪ Sylvanus - Roman god of woods and fields
▪ Scylla - A sea monster in Greek mythology
▪ Theseus - King of Athens and hero in Greek mythology
▪ Thor - Norse god of sky and thunder
▪ Tristan - Cornish knight and lover of Isolde in Arthurian legend
▪ Troy - Legendary city from Greek mythology
▪ Tyr - Norse god of law and heroic glory
▪ Thanatos - Greek god of death
▪ Venus - Roman goddess of love
▪ Zeus - Greek god of sky and thunder
▪ Zorya - Slavic goddess of midnight

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