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Poetry is a fire kindled in the soul of

man. A true poet involuntarily burns with
suffering and burns others, and that is
the whole point.

A poem is a piece of writing, usually

using some kind of rhyme scheme or
metrical pattern, that expresses a
writer’s feelings.
Why don’t people like to
learn poetry?

1. A person has a poor memory and is 3. He does not see beauty in poetry,
unable to learn them. After that, you and therefore there is no interest in
may even have an aversion to poetry. deepening and learning.

2. He does not understand the essence

of the poem or many words and
phrases are unfamiliar to him

In my opinion, these are the main reasons

Trains memory

Improves discipline.
Improves vocabulary.
It teaches a sense of beauty.
How to simplify the process of
studying a poem ?

Break the poem into small


Create visuals or
associations for each
individual part of the poem.

Write a poem on paper. Repeat regularly.

Interesting facts about

In China, poets were The poet William

executed for sad poetry. Shakespeare is the most

Poetry alone could be In Amsterdam, the poet

read in 2,848 ways. reads the faithful at a
funeral ceremony.
People’s life is tiring, so do my
And we often asking ‘’why?’’.
Why he is rich and I am not
It’s a complicated thought.

We do not see the little things

How wonderful are our springs.
How the sun shines in the face
You just need to slow the race.

Just slow down and enjoy

How fun this little boy.
Drink black tea or green as you prefer
And realise how wrong you were.

Life can be awesome, charming, bright

Even at darkness, even at night.
You just need to notice and accept
And then life will be what you expect.
• Do you like to learn poems?
• Have you ever written a poem?
• Would you like someone to dedicate a poem to you?

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