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The emergence of filipino nationalism in the 19th century

the factors that led to the emergence of filipino nationalism:

*Why did the filipino nationalism not emerge before the 19th century? Why was it delayed? Why
did it come about only in the 19th century?
-Filipino nationalism was delayed because it was at this time when philippines was opened to
trade. The Philippines had a new economic doctrine adopted in the nineteenth century that
made possible the entrance of filipino nationalism.

* What is this economic doctrine?

-This economic doctrine was the Laissez-faire doctrine. The Laissez-faire doctrine allowed the
Philippines to sell their products to other countries. Products from other countries will be sent to
the Philippines , not only the products enter the country, but also liberal ideas because people
also started coming in. they engaged in business in the philippines , they came to visit the
philippines and they brought their products to the philippines. So the number one factor that led
to the emergence of nationalism is , the opening of the Philippines to world trade . people from
other country started coming in, and filipinos now had the chance to go out of the country . Visit
other places so these people who went out of the country visited other places,learn from the
countries that they visited so when they returned to the philippines they brought with them new

so what are the factors or the advantage that brought about the opening of the philippines to
world trade number one is the entrance of liberal ideas when you go out of the country you learn
from other countries you learn some ideas that you bring to your country

another factor that brought about the opening of the Philippines to world trade is the opening of
ports. so the ports that were first opened was in manila. the center of the government was in
manila the opening of the other ports came about later

then came about the opening of airports,when airplanes came about

The third factor that led to the opening of the philippines to world trade is transportation.
improvement in transportation Of course people do business they need faster transportation.
So we had improvement in transportation. We travel by air by sea by land and other means of
another factor that brought about the opening of the philippines is the emergence of banks
because people will have to engage in business so they need capital to use in the business.
Banks were established and the oldest private bank that was Established Is the banco espanol
filipino the bank of philippine islands and from transportation opening of the philippines people
had the chance to engage in business those who were interested to engage in business engage
in business because they had now market to their products they can sell their products no the
19th century we had market to our products
people were able to sell the products to other countries
When people have the opportunity to engage in business and improve their standard of living
they also have the increase in purchasing power because they have money they have work they
are highly paid they cannot buy what they like to buy and because of this a new group of people
emerged and this is the middle class the middle-class now had the chance to send their children
abroad to study just like jose rizal who left the country to study abroad so this brought about the
these middle class people
the second factor that led to the emergence of nationalism is the spanish revolution.

The third is the opening of the suez canal

The emergence of the middle class

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