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2 Test B Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Listening 3 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich
3.49 w nawiasach na język angielski.
wypowiedzi na temat pechowych zdarzeń. The police are looking for two men who
Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu,
(okradli) 1 a shop in the city.
dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (1–5)
According to the latest reports, one of the
odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–F). Uwaga! Jedno
(złodzieje) 2 was short and slim,

zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje
while the other one was tall and (dobrze
do żadnej wypowiedzi.
zbudowany) 3 . Both of them
This speaker were wearing long (płaszcze) 4
A broke something expensive. The shop owner told the police that the men had
B didn’t get somewhere on time.
6m3 taken some cash and a large amount of expensive
C had to do the same thing twice. (biżuteria) 5 .

D lost some new clothes. /5

E had a minor accident. Grammar
F forgot to take something important. 4 Uzupełnij zdania, stosując wyrazy podane
w nawiasach w czasie Past continuous. Do pytań

1 2 3 4 5
dopisz krótkie odpowiedzi.
1 (she / play)
6m3 /5 the piano at 5.00 pm yesterday.

2 (they / study)

for a test yesterday? No, .

2 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. 3 (I / not / use) your laptop!
Niektóre litery wyrazów zostały podane.
4 What (he / watch)
1 A u g broke into our neighbour’s on TV for the whole evening?
house last week.
5 (we / not / do)
2 The thief went to r o for two years. our project at 6.30 pm yesterday.
3 My dad has a moustache and a b d. /5
4 Tom was wearing his funny, red

l s sunglasses at the party.

5 Uzupełnij zdania, stosując wyrazy podane
w nawiasach w czasie Past simple lub Past
5 Ellen lost one of her g l earrings continuous.
in the swimming pool.

1 The police (see) the thief while

6 She cut her hair and cannot wear them in
he (try) to steal a car.
a o y a l anymore.
2 We (have) a great party when
all the lights suddenly (go)
3 (she / run) in the park
when the dog (attack) her?

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2 Test B Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Use of English Reading
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne 8 Przeczytaj teksty na temat kilku zdarzeń (A–D)
uzupełnienie luk 1–3. Wpisz odpowiednią literę oraz zdania 1–5. Do każdego zdania dopasuj
(A–F) obok numeru każdej luki. Trzy wyrazy właściwy tekst. Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch
zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do zdań.
żadnej luki.
How unusual!

A chased B ponytail C doing Have you seen something unusual happen near you?
D committed E did F backpack Share your story with us!
A few days ago, I went to the local bakery
On Saturday afternoon, my friends and I were A
and joined a long line of people queuing for
some shopping in a local shop. While we the bagels they sell there. After a couple of
were in the shop, we saw a woman who was putting
some items into her 2 ! We immediately told
a shop assistant. The woman tried to run away, but
15 minutes, I saw a dog running up the street.
It stopped right behind me as if it was
waiting in the queue as well. It was actually

the shop assistant 3 after her and managed carrying a small shopping bag! Everybody
else in the queue seemed to think this was
to catch her. The police arrived a few minutes later.
perfectly normal. Then the shop assistant
/3 saw it and she called to the dog. She put

some bagels in the bag and the dog ran
back home. I couldn’t believe my eyes!
7 Uzupełnij luki w dialogu, tak aby był on spójny A few days ago, I was looking out of the
i logiczny. B window because I thought I could hear

X: Hello there. 1 help you? a noise. I saw my neighbour, Mr Jenkins,


16 walking about in his garden and doing

Y: Oh, hi. I lost my bag 2 I was some things with his plants. OK, that’s
travelling on a bus this morning. nothing unusual, but it was nearly
X: OK. I’ll just 3 a lost property midnight and he was dressed in his
form for you and someone will contact you if we pyjamas! I was still up because I was
revising for a maths test. I spoke to him
find it. Can I have your name and phone number,
about it the next morning. He was
sleepwalking! And it wasn’t the first time.
Y: Susan Jones. My number is 492 944 8668. He’s even driven his car to the local

X: So, you’ve lost your bag. What exactly does it supermarket in the middle of the night!
? A few months ago, I was just leaving our
C local shopping centre when I saw a good-
Y: It’s a blue denim bag.
looking boy going in. Our eyes met, and he

X: 5
is it? Angie,
16 smiled at me. I walked back to the car park,
Y: It’s Adidas. and my mum and I drove to a bookshop
shop in the town centre. While I was
X: All right. We’ll contact you if we find it.
looking at some comic books, I saw the
/5 same boy. I smiled at him, but this time he
ignored me completely and walked out of
the shop a moment later. This annoyed me.
So, when I saw him again, I went up to him
and asked him about his behaviour. It was
soon cleared up: the second boy was his
twin brother! We had a good laugh about it
and decided to meet again. He’s been my
boyfriend for over two months now.

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2 Test B Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

My friend told me this story a few weeks Writing
D ago. She was coming back home from her
piano lesson quite late in the evening when
9 Wczoraj byłeś/byłaś świadkiem zdarzenia,
Marko, w którym ktoś dokonał kradzieży w sklepie
14 she saw a man she didn’t know. He was
i zbiegł. Napisz ogłoszenie o tym zdarzeniu.
trying to get in one of the cars parked
along the street. The strange thing was W ogłoszeniu:
that he wasn’t hiding the fact. He was • poinformuj, kiedy to zdarzenie miało miejsce i co

talking angrily to himself and he even robiłeś/robiłaś w tym czasie;
kicked the car at one point! Anyway, she • opisz, jak wyglądała osoba, która dokonała
watched the man from a distance because
she was a little afraid of him. She thought
• napisz, co zostało skradzione ze sklepu.
about calling the police. But then the man
saw her and explained the situation. It was Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów.
actually his car and his keys were locked
inside! Attention everyone!
Yesterday someone stole some things from

In this story,
a local shop.
1 someone didn’t pay any attention to the writer.

2 someone was waiting to buy something.
3 someone couldn’t open something for a while.

4 someone was returning home late.

5 someone was studying late at night.



If you have any information about the person

responsible, please contact the police.
Many thanks for your help!
/ 10

Total: / 50

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2 Test B
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Extra task
10 Uzupełnij zdania z luką, stosując podane wyrazy w niezmienionej formie, tak aby zachować
znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
1 I thought it was a boring party.

I a good time at the party.
2 It happened when we were on holiday in Italy.
It happened spending our holiday in Italy.
3 Were your birthday presents exciting?

4 You weren’t here yesterday.

any exciting birthday presents?

You here yesterday.
5 She hurt her leg during a game of tennis.

She hurt her leg playing tennis.

6m3 Total : / 55


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