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It can affect in a positive way and in a negative way, it all depends about how long we
use it, it can become an obsession, our eyes also might be affected with time, on the
contrary, technology have helped us to survive in this quarantine, it’s our
I think if we want to protect us from technology we should do it by ourselfs, take
certain care, with strangers, with time on it, with desconect us from real live. It is
advisable to have short breaks while we work or we do some activity, also is
important to take care, because some people enter in our privacity and we can’t
allow it. I consider all is in ourselfs.
Yes! I can say al least not me, but, the technology has bring us so many things, but
also has take so many others. This could be a problem or a bless cause we can get
technological advances but loss humanity. We see so many thinks on social media
and we are building a new personality based in other’s opinions, in influencers,
pages, among others… So, absolutely, the technology is changing our personality
and our thoughts.
Yes, this is one of the most worriyng thinks about technology, the people is
depending their lives in technology, can’t live without a cellphone or something like
that, and that’s why robots will dominate us in the future.
It increase a lot our learning capacities cause we know in the past it was different, all
the people used to use a book everyday to search one think, and now we learn in a
moment what we want, with tutorials, pages, among others.We have to keep in mind
that everything is not true, so also we should check where we are founding

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