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SWOT Analysis


Ice Candy:

•Good to eat in a hot day.

•Attract the kids easily.

•Easy to carry while you eat.


•Naturally made.

•Ingredients are easy to get.

Banana Chips:

•Easy to make.

•Ingredients are easy to get .


•Easy to carry.

•Good for your health.

•It can be eaten anywhere.



•If the weather is rainy it can’t sell well.

•Can cause toothache.

•It won’t sell well with the adults.

•High in blood sugar.

Banana Chips:

•Eating to much can get you fat.

•Not to popular with kids.

•Loaded with calories.

•Not to healthy.


Ice Candy & Banana Chips:

•Were students so we can sell our product inside the school.

•We can advertise our product by posting it on our social media.


Ice Candy & Banana Chips:

Popular shops.

•As a student we have limited time to sell our products.

•Cold weather for Ice Candy.

•Time, because our product can't loss after a long time

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