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Dear Secretary,

I am writing to express my perspective on the recent suggestion removing the PE lessons from the
curriculum for more concentration on academic subjects. Nevertheless, the PE lessons is definitely
not the roof of the problem. The issue would be investigated thoroughly, and the corresponding
rationale will be illustrated as follows.

To commence with, PE lessons help students improve their academic performance. Since the
education system in Hong Kong has long been creating an extremely uphill and competitive
learning atmosphere for local secondary students, it is laborious for students to maintain high
academic results and motivation under such a gigantic pressure. Therefore, finding a method
which could alleviate the monstrous stress is the indispensable part of improving the learning
quality. According to this principle, doing exercise is an extraordinary technique to mitigate the
stress associated with study as innumerable research have substantiated that sports are beneficial
to coordinating human’s emotions and thus physical education lessons should by no means be
eliminated from school’s regular education.

In addition to academic performance, comprehensive development will be weakened without PE

lessons. Envisage a day when all students are only focusing on their own academic development,
not communication and interaction and no practices for kids on relationship building. What would
happen? Our next generation will miss the valuable training on major domain for whole-person
development---social skills, leading to inadequate communication and cooperation skills in the
workplace and consequently failure on business. Hence, in terms of enhancement of child’s
capacity to communicate and collaborate with the others, PE lessons should not be removed from
the regular curriculum.

Some may claim that students who are enthusiastic about sports will prioritize PE lessons before
academic subjects, which eventually cause academic failure. Nevertheless, all of us have a certain
gift that we were born with which will come naturally to us. As we all know, school always
emphasize that all students have their own talent on different areas and so finding the proper
pathway of your own is the prerequisite of success. It is crystal clear that eliminating PE
lessons from school education is a completely divergent idea given that it deprives
students of the right to choose what kind of individuals they want to become. As a result,
there are no reason for school to remove the PE lessons from curriculum.

In a nutshell, PE lessons are beneficial to stress alleviation, enhance students’

comprehensive development and provide a place giving play to one’s talent. Thereby,
focusing on academic subject is by no means a reason for eliminating such a meaningful
education. It is sincerely hoped that the prejudice for PE lessons would be eradicated in
the foreseeable future.

Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong

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