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Malone 1

Addy Malone

Ms. Michko

AP Language and Composition

Sep 20, 2023


In her opinion piece from the Los Angeles Times “ I was a teenage tanning addict. Now I
worry about people being fooled by anti-sunscreen TikTokers”, Jean Guerrero emphasizes
sunscreen’s importance despite the recent claims made online. Guerrero supports her claim by
juxtaposing the recent statements made online with factual information about sun damage,
encouraging people to look to a medical professional instead, and connecting to a teenage
audience by acknowledging her previous ignorance surrounding the issue . Her purpose in this is
to warn readers about the misinformation spread on social media, encouraging the reader to trust
the facts in order to keep themselves healthy. Guerrero establishes a cautionary tone towards her
younger audience on social media, who may not understand the long-term effects of skin
damage, further developing her argument that falling victim to false information online can cause
serious harm.

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