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Section A

Summary In today’s digital world, goods and services are seen as a great need. Old ways of
shopping are becoming obsolete since online shopping has become popular. Consequently,
brick and mortar businesses are operating at a loss. Therefore, they are closing physical stores
and opening online businesses. However, online shopping has several advantages. The stores
operate 24/7, it prevents hassling and the prices for goods are cheaper. Despite the benefits of
online shopping, it has more disadvantages. Excess orders can create challenges especially
during holiday seasons. Also, online shopping reduces physical contact which helps to resolve
issues faster. Although online shopping can be seen as a positive progression it creates issues
with the labour force and has other negative effects.

Section B

23 Way View,
Way View P.O.,
St. Mary.

June 1, 2024.

Ms. Sannyu Perle

Reservations Manager
True Blue Travel Agency

Subject: ENquiry about Excursion to Martinique August 15-20, 2024

Dear Ms. Sannyu Perle,

I am John Brown, president of the French Club at St. Xavier’s Secondary School. I am writing to
enquire about relevant information needed for an excursion to the French island of MArtinique
over the period of August 15 to 20, 2024. We would appreciate this information by July 1, 2024.
It is necessary to adequately plan for our trip.

Firstly, we would like to know about the flights by airline AIR PLUS for the period mentioned
above. After you have confirmed the flight availability, the cost of flight per student will be
necessary. Secondly, we have a group of 25 students, so will a discount be offered for the
group? Finally, for the excursion we would love to stay at a reasonable price hotel. Could you
provide any necessary information about hotel accommodation?

We look forward to hearing from you about the details for our excursion; the information is
required by July 1, 2024. Thank you for your consideration and time. You can reach me by
email at or by phone 876-570-2365.
Yours sincerely,
John Brown
J. Brown
President of the French Club

Section C

5 paragraphs


Paragraph One: Setting and main character - describe character
Paragraph two- at least 3 mini problems in the protagonist's life. It must move in sequence one
mini problem, to a major problem.
Paragraph three- climax turn of events-
Paragraph four- trying to solve the issues
Para 5- solve issues (positive or negative)
Section D

Government should ban radio stations from playing music that promotes violence.

Government Intervention!

Why would you promote violence? Do you even care about the well-being of our nation?
Music holds a powerful influence over society. In recent years, it can be highlighted that
music promotes violence. The government should ban radio stations from playing
music that promotes violence due to its detrimental impact on societal behavior, the
media's responsibility in shaping views, and the potential harm it poses to vulnerable

Firstly, the government should ban radio stations from playing music that promotes
violence due to its detrimental impact on societal behavior. When radio stations
consistently play music that glorifies violence, there is a risk of desensitizing listeners to
aggression and promoting a culture that normalizes harmful actions. Research from
Paul Brown (2013) at the University of West Indies Jamaica shows that there is a
correlation between exposure to violent lyrics and an increase in aggressive behavior,
especially among the youth.

Secondly, radio stations have the responsibility of shaping views or public opinion.
When music that promotes violence is broadcasted widely, it not only reflects poorly on
the media but also contributes to the shaping of societal values. By banning content
that promotes violence, the government can encourage responsible media practices.
This intervention can promote integrity and prosperity in our nation.

Lastly, the government should ban radio stations from playing music that promotes
violence due to the potential harm it poses to vulnerable populations such as our
children. When children are exposed to certain content they can develop several
behavioral issues. By implementing a ban on music that promotes violence the
government can protect our children. Don’t you want to see our future safe?

In conclusion, the government should ban radio stations from playing music that
promotes violence. This measure is crucial to mitigate the effects on societal behavior,
media responsibility and protect vulnerable populations. It is time for a decisive action.
Government you must do something about this. Let’s all do something about this.

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