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Anushka singh
10 th H
This project is made by anushka singh sch. No. 7930 . A student of class 10th DELHI PUBLIC
SCHOOL , INDORE. I would kindly address my teachers who always helped me and
showed me the right path to success . I would like to thanks –
Mrs. Sonali Valecha
Mrs. Monika Pandey
Mrs. Vandana Malocha
In this journey there were many obstacles but because of their help it was very easy
,interesting and learn full experience .
◦ By this presentation the following points are to be covered :
◦ Trace the history of globalisation and point out the shifts within the process.
◦ Analyse the implications of globalization on locals economies
◦ Analyse the impact of roadways and railways on the national economy .
◦ Discuss how globalization is experienced differently by different social groups .
◦ Connect the role of means of transport and communication on the process of
globalizations .
◦ Thomas L. Friedman divides the history of globalisation into three periods:
◦ Globalisation 1.0 (1492 – 1800)
◦ Globalisation 2.0 (1800 – 2000)
◦ Globalisation 3.0 ( 2000 – present)
◦ He states that the globalisation 1.0 involved the globalization of countries , globalisation 2.0
involved the globalisation of companies and globalisation 3.0 involves the globalisation of
individuals .
◦ Klaus Schwab , founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Richard
Baldwin and Philippe Martin have divided the history of globalization into four eras: Globalization 1.0
was before World War I, Globalization 2.0 was after World War II "when trade in goods was
combined with complementary domestic policies", Globalization 3.0, for which other terms in use
have included "New Globalization", hyper globalization, the "global value chain revolution", and the
period of offshoring, refers to a more recent period of change in global economic relationships, and
Globalization 4.0 to current (2018 onwards) changes affecting services in particular.
◦ There are three types :
◦ Archaic globalization: An early form of globalized economics and culture, known as archaic globalization,
existed during the Hellenistic Age, when commercialized urban centers were focused around the axis of
Greek culture over a wide range that stretched from India to Spain, with such cities as Alexandria, Athens,
and Antioch at its center. Trade was widespread during that period, and it is the first time the idea of a
cosmopolitan culture (from Greek "Cosmopolis", meaning "world city") emerged. Others have perceived an
early form of globalization in the trade links between the Roman Empire, the Parthian Empire, and the Han
Dynasty. The increasing articulation of commercial links between these powers inspired the development of
the Silk Road, which started in western China, reached the boundaries of the Parthian empire, and continued
onwards towards Rome
◦ Proto-globalization: The phase is known as proto-globalization. It was characterized by the rise of
maritime European empires, in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, first the Portuguese and Spanish Empires,
and later the Dutch and British Empires. In the 17th century, globalization became also a private business
phenomenon when chartered companies like British East India Company (founded in 1600), often described
as the first multinational corporation, as well as the Dutch East India Company (founded in 1602) were
◦ Modern globalization: The 19th century witnessed the advent of globalization approaching its
modern form. Industrialization allowed cheap production of household items using economies of
scale, while rapid population growth created sustained demand for commodities. Globalization in this
period was decisively shaped by nineteenth-century imperialism. After the First and Second Opium
Wars, which opened up China to foreign trade, and the completion of the British conquest of India,
the vast populations of these regions became ready consumers of European exports. It was in this
period that areas of sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific islands were incorporated into the world
system. Meanwhile, the conquest of parts of the globe, notably sub-Saharan Africa, by Europeans
yielded valuable natural resources such as rubber, diamonds and coal and helped fuel trade and
investment between the European imperial powers, their colonies, and the United States.
◦ Cultural Homogenization and Diversity: Globalization has facilitated cultural hybridization, where local
cultures adopt and adapt elements from other cultures, resulting in unique and dynamic cultural expressions. This
fusion of global and local influences can create new forms of art, music, fashion, and cuisine, enriching local
cultural landscapes. Hybridization can promote intercultural understanding and dialogue, fostering a sense of
global interconnectedness while retaining local cultural identities.
◦ Economic Opportunities and Challenges : Globalization has brought economic opportunities to
many regions, enabling access to larger markets, foreign investment, and technological
advancements. Local economies have benefited from increased trade, job creation, and the transfer
of knowledge and expertise.
◦ Cultural Commodification and Tourism : Globalization has intensified the commodification of
culture, turning cultural products, traditions, and experiences into commodities for mass consumption.
Local cultures may be exploited and transformed into marketable goods, catering primarily to tourist
demands. While tourism can bring economic benefits and cultural exchange, it can also lead to the
commodification, commercialization, and distortion of local traditions, potentially eroding their
authenticity and significance.
◦ Information Access and Communication : Globalization has greatly enhanced information access
and communication technologies, enabling individuals and communities to connect and share
knowledge across borders. This has facilitated cultural exchange, learning, and collaboration,
empowering local communities to preserve and promote their cultural heritage. Moreover, the
increased availability of information has enabled local entrepreneurs to access global markets and
create niche products or services based on local cultural resources.

◦ Different countries, regions, and groups of people have experienced

globalization differently. Some have benefited from increased opportunities,
economic growth, and cultural exchange, while others have faced
challenges such as job losses, inequality, and cultural erosion.
◦ Territories and borders have become irrelevant to such interactions that are
therefore global in nature. The process of deterritorialization is what makes
globalization different from any other processes of social change in human
history. David Harvey (1990) described this process as time-space
◦ Globalization, or the way that people around the world have become more
connected politically, economically, and socially, has had many positive
effects in the world. Because of globalization, you can purchase cheaper
goods, communicate with individuals from all over the world, and work in
just about any country
◦ The development of transportation and communication has led to globalization.
These means of transport and communication are often called the lifelines of a
nation because they are the backbone of the economy and a hallmark of
development. They help in the expansion of trade and boost the economy.
◦ Transportation and communication facilitate the movement of goods, people,
and ideas. Transportation helps in the distribution of goods and services, while
communication enables the exchange of information and ideas.
◦ Transportation and communication have contributed to the socio-economic progress of a
country in many ways. They have enriched our lives and added substantially to growing
amenities and facilities for the comforts of life. They have also helped in the movement of
labor from one place to another, which helps in creating employment for the laborers.
◦ Communication has been a major driving force in the process of globalization. It has
helped in the transfer of information which has led to technology transfer.
Thank you

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