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Transportation 6.

1. State three adaptations of the red blood cells to their functions. (3marks)
2. Name the part of the body involved in Red blood cells formation in (2marks)
a) Adult human beings
b) Embryos
3. A) Name the form in which oxygen is transported in the red blood cells. (1mark)
B) state the advantage of transporting oxygen in the form named in (a) above (1mark)
4. Give a reason why most athletes prefer training in high altitude areas. (2marks)
5. A) Name the compound formed when haemoglobin combines with r carbon (II) oxide.
B) state the disadvantage of the compound named above in the body.
6. Name the 2 main types of leukocytes (2marks)
7. Explain four ways in which antibodies produced by white blood cells protect the body
against harmful microorganisms. (4marks)
8. The following statements are true about platelets except one. Identify the false
A. They are discord in shape
B. They have a nucleus
C. They play a role in blood clotting
D. They are fragments from large cells in the bone marrow.

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