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Annexure (A)

Front Cover Format

Project Title

Summer Training Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for

Post Graduate Diploma in Management


Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Financial Services)


Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Retail Management)


Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow


Name of the Student

Enroll. No


Annexure (B)


This is to certify that the Summer Project Study Report, Titled “…………………………….
……………………………………………………………………………………. submitted
by Mr./ Ms. ………………………….………………. as partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the two year PGDM (2022-2024) is a bonafide work carried out by the
student at our Institute.

This Summer Project Study is his/her original work and has not been submitted to any other

Prof. ………………………… Prof.


Faculty Mentor: Program Director- PGDM


Annexure (C)

Sample Format of the Summer Internship Completion Certificate from the Company

(It should be on the official letter head of the organization)

Summer Internship Completion Certificate



The Director

Jaipuria Institute of Management


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ......................................................student Batch PGDM 2022-

24 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow has successfully completed his/her Summer
Internship from…………………… to ……………………. in our organization.


Name of the Issuing …………………………………………………………………………..


Official Seal ……………………………………

Project title of his/her Summer Internship was



Further, he/she has no pending dues / items towards the company.

Annexure (D)

Declaration Certificate by Student


I…………………………………………., student of PGDM batch (2022-2024) declare that

the project entitled …………………………………………………………., is my own work
conducted under the supervision of …………………………………………………. as a
partial fulfilment of Summer Internship Program for the course of PGDM submitted to
………………………………………………… and Jaipuria Institute of Management,

I further declare that to the best of my knowledge the project does not contain any part of any
work which has been submitted for any other project either in this institute or in any other
without proper citation.


Date: ………………… Signature of the



I declare that the project report entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility " is my own work
conducted under the supervision of Mr. Santosh and was carried out by me at TATA Motors,
Lucknow from 15th May 2023 to 21st July 2023. I further declare that this is the best of my
knowledge, this report does not contain any part of any work, which has been submitted for
the award of any degree either in this College or in any other University/Deemed University
without proper citation.


Itisha Mishra Place:

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh


My heartfelt gratitude goes to the entire team of Human Resources at Tata Motors, Lucknow
Plant especially Mr. Santosh Kumar (DGM CSR), Mrs. Pratibha Singh Tomar
(communication), Ms. Poornima Singh and Aditi Gupta (Head HR) for the opportunity they
offered me to get trained at this Plant.

The experience was simply invaluable and impeccable. Besides, I felt to express immense
gratitude towards the entire TATA MOTORS family for their wonderful cooperation and
support. I would like to express my gratitude to Aditi Gupta (HR Head) and Mrs. Jasneet
Kaur Rakhra (ER Head) for their kind cooperation and support in arranging my training
during my tenure.

I would like to thank all the people who are directly or indirectly associated with the
completion of this project.



In recent years, the concept of employee engagement has gained significant traction as a
critical element of organizational success. It reflects the level of commitment and
involvement an employee has towards their organization's values and beliefs. Engaged
employees not only comprehend the business context but also actively collaborate with
colleagues to enhance job performance, thereby benefiting the organization as a whole. This
employee engagement initiative directly impacts the productivity of organizations, making it
an essential focus for all enterprises, including Tata Motors. Employee engagement has been
found to be closely linked to customer satisfaction, which, in turn, plays a pivotal role in
determining an organization's financial success. The essence of engagement emerges when a
sufficient number of individuals demonstrate a genuine care for performing well and actively
support the organization's objectives and strategies. This caring attitude and behavior are
nurtured by job satisfaction and a strong belief in the organization's support, often facilitated
by effective HR management.

This report employs a descriptive study technique, encompassing an extensive literature

review of research findings and corporate practices, to delve into the influence of employee
engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Tata Motors. It aims to project the
impact of employee engagement on the organization's productivity while identifying key
factors that influence employee engagement and its consequent effects on organizational

In response to the escalating competitiveness in the recruitment market, organizations,

including Tata Motors, have invested significant time, effort, and resources in crafting robust
talent acquisition strategies. Realizing the paramount importance of recruiting individuals
with the requisite skills, qualifications, and experience, aligned with present and future
requirements, Tata Motors has actively adapted to meet this challenge. In the face of
intensified competition among businesses striving to attract the best potential, innovative
approaches and astute management decision-making have taken center stage. Selectors at
Tata Motors place a premium on recruiting candidates who not only possess the necessary
qualifications but also align seamlessly with the organization's corporate culture, ethics, and
climate. This holds particular significance in a country like India, where unemployment
remains a pressing concern.

The primary objectives of this project are twofold: Firstly, it aims to comprehensively study
and evaluate Tata Motors' existing talent acquisition process, identifying areas for potential
improvement. Secondly, the project examines the extent of the organization's adoption of best
practices and innovative methods in job analysis, recruitment, screening, and selection

By delving into the dynamic interplay between employee engagement and Corporate Social
Responsibility, this study seeks to illuminate the strategic role of employee engagement in
further enhancing Tata Motors' commitment to social responsibility. By fostering a culture of
engagement, Tata Motors can amplify its CSR initiatives, fostering a more sustainable and
impactful approach towards corporate citizenship and societal well-being.



Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................11
1.1 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................11
1.2 Rationale of the Problem............................................................................................11
1.3 Methodology..............................................................................................................13
1.4 Scope of the Study.....................................................................................................15
1.5 Limitations of the Study.............................................................................................15
Chapter 2 DETAILS OF THE ORGANIZATION...................................................................17
2.2 General understanding of industry and the firm’s environment.................................36
SWOT ANALYSIS of TATA MOTORS..........................................................................36
PESTLE ANALYISIS OF TATA MOTORS -..................................................................39
2.3 Major Clients of the firm............................................................................................41
2.4 Major Product of the firm covering Product Mix analysis........................................41
2.5 Major Competitors of the firm using competitors mapping.......................................42
2.6 Organization structure of the firm mentioning hierarchy and functions....................45
Chapter 3 APPROACH & METHODOLOGY........................................................................46
CSR Activities performed by TATA Group......................................................................46
3.1 Tasks to be performed:...............................................................................................50
3.2 Detailed Analysis of the Tasks:..................................................................................51
3.3 Approach of Performing Tasks:..................................................................................52
3.4 Final Conclusion of Tasks:.........................................................................................52
Chapter 4: ANALYSIS & OUTCOME....................................................................................53
4.1 Choice of Data Analysis Techniques:.........................................................................53
4.2 Outcomes and Interpretation of Outcomes:...............................................................55
Chapter 5: Conclusion & Learning Outcome...........................................................................58
5.1 Brief Description of Recommendations:....................................................................58
5.2 Learning from the Project:.........................................................................................59
5.3 Limitations of the Project:..........................................................................................60
5.4 Scope of Further Work:..............................................................................................61
6. References............................................................................................................................62
7 Appendices............................................................................................................................63


1.1 Problem Statement

Lack of awareness about CSR Activities and policies.
Mostly employees didn’t know about CSR and its policies and its activities (employees i.e.,
technicians, and blue collars). The company takes employees on visits to villages and

1.2 Rationale of the Problem

The rationale for addressing the problem of "Lack of awareness about CSR Activities and
policies" at Tata Motors Lucknow plant is multifaceted and holds significant importance for
the organization, its stakeholders, and the communities it operates in. The rationale are as

 Fulfilling CSR Commitments: Tata Motors, like many responsible corporations, has
made commitments to engage in CSR activities that contribute positively to society
and the environment. However, without sufficient awareness among employees and
stakeholders, these initiatives may not reach their full potential. Raising awareness
ensures that the organization can fulfill its CSR commitments effectively.

 Employee Engagement and Participation: When employees are aware of the CSR
activities and policies of the company, they are more likely to feel a sense of purpose
and pride in their work. Engaging employees in CSR initiatives fosters a positive
corporate culture, boosts employee morale, and increases overall job satisfaction.

 Strengthening Stakeholder Relationships: Stakeholders, including customers,

suppliers, investors, and local communities, play a crucial role in an organization's
success. When stakeholders are aware of and supportive of the company's CSR
efforts, it enhances their trust and loyalty towards the brand.

 Reputation and Brand Image: CSR activities have a significant impact on an
organization's reputation and brand image. Creating awareness about these initiatives
allows the company to showcase its commitment to social and environmental causes,
enhancing its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.

 Compliance and Accountability: Many countries have legal requirements for

companies to engage in CSR activities. By raising awareness about CSR policies, Tata
Motors can ensure compliance with relevant regulations and demonstrate its
accountability to various stakeholders.

 Community Impact: CSR initiatives often focus on addressing social and

environmental challenges faced by local communities. By creating awareness about
these efforts, Tata Motors can better involve and collaborate with communities,
leading to more sustainable and impactful projects.

 Attracting and Retaining Talent: In today's competitive job market, potential

employees are increasingly seeking to work for companies that have a positive impact
on society. By promoting CSR activities and policies, Tata Motors can attract top
talent and retain employees who align with the company's values.

 Improved Performance: Studies have shown that organizations that invest in CSR
activities tend to perform better in the long run. By raising awareness and encouraging
active participation, Tata Motors can foster a culture of responsible and sustainable
business practices, leading to improved financial and non-financial performance.

 In conclusion, addressing the lack of awareness about CSR activities and policies at
Tata Motors Lucknow plant is crucial for fulfilling the organization's commitments,
engaging stakeholders, enhancing reputation, and making a positive impact on society

and the environment. It will not only strengthen the company's corporate social
responsibility but also contribute to its long-term success and sustainable growth.

1.3 Methodology
The methodology which I for my analysis followed is as follows:

 Survey Design:
The research employed a cross-sectional survey design to gather data on the
awareness of CSR activities and policies among employees at Tata Motors Lucknow
A structured questionnaire was used as the primary data collection instrument.

 Questionnaire Development:
The questionnaire was designed to elicit responses that would gauge the level of
awareness regarding CSR initiatives and policies within the organization.
The questions were carefully crafted to be clear, concise, and relevant to the specific
objectives of the survey.
The questionnaire included both closed-ended questions with predetermined response
options and open-ended questions to allow for additional insights.

 Sample Selection:
A purposive sampling technique was employed to select participants from different
departments within the plant.
The sample was intended to be representative of the entire workforce, covering
various job roles and hierarchical levels.
The number of participants in each department was proportional to the department's
size, ensuring fair representation.

 Data Collection:
The survey was conducted by visiting different departments within the Tata Motors
Lucknow plant.
The researcher explained the purpose of the survey to the participants and assured
them of the confidentiality of their responses.

Participants were given sufficient time to complete the questionnaire, and any
questions they had were addressed.

 Data Analysis:
After collecting the responses, the data was subjected to quantitative and qualitative
Quantitative analysis involved tabulating and summarizing the closed-ended
responses using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages.
Qualitative data from open-ended questions were categorized into themes to identify
common trends and viewpoints.

 Ethical Considerations:
Ethical guidelines were adhered to throughout the research process.
Informed consent was obtained from each participant before they participated in the
The data collected was treated with confidentiality, and personal information was
anonymized during the analysis.

 Limitations:
Like any research, this survey had certain limitations. One limitation was the potential
for response bias, where participants may provide socially desirable answers.
Another limitation could be the relatively small sample size, which may restrict the
generalizability of the findings beyond the Tata Motors Lucknow plant.

 Validity and Reliability:

Steps were taken to ensure the validity and reliability of the survey instrument.
The questionnaire was pilot tested with a small group of employees to identify and
rectify any ambiguities or inconsistencies in the questions.
The survey methodology aimed to provide valuable insights into the level of
awareness regarding CSR activities and policies among employees across different
departments at Tata Motors Lucknow plant. The findings from the survey were then

used to develop appropriate recommendations for improving awareness and
engagement with CSR initiatives within the organization.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study focused on employees at Tata Motors Lucknow plant, aiming to
assess their awareness of existing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and
policies. The research encompassed CSR initiatives related to social, environmental, and
community welfare efforts within the organization. The study's objectives were to identify
areas of high awareness and areas needing improvement. It targeted internal stakeholders,
specifically employees, and proposed actionable recommendations to enhance awareness and
engagement with CSR initiatives within the plant. The study's limitations included potential
response bias and a relatively small sample size, and the findings and recommendations were
specific to Tata Motors Lucknow plant and not generalized to other locations or
organizations. Confidentiality of participants' responses was maintained throughout the
research process.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

The limitations of the study assessing the awareness of CSR activities and policies at Tata
Motors Lucknow plant are as follows:

 Small Sample Size: The survey involved a relatively small sample size of employees
within the plant. As a result, the findings may not fully represent the perspectives and
awareness levels of the entire workforce.
 Response Bias: Despite efforts to ensure unbiased responses, there remains a
possibility of response bias, where participants may provide socially desirable
answers or overstate their awareness levels.
 Internal Focus: The study solely focused on employees within Tata Motors Lucknow
plant and did not consider external stakeholders' perspectives, such as customers,
suppliers, or the broader community, which could have provided a more
comprehensive assessment.
 Limited Generalizability: Since the research was specific to Tata Motors Lucknow
plant, the findings and recommendations may not be applicable to other locations or
organizations with different contexts and CSR practices.

 Time Constraints: Conducting the survey within a limited timeframe due to the
internship's duration may have restricted the depth and breadth of data collection and
 Lack of Longitudinal Data: The study was cross-sectional, providing a snapshot of
awareness levels at a specific point in time. Longitudinal data would have allowed for
a more comprehensive understanding of changes in awareness over time.
 Anonymity and Specificity: The need to maintain participant confidentiality limited
the ability to attribute specific responses to individual departments or roles,
potentially hindering targeted recommendations.
 Scope of CSR Initiatives: The study focused on the existing CSR initiatives at Tata
Motors Lucknow plant. It may not have explored potential new areas or opportunities
for CSR involvement.


2.1 Company Overview

Tata Motors Limited is an Indian multinational automotive manufacturing company,
headquartered in the city of Mumbai, India which is part of Tata Group. The company
produces passenger cars, trucks, vans, coaches, buses, luxury cars, sports cars, construction

Formerly known as Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO), the company was
founded in 1945 as a manufacturer of locomotives. The company manufactured its first
commercial vehicle in 1954 in a collaboration with Daimler-Benz AG, which ended in 1969.
Tata Motors entered the passenger vehicle market in 1988 with the launch of the Tata Mobile
followed by the Tata Sierra in 1991, becoming the first Indian manufacturer to achieve the
capability of developing a competitive indigenous automobile. In 1998, Tata launched the
first fully indigenous Indian passenger car, the Indica, and in 2008 launched the Tata Nano,
the world's most affordable car. Tata Motors acquired the South Korean truck manufacturer
Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company in 2004. Tata Motors has been the parent company
of Jaguar Land Rover since the company established it for the acquisition of Jaguar Cars and
Land Rover from Ford in 2008.

Tata Motors' principal subsidiaries include British premium car maker Jaguar Land Rover
(the maker of Jaguar and Land Rover cars) and the South Korean commercial vehicle
manufacturer Tata Daewoo. Tata Motors has a construction-equipment manufacturing joint
venture with Hitachi (Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery), and a joint venture with
Stellantis which manufactures automotive components and Fiat Chrysler and Tata branded
vehicles. On Oct 12, 2021, private equity firm TPG invested $1 billion in Tata Motors'
electric vehicle subsidiary.

Tata Motors has auto manufacturing and vehicle plants in Jamshedpur, Pantnagar, Lucknow,
Sanand, Dharwad, and Pune in India, as well as in Argentina, South Africa, the United
Kingdom, and Thailand. It has research and development centres in Pune, Jamshedpur,
Lucknow, and Dharwad, India and South Korea, the United Kingdom, and Spain. Tata
Motors is listed on the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), where it is a constituent of the BSE

SENSEX index, the National Stock Exchange of India, and the New York Stock Exchange.
The company is ranked 265th on the Fortune Global 500 list of the world's biggest
corporations as of 2019.

On 17 January 2017, Natarajan Chandrasekaran was appointed chairman of the company Tata
Group. Tata Motors increased its UV market share to over 8% in FY2019.


Tata Motors was founded in 1945, as a locomotive manufacturer. Tata Group entered the
commercial vehicle sector in 1954 after forming a joint venture with Daimler-Benz of
Germany. After years of dominating the commercial vehicle market in India, Tata Motors
entered the passenger vehicle market in 1991 by launching the Tata Sierra, a sport utility
vehicle based on the Tata Mobile platform. Tata subsequently launched the Tata Estate (1992;
a station wagon design based on the earlier Tata Mobile), the Tata Sumo (1994, a 5-door
SUV) and the Tata Safari (1998).

Tata launched the Indica in 1998, a fully indigenous Indian passenger car tailor-made to suit
Indian consumer needs though styled by I.D.E.A, Italy. Although initially criticised by auto
analysts, its excellent fuel economy, powerful engine, and an aggressive marketing strategy
made it one of the best-selling cars in the history of the Indian automobile industries. A newer
version of the car, named Indica V2, was a major improvement over the previous version and
quickly became a mass favourite. Tata Motors also successfully exported large numbers of
the car to South Africa. The success of the Indica played a key role in the growth of Tata

• In 2004, Tata Motors acquired Daewoo's South Korea-based truck manufacturing unit,
Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company, later renamed Tata Daewoo.

• On 27 September 2004, Ratan Tata, the Chairman of Tata Motors, rang the opening bell at
the New York Stock Exchange to mark the listing of Tata Motors.

• In 2005, Tata Motors acquired a 21% controlling stake in the Spanish bus and coach
manufacturer Hispano Carrocera.[12) Tata Motors continued its market area expansion
through the introduction of new products such as buses (Starbus and Globus, jointly

developed with subsidiary Hispano Carrocera) and trucks (Novus, jointly developed with
subsidiary Tata Daewoo).

• In 2006, Tata formed a joint venture with the Brazil-based Marcopolo, Tata Marcopolc Bus,
to manufacture fully built buses and coaches.

• In 2008, Tata Motors acquired the English car maker Jaguar Land Rover, manufacturer of
the Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford Motor Company.

• In May 2009, Tata unveiled the Tata World Truck range jointly developed with Tata the
range went on sale in South Korea, South Africa, the SAARC countries, and the Middle East
at the end of 2009.[18)

• Tata acquired full ownership of Hispano Carrocera in 2009.

• In 2009, its Lucknow plant was awarded the "Best of All" Rajiv Gandhi National Quality

In 2010, Tata Motors acquired an 80% stake in the Italian design and engineering company
Trilix for €1.85 million. The acquisition formed part of the company's plan to enhance its
styling and design capabilities.

• In 2012, Tata Motors announced it would invest around X6 billion in the development of
Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicles in collaboration with DRDO.

• In 2013, Tata Motors announced it will sell in India, the first vehicle in the world to run on
compressed air (engines designed by the French company MDI) and dubbed "Mini CAT"

• In 2014, Tata Motors introduced first Truck Racing championship in India "TI Prima Truck
Racing Championship"

• On 2 November 2015, Tata Motors announced Lionel Messi as global brand ambassador at
New Delhi, to promote and endorse passenger vehicles globally.

• On 27 December 2016, Tata Motors announced the Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar as
brand ambassador for its commercial vehicles range.

• On 8 March 2017, Tata Motors announced that it has signed a memorandum of

understanding with Volkswagen to develop vehicles for India's domestic market.

• On 3 May 2018, Tata Motors announced that it sold its aerospace and defence business to
another Tata Group Entity, Tata Advanced Systems, to unlock their full potential.
• On 29 April 2019, Tata Motors announced a partnership with Nirma University in
Ahmedabad to provide a B.Tech. degree programme for employees of its Sanand plant.

• On 24 March 2020, Tata Motors Ltd announced that it would spin off its passenger vehicles
arm as a separate unit within the company.

• On 5 March 2021, Tata Motors' shareholders approved hiving off its passenger vehicles
business into a separate entity.

• In August 2021, as a complimentary reward for Indian olympians who finished closed
fourth in Tokyo Olympics 2021 and missed the place for Bronze, the company planned to
recognise the efforts by gifting Altroz hatchback.

• On 23 August 2021 Tata Motors announced it will launch its mini SUV Punch in the
ongoing festive season.


We innovate mobility solutions with passion to enhance the quality of Life.


By FY 2024, we will become the most aspirational Indian auto brand, consistently winning,

• Delivering superior financial returns

• Driving sustainable mobility solutions

• Exceeding customer expectations, and

• Creating a highly engaged work force



• Agility • Risk Taking


• Empowerment • Owner's mindset


• Accountability •Collaboration


• Embracing Diversity •Passion for Customers

Tata Motors is a $35 billion global automobile manufacturing company. Its diverse portfolio
includes. an extensive range of cars, sports utility vehicles, trucks, buses, and defence
vehicles. Tata Motors is one of India's largest OEMs offering an extensive range of
integrated, smart, and e-mobility solutions

Tata Motors believes in 'Connecting aspirations', by offering innovative mobility solutions

that are in line with customers' aspirations. India's largest automobile manufacturer, Tata
Motors continues to take the lead in shaping the Indian commercial vehicle landscape, with
the introduction of leading- edge powertrains and electric solutions packaged for power
performances and user comfort at the lowest life-cycle costs. The new passenger cars and
utility vehicles are based on Impact Design and offer a superior blend of performance,
driveability, and connectivity.

The focus on connecting aspirations and a pipeline of tech - enabled products keep Tata
Motors at the forefront of the market. Six key mobility drivers will lead Tata Motors into the
future — modular. tore, complexity reduction in manufacturing, connected & autonomous
vehicles, clean. drivelines, shared mobility, and low total cost of ownership

The sub-brand TAMO is an incubating centre of innovation that sparks new mobility
solutions through new technologies, business models and partnerships,

The Tata Motors mission across its globally dispersed organisation - is to be passionate in
anticipating and providing the best vehicles and experiences that excite global customers.


TATA has always been values driven. The five core values that underpin the way we conduct.
our business activities are:


We will be fair, honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct; everything we do must stand
the test of public scrutiny.


We will invest in our people and partners, enable continuous learning, and build caring and
collaborative relationships based on trust and mutual respect.


We will integrate environmental and social principles in our businesses, ensuring that what
comes from the people goes back to the people many times over.


We will be bold and agile, courageously taking on challenges, using deep customer insight to
develop innovative solutions.


We will be passionate about achieving the highest standards of quality, always promoting


These universal values serve as the foundation for the Tata Code of Conduct.

They find expression within the value system of every Tata company.

1. We are committed to operating our businesses conforming to the highest moral and ethical
standards. We do not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form. This commitment underpins
everything that we do.

2. We are committed to good corporate citizenship. We treat social development activities

which benefit the communities in which we operate as an integral part of our business plan.

3. We seek to contribute to the economic development of the communities of the countries

and regions we operate in, while respecting their culture, norms and heritage. We seek to
avoid any project or activity that is detrimental to the wider interests of the communities in
which we operate.

4. We shall not compromise safety in the pursuit of commercial advantage. We shall strive to
provide a safe, healthy, and clean working environment for our employees and all those who
work with us.

5. When representing our company, we shall act with professionalism, honesty and integrity,
and conform to the highest moral and ethical standards. In the countries we operate in, we
shall exhibit culturally appropriate behaviour. Our conduct shall be fair and transparent and
be perceived as fair and transparent by third parties.

6. We shall respect the human rights and dignity of all our stakeholders.

7. We shall strive to balance the interests of our stakeholders, treating each of them fairly and
avoiding unfair discrimination of any kind.

8. The statements that we make to our stakeholders shall be truthful and made in good faith.

9. We shall not engage in any restrictive or unfair trade practices.

I0. We shall provide avenues for our stakeholders to raise concerns or queries in good faith,
or report instances of actual or perceived violations of our Code.

11. We shall strive to create an environment free from fear of retribution to deal with
concerns that are raised, or cases reported in good faith. No one shall be punished or made to
suffer for raising concerns or making disclosures in good faith or in the public interest.

12. We expect the leaders of our businesses to demonstrate their commitment to the ethical
standards set out in this Code through their own behaviour and by establishing appropriate
processes within their companies.

13. We shall comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate and any other laws
which apply to us. With regard to those provisions of the Code that are explicitly dealt with
under an applicable law or employment terms, the law and those terms shall take precedence.
In the event that the standards prescribed under any applicable law are lower than that of the
Code, we shall conduct ourselves as per the provisions of the Code.

For more details refer TATA Code of Conduct

Business Highlights

• Launched Click to Drive — a contactless sales platform that allows customers to buy a car
from the comfort of their homes.

• Introduced Fleet Edge, a next-gen digital solution for fleet management. A new benchmark
for a connected vehicle ecosystem, relevant and beneficial across varied fleet sizes, Fleet
Edge is uniquely positioned to enable our customers improve their operational efficiency and

• Tata Nexon became the first Indian car to be published on the International Dismantling
Information System (IDIS). This builds on Tata Motors' holistic commitment towards making
the entire life cycle of its products sustainable.

• Order of 6,413 vehicles received from Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation
(APSCSC). The largest order to date from APSCSC, these vehicles will be used for doorstep
delivery of supplies in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

• Celebrated 4 million passenger vehicles on road. This was celebrated with the launch of the
#WeLoveYou4MiIIion campaign.

• Improvement in all nine aspects of Dealer Satisfaction. Despite a challenging year, the
Commercial Vehicles business retained its leading position and improved in all nine aspects
of the Dealer Satisfaction Index.
• Introduced a slew of value-added services for Commercial Vehicles customers. These
include – an uptime guarantee, industry-first offering for productivity-sensitive customers,
and extended warranty.


• 3rd consecutive Commercial Vehicle Manufacturer of the Year along with five other
segmental awards at prestigious Apollo CV awards 2021

• Cll Customer Obsession award for 3rd year in a row - CV Business

• Car and Bike Awards 2021 - EV of the year, Green Car of the year - Nexon EV

• Car and Bike Awards 2021 — Premium Hatchback of the year, Best Safety Tech - Tata

• Indian Car of the Year Awards - Indian Car of the Year - Tata Altroz, Green Car Award
Nexon EV

• Auto Car India Awards - Best Design & Styling - Tata Altroz, Green Car of the Year Award
– Nexon EV

• Won multiple Golden Peacock Awards - innovative product/service — customer care

CVBU, environment management - Sanand, PVBU, Eco-innovation — ERC Innovative
Product/Service Award - DigiVOR and 9x9 electric bus

• CII Design Excellence award Tata Nexon and Intra

• National Energy Conservation Award (NECA) 2020 - TML bagged this award for its energy
conservation measures, instituted by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).

• CJ' Encrgy Efficiency summit National Energy leader Award 2020 • Pune (CV) and
Pantnagar plants, Energy Efficient Unit award for significant progress in energy efficiency -
Jamshedpur, Lucknow and Punc (CV) plants

• Rated amongst the top IO companies in BSE 100 (companies evaluated by IiAS on the
Indian Corporate Governance Scorecard) - Moved into the Leadership category in 2019-20.

Products of Tata Motors

• Automobile • Commercial Vehicles

•Pickup trucks • Luxury Vehicles

• Automotive parts • SUV's

Competitors of Tata Motors

• Maruti • Ford

• Hyundai • Renault

• Volkswagen • Mahindra

• Toyota • Nissan

• Honda •Tesla

Joint Ventures

•Tata Marcopolo

Tata Marcopolo is a bus manufacturing joint venture between Tata Motors (31%) and the
Brazil-based Marcopolo S.A. (49%). The joint venture manufactures and assembles fully
built buses and coaches targeted at developing mass rapid transportation systems. It uses
technology and expertise in chassis and aggregates from Tata Motors, and know-how in
processes and systems for bodybuilding and bus body design from Marcopolo. Tata
Marcopolo has launched a low-floor city bus which is widely used by transport corporations
in many Indian cities. Its manufacturing facility is based in Dharwad, Karnataka State, India
and Lucknow, India.

• Fiat-Tata

Fiat-Tata is an India-based joint venture between Tata and Stellantis' Fiat which produces Fiat
and Tata branded passenger cars, as well as engines and transmissions. Tata Motors has
gained access to Fiat's diesel engine and transmission technology through the joint venture.
The two companies formerly also had a distribution joint venture through which Fiat products
were sold in India through joint Tata-Fiat dealerships. This distribution arrangement was
ended in March 2013; Fiats have since been distributed in India by Fiat Automobiles India
Limited. a wholly owned subsidiary of Fiat.

• Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery

Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery is a joint venture between Tata Motors and Hitachi
which manufactures excavators and other construction equipment. It was previously known
as Telcon Construction Solutions.

• Tata Motors European Technical Centre

The TATA Motors European Technical Centre is an automotive design, engineering, and
research company. Company based at Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) on the campus
of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. It was established in 2005 and is
wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Motors. It was the joint developer of the World Truck. In
September 2013 it was announced that a new National Automotive Innovative Campus would
be built at WMG at Warwick's main campus at a cost of 92 million pounds. The initiative will

be a partnership between Tata Motors, the university, and Jaguar Land Rover, with the 30
million pounds in funding coming from Tata Motors.t631

• Hyundai-Tata

Tata Motors and Hyundai are in a joint venture to provide the transmission for Tata Harrier

Tata group Business Overview

Founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, the Tata group is a global enterprise, headquartered in
India, comprising 30 companies across ten verticals.

The group operates in more than 100 countries across six continents, with a mission 'To
improve the quality ot life of the communities we serve globally, through long-term
stakeholder value creation based on leadership with Trust'.

Tata Sons are the principal investment holding company and promoter of Tata companies.
Sixty six percent of the equity share capital of Tata Sons is held by philanthropic trusts, which
support education, health, livelihood generation, and art and culture.

In 2020-21, the revenue of Tata companies, taken together, was $103 billion (INR 7.8
trillion). These companies collectively employ over 800,000 people.

Each Tata company or enterprise operates independently under the guidance and supervision
of its own board of directors. There are 29 publicly listed Tata enterprises with a combined
market capitalization of $314 billion (INR 23.4 trillion) as of December 31, 2021.

Companies include Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Motors Tata Steel, Tata Chemicals, Tata
Consumer Products, Titan, Tata Capital, Tata Power, Indian Hotels, Tata Communications,
Tata Digital, and Tata Electronics.



Tata Digital launched Tata Neu in April 2022. Integrating the Tata group's most trusted brands
all into a single super app, Tata Neu offers exclusive privileges and benefits across categories.

TCS unveiled a new brand statement, 'Building on Belief', to articulate TCS' mission and
relationship with customers, and put its vast experience in purpose-led transformation at the
core of its brand story as it embarks on its next decade of transformation-led growth.

The digital thought leadership framework called Business 4.0 has emerged as a key
differentiator against the competition.

TCS continues to be amongst the top three most valuable IT sector brands in the world.

TCS became the first Indian IT company to cross the $100-billion market capitalization


Sir Dorabji Tata, and his cousin RD Tata, took Jamsetji Tata's dream of a fully Indian steel
company to fruition. Tata Steel came into being in 1907 and holds the distinction of being
Asia's first integrated steel company.

Tata steel group is among the top global steel companies with an annual crude steel capacity
of 33 million tonnes per annum (MnTPA). It is one of the world's most geographically-
diversified steel producers, with operations and commercial presence across the world. A
Great Place to Work-Certified" organisation, Tata Steel, together with its subsidiaries,
associates, and joint ventures, is spread across five continents with an employee base of over

Among other accomplishments, Tata Steel bagged the Deming Application Prize and Deming
Grand prize for continuous improvement in 2008 and 2012 respectively and has been
recognised as the 'Global Steel Industry Leader' in 'Steel category' by Dow Jones
Sustainability Index (DJS!) in 2018. The Company's Jamshedpur Plant won the Prime
Minister's Trophy for the best performing integrated steel plant for 2016-17

Tata steel successfully completed the acquisition of Bhushan Steel Limited (now renamed as
Tata Steel BSL), the first to acquire a major stressed asset under the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code process. The acquisition (with capacity - 5.6 MnTPA) has significantly
expanded Tata Steel footprint in India and will be value-accretive going forward.

Tata Steel commenced its Tata Steel Kalinganagar Phase II expansion project to augment the
cumulative capacity to 8 MnTPA from 3 MnTPA


Tata Motors, the group's flagship automotive company, manufactures and markets
automobiles for every need and segment.

Tata Motors' subsidiary, Jaguar Land Rover is Britain's largest automotive manufacturer
which designs, manufactures, and sells some of the world's best-known premium cars. The
two iconic brands of JLR include Jaguar, with a range of luxury sedans, sports cars and
luxury performance SUVs, and Land Rover, encompassing a portfolio of premium all-terrain

Tata Motors has a global footprint with operations in the UK, South Korea, South Africa and
Indonesia through a strong global network of 97 subsidiary and 9 associate companies,
including Jaguar Land Rover in the UK and Tata Daewoo in South Korea

Tata Motors launched Turnaround 2.0, a strategy to improve its India business Tata Motors
secured LI bidder in the EESL tender for 10,000 cars—the world's largest tender of this

The Jaguar I-Pace electric concept car received a positive response and JLR's strategic.
partnership with Waymo will accelerate progress in the Autonomous, Connected, Electric &
Shared (ACES) environment that is emerging globally.

Consumer & Retail-

The group's foray into the Consumer and Retail segment began with the setting up of Tata Oil
Mills Company, known as TOMCO, in 1917.

TOMCO started with the production of soaps, detergents, and cooking oils. Over the years,
various Tata companies have established leading brands ranging from consumer durables to
tea to packaged water. The journey from 1917 to date has seen the group's footprint in the
consumer Goods segment multiply several times.

The group started its Retail foray with the launch of Westside, by Trent in 1998. Other
specialty stores include Croma, by Infiniti Retail and Star Bazaar by Trent.

Tata Global Beverages and Tata Chemicals announced transaction to merge their consumer
products businesses on 15 May 2019

Tata Chemicals divested its fertiliser business and is significantly growing its consumer and
specialty chemistry solutions businesses.

TGB exited marginal markets, including China and Sri Lanka and restructured its Russian

Titan crossed the $10-billion market capitalisation and witnessed strong growth on the back
of structural and regulatory reforms like GST.

Voltas launched a new JV with Arcelik to enter the broader white goods space in India.

Croma turned profitable for the first time.

Westside is growing strongly both in terms of format expansions and store footprint.


The Tata group has been in the infrastructure vertical since the early 1900s.

The story of the group's involvement in the energy sector started with the commissioning of
the Khopoli power station in 1910. Today, the group leads the energy sector in India and
supplies energy to family homes as well as large cities and industries.

The group's prowess in leading large housing, realty and integrated projects is well-known,
and we boast of some of the finest engineering talent in India. In the housing sector, we help
families access affordable housing, and at the same time engage with local, state and national
governments to enable infrastructure projects which include space exploration to smart,
sustainable, livable urban spaces.

Tata Power monetised non-core investments in Telecom and Defence to deleverage the
balance sheet and renewed focus on Renewables and Distribution opportunities under a new

Tata Sons committed Rs 2,500 crore equity in Tata Housing and TRIL to deleverage the
Companies and infuse capital for committed projects. New leadership teams are in place in
both companies with a strategic roadmap for real estate as well as infrastructure verticals

Financial Services-

The group's foray into Financial Services commenced in 1919 under the chairmanship of Sir
Dorab Tata, with the setup of New India Assurance.

The company was nationalised in 1956, but the Tatas' footprint is broad today, serving the
Indian citizen and business with affordable and accessible services across the finance

The flagship company in the financial services sector is Tata Capital with a range of services
that cater to individual and small business requirements. In the insurance sector, our joint
ventures with AIA and AIG serve both Life and Non-Life sectors, and are among the largest
players in India. Tata Asset Management Company offers Mutual Funds, Portfolio
Management Services, Alternate Investment Funds and Offshore Funds.

Tata Capital is one of the largest NBFCs in India with a loan portfolio of Rs 61,445 Cr as of
March 2018

As of December 31, 2018, Tata Asset Management had 1.890,938 investor folios with Rs
53.945 crore in assets under management

In insurance, strong distribution architectures are in place to access a wider customer base
and we are looking at accelerated growth over the next five years

Aerospace & Defence –

The Tata group is leading the 'Make in India' charge in the Defence & Aerospace spaces and
is a key private sector player in the industry.

In aerospace, Tata has emerged as a global, single-source supplier for a number of important
fixed wing and rotary wing programmes. In the defence domain, as a trusted partner to the
Ministry of Defence (MoD), armed forces and Defence Research and Development

Organization (DRDO), Tata is playing an increasingly important role in defence programmes
of strategic importance.

Going forward, the group is focused on: partnering global OEMs for 'Make in India'
programmes for fighters, helicopters, transport aircraft and weapon systems and land
systems; building unmanned systems; supporting other critical aerospace & defence programs
for the Indian defence sector, and setting up world-class aero engine components
manufacturing facilities.

Tata group announced the consolidation of five Aerospace and Defence businesses into a
single entity to be known as Tata A&D

Tata A&D will be amongst India's largest private aerospace and defence players post
consolidation, moving beyond providing individual products to developing integrated
offerings and executing larger and more complex products

Tourism & Travel-

The founder of the Tata group, Jamsetji Tata set up the Tai Mahal hotel in 1903, only one of
bis four dreams that saw fruition during his lifetime.

As the tale goes, his sisters chided him by asking. "Are you really going to build a
bhatarkhana (eating house)?" But he persevered and the Taj Mahal hotel was completed by
1903, boasting of the finest luxuries at that time, and built in the typical cosmopolitan ethos
of Bombay.

The airlines of the Tata group owe their inspiration to another Tata stalwart, JRD Tata who
founded Tata Airlines in 1932. The airline was later christened Air India and was nationalised
in 1956.

Today, the group's companies in the tourism and travel segments cater to individual and
business customers across all facets.

The Tata group onboarded Air India, Air India Express, and Al SATS

IHCL launched Qmin, a repertoire of culinary offerings, including home delivery, and an app.
At the end of FY21, Qmin scaled to 14 cities across the country.

IHCL S0gned a total 17 hotels and opened 7 hotels during FY21.

Vistara has a fleet of 45 brand new aircraft and has added several international destinations.

AirAsia India flies to 17 destinations and covers over 240 direct and connecting routes across
India with 28 Airbus A320 aircraft.

Telecom & Media

Every time you make a call on your mobile or browse your internet, there is a high chance
that a Tata company is at work making it possible.

Over 70% of the world's telecom companies use Tata Communications' networks to bring
their mobile services to you. Over 25% of the world's internet routes are on Tata
Communications' networks. The company also owns the world's largest submarine fibre
network - more than 500,000 km of subsea fibre, and more than 210,000 km of terrestrial

Tata Play Limited (formerly known as Tata Sky Limited), is a joint venture between Tata
Sons Private Limited and TFCF Corporation (formerly known as Twenty-First Century Fox,
InC., and now a part of the Walt Disney Company).

Incorporated in 2001 and initiating services in the year 2006, Tata Play is one of India's
leading Content distribution platforms providing Pay TV and OTT services. Tata Play was
one of the first Direct to Home operators to launch customized channel packs and a-la-carte
channels along with multiple products and platform services that helped redefine the content
Consumption and viewing experience of its subscribers.

Tata Play has a pan-lndia footprint of 23 million connections.

Trading & Investment –

The first enterprise set up by the founder Jamsetji Tata, in 1868, was a private trading firm.

Tata Industries was incorporated set up in 1945 as a managing agency arm of Tata Sons.
Today, it promotes and incubates the group's entry into new businesses. It is also an
investment holding company with stakes in select Tata group companies.

Tata Investment Corporation is a non-banking financial company primarily involved in
investing in long-term investments such as equity shares and equity-related securities.

Tata International is a global trading and distribution company with interests in five business
verticals comprising metals, minerals and agri-trading, auto distribution and leather and
leather products.

Tata International improved profitability for the Metals and Minerals Trading businesses. The
company undertook a restructuring exercise to prune loss-making businesses.

Tata Industries is progressing two new ventures, Flisom and Tata SmartFoodz, from pilot
towards manufacturing at scale.

Tata CLiQ completed its first full financial year of operations and is poised for continued
rapid growth.

2.2 General understanding of industry and the firm’s environment


1. Strengths of Tata Motors

Recognized Brand Image: - Tata Motors is a well-recognized global automotive brand, The
company itself sells its vehicles under various brand names like Jaguar Land Rover, Tata
Daewon, Tata MarCopolo etc. This has not only expanded the company's market has also
increased the brand value and the brand image of the company.

Market Value: - The estimated market capitalization of Tata Motors by Forbes is 4.5 billion
dollars 2021. They ranked as the 1037th position in the Global 2000 top companies in 2020.

Established Distribution System: - Tata Motors has a global distribution network of over
1600 workshops that cover 90% of the country's district. Manufacturing units in different
Countries prove that the company has an active supply chain system.

Market Penetration: Established distribution system gives a competitive advantage which

helps in market penetration. Also providing basic services like rental cars, taxi cabs has
allowed the company to diversity and to reach a greater customer level.

Research and Development: - The company spends more than 23% of its complete budget
on research and development. It shows the company's dedication to its productivity and
growth. Tata Motors has also established its research centres in countries like the UK, India,
Spain, South Korea

International Presence: - Tata Motors is running its business in more than 125 countries

2. Weaknesses of Tata Motors

Greater operational costs and a lower rate of profits: - Though the company has the
acquisition of brands like Jaguar and Land Rover which were successful in the initial years it
made the company more dependent on its subsidiaries. This resulted in a decrease in the
overall sales and profits of the company from the last five years.

Controversies: - Back in 2008 the company had launched the construction work of Tata
Nano in India, Singur and West Bengal. During that time the West Bengal government
interfered and controlled the land under the Land Acquisition Act 1894, where a factory was
going to be built by the company. This happened because West Bengal wanted Tata Motors to
establish a company within the state.

No Foothold in Luxury Segment: - Tata Motors is still struggling to find a strong foothold
in the luxury market, where profit rates are more.

Limited Presence: - As we saw that Tata Motors is operating the business in over 125
countries globally. But unfortunately, the company failed to make a strong impact like its
competitive brands like Ford, Toyota, Honda, and Volkswagen.

3. Opportunities of Tata Motors

Digital Marketing: - We are all familiar with the terms of digital marketing and the benefits
of marketing a product digitally. Almost every top brand and company is using social media
to connect with their target audience. Tata Motors should also take full advantage of all the
platforms of social media and increase their engagement with their target audience. Which
will help the company to get proper feedback about improving the products and services.

Tata Nano: - Being the most affordable Tata Nano was not a great success in India and got
shut down by 2018, but still the company can implement this model in other countries and
see the feasibility.

The Supply Chain and Service: - The best way for the company to enlarge its market
further is by expanding its supply chain system and distribution network in its current market.

Acquisition, Merger, Joint Venturing: - This has already helped the company before as it
already has famous brands like Jaguar, Daewoo, Hitachi etc. The company should keep
following the same pattern with other brands. As it will help the company to increase its sales
and profitability.

4. Threats to Tata Motors –

Pandemic: - Pandemic was not only deadly to health but also to the economy as well all
around the world. During the pandemic, - people lost jobs and lots of companies went out of
business. Pandemic will always be a big threat to all the companies and businesses out there.

Competitors: - Tesla, Honda, Hyundai, BMW etc are big competitors of Tata Motors.
Competitors market share growth and customer's market expansion results in lower market
share for the company.

Price: - The competitors are always in competition with Tata Motors on price as they offer
the latest advanced designs and features at lower prices. Which in return impacts the sales
and profit of Tata Motors.

Innovation of Competitors: - Their competitors have got lots of access to skilled

professionals and resources which helps them to create innovative technology and designs
with better engineering in this industry. Innovation is good for industrial growth but is one of
the threats to the industry.


1. Political:

- Government Policies and Regulations: TATA Motors operates in multiple countries and is
subject to various government policies and regulations related to the automotive industry,
including emission standards, safety regulations, and import/export tariffs.

- Political Stability: Political instability in the countries where TATA Motors has a significant
presence can impact business operations, investments, and supply chain management.

2. Economic:

- Economic Growth: The overall economic growth and stability of the markets TATA Motors
operates in can affect consumer purchasing power and demand for automobiles.

- Currency Fluctuations: As TATA Motors is a global company, currency fluctuations can

impact its revenues and profitability, especially when it comes to exporting and importing
vehicles and components.

- Interest Rates: Changes in interest rates can influence borrowing costs for the company and
consumer financing options, thereby affecting vehicle sales.

3. Social:

- Demographic Trends: Changing demographics, such as population growth, age distribution,

and lifestyle preferences, can influence the demand for different types of vehicles.

- Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer preferences towards sustainable and eco-friendly

vehicles, as well as preferences for specific features, impact TATA Motors' product
development and marketing strategies.

- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Increasing societal expectations for responsible

business practices may necessitate a stronger focus on CSR initiatives by TATA Motors.

4. Technological:

- Innovation and R&D: Rapid advancements in technology can impact TATA Motors' ability
to innovate and develop new and advanced vehicle models to meet market demands and
comply with environmental regulations.

- Autonomous and Electric Vehicles: The development and adoption of autonomous and
electric vehicles present both opportunities and challenges for TATA Motors to remain
competitive in the market.

5. Legal:

- Environmental Regulations: Stringent environmental regulations, such as emission

standards and fuel efficiency requirements, influence TATA Motors' product development and
manufacturing processes.

- Trade Agreements: Changes in international trade agreements can affect TATA Motors'
access to foreign markets and impact its global supply chain.

6. Environmental:

- Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Increasing awareness of environmental issues
necessitates TATA Motors to focus on sustainable practices, including reducing the carbon
footprint of its vehicles and manufacturing processes.

- Natural Disasters: Environmental risks, such as natural disasters, can disrupt supply chains
and impact production and distribution operations.

2.3 Major Clients of the firm

Major clients of the firm are - European OEM's car for India, French Auto Parts
Manufacturing Co., India Operations, Indian Motorcycle OEM, Indian OEM's Farm Tractor,
Japanese OEM's MUV for India, Japanese OEM's car for India, South African Car, French
Co, European Operations, Indian Auto Plastics Co., Indian Tier 1, Japanese Tier 1 for India
Operations, American OEMs car for India, American OEM's Farm Tractor, British OEM's
Aluminium car, German Engineering Co, Indian Operations, Tata Motors Thailand, Pick up,
British OEM's, SUV

2.4 Major Product of the firm covering Product Mix analysis.

Tata Tiago, Tata Indica, Tata Nano, Tata Indigo, Tata Harrier, Tata Ace, Tata Sumo,

Tata Nexon, Tata Winger, Tata Tigor, Tata Safari, Tata Altroz, Tata Tigor EV, Tata Bolt, Tata
Hexa, Tata 407, Tata Zest, Tata Telcoline, Commercial vehicle, Tata Prima,

Tata Punch, Tata Sumo Grande, Tata Starbus, TATA Nexon EV.

Product Mix of tata Motors encompasses a diverse range of vehicles catering to various
market segments. Here are the different categories of vehicles offered by the company:

1.Passenger Vehicles:

Hatchbacks: Tata Tiago, Tata Altroz

Sedans: Tata Tigor

Compact SUVs: Tata Nexon, Tata Safari

Mid-Size SUVs: Tata Harrier

Electric Vehicles: Tata Nexon EV, Tata Tigor EV

2.Commercial Vehicles:

Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs): Tata Ace, Tata Intra

Intermediate Commercial Vehicles (ICVs): Tata Ultra

Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles (M&HCVs): Tata Signa, Tata Prima, Tata LPT,
Tata Construct


Tata Marcopolo buses: City buses, Intercity buses, Luxury coaches

4.Defense Vehicles:

Armored vehicles, troop carriers, logistics vehicles

5.Construction and Mining Equipment:

Excavators, loaders, dump trucks, compactors (offered under Tata Hitachi brand)

6.Electric Mobility Solutions:

Electric buses, electric commercial vehicles, electric passenger vehicles

7.Luxury Vehicles (through Jaguar Land Rover subsidiary):

Luxury sedans: Jaguar XE, Jaguar XF

Luxury SUVs: Jaguar F-PACE, Jaguar E-PACE, Land Rover Discovery, Land Rover Range
Rover, Land Rover Range Rover Evoque, Land Rover Range Rover Velar

It's important to note that Tata Motors' product mix may evolve over time with the
introduction of new models, updates to existing vehicles, and changes in market demand.

2.5 Major Competitors of the firm using competitors mapping

Tata Motors, a subsidiary of the Tata Group, is one of the leading automobile manufacturers
in India and has a significant presence in the global automotive market. While Tata Motors
has established itself as a major player, it faces tough competition from several prominent
competitors in the industry. Let's explore some of the key competitors of Tata Motors.

1. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.: Maruti Suzuki is the largest automobile manufacturer in India
and has been dominating the Indian market for decades. The company offers a wide range of
popular passenger vehicles across different segments, including hatchbacks, sedans, and
SUVs. Maruti Suzuki's strong distribution network, robust after-sales service, and brand
loyalty have contributed to its success and intense competition with Tata Motors.
2. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.: Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) is another major Indian
automotive manufacturer that competes with Tata Motors. Known for its utility vehicles and
tractors, M&M has a strong presence in the SUV segment. The company has expanded its
global reach and product portfolio over the years and offers competitive models that cater to
diverse customer needs.

3. Hyundai Motor Company: Hyundai, a South Korean automotive manufacturer, has

gained significant traction in the Indian market. The company's focus on offering feature-rich
and technologically advanced vehicles has resonated well with Indian consumers. Hyundai
has established a strong brand reputation and competes with Tata Motors in various segments,
including hatchbacks, sedans, and SUVs.

4. Honda Motor Co., Ltd.: Honda is a renowned Japanese automobile manufacturer that
competes with Tata Motors in both the two-wheeler and four-wheeler segments. In the Indian
market, Honda has a strong presence in the motorcycle and scooter segment. Additionally,
Honda's lineup of compact and mid-size sedans offers competition to Tata Motors' passenger

5. Ford Motor Company: Ford, an American multinational automaker, has been operating in
the Indian market for several years. While Ford's presence in India has seen fluctuations, the
company continues to be a competitor to Tata Motors, particularly in the SUV and crossover
segments. Ford's robust SUV models and strong brand recognition make it a formidable

6. Toyota Motor Corporation: Toyota, a global automotive giant, competes with Tata
Motors in the Indian market, primarily in the SUV and sedan segments. Known for its
reliability and durability, Toyota vehicles have a dedicated customer base in India. The
company's hybrid offerings and commitment to sustainability further enhance its competitive

7. Volkswagen Group: Volkswagen is a German automotive conglomerate that competes
with Tata Motors in the passenger car segment. With brands like Volkswagen, Skoda, and
Audi, the group offers a diverse range of vehicles targeting different customer segments.
Volkswagen's engineering expertise and European styling give it an edge in the competition.

8. General Motors Company: General Motors (GM), an American multinational

corporation, has had a presence in the Indian market for many years. While GM's operations
in India have been scaled down, the company still competes with Tata Motors, particularly in
the SUV and sedan segments. GM's global brand recognition and technology transfer have
contributed to its competition with Tata Motors.

2.6 Organization structure of the firm mentioning hierarchy and functions.
The head of the Corporate Social Responsibility is CSO Pune, he heads the CSR Mumbai, he
heads the DGM CSR Jamshedpur, DGM CSR Pune, DGM CSR Lucknow, Senior Manager
CSR Sanand, Senior Manager CSR Pantnagar and CSR of Dharwad


CSR Activities performed by TATA Group

Tata Motors has harmonized its CSR initiatives Pan-India through a Common Minimum
Programme across locations, while at the same time, in response to local need assessments, it
has built agility and flexible into its CSR initiatives via Location Specific Projects.

➢ The Company’s CSR programmes are selected, planned and designed based on inputs
from its stakeholders and material issues identified via a structured process.

➢ The CSR Programmes of Tata Motors are rolled out at seven locations across the country.

➢ The CSR policy and the CSR Strategy of the Company act as guidelines for implementing
the programmes across locations.

➢ Local needs of the community

➢ India’s National priorities

➢ UN Sustainable Development Goals


Tata Motors follows the proximity linked approach for its CSR projects, which translates into
a desired percentage of its CSR spend being allocated on the basis of the radial distance of
communities from its plants.


“Being a responsible corporate citizen driving inclusive growth, social equity, sustainable
development and nation building” is the stated purpose of Tata Motors.








Tata Motors’ strategic objective is to consolidate and focus programmes that have a high and
meaningful impact on communities.

The corporate social responsibility activities performed by TATA GROUP are following:

In order to leverage the demographic dividend of our country, Company’s CSR efforts shall
focus on Health, Education, Employability and Environment interventions for relevant target
groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference to needy and deserving communities
inhabiting urban and semi urban India. Company shall also develop a CSR annual action plan
covering details of the program, manner of execution, modality of utilization, monitoring and
reporting mechanism, and impact assessment, wherever applicable. The company will
continue its robust monitoring and evaluation processes of all the CSR projects and

CSR at TATA motors shall be underpinned by “More from Less for More” philosophy which
implies striving to achieve greater impacts, outcomes and outputs from our CSR projects and
programmes by judicious investment and utilization of financial and human resources,
engaging in like- minded stakeholder partnerships for higher outreach benefiting more lives.
Company shall disburse milestone linked payment to the CSR implementing partners.


In sync with the TATA Tradition, TATA Motors is committed in world and in spirit towards
Corporate Social Responsibility. It is a signatory to United Nation Global Compact and is
engaged in Community and social initiatives on labour and environment standards in
compliance with the principles of the Global Compact.


The corporate social responsibility at Lucknow is Carried out through two societies Samaj
Vikas Kendra (SVK) and Jan parivar Kalyan Sansthan (JPKS). SVK looks after the
education, employability & Environment needs while JPKS take care of medical and health
needs of the surrounding community.

Samaj Vikas Kendra is registered under the society registration act of 1860 and has 80G
&12A exemption under Income Tax. It was initiated in 1996 with 3 villages keeping in mind
the objective of sustainable development of the community and its resources & now impacts
28 villages of Lucknow and Barabanki districts impacting about 30000 lives, SVK’s
objective is aligned with philosophy laid by TATA COUNCIL OF COMMUNITY
INITIATIVES. It has taken the lead in assembling strength of the villagers to ensure a
community based approach, sharply focused strategies and implementation through
community participation.

The society, since its inception in 1996, has continued to build an enduring relationship with
the community through its various programmers and strategies.

Project under SVK

1) Education

The primary focus of the education programme is to improve the quality of education. The
society is currently working with 15 Government primary, Middle and Intern schools of 29
villages. The key activities include:

➢ Infrastructure Support for primary schools.

➢ Support to teaching learning material.

➢ Support for teacher training

➢ Support to school dropouts

2) Employability

The prime focus of the employability program is to create livelihood and employment
opportunities for the poor and marginalized. Major programmes are-

➢ Vocational training for the village women and youth (in partnership with Jan Shikshan

➢ Training on the automotive and non-automotive trades for youth (in partnership with
different agencies)

➢ Training youth on developing enterprises

➢ Formation of women self-help groups (SHGs)

3) Environment

Its prime objective is increasing the green cover through the afforestation process and
sensitizing the stakeholders for the judicious use and preservation of the natural resources.
The major programmes are:

➢ Plantation of sapling in surrounding villages and schools (in partnership with the village

➢ Infrastructure development (In partnership with village panchayat).

Projects under JPKS

1) Health Initiatives

To reach the poor, Jan Parivar sansthan a society registered under societies Act 1860 came
into being in year 2000 and has 29 villages where we provide regular health services in the
following ways

➢ Curative

➢ Preventive

➢ Free camps


For accessibility to safe drinking water SVK has installed 86 India Mark II, covering almost
29 catchment villages with the contribution from SMDF (Sumant Moolgaonkar Development

3.1 Tasks to be performed:

 Preparation and conduction of Women's Day Celebration in the plant, made creatives,
contest Posters, conducted quizzes and games to make the event more interactive for
women's day celebration.
 Went to nearby village school for spreading the awareness by conducting a short and
happening quiz on the occasion of Founder’s Day (the birth anniversary of the
founder of Tata group, Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata). - A CSR (Corporate Social
Responsibility) activity conducted by TATA.
 Prepared invites for conduction of Webinars, Interactive sessions, Virtual seminars,
get other invites and all other activities occurring inside the plant.
 Designing of Holi creatives and contest to make the employees more driven to the
company through holidays too.
 Prepared Digital Magazines named DIVA DIGI SCROLL (for March, April, May)
made for all the white-collar female employees of the plant.
 Preparation of Daily Newsletters released by the internal communication department -
VIBES. (Daily preparation and updating of the content published through
 Preparation of Strides (a compilation of every month activities occurred in the plant),
Darpan Dil se (A compilation of creative things in the form of art, poetry, personal
stuff by employees and their family members) every month.
 Creation of Dashboards for White collar Training for FY 21-22

 Preparation of creatives and various contests (Crossword, quiz, home library photo
contest) for World Book Day.
 Preparation of creatives and contests for Mother's Day.
 Analyze Tata Motors' CSR approach, including its Pan-India Common Minimum
Programme and Location Specific Projects, as well as the factors considered in
selecting CSR programs.
 Examine Tata Motors' CSR mission and the tenets of its CSR strategy, focusing on the
key principles guiding its CSR initiatives.
 Evaluate the specific CSR activities performed by Tata Motors and the TATA Group,
such as Aarogya (health), Kaushalya (Employability & Skill), Vidyadhanam
(Education), Amrutdhara (water), Aadhaar (Affirmative), Seva (Volunteering), and
Vasundhara (Environment).
 Assess Tata Motors' CSR activities at the Lucknow location, considering the role of
the societies Samaj Vikas Kendra (SVK) and Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan (JPKS) in
executing CSR programs.
 Investigate the projects under Samaj Vikas Kendra (SVK), including education,
employability, and environment-related initiatives, along with their impact on the
surrounding communities.
 Explore the health initiatives under Jan Parivar Sansthan (JPKS) and its services
aimed at reaching the poor in 29 villages.

3.2 Detailed Analysis of the Tasks:

 Tata Motors has a comprehensive CSR approach, harmonizing initiatives across India
while being flexible to cater to local needs. Stakeholder inputs and material issues
play a vital role in the selection and design of CSR programs.
 Tata Motors' CSR mission emphasizes responsible corporate citizenship and focuses
on inclusive growth, social equity, sustainable development, and nation-building. The
CSR strategy is guided by tenets such as adopting a human life cycle approach,
leveraging all stakeholders, and measuring social capital.
 TATA Group's CSR activities encompass diverse areas, including health,
employability, education, water, affirmative initiatives, volunteering, and

environment. These activities are aligned with India's national priorities and the UN
Sustainable Development Goals.
 At the Lucknow location, Tata Motors executes CSR through two societies, Samaj
Vikas Kendra (SVK) and Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan (JPKS). SVK addresses
education, employability, and environmental needs, while JPKS focuses on health-
related initiatives.
 Samaj Vikas Kendra (SVK) in Lucknow works on enhancing the quality of education,
providing support to schools, teacher training, and empowering youth through
vocational training and skill development. The society also emphasizes environmental
conservation through plantation and infrastructure development.
 Jan Parivar Sansthan (JPKS) is involved in providing regular health services,
including curative, preventive, and free health camps, primarily catering to the needs
of the underprivileged communities in 29 villages.

3.3 Approach of Performing Tasks:

To analyse Tata Motors' CSR approach, a review of the company's CSR policies, reports, and
public statements was conducted.

For evaluating the specific CSR activities, a detailed examination of the programs and their
outcomes, supported by data and Primary Research was performed

To assess the impact of Samaj Vikas Kendra (SVK) and Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan (JPKS),
field visits, surveys, and interviews with beneficiaries and stakeholders is be conducted.

3.4 Final Conclusion of Tasks:

Tata Motors demonstrates a robust CSR approach, encompassing multiple domains and
focusing on key target groups. Its commitment to addressing local needs, national priorities,
and sustainable development aligns with the broader mission of the TATA Group. The efforts
in Lucknow, executed through Samaj Vikas Kendra (SVK) and Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan
(JPKS), have positively impacted education, employability, health, and environmental
conservation, benefiting the communities they serve. By leveraging stakeholders, adopting

innovative approaches, and measuring social capital, Tata Motors aims to achieve greater
impacts from its CSR projects, reflecting its responsible corporate citizenship. Continuous
monitoring and evaluation of CSR programs ensure the efficient utilization of resources and
sustained positive outcomes.


4.1 Choice of Data Analysis Techniques:

For this study on CSR awareness at Tata Motors Lucknow, a mixed-method approach is
employed to analyse the data collected through the cross-sectional survey. The data analysis
techniques utilized include:

Quantitative Data Analysis:

For the closed-ended questions in the structured questionnaire, quantitative data analysis will
be conducted using descriptive statistics. Frequencies and percentages will be calculated to
summarize and present the survey responses. This approach will allow for a numerical
representation of the employees' level of awareness of CSR activities and policies.

Qualitative Data Analysis:

For the open-ended questions in the questionnaire, qualitative data analysis will be performed
thematically. Responses will be categorized into common themes and recurring patterns. This
thematic analysis will provide insights into the employees' perspectives and opinions on CSR
initiatives, enabling a deeper understanding of their awareness levels.

Mixed-Method Analysis:

By integrating both quantitative and qualitative data analysis, the study aims to provide a
comprehensive understanding of CSR awareness among Tata Motors Lucknow employees.

This mixed-method approach allows for triangulation, where findings from both types of data
can be compared and corroborated to draw meaningful and valid conclusions.


for the purpose of collection of primary data, one web administered questionnaire was
prepared through Google Form. This questionnaire link was mailed and shared through
WhatsApp and Email to the respective respondent and data was collected through the
Microsoft form. It was highly for the employees of Tata Motors, Lucknow

working at different department of the Plant.

STATISTICAL TOOLS: Pie charts and Bar graphs

Justification for the Choice of Techniques:

The mixed-method approach is justified as it offers a more holistic and nuanced analysis of
CSR awareness at Tata Motors Lucknow. By combining quantitative data (numbers and
percentages) with qualitative data (insights and perspectives), the research can capture both
the breadth and depth of employees' awareness levels and their perceptions of CSR activities
and policies. The quantitative analysis provides a structured representation of the data, while
the qualitative analysis offers richer insights into the underlying reasons and contexts
influencing CSR awareness. This combination of methods enhances the rigor and validity of
the study's findings and interpretations.

4.2 Outcomes and Interpretation of Outcomes:

1. Overall CSR Awareness Levels: The study will reveal the extent to which employees are
aware of Tata Motors' CSR initiatives and policies. It will provide a snapshot of the general
awareness level among the workforces.

2. Departmental Variations: The analysis may uncover variations in CSR awareness levels
across different departments within the organization. Some departments might show higher
awareness than others, indicating potential areas for improvement in communication and

3. Factors Influencing Awareness: The qualitative analysis will shed light on the factors
influencing employees' awareness of CSR activities and policies. This could include the
effectiveness of communication channels, leadership support, and organizational culture.

4. Employee Perceptions: Employees' open-ended responses will provide insights into their
perceptions of the company's CSR efforts. Positive feedback may highlight areas of success,
while critical feedback may indicate potential gaps that need addressing.

5. Identification of Improvement Areas: The study may identify specific areas where CSR
awareness can be improved. This could lead to actionable recommendations for enhancing
communication and engagement strategies.

6. Impact of CSR Awareness: The analysis might explore whether higher CSR awareness
among employees correlates with increased engagement, satisfaction, and commitment to the

Chapter 5: Conclusion & Learning Outcome

5.1 Brief Description of Recommendations:

Based on the analysis of CSR awareness at Tata Motors Lucknow plant, the following
recommendations are proposed to enhance employee engagement and awareness of CSR
activities and policies:

1. Communication and Awareness Campaigns: Implement regular communication and

awareness campaigns to disseminate information about CSR initiatives. Utilize various
communication channels such as emails, newsletters, notice boards, and intranet to reach all
employees effectively.

2. Employee Training and Workshops: Conduct training sessions and workshops to educate
employees about the company's CSR goals, projects, and their contributions. Encourage
active participation and feedback during these sessions.

3.Employee Engagement Programs: Organize employee engagement programs related to

CSR activities, such as volunteering opportunities, visits to project sites, and involvement in
local community events.

4. Involvement of Middle Management: Involve middle management in promoting CSR

awareness among their teams. Middle managers can act as role models and advocates for
CSR, fostering a culture of responsibility and engagement.

5. Performance Recognition: Recognize and reward employees who actively participate in

CSR activities and contribute to the community. Acknowledging their efforts will motivate
others to get involved and raise awareness.

6. Employee Feedback Mechanism: Establish a structured feedback mechanism where
employees can share their suggestions, concerns, and ideas related to CSR. This will create a
sense of ownership and inclusivity.

7. Collaboration with External Stakeholders: Collaborate with external stakeholders, such as

local communities and NGOs, to involve employees in meaningful and impactful CSR
initiatives. Joint projects can strengthen community relationships.

8. Longitudinal Tracking: Conduct longitudinal surveys over time to monitor changes in CSR
awareness and its impact on employee engagement. This will allow the organization to
measure the effectiveness of awareness strategies.

9. Cross-Departmental Integration: Promote cross-departmental collaboration and knowledge

sharing on CSR activities. This will foster a sense of unity and shared responsibility towards
CSR goals.

10.Metrics and Evaluation: Implement metrics to measure the impact of CSR activities on
both the community and employee satisfaction. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of CSR
initiatives and make improvements based on feedback.

11.External Communication: Share success stories and impact reports of CSR projects
externally to build the company's reputation and engage external stakeholders.

5.2 Learning from the Project:

The project on assessing CSR awareness at Tata Motors Lucknow provided valuable learning
experiences for the researcher. Some key takeaways include:

1. Research Design: The researcher gained hands-on experience in designing a cross-

sectional survey to assess CSR awareness. Understanding the importance of clear objectives,
questionnaire design, and sampling techniques was crucial for the success of the study.

2. Data Collection and Analysis: The project involved collecting both quantitative and
qualitative data, which required proficiency in data analysis techniques such as descriptive
statistics and thematic analysis. Learning to analyze mixed-method data provided a
comprehensive understanding of the research findings.

3. Ethical Considerations: The researcher developed an understanding of ethical

considerations in research, including obtaining informed consent, ensuring data
confidentiality, and maintaining objectivity throughout the study.

4. CSR Practices: Through the analysis of Tata Motors' CSR activities, the researcher
deepened their knowledge of the diverse areas and approaches of CSR in a corporate setting.
Understanding the impact of CSR initiatives on communities was enlightening.

5. Recommendations: The project allowed the researcher to formulate practical and

actionable recommendations to improve CSR awareness and engagement. Tailoring
recommendations to the specific context of Tata Motors Lucknow plant highlighted the
importance of context-aware solutions.

5.3 Limitations of the Project:

The project faced certain limitations that may have influenced the findings and

1. Small Sample Size: The limited sample size of employees at Tata Motors Lucknow plant
may not fully represent the entire workforce, potentially affecting the generalizability of the

2. Response Bias: Despite efforts to minimize response bias, participants may have provided
socially desirable answers, impacting the accuracy of the CSR awareness levels.

3. Time Constraints: The project was conducted within a specific time frame due to internship
limitations. This constraint may have limited the depth and breadth of data collection and

5.4 Scope of Further Work:

1. Longitudinal Studies: Conducting longitudinal studies over an extended period can track
changes in CSR awareness and its impact on employee engagement over time.

2. Stakeholder Perspective: Expanding the study to include perspectives from external

stakeholders, such as customers and communities, can provide a holistic view of CSR
awareness and its effectiveness.

3. Comparative Analysis: Comparing CSR awareness levels across different locations or

organizations within the Tata Group can identify best practices and areas for improvement.

4. CSR Impact Assessment: Undertaking a comprehensive impact assessment of CSR

initiatives to measure their social, environmental, and economic outcomes will add depth to
future research.

5. Online Surveys: Utilizing online survey platforms can reach a broader audience of
employees and streamline data collection and analysis.

In conclusion, addressing the lack of awareness about CSR activities and policies at Tata
Motors Lucknow plant is essential for fulfilling CSR commitments, engaging stakeholders,
enhancing reputation, and making a positive impact on society and the environment. By
implementing CSR activities Tata Motors can foster a culture of responsible corporate
citizenship, positively influence employee morale and performance, and contribute to the
organization's long-term success and sustainable growth. Emphasizing CSR awareness will
not only benefit Tata Motors as a responsible corporate entity but also create a lasting positive
impact on the communities it serves

6. References

TATA Annual CSR report



https:l/ id=5471



7 Appendices
Questionnaire –

Employee volunteering in corporate social responsibility activities

1.Name Required to answer. Single line text.

Enter your answer.

2.Designation at TATA Motors

Enter your answer.

3.How familiar are you with the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Single
Very familiar

Somewhat familiar

Not familiar at all

4.Have you previously been involved in any volunteering activities at Tata Motors Plant,


5.What types of CSR activities would you be interested in participating in? (Select all that

Environmental conservation projects

Community development and welfare programs

Education and skill development initiatives

Health and sanitation campaigns

Disaster relief efforts

6.How important do you think it is for Tata Motors to engage in corporate social
responsibility initiatives?
Extremely important

Somewhat important


Not important

7.Are there any specific skills or expertise you would like to contribute through employee
Enter your answer.

8.How much time are you willing to dedicate to employee volunteering activities in a month?
1-2 hours

3-5 hours

6-10 hours

More than 10 hours

9.How would you prefer to receive information and updates about upcoming CSR
volunteering opportunities? (Select all that apply)
Email notifications

Intranet or company website

Posters and notice boards

Team meetings or departmental briefings


10.Would you be interested in receiving training or workshops related to CSR and employee


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