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Hydrostatic force on plane surface

Center of Pressure

- Point of application

- Dito nag aact yung force

- In dams, gate valves are subjected to fluid pressure distributed in its surface area

- Laging nasa baba ng Center of gravity [centroid ng shapes]

Inclined or vertical plane submerged in a liquid

- h' or h bar – horizontal distance from the water surface to the center of gravity (Cg) of the

plane area

- y’ or y bar – inclined distance (or distance) from the water surface to Cg = h’ pag naka

vertical ung gate

- y - inclined distance from the water surface to differential Area (Strip area na kinuha)

- 𝑦𝑝 - inclined distance from the water surface to F

- 𝑦𝑝 = 𝑦 ′ + 𝐴𝑦𝑔′ = y’ + e

- Eccentricity (e) - distance from the Cg to Cp

- e = 𝐴𝑦𝑔′

- 𝐼𝑔 = Centroidal moment of Inertia

- A = Area of plane surface

- Fn – minimum normal force @ vertex required to open the gate

- F – applied perpendicular to the plane surface

- F = 𝛾ℎ′ 𝐴

- Mag moment sa point S

- To get the force to open the gate (Fn), sum moments at the hinge

- If there is an added pressure at the top of the liquid, convert it to liquid so that it will have
a 0 pressure at the top. The liquid then will have an added height. h = 𝛾

- If you are asked to find the location of F but not mentioning the reference point, just

solve e

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