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Bulacan State University

College of Business Administration

AY 2022-2023
PIC 101


Name: BORLONGAN, Jianne Jaycee G. Date: September 18, 2022

Course/Year/Section: BSAIS 3B Scores:

Direction: WRITE one page on this: On Dr. Felipe Jocano’s Disputes, -what theoretical
arguments did he used to prove his claim about the FIRST INHABITANTS OF THE
PHILIPPINES? (25 points, Tagalog, Taglish, or English could be used.)

Evolution Theory
Dr. Felipe Landa Jocano opposes the belief and theory introduced and disseminated by
Beyer, the Migration Theory. Hence, in this paper, I will explain how Dr. Jocano asserted another
claim, the Evolution Theory, which disputes the former supposition.

Jocano believes that the first inhabitants of our country are the same inhabitants who went
to Guinea, Borneo, and Java. He claims that it is hard to prove that Cavemen or Aetas (Beyer’s
Theory) were the first people in the Philippines. This affirmation of Jocano is evidenced by the
skull and jaw found in the Tabon Caves, Palawan back in 1962. The found fossils are said to be
from 21,000 to 22,000 years ago, which proves that the owner of the bones are present in the
country even before it is evident at the Malay Peninsula.

Moreover, for that reason and foundation, Jocano considers the first inhabitants of the
Philippines did not come from Malay Peninsula, opposite to the claim of Beyer.

Furthermore, the fossils found are pertained to as TABON MAN, which is said to be similar
to the physiques of Peking Man and Java Man. The mentioned Tabon Man is claimed to be
knowledgeable about gathering fruits and plants for his food. He used weapons as well, that are
made of stones.

With the abovementioned happenings and reasonings, Jocano claims that the first people
of Southeast Asia (not just the Philippines) are results of evolution and migration. The people he
pertains to as first inhabitants then separated ways and went to different countries, which gives a
good reason on why similar fossils and remains are found in different sides of the world, hence,
giving advantageous proof to his Evolution Theory.

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