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Geography and History of the World

Semester 1 Final Exam Review

Unit 1 – Introduction
 Latitude  latitude is north  Parallel  west to east  Distribution a spread out
to south of earth  Prime Meridian  over a geographic area
 Longitude  longitude is Greenwich o Density
east to west  Equator  an imaginary line o Concentration
 Scale the size of area in the dividing the earth o Pattern
map  International date-line  Expansion Diffusion 
 Place  a space or location separates calendar dates innovation spreading
 Site  a settlement in an  Region a land or ocean o hierarchical
area with a common o contagious
 Situation  a location characteristic  Relocation Diffusion 
relative to other places  Globalization  connection moving of people
 Meridian  is running from of societies from different
south to north and is set to 0 regions

Unit 2 – Ancient Civilizations

 Neolithic Revolution (1st  Ziggurat  food surplus  Bureaucracy  state officals
Agricultural Rev)  storages  Old, Middle, and New
agricultural revolution start  City-state an individual Kingdoms
of food  Mummification 
 Domestication of pets made  Code of Hammurabi  laws mummifying
by ancestors that the baby loins had to  Hieroglyphics  Writing
 Division of labor  a follow system and language
specific job in a given area  Polytheism  believing in  Indus and Ganges Rivers
 Civilization (7Characteristics) more than god  Subcontinent  a part of
 religion, writing,  Cuneiform  writing system continent
organized govt  Nile River river in Africa  Monsoons certain winds
 Artisan a person who  Delta  mouth of river that are seasonal
does work  Cataract  rapid  Citadel  a public bath
 Tigris and Euphrates Rivers  Pharaoh King of Egypt place
rivers in mesomatpia  Theocracy  a deity for a  Huang He and Yangtze
 Fertile Crescent  is a certain place Rivers
fertile piece of land

Unit 3 – World Religions

 Christianity  Universalizing Religions   Eightfold Path
 Islam accepting all  Nirvana  Liberated
 Hindu  Ethnic Religions  limited  Middle Way  middle path
 Buddhism to ethnicity not extreme
 Judaism  Buddha  Siddtharatha  Division of Buddhism
 Story of Siddhartha  Theravada
 Jainism
 Four Noble Truths  , truth  Mahayana
 Atheism
of suffering, end of  Tibetan
 Agnosticism suffering,pain is caused by  Messiah  savior
desire,  Bible  Christian book
 Muhammad  Last messiah  5 Pillars of Islam  Hebrews  jewish beliver
 Mecca Holy place  Confucianism  Monotheistic  there is
 Muslims people who  Daoism only one god
believe in Islam  Exile  away from society  Abraham (not Lincoln)
 Qur’an  Holy book of  Diaspora

Unit 4 – Age of Exploration

 What was the Age of  Navigation  Sir Francis Drake
Exploration? Time of  Conquistador  Zheng He
expansion  Circumnavigation  Queen Elizabeth
 What prompted the Age of  Astrolabe  Ferdinand Magellan
Exploration?  Trading  Caravel  Christopher Columbus
with Asia more trade routes.  Ethnocentric Earth is in  Bartolomeu Dias
 Colony  Land of country Centre of universe  Henry Cabot
outside country  Vasco Da Gama  Amerigo Vespucci

Unit 5 – Revolutions
 Revolution  act against  Enclosure  area of land to  Locke
 Non-violent versus violent grow food  Tull
revolutions (be able to  Secular   Townsend
recognize examples of each)  Salon philosophical area to  Watt
 Renaissance  philosophical talk about ideas  What contributed to these
movement  Leonardo Da Vinci occurring: (all in notes!)
 Reformation   Michelangelo o Renaissance
 The Scientific Revolution  Copernicus o Industrial Revolution
started of new era that we  Medici Family  Know all the revolutions in
live in  Gutenberg chronological order – there’s
 Agricultural Revolution   Machiavelli a slide in our Enlightenment
start of agricultural era  Isaac Newton PowerPoint 
 Enlightenment start of  Bacon  How did the Enlightenment
philosophical  Galileo contribute to the American
 Industrial Revolution (know  Hobbes Revolution?
where this happened, too)

Unit 6 – Imperialism
 What is Imperialism?  expansion of country for  Which African countries remained independent
colonies etc during Imperialism?  Liberia and Ethiopia
 Reasons for Imperialism in Africa and Asia  food  Rwandan Genocide  killing of power for Hutu
trade  When did most African countries gain
 Berlin Conference splitting of Africa independence? 1950-1975
 Cash crop  made money  Afrikaners  Europeans living in Africa
 “White Man’s Burden”  white man has to teach  Shogun  king in Japan
others  Militarism and Industrialization in Japan
 Nelson Mandela  first black president of Africa  China’s Opium Wars and Boxer Rebellion
 Apartheid  segregation  Meiji Restoration
 Pan-Africanism  Isolationism

Unit 7 – Conflict (WWI)

1. M.A.N.I.A. – Know each letter and how all were a cause of WWI.
2. How was Serbia involved in starting WWI and what was the name of the group from Serbia responsible for being a
cause of the war Black hand
3. What is the Domino Effect leading up to WWI? Know the order of each country’s entry into the beginning of WWI
beginning with the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  Serbia, Austria, Germany, Russia, France, Belgium
and Britain
4. Be prepared to describe how WWI can best be described as a stalemate on the Western front.
5. Identify and describe some of the new weaponry designed for and used in World War One. Machine guns
6. Be prepared to describe trench warfare and life in the trenches.
7. Be able to describe the Zimmerman note and what the effects of it.
8. Define Armistice
9. Why did Germany surrender and what was the shape of their country at the time of their surrender?
10. Be prepared to discuss the Treaty of Versailles, its effects, who got what, and how it wound up treating Germany like a

11. Be ready to identify The Big 3 and their different approaches to handling the Central Powers after the Great War.
12. Be prepared to be able to differentiate THE KEY MEMBERS OF EACH OF THE following alliances
a. The Triple Alliance
b. The Triple Entente
c. The Central Powers
d. The Allied Powers
13. League of Nations – what was it, who came up with the idea, and how involved was the U.S. with the League?
14. Why Russia wasn’t invited to the palace of Versailles to discuss the treaty with the Central powers?

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