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Physics of Everyday Phenomena A

Conceptual Introduction to Physics 8th

Edition Griffith Solutions Manual
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sensitive material (mood-ring material, in other words) over the
10 Temperature and Heat board when finished. Students will see that the part hit by the
hammer is warmer. You can also explore the determination of
absolute zero using a constant volume gas thermometer (EMD
S41766), if such equipment is available. In addition to getting
1 Temperature and its Measurement a reasonably good value for absolute zero, it shows students
2 Heat and Specific Heat Capacity the use of a different thermometric property, the pressure of a
3 Joule’s Experiment and the First Law of Thermodynamics gas. You should employ three constant temperature baths: a
4 Gas Behavior and the First Law bucket containing boiling water, a bucket containing a mixture
5 The Flow of Heat of ice and water and a Dewar with liquid nitrogen. Students
Everyday Phenomenon: Heat Packs can see the meaning of the concept of thermal equilibrium as
Everyday Phenomenon: Solar Collectors and the the pressure gauge comes to a steady reading after the
Greenhouse Effect thermometer has been submerged for a while. The
extrapolation generally gives a value within 2%.
This chapter covers a wide range of fundamental The hot drill bit shows that work produces the same effect
concepts in thermal physics. It begins with the concept of as adding heat. If the equipment is available, you can set up
temperature and temperature scales with care taken to Joule’s experiment (see section 10.3), which is also quite an
distinguish between the concepts of temperature (a unit of eye-opener. The mechanical equivalent of heat can be
measurement) and heat (a form of energy). Other topics determined, although not with great precision, using a kilogram
include specific heat capacity, heats of transformation, the first of lead shot and a long cardboard mailing tube with secure
law of thermodynamics, processes involving ideal gases and ends. Pour the shot into a Styrofoam coffee cup and measure
heat transfer. its temperature. Then pour the shot into the mailing tube,
which is then turned over repeatedly either by you or by your
Suggestions for Presentation students. Do this 50 times, which equates tolifting the lead
Your classroom most likely has a number of objects with through a height of approximately 50 m. Have students
different specific heat capacities, so you can dive right in to the compute the work done on the shot while it is being passed
distinction between heat and temperature by asking your around. Quickly pour the shot into the Styrofoam cup and
students to touch their desktops or seats (which are likely measure its final temperature. The heat in calories to produce
made of plastic or wood) and then touch a metal support on the observed heating can then be related to the work in joules
the desk. Which object has a lower temperature? Most done in lifting the shot.
students will agree that the metal has a lower temperature Demonstrations of convection can be easily done with a
because it feels colder. Then ask why, if all the desks have lava lamp. Try it with one that’s upside-down and see if the
been sitting in the same room, would part of the desk be at a blobs heat and rise, and ask students why one works and one
different temperature. This can lead to a discussion of doesn’t. Popping popcorn can demonstrate all 3 forms of
conduction as a method of heat transfer. energy transfer: convection from an air popper, conduction by
Jarring them out of the “feels cold must mean low kernels physically sitting in a bath of oil, and radiation by
temperature” mindset now allows you to more precisely microwaving. Moreover, your students can have a snack as
discuss the distinction between temperature and heat. You’re they ponder the energy transfer required to cool their drinks in
baking a lasagna at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and have covered an ice chest.
the lasagna with a sheet of aluminum foil. Why can you grab The heating of a gas when compressed adiabatically can
the foil, but not plunge your hand into the lasagna? Clearly be shown strikingly with a very inexpensive apparatus (EMD
things that have the same temperature don’t have the same S52007). The air in a plastic cylinder is quickly compressed
amount of heat energy associated with them. with a plunger igniting a piece of cotton. A hand-warmer
If you have the equipment available, you can place a (as described in Everyday Phenomenon Box 10.1) is a good
number of different (non-melting) objects of equal masses in way to demonstrate freezing. Ask first which direction heat
boiling water long enough for your students to agree that they flows as ice, for example, freezes. Then use the hand warmer
must have reached 100 degrees Celsius. Have several as a striking demonstration of the flow of heat outward from a
Styrofoam chambers/thermometers (calorimeters) with equal freezing object. An illustrative computation would be how much
volumes of room temperature water standing by to receive the heat is released from the water when you freeze a tray of ice.
objects. and then place the hot objects into the water. Place an As for virtually all of the topics covered in an introductory
equal mass of boiling water into one of the calorimeters as well physics class, the internet is a treasure trove of animations and
to demonstrate the relative heat capacity of water. While you video demonstrations for those whose classrooms don’t lend
are waiting for the temperatures to stabilize, ask students to themselves to some of these demonstrations.
predict which chamber will achieve the highest/lowest
temperature. Students should see that some objects raise the Ideas for Debatable Issues
temperature more than others, which means they have some Airliners fly at altitudes of 33,000 feet, where the outside
property that allows them to hold more heat energy per unit temperature is -40 degrees, both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Yet
mass. Thus they have a greater capacity to store heat, and they have to run the air conditioners to keep the cabin
that capacity is specific to the substance. comfortably cool. Ask students to consider everything they
There are a number of ways to increase the temperature know about air pressure, temperature, and heat to figure out
of an object. Boiling water over a burner is just one. Another is why this must be the case (or whether you’re lying). It turns
energy transferred by friction. With a dull drill bit in an electric out that the compression of the air to cabin pressure raises
drill, drill into a piece of hardwood scrap. The bit gets very hot the temperature of the air significantly, so it needs to be
and will burn the wood if you run it long enough. cooled. Otherwise the flight would be quite uncomfortable
Kinetic energy can be converted to heat energy as well. Advice from most freezer manufacturers is that it is best
Take a board and hammer it a few times, placing thermally to keep your freezer well-stocked. Knowing what you know
about freezing and the direction of heat flow, why would it Q14 The temperature of the water remains constant as
matter whether your freezer is empty at zero degrees the water freezes. The heat extracted is from the
Fahrenheit, or filled? greater internal energy of the liquid state.
Many students have ceiling fans at home. Discuss Q15 When the liquid is supercooled it hasn’t yet frozen,
whether they should reverse the direction of the ceiling fan but the temperature is below the freezing point. It
from summer to winter. Which direction is the fan blowing? needs to have a seed crystal in order to start the
Is it drawing air from below or from above? freezing process.
Q16 No. The latent heat of fusion released when the
Clicker Questions liquid freezes causes the heat pack to get warmer.
Please see the instructor resources at Q17 Yes. Since the solar energy reaching the plant is for a PowerPoint file of suggested highly variable during the day and nonexistent
clicker questions for this chapter. The use of these questions during the night, the use of a PCM allows the
is a good way to engage the class and inform them of the storage of energy in the form of latent heat for use
important concepts. These questions can be used to give the at a later time. This makes the power output of the
instructor an idea of whether students understand the ideas plant more even over time.
presented and also often offer a reality check for the students’ Q18 The stirring involves work done on the water which
perception of their own understanding. according to the first law of thermodynamics
increases the internal energy by the same amount as
an equivalent amount of energy transferred as heat.
Q19 Yes. Its temperature will increase because of the
Answers to Questions pounding. Energy is transferred to the molecules of
o o
Q1 An object at 0 C is hotter than an object at 0 F since the metal, and insulation from its surroundings will
o o
0 C is equivalent to 32 F. have no way of dissipating the heat that is the form
Q2 A 10 degree change in Celsius is a greater change of this transferred energy.
in absolute temperature than a 10 degree change in Q20 1 cal represents the greater amount of energy.
Fahrenheit temperature. Celsius degrees are 1.8x 4.19 J is the equivalent of 1 cal.
las big as Fahrenheit degrees. Q21 No. According to the first law, the internal energy
Q3 Yes. The change in volume will indicate a change in will change equally whether a given amount of
temperature, according to the “predictable way”. energy is added by performing work on the system
Q4 No. This is not reliable since it is really a or by heat added.
comparison between our skin temperature and the Q22 Yes. Internal energy of a system is composed of
skin temperature of the other person. We are both kinetic and potential energies of the molecules
assuming that our skin temperature is that of a and atoms (or more generally, the particles) that
person with normal body temperature but this may make up the system.
not be the case. Q23 The kinetic energy of the falling water adds thermal
Q5 Yes. Zero on the Celsius scale is an arbitrary choice, energy to the pool of water below.
unlike the zero on the Kelvin scale. People living in Q24 By the First Law of Thermodynamics there is only
the frost belt experience many winter days with the work done on the system in this adiabatic process.
temperature below the freezing point of water. There will be an increase in the gas’s internal
Q6 No. The zero point on the Kelvin scale represents the energy that will appear as a rise in temperature.
lowest possible temperature, and that temperature Q25 Yes. Allow the gas to expand in an adiabatic
can only be attained in an asymptotic limit. process. Pressure decrease and volume increase
Q7 They represent the same temperature as measured provide the work of the system.
on different scales; Celsius vs. Kelvin scales. Q26 The temperature can remain constant if the work
Q8 Heat will be transferred from the hotter to the colder performed by the expanding gas is equal to the heat
body until they come to thermal equilibrium. The added, resulting in a constant internal energy of the
temperature of the hotter body will decrease and that gas.
of the colder body will increase until they are at the Q27 No. In a constant volume process all of the heat
same temperature. added to the gas will show up as an increase in
Q9 No. The hotter body cools and the colder body warms internal energy, so the temperature will rise.
so that the final temperature will be intermediate Q28 No, the balloon will not fall. On the contrary, the
between the two initial temperatures. They are balloon will rise in response to the decreased
isolated from any other influence. density.
Q10 No. Different materials have different specific heat Q29
The internal energy of the water at 0 C is greater
capacities. The body with the lower specific heat will than that of the same amount of ice at 0 C.
have the higher final temperature. According to the first law, the change in internal
Q11 The city near the desert should cool down more energy is equal to the difference between the heat
rapidly after sunset. Sand has a lower specific heat added and worked performed. Here heat is added.
capacity than water. Moreover, the greenhouse Since the system contracts, the surroundings (the
effect from the higher humidity near the lake will atmosphere) do work on the system, so the work
hold in reradiated heat better. done by the system is negative. Both terms
Q12 Yes, if the substance is undergoing a change in contribute to increase the internal energy, but the
phase. work term is smaller.
Q13 The temperature of the water at the boiling point will Q30 No. The metal is a better conductor of heat than the
remain constant until the water is all converted to wood so it conducts heat away from the hand.

Q31 Convection is the process here involving actual E17 1595 J
motion of the air through the cracks. E18 a. 1500 J
Q32 Yes. The temperature of the pavement may be at or b. 3.58 °C
below 0 C. At night in cold weather the road surface
may lose energy by radiation and drop below the
ambient temperature of the air. Air is not a good
thermal conductor so layers of air near the road
surface limit thermal conduction from above which Answers to Synthesis Problems
would warm the road. SP1 a. 90 °F
Q33 Conduction. Glass is a moderately good thermal b. 50 K
conductor. We use glass vessels in the chemistry c. No. The temperature degree intervals are the
laboratory and glass in some coffeemakers. same.
Q34 Heat transfer by radiation will occur through a SP2 a. 54 °C
vacuum. That is how we get heat from the sun. b. 129.2 °F
Q35 The heat energy from the sun is carried to the earth c. 327.2 K
by radiation, which transfers energy via d. Larger. Each student degree equals two
electromagnetic waves. This is the only heat-flow degrees Celsius.
mechanism that will carry energy through the SP3 a. 13,500 cal
vacuum of space. b. 3750 cal
Q36 Like carbon dioxide gas, glass is transparent to light c. 17,250 cal
in the visible range but opaque to the longer d. No. Heat is needed to raise ice from -20 C to 0
wavelengths of the infrared. Visible light from the sun C with different specific heat capacity than
can pass through the glass, and be absorbed by water.
material inside which is reradiated as longer SP4 a. 1340 cal
wavelength light, which then remains trapped in the b. 0.206 cal/g C
greenhouse. c. 360 g
Q37 The energy received by the solar collector is SP5 a. 2038 J
transferred for use or storage by convection. For the b. 486 cal
flat plate collector described in the text, the c. 1.2 °C
conducting medium is water that is moved via a d. Yes. The calorie and the Joule units are not
pump. equal. In the second case, the temperature
Q38 A solar power plant produces electricity without would rise more.
combustion of fossil fuels. Without the process of SP6 a. 0.6 m
combustion, no carbon dioxide will be released and b. ∆V = V2 – V1 = 0.45 m
thus will not increase the greenhouse effect of the c. W = P∆V = 900 J
atmosphere. d. The work will not be the same.
V2  V 1  4 .24   .96m3 , so
Answers to Exercises
E1 59°F V  0.96m3  0.24m3  0.72m3 and
E2 - 10 °C W  PV  1500Pa  0.72m3  1080J
E3 297 K e. No the amount of gas is not the same in both
E4 a. 40 °C situations. Since PV = NkT, and for both
b. 313 K situations the P and T are the same, if V
E5 a. 45 °C changes, N must also change.
b. 113 °F
E6 6800 cal
E7 2232 cal
E8 4 kcal
E9 42° C
E10 a. 4000 cal
b. 2.7 x 10 cal
E11 838 J
E12 a. 358 cal
b. 25 °C
E13 300 J
E14 1800 J
E15 2100K
Since pressure is constant from the ideal gas law,
P/Nk = T/V = constant.

T T T T   700K 
if  constant then 2  1  T2  V2  1   2.4m3    2100K
V V2 V1 V
 1  0.8m3 

E16 300 J; Flow out of system.

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left near the trap standing up against a tree, and
Dave ran up and grabbed it and struck the animal on
the head and cut his throat. How we did laugh and
dance around that defunct porker. Exciting sport this
trapping for fresh pork. In half an hour Dave and Eli
had the pig skinned and dressed. Is not a large one
probably weighs ninety pounds or so, and is fat and
nice. Have sliced up enough for about a dozen men
and are now cooking it on sticks held up before the
fire. Also frying some in a skillet which we are the
possessor of. When the hogs run wild and eat
acorns, roots and the like, the meat is tough and
curly but is sweet and good. We fry out the grease
and then slice up the potatoes and cook in it. Thanks
to Mr. Kimball we have plenty of salt to season our
meat with. The buzzards are after their share which
will be small. And now it is most night again and the
“Astor House” larder is full. Seems too bad to go to
bed with anything to eat on hand, but must. That is
the feeling with men who have been starved so long,
cannot rest in peace with food laying around. My two
comrades are not so bad about that as I am, having
been well fed for a longer period. Have sat up three
or four hours after dark, talking over what we will do
when we get home, and will now turn in for a sound
sleep. It’s a clear moonlight night, and we can hear
very plain a long distance. Can also see the light
shining from camp fires in many directions, or what
we take to be such.
Dec. 22.—As Dan Rice used to say in the circus
ring: “Here we are again.” Sleep so sound that all the
battles in America could not wake me up. Are just
going for that fresh pork to-day. Have three kinds of
meat—fried pig, roast pork and broiled hog. Good
any way you can fix it. Won’t last us three days at
this rate, and if we stay long enough will eat up all
the hogs in these woods. Pretty hoggish on our part,
and Dave says for gracious sake not to write down
how much we eat, but as this diary is to be a record
of what takes place, down it goes how much we eat.
Tell him that inasmuch as we have a preacher along
with us, we ought to have a sermon occasionally.
Says he will preach if I will sing, and I agree to that if
Eli will take up a collection. One objection Eli and I
have to his prayers is the fact that he wants the
rebels saved with the rest, yet don’t tell him so.
Mutually agree that his prayers are that much too
long. Asked him if he thought it stealing to get those
potatoes as I did, and he says no, and that he will go
next time. We begin to expect the Yankees along. It’s
about time. Don’t know what I shall do when I again
see Union soldiers with guns in their hands, and
behold the Stars and Stripes. Probably go crazy, or
daft, or something. This is a cloudy, chilly day, and
we putter around gathering up pine knots for the fire,
wash our duds and otherwise busy ourselves. Have
saved the hog skin to make moccasins of, if the
Union army is whipped and we have to stay here
eight or ten years. The hair on our heads is getting
long again, and we begin to look like wild men of the
woods. One pocket comb does for the entire party;
two jack knives and a butcher knife. I have four keys
jingling away in my pocket to remind me of olden
times. Eli has a testament and Dave has a bible, and
the writer hereof has not. Still, I get scripture quoted
at all hours, which will, perhaps, make up in a
measure. Am at liberty to use either one of their
books, and I do read more or less. Considerable
travel on the highways, and going both ways as near
as we can judge. Dave wants to go out to the road
again but we discourage him in it, and he gives it up
for to-day at least. Are afraid he will get caught, and
then our main stay will be gone. Pitch pine knots
make a great smoke which rises among the trees
and we are a little afraid of the consequences; still,
rebels have plenty to do now without looking us up.
Many boats go up and down the river and can hear
them talk perhaps fifty rods away. Rebel paper that
Dave got spoke of Savannah being the point aimed
at by Sherman, also of his repulses; still I notice that
he keeps coming right along. Also quoted part of a
speech by Jefferson Davis, and he is criticised
unmercifully. Says nothing about any exchange of
prisoners, and our old comrades are no doubt
languishing in some prison. Later.—Considerable
firing up in vicinity of the bridge. Can hear volleys of
musketry, and an occasional boom of cannon.
Hurrah! It is now four o’clock by the sun and the
battle is certainly taking place. Later.—Go it Billy
Sherman, we are listening and wishing you the best
of success. Come right along and we will be with
you. Give ’em another—that was a good one. We
couldn’t be more excited if we were right in the midst
of it. Hurrah! It is now warm for the Johnnies. If we
had guns would go out and fight in their rear;
surround them, as it were. Troops going by to the
front, and are cavalry, should think, also artillery. Can
hear teamsters swearing away as they always do.
Later.—It is now long after dark and we have a good
fire. Fighting has partially subsided up the river, but
of course we don’t know whether Yankee troops
have crossed the river or not. Great deal of travel on
the road, but can hardly tell which way they are
going. Occasional firing. No sleep for us to-night. In
the morning shall go out to the road and see how
things look. Every little while when the battle raged
the loudest, all of us three would hurrah as if mad,
but we ain’t mad a bit; are tickled most to death.


Dec. 23.—It is not yet daylight in the morning, and

are anxiously awaiting the hour to arrive when we
may go out to the road. Slept hardly any during the
night. More or less fighting all night, and could hear
an army go by toward Savannah, also some shouting
directly opposite us. Between the hours of about
twelve and three all was quiet, and then again more
travel. We conjecture that the rebel army has
retreated or been driven back, and that the Yankees
are now passing along following them up. Shall go
out about nine o’clock. Later.—Are eating breakfast
before starting out to liberty and safety. Must be very
careful now and make no mistake. If we run into a
rebel squad now, might get shot. We are nervous,
and so anxious can hardly eat. Will pick up what we
really need and start. Perhaps good bye, little house
on the banks of the Ogechee, we shall always
remember just how you look, and what a happy time
we have had on this little island. Dave says: “Pick up
your blanket and that skillet, and come along.” Night.
—Safe and sound among our own United States
Army troops, after an imprisonment of nearly
fourteen months. Will not attempt to describe my
feelings now. Could not do it. Staying with the 80th
Ohio Infantry, and are pretty well tired out from our
exertions of the day. At nine o’clock we started out
toward the main road. When near it Eli and I stopped,
and Dave went ahead to see who was passing. We
waited probably fifteen minutes, and then heard
Dave yell out: “Come on boys, all right! Hurry up!” Eli
and I had a stream to cross on a log. The stream was
some fifteen feet wide, and the log about two feet
through. I tried to walk that log and fell in my
excitement. Verily believe if the water had been a
foot deeper I would have drowned. Was up to my
arms, and I was so excited that I liked never to have
got out. Lost the axe, which Dave had handed to me,
and the old stand-by coverlid which had saved my
life time and again floated off down the stream, and I
went off without securing it—the more shame to me
for it. Dave ran out of the woods swinging his arms
and yelling like mad, and pretty soon Eli and myself
appeared, whooping and yelling. The 80th Ohio was
just going by, or a portion of it, however, and when
they saw first one and then another and then the
third coming toward them in rebel dress, with clubs
which they mistook for guns, they wheeled into line,
thinking, perhaps, that a whole regiment would
appear next. Dave finally explained by signs, and we
approached and satisfied them of our genuineness.
Said we were hard looking soldiers, but when we
came to tell them where we had been and all the
particulars, they did not wonder. Went right along
with them, and at noon had plenty to eat. Are the
guests of Co. I, 80th Ohio. At three the 80th had a
skirmish, we staying back a mile with some wagons,
and this afternoon rode in a wagon. Only came about
three or four miles to-day, and are near Kimball’s,
whom we shall call and see the first opportunity. The
soldiers all look well and feel well, and say the whole
confederacy is about cleaned out. Rebels fall back
without much fighting. Said there was not enough to
call it a fight at the bridge. Where we thought it a
battle, they thought it nothing worth speaking of.
Believe ten or so were killed, and some wounded.
Hear that some Michigan cavalry is with Kilpatrick off
on another road, but they do not know whether it is
the 9th Mich. Cav., or not. Say they see the cavalry
every day nearly, and I must keep watch for my
regiment. Soldiers forage on the plantations, and
have the best of food; chickens, ducks, sweet
potatoes, etc. The supply wagons carry nothing but
hard-tack, coffee, sugar and such things. Tell you,
coffee is a luxury, and makes one feel almost drunk.
Officers come to interview us every five minutes, and
we have talked ourselves most to death to-day. They
say we probably will not be called upon to do any
fighting during this war, as the thing is about settled.
They have heard of Andersonville, and from the
accounts of the place did not suppose that any lived
at all. New York papers had pictures in, of the scenes
there, and if such was the case it seems funny that
measures were not taken to get us away from there.
Many rebels are captured now, and we look at them
from a different stand point than a short time since.
Dec. 24.—This diary must soon come to an end.
Will fill the few remaining pages and then stop. Co.
“I” boys are very kind. They have reduced soldiering
to a science. All divided up into messes of from three
to five each. Any mess is glad to have us in with
them, and we pay them with accounts of our prison
life. Know they think half we tell them is lies. I regret
the most of anything, the loss of my blanket that
stood by me so well. It’s a singular fact that the first
day of my imprisonment it came into my possession,
and the very last day it took its departure, floating off
away from me after having performed its mission.
Should like to have taken it North to exhibit to my
friends. The infantry move only a few miles each day,
and I believe we stay here all day. Went and saw Mr.
Kimball. The officers commanding knew him for a
Union man, and none of his belongings were
troubled. In fact, he has anything he wants now.
Announces his intention of going with the army until
the war closes. Our good old friend Mrs. Dickinson
did not fare so well. The soldiers took everything she
had on the place fit to eat; all her cattle, pork,
potatoes, chickens, and left them entirely destitute.
We went and saw them, and will go to head-quarters
to see what can be done. Later.—We went to Gen.
Smith, commanding 3d Brigade, 2d Division, and told
him the particulars. He sent out foraging wagons,
and now she has potatoes, corn, bacon, cattle,
mules, and everything she wants. Also received pay
for burned fences and other damages. Now they are
smiling and happy and declare the Yankees to be as
good as she thought them bad this morning. The
men being under little restraint on this raid were often
destructive. Nearly every citizen declared their
loyalty, so no distinction is made. Gen. Smith is a
very kind man, and asked us a great many
questions. Says the 9th Michigan Cavalry is near us
and we may see them any hour. Gen. Haun also
takes quite an interest in us, and was equally
instrumental with Gen. Smith in seeing justice done
to our friends the Kimballs and Dickinsons. They
declare now that one of us must marry the daughter
of Mrs. Dickinson, the chaplain performing the
ceremony. Well, she is a good girl, and I should judge
would make a good wife, but presume she would
have something to say herself and will not pop the
question to her. They are very grateful, and only
afraid that after we all go away the rebel citizens and
soldiers will retaliate on them. Many officers have
read portions of my diary, and say such scenes as
we have passed through seem incredible. Many
inquire if we saw so and so of their friends who went
to Andersonville, but of course there were so many
there that we cannot remember them. This has been
comparatively a day of rest for this portion of the
Union army, after having successfully crossed the
river. We hear the cavalry is doing some fighting on
the right, in the direction of Fort McAllister. Evening.
—We marched about two or three miles and are
again encamped for the night, with pickets out for
miles around. Many refugees join the army prepared
to go along with them, among whom are a great
many negroes.
Dec. 25.—Christmas day and didn’t hang up my
stocking. No matter, it wouldn’t have held anything.
Last Christmas we spent on Belle Island, little
thinking long imprisonment awaiting us. Us escaped
men are to ride in a forage wagon. The army is
getting ready to move. Are now twenty-four miles
from Savannah and rebels falling back as we press
ahead. Night.—At about nine o’clock this morning as
we sat in the forage wagon top of some corn riding in
state, I saw some cavalry coming from the front.
Soon recognized Col. Acker at the head of the 9th
Michigan Cavalry. Jumped out of the wagon and
began dancing and yelling in the middle of the road
and in front of the troop. Col. Acker said: “Get out of
the road you —— lunatic!” Soon made myself known
and was like one arisen from the dead. Major
Brockway said: “Ransom, you want to start for home.
We don’t know you, you are dead. No such man as
Ransom on the rolls for ten months.” All remember
me and are rejoiced to see me back again. Lieut.
Col. Way, Surgeon, Adjutant, Sergeant-Major, all
shake hands with me. My company “A” was in the
rear of the column, and I stood by the road as they
moved along, hailing those I recognized. In every
case had to tell them who I was and then would go
up and shake hands with them at the risk of getting
stepped on by the horses. Pretty soon Co. “A”
appeared, and wasn’t they surprised to see me. The
whole company were raised in Jackson, Mich., my
home, and I had been regarded as dead for nearly a
year. Could hardly believe it was myself that
appeared to them. Every one trying to tell me the
news at home all at the same time—how I was
reported as having died in Richmond and funeral
sermon preached. How so and so had been shot and
killed, &c., &c. And then I had to tell them of who of
our regiment had died in Andersonville—Dr. Lewis,
Tom McGill and others. Although Jimmy Devers did
not belong to our regiment, many in our company
knew him, and I told them of his death. Should have
said that as soon as I got to the company, was given
Capt. Johnson’s lead horse to ride, without saddle or
bridle and nothing but a halter to hang on with. Not
being used to riding, in rebel dress—two or three
pails hanging to me—I made a spectacle for them all
to laugh at. It was a time of rejoicing. The Buck boys
did not get out of the wagon with me and so we
became separated without even a good bye. Before I
had been with the company half an hour Gen.
Kilpatrick and staff came riding by from the rear, and
says to Capt. Johnson: “Captain, I hear one of your
company has just joined you after escaping from the
enemy.” Capt. Johnson said, “Yes, sir,” and pointed
to me as a Sergeant in his company. General
Kilpatrick told me to follow him and started ahead at
a break neck pace. Inasmuch as the highway was
filled with troops, Gen. Kilpatrick and staff rode at the
side, through the fields, and any way they could get
over the ground. The horse I was on is a pacer and a
very hard riding animal and it was all I could do to
hang on. Horse would jump over logs and come
down an all fours ker-chug, and I kept hoping the
general would stop pretty soon; but he didn’t. Having
no saddle or anything to guide the brute, it was a
terrible hard ride for me, and time and again if I had
thought I could fall off without breaking my neck
should have done so. The soldiers all along the line
laughed and hooted at the spectacle and the staff
had great sport, which was anything but sport for me.
After a while and after riding five or six miles,
Kilpatrick drew up in a grove by the side of the road
and motioning me to him, asked me when I escaped,
etc. Soon saw I was too tired and out of breath. After
resting a few minutes I proceeded to tell him what I
knew of Savannah, the line of forts around the city,
and of other fortifications between us and the city, the
location of the rivers, force of rebels, etc. Asked a
great many questions and took down notes, or rather
the chief of staff, Estes by name, did. After an
extended conversation a dispatch was made up and
sent to Gen. Sherman who was a few miles away,
with the endorsement that an escaped prisoner had
given the information and it was reliable. General
Kilpatrick told me I would probably not be called upon
to do any more duty as I had done good service as a
prisoner of war. Said he would sign a furlough and
recommend that I go home as soon as
communication was opened. Thanked me for
information and dismissed me with congratulations
on my escape. Then I waited until our company, “A,”
came up and joined them, and here I am encamped
with the boys, who are engaged in getting supper.
We are only twelve or fourteen miles from Savannah
and the report in camp is to the effect that the city
has been evacuated with no fight at all. Fort
McAllister was taken to-day, which being the key to
Savannah, leaves that city unprotected, hence the
evacuation. Communication will now be opened with
the gunboats on the coast and I will be sent home to
Michigan. I mess with Capt. Johnson and there is
peace and plenty among us. I go around from mess
to mess this pleasant night talking with the boys,
learning and telling the news. O. B. Driscoll, Al.
Williams, Sergt. Smith, Mell Strickland, Sergt.
Fletcher, Teddy Fox, Lieut. Ingraham and all the rest
think of something new every few minutes, and I am
full. Poor Robt. Strickland, a boy whom I enlisted,
was shot since starting out on this march to the sea.
Others too, whom I left well are now no more. The
boys have had a long and tedious march, yet are all
in good health and have enjoyed the trip. They never
tire of telling about their fights and skirmishes, and
anecdotes concerning Kilpatrick, who is well liked by
all the soldiers. Am invited to eat with every mess in
the company, also at regimental head-quarters, in
fact, anywhere I am a mind to, can fill. And now this
Diary is finished and is full. Shall not write any more,
though I hardly know how I shall get along, without a
self-imposed task of some kind.




It may interest some one to know more of many

who have been mentioned at different times in this
book, and I will proceed to enlighten them.
George W. Hendryx came to the regiment in
March, 1865, when we were near Goldsboro, N. C.
He says that after running away from Andersonville
at the time of the discovery of a break in which all
intended to get away in the summer of 1864, he
traveled over one hundred and fifty miles and was
finally retaken by bushwhackers. He represented
himself as an officer of the 17th Michigan Infantry,
escaped from Columbia, S. C., and was sent to that
place and put with officers in the prison there,
changing his name so as not to be found out as
having escaped from Andersonville. In due time he
was exchanged with a batch of other officers and
went home North. After a short time he joined his
regiment and company for duty. He was both
delighted and surprised to see me, as he supposed
of course I had died in Andersonville, it having been
so reported to him at the North. He did valiant service
until the war was over, which soon happened. He
went home with the regiment and was mustered out
of service, since when I have never seen or heard of
him for a certainty. Think that he went to California.
Sergt. Wm. B. Rowe was exchanged in March,
1865, but never joined the regiment. His health was
ruined to a certain extent from his long confinement.
Is still alive, however, and resides at Dansville, Mich.
Sergt. Bullock was also exchanged at the same
time, but never did service thereafter. He is now an
inmate of a Michigan insane asylum, and has been
for some years, whether from the effects of prison life
I know not, but should presume it is due to his
sufferings there. His was a particularly sad case. He
was taken sick in the early days of Andersonville and
was sick all the time while in that place, a mere
walking and talking skeleton. There is no doubt in my
mind that his insanity resulted from his long
E. P. Sanders arrived home in Michigan in April,
1865, and made me a visit at Jackson that Summer.
He was the only one of all my comrades in prison
that I came in contact with, who fully regained health,
or apparently was in good health. He was a
particularly strong and healthy man, and is now
engaged in farming near Lansing, Michigan.
Lieut. Wm. H. Robinson, who was removed from
Belle Isle, from our mess, it having been discovered
that he was an officer instead of an orderly sergeant,
was exchanged early in 1864, from Richmond, and
immediately joined his regiment, doing duty all the
time thereafter. Soon after my escape and while with
company “A,” a note was handed me from Capt.
Robinson, my old friend, he having been promoted to
a captaincy. The note informed me that he was only
a few miles away, and asked me to come and see
him that day. You may rest assured I was soon on
the road, and that day had the pleasure of taking my
dinner with him. He was on his general’s staff, and I
dined at head-quarters, much to my discomfiture, not
being up with such distinguished company. We had a
good visit, I remember, and I went to camp at night
well satisfied with my ride. Told me that a pipe which
I engraved and presented to him on Belle Isle was
still in his possession, and always should be. Was a
favorite with every one, and a fine looking officer. He
is now a resident of Sterling, Whiteside Co., Ill. Is a
banker, hardware dealer, one of the City Fathers, and
withal a prominent citizen. It was lucky he was an
officer and taken away from us on Belle Isle, for he
would undoubtedly have died at Andersonville, being
of rather a delicate frame and constitution.
My good old friend Battese, I regret to say, I have
never seen or heard of since he last visited me in the
Marine Hospital at Savannah. Have written many
letters and made many inquiries, but to no effect. He
was so reticent while with us in the prison, that we
did not learn enough of him to make inquiries since
then effective. Although for many months I was in his
immediate presence, he said nothing of where he
lived, his circumstances, or anything else. I only
know that his name was Battese, that he belonged to
a Minnesota regiment and was a noble fellow. I don’t
know of a man in the world I would rather see to-day
than him, and I hope some day when I have got rich
out of this book (if that time should ever come,) to go
to Minnesota and look him up. There are many
Andersonville survivors who must remember the tall
Indian, and certainly I shall, as long as life shall last.
Michael Hoare tells his own story farther along, in
answer to a letter written him for information
regarding his escape from the Savannah hospital.
Mike, at the close of the war re-enlisted in the regular
army and went to the extreme west to fight Indians,
and when his term of service expired again re-
enlisted and remained in the service. In 1878 he was

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