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Prelude to Programming 6th Edition

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Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake

Test Bank for Prelude to Programming Chapter 6


1. If Number = 4, what possible numbers can result from:

Floor(Random()() * 10) + Number

a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
c. 0, 1, 2, 3
d. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13


2. If Number = 4, what possible numbers can result from

Floor(Random() * Number)

a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
c. 0, 1, 2, 3
d. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

3. What is the output of the code corresponding to the following pseudocode?

Declare X As Integer
Declare Y As Integer
For (X = 1; X <=2; X++)
For (Y = 3; Y <= 4; Y++)
Write X * Y
End For(Y)
End For(X)

a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3 4
4 5 3 6 8
6 5 2
8 6 4


© 2015 Pearson Education 1

Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake

4. What is the output of the code corresponding to the following pseudocode?

Declare Y As Integer
Declare X As Integer
For (Y = 1; Y <=2; Y++)
For (X = 3; X <= 4; X++)
Write Y * X
End For(X)
End For(Y)

a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3 4
4 5 3 6 8
6 5 2
8 6 4


5. What is the output of code corresponding to the following pseudocode?

Declare A As Integer
Declare B As Float
Set A = 2
While <= 3
Set B = 2.5 * A
Write B
Set B = Int(B)
Write B
Set A = A + 1
End While

a. 5 b. 5 c. 5 d. 2
7 5 5 5
7.5 7 3
7 7 7

6. Which of the following loops cannot be nested in a For loop?

a. While
b. For
c. Repeat ... Until
d. Do ... While
e. all of the above can be nested in a For loop


© 2015 Pearson Education 2

Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake

7. What is the output of the code corresponding to the pseudocode shown?

Declare G As Integer
Declare H As Integer
Set G = 7
While G <= 8
Set H = 6
While H <= 7
Write G + H
Set H = H + 1
End While(H)
Set G = G + 1
End While(G)

a. 13 b. 7 c. 7 6 d. 13
14 6 7 7 14
15 7 8 6 14
8 8 7 15

8. What will be displayed after code corresponding to the following pseudocode is run?
Declare A As Integer
Declare B As Integer
Declare C As Integer
Set A = 3
While A <= 6
Set B = (2 * A) – 1
Write B
Set C = A
While C <= (A+1)
Write C
Set C = C + 1
End While(C)
Set A = A + 2
End While(A)

a. 5 b. 3 c. 5 d. 5
3 5 3 3
9 4 4 3
5 5 9 9
9 5 5
5 6 5

© 2015 Pearson Education 3

Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake

9. Which of the following statements should be used to validate that a number input by the
user into a variable named Widgets is an integer value?

a. While Widgets != Widgets

Write “Please enter an integer value:”
Input Widgets
End While
b. While Int(Widgets) != Widgets
Write “Please enter an integer value:”
Input Widgets
End While
c. Repeat
Write “Please enter an integer value:”
Input Widgets
End Repeat
d. While Widgets > 0
Write “Please enter an integer value:”
Input Widgets
End While

10. What does the following program segment do?

Declare Count As Integer
Declare Sum As Integer
Set Sum = 0
For (Count = 1; Count < 50; Count++)
Set Sum = Sum + Count
End For

a. It sums all the integers from 0 through 50

b. It sums all the integers from 1 through 50
c. It sums all the integers from 1 through 49
d. It does nothing since there is no Write statement

© 2015 Pearson Education 4

Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake

11. What is wrong with the following pseudocode?

Declare Count As Integer
Declare TheNumber As Integer
Set TheNumber = 12
For (Count = 10; Count>TheNumber; Count--)
Write TheNumber + Count
End For

a. A counter must start at 0 or 1

b. The limit condition in a For loop cannot be a variable
c. The loop will never be entered since the initial value of Count is less than the
test condition
d. The loop will never end since the test condition will never be met

12. If MyNumber = 7.82, what is the value of Int(MyNumber/2)+ 0.5?

a. 4.41
b. 3.5
c. 3.91
d. 4.5


13. What is the output of the code corresponding to the following pseudocode?
Declare M As Integer
Declare P As Integer
Set P = 1
While P < 4
Write M + “ and “ + P
Set P = P + 1
End While(P)
Set M = M + 1
Until M = 3

a. 2 and 1 b. 2 and 1 c. 1 and 1 d. M and P

3 and 1 2 and 2 2 and 2 M and P
2 and 3 3 and 3 M and P
3 and 1
3 and 2
3 and 3

© 2015 Pearson Education 5

Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake

14. Which statement would produce an output of one of the following numbers:
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

a. Floor(Random() * 5) + 5
b. Floor(Random() * 6) + 5
c. Floor(Random()) + 5
d. Floor(Random() * 9) - 5


15. What is displayed when the following pseudocode is coded and run, given that the input is

Declare Star As Character

Declare A As Integer
Declare Count As Integer
Declare Name As String
Set Star = “*”
Write “Enter your first name: “
Input Name
Set A = Length_Of(Name)
Set Count = 1
Print Name
Print <NL>
While Count <= A
Print Star
Set Count = Count + 1
End While

a. Harold b. Harold c. ****** d. Harold

* ***** ******

1. True/False: It is possible to have both a Select Case statement and an If-Then
structure within a single loop.

2. True/False: If Number = 4, is the following statement true or false:

Int(Number * Number) == Number * Number

3. True/False: If Number = 2.7, is the following statement true or false:

Int(Number * Number) == Number * Number
© 2015 Pearson Education 6
Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake

4. True/False: If one For loop is nested within another, then the limit value for the two loops
must be different.

5. True/False: Two non-overlapping loops can be nested within a third loop.


6. True/False: If Number = 3, indicate whether the following statement is true

or false:
Floor(Random() * Number) may be 0, 1, 2, or 3

7. True/False: A For loop may not be nested within a While loop.


8. True/False: Given that Number = 3:

Floor(Random() * Number) + 4 may be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13

9. True/False: Given that Number = 3:

Floor(Random() * 4) + Number may be 3, 4, 5, or 6

10. True/False: It is not possible to put a loop inside an If-Then statement.


11. True/False: If Number = 2.3, is the following statement true or false:

Number == Int(Number)

12. True/False: A counter in a loop can count up by fives.


13. True/False: Is the following statement true or false?

Ceiling(6.89) = 6

14. True/False: In a program with nested loops, the inner loop is completed before the outer

15. True/False: Is the following statement true or false?

Ceiling(4.22) = 5

© 2015 Pearson Education 7

Prelude to Programming 6th edition Elizabeth Drake


1. Numbers that form an unpredictable sequence in which each number is equally likely to oc-
cur are called __________ __________.
ANS: random numbers

2. ____________ __________ are numbers that belong to a sequence, generated by a

mathematical algorithm, in which each number is equally likely to occur.
ANS: pseudorandom numbers

3. The starting value of an algorithm used to generate a range of numbers is called the
ANS: seed

4. The expression Floor(Random()*6) produces the numbers _____ through _____

ANS: 0, 5

5. When one loop is contained within another loop, we say these are __________ loops.
ANS: nested

6. The statement
If Int(Number) != Number Then...
checks to see if the value of Number is a(n) _________.
ANS: integer

7. In a program with nested loops, the outer loop is completed __________ (before/after) the
inner loop.
ANS: after

8. If a counter named MyCount in a For loop has the value of 5 on the first pass, 10 on the
second pass, 15 on the third pass, and so on, the increment would be written as
ANS: MyCount+5

9. If a counter named MyCount in a For loop has the initial value of 5 on the first pass and
we want it to go through 4 iterations, increasing its value by 5 on each pass, the test
condition would be written as __________.
ANS: MyCount <= 20 or MyCount < 21

10. The function that returns the number of characters in a string is the __________ function.
ANS: Length_Of()

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Mix well, by shaking them in a bottle, a wineglassful of Indian soy,

half a pint of chili vinegar, half a pint of walnut catsup, and a pint and
a half of the best mushroom catsup. These proportions make an
excellent sauce, either to mix with melted butter, and to serve with
fish, or to add to different kinds of gravy; but they can be varied, or
added to, at pleasure.
Indian soy, 1 wineglassful; chili vinegar, 1/2 pint; walnut catsup,
1/2 pint; mushroom catsup, 1-1/2 pint.

Gather the tarragon just before it blossoms, which will be late in

July, or early in August; strip it from the larger stalks, and put it into
small stone jars or wide-necked bottles, and in doing this twist some
of the branches so as to bruise the leaves and wring them asunder;
then pour in sufficient distilled or very pale vinegar to cover the
tarragon; let it infuse for two months, or more: it will take no harm
even by standing all the winter. When it is poured off, strain it very
clear, put it into small dry bottles, and cork them well. Sweet basil
vinegar is made in exactly the same way, but it should not be left on
the leaves more than three weeks. The jars or bottles should be filled
to the neck with the tarragon before the vinegar is added: its flavour
is strong and peculiar, but to many tastes very agreeable. It imparts
quite a foreign character to the dishes for which it is used.

Slightly chop, or bruise, freshly-gathered mint, and put it into

bottles; fill them nearly to the necks, and add vinegar as for tarragon:
in forty days, strain it off, and bottle it for use. The mint itself, ready
minced for sauce, will keep well in vinegar, though the colour will not
be very good. The young leaves stripped from the stems, should be
used for this preparation.

First wipe, and then, without paring, slice into a stone jar some
young and quickly-grown cucumbers; pour on them as much boiling
vinegar as will cover them well, with a teaspoonful of salt, and two-
thirds as much of peppercorns to the pint and a half of vinegar: it
may remain on them for a month, or even for two, if well defended
from the air: it should then be strained, allowed to settle, and poured
quite clear into small dry bottles, which should be well corked. A mild
onion can be intermixed with the cucumbers, when its flavour is
considered an improvement.

Throw into a pint and a half of ready boiling vinegar a few grains of
cayenne, or half an ounce of peppercorns, a large saltspoonful of
salt, and a pint of the white part of the roots and stems of some fine
fresh celery sliced up thin: let it boil for two or three minutes, turn it
into a stone jar, and secure it well from the air as soon as it is cold. It
may be strained off and bottled in three or four weeks, but may
remain as many months in the jar without injury.

On from four to six ounces of eschalots or on two of garlic peeled

and bruised, pour a quart of the best vinegar; stop the jar or bottle
close, and in a fortnight or three weeks the vinegar may be strained
off for use: a few drops will give a sufficient flavour to a sauce, or to a
tureen of gravy.
Eschalots, 4 to 6 oz.; or, garlic, 2 to 4 oz.; vinegar, 1 quart: 15 to
21 days.
Obs.—These roots may be used in smaller or in larger proportion,
as a slighter or a stronger flavour of them is desired, and may remain
longer in the vinegar without any detriment to it.

This is a far more useful preparation even than the preceding one,
since it can be used to impart the flavour of the eschalot to dishes for
which acid is not required. Peel and slice, or bruise, four ounces of
eschalots, put them into a bottle, and add to them a pint of sherry; in
a fortnight pour off the wine, and should it not be strongly flavoured
with the eschalots, steep in it two ounces more, for another fortnight;
a half-teaspoonful of cayenne may be added at first. The bottle
should be shaken occasionally, while the eschalots are infusing, but
should remain undisturbed for the last two or three days, that the
wine may be clear when it is poured off to bottle for keeping. Sweet-
basil wine is made by steeping the fresh leaves of the herb in wine,
from ten to fifteen days.
Eschalots, 4 oz.; sherry, 1 pint: 15 days, or more.

On four ounces of young and freshly-scraped horseradish pour a

quart of boiling vinegar, and cover it down closely: it will be ready for
use in three or four days, but may remain for weeks, or months,
before the vinegar is poured off. An ounce of minced eschalot may
be substituted for one of the horseradish, if the flavour be liked.

Put from a quarter to half an ounce of the best cayenne pepper

into a bottle, and pour on it a pint of pale vinegar. Cork it closely, and
shake it well every two or three days. It may remain any length of
time before it is poured off, but will very soon be ready for use.
Good cayenne pepper, 1/4 to 1/2 oz.; vinegar, 1 pint: infuse from 2
weeks to 12 months.

(For flavouring sweet dishes.)

Fill any sized wide-necked bottle lightly with the very thin rinds of
fresh lemons, and cover them with good brandy; let them remain for
a fortnight or three weeks only, then strain off the spirit and keep it
well corked for use: a few apricot-kernels blanched and infused with
the lemon-rind will give it an agreeable flavour.

Peel small, sound, freshly-gathered flaps, cut off the stems, and
scrape out the fur entirely; then arrange the mushrooms singly on
tins or dishes, and dry them as gradually as possible in a gentle
oven. Put them, when they are done, into tin canisters, and store
them where they will be secure from damp. French cooks give them
a single boil in water, from which they then are well drained, and
dried, as usual. When wanted for table, they should be put into cold
gravy, slowly heated, and gently simmered, until they are tender.

When the mushrooms have been prepared with great nicety, and
dried, as in the foregoing receipt, pound them to a very fine powder;
sift it, and put it immediately into small and perfectly dry bottles; cork
and seal them without delay, for if the powder be long exposed to the
air, so as to imbibe any humidity, or if it be not well secured from it in
the bottles, it will be likely to become putrid: much of that which is
purchased, even at the best Italian warehouses, is found to be so,
and, as it is sold at a very high price, it is a great economy, as well
as a surer plan, to have it carefully prepared at home. It is an
exceedingly useful store, and an excellent addition to many dishes
and sauces. To insure its being good, the mushrooms should be
gathered in dry weather, and if any addition of spices be made to the
powder (some persons mix with it a seasoning of mace and
cayenne), they should be put into the oven for a while before they
are used: but even these precautions will not be sufficient, unless the
powder be stored in a very dry place after it is bottled. A teaspoonful
of it, with a quarter of a pint of strong veal gravy, as much cream,
and a small dessertspoonful of flour, will make a good béchamel or
white sauce.

(Fecule de Pommes de terre.)

Grate into a large vessel full of cold water, six pounds of sound
mealy potatoes, and stir them well together. In six hours pour off the
water, and add fresh, stirring the mixture well; repeat this process
every three or four hours during the day, change the water at night,
and the next morning pour it off; put two or three quarts more to the
potatoes, and turn them directly into a hair-sieve, set over a pan to
receive the flour, which may then be washed through the sieve, by
pouring water to it. Let it settle in the pan, drain off the water, spread
the potato-sediment on dishes, dry it in a slow oven, sift it, and put it
into bottles or jars, and cork or cover them closely. The flour thus
made will be beautifully white, and perfectly flavourless. It will remain
good for years.
Obs.—This admirable farina, or starch of potatoes, is now much
more widely known and vended in England than it was some years
since. It can at present be procured at most foreign warehouses and
general grocers’; but we would recommend its being home-made by
the directions given above, which we have had closely followed for
many years with the best possible success.

Take any quantity of whole rice, wash it thoroughly, changing the

water several times; drain and press it in a cloth, then spread it on a
dish, and dry it perfectly; beat it in a mortar to a smooth powder, and
sift it through a fine sieve. When used to thicken soup or sauces, mix
it with a small quantity of cold water or of broth, and pour it to them
while they are boiling.
This flour, when newly made, is of much purer flavour than any
usually prepared for sale.

All herbs which are to be dried for storing should be gathered in

fine weather; cleared from dirt and decayed leaves; and dried
quickly, but without scorching, in a Dutch oven before the fire, or in
any other that is not too much heated. The leaves should then be
stripped from the stalks, pounded, sifted, and closely corked in
separate bottles; or several kinds may be mixed and pounded
together for the convenience of seasoning in an instant gravies,
soups, forcemeats, and made dishes: appropriate spices, celery-
seed, and dried lemon-peel, all in fine powder, can be added to the

Rub four ounces of the best Durham mustard very smooth with a
full teaspoonful of salt, and wet it by degrees with strong horseradish
vinegar, a dessertspoonful of cayenne, or of chili vinegar, and one or
two of tarragon vinegar when its flavour is not disliked. A quarter of a
pint of vinegar poured boiling upon an ounce of scraped horseradish,
and left for one night, closely covered, will be ready to use for this
mustard, but it will be better for standing two or three days.
Durham mustard, 4 oz.; salt, large teaspoonful; cayenne, or chili
vinegar, 1 dessertspoonful; horseradish vinegar, third of pint.
Obs.—This is an exceedingly pungent compound, but has many

Mix the salt and mustard smoothly, with equal parts of horseradish
vinegar, and of chili vinegar. Mustard made by these receipts will
keep long, if put into jars or bottles and closely corked. Cucumber,
eschalot, or any other of the flavoured vinegars for which we have
given receipts, may in turn be used for it, and mushroom, gherkin, or
India pickle-liquor, likewise.


The coarse and unpalatable

compounds so constantly met with
under the denomination of forcemeat,
even at tables otherwise tolerably well
served, show with how little attention
they are commonly prepared.
Many very indifferent cooks pique
Weighing Machine. themselves on never doing any thing
by rule, and the consequence of their
throwing together at random (or “by
guess” as they call it) the ingredients which ought to be proportioned
with exceeding exactness is repeated failure in all they attempt to do.
Long experience, and a very correct eye may, it is true, enable a
person to dispense with weights and measures without hazarding
the success of their operations; but it is an experiment which the
learner will do better to avoid.
A large marble or Wedgwood mortar is indispensable in making all
the finer kinds of forcemeat; and equally so indeed for many other
purposes in cookery; no kitchen, therefore, should be without one;
[67] and for whatever preparation it may be used, the pounding
should be continued with patience and perseverance until not a
single lump or fibre be perceptible in the mass of the articles beaten
together. This particularly applies to potted meats, which should
resemble the smoothest paste; as well as to several varieties of
forcemeat. Of these last it should be observed, that such as are
made by the French method (see quenelles page 163) are the most
appropriate for an elegant dinner, either to serve in soups or to fill
boned poultry of any kind; but when their exceeding lightness, which
to foreigners constitutes one of their great excellences, is objected
to, it may be remedied by substituting dry crumbs of bread for the
panada, and pounding a small quantity of the lean of a boiled ham,
with the other ingredients: however, this should be done only for the

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