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Self-Reflection 1
If you had lived during the Stone Age, how would you image yourself living in your day
to day?
(Text thru LMS)
Checkpoint 1
Through one graphic art (collage painting, water painting, charcoal drawing and
freehand drawing, doodle and the like), portray the life during pre-historic times (Strone
age, Bronze and Iron age)
Criteria of Grading
Relevant to the topic: 40%
Uniqueness: 25%
Creativity: 20%
Neatness: 15%
(Output can be submitted here in the school or take a picture then upload in your
google drive the link must be submitted via LMS)

Checkpoint 2
What are the different problems encountered during the pre-historic times? How do
these problems change our life today? (Discuss one by one)
(Output must be stored via google drive then link must be submitted via LMS)

Checkpoint 3
Pick one evidence of science and technology during the ancient times. How significant is
this in the development of science and technology in today’s life.
(Output must be stored via google drive then link must be submitted via LMS)

Self-reflection 2
Pick Greek Philosopher, in a 5-minute video blog discuss the following.
1. A brief introduction of that Greek philosopher (include picture and a brief
background information)
2. His contribution to science and technology (description, time of discovery/
invention, include picture of needed)
3. The impact of his contribution in the evolution of science and technology (after
effect, include pictures)
(Output must be uploaded in your google drive then link must be submitted via

Submission is until April 9, 2022 for Self Reflection1, Checkpoint 2, Checkpoint 3

whereas until April 16, 2022 for Checkpoint 1 and Self Reflection 2 via the LMS only.

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