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Wastewater and Storm

Water Drainage
Learn how to calculate and design effective wastewater and
storm water drainage systems
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This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to calculate and design
efficient wastewater and storm water drainage systems. You will learn about the
principles and methods for measuring and estimating wastewater and storm
water flow, as well as the factors that affect drainage performance. Through
hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you will gain practical experience in
performing drainage calculations and selecting appropriate drainage system
components. By the end of this course, you will be able to design robust and cost-
effective wastewater and storm water drainage systems.

01 Introduction
Introduction to Wastewater
and Storm Water Drainage

01 Introduction to Wastewater and Storm Water Drainage Systems

Importance of Wastewater and Storm Water

Drainage Systems

Wastewater and storm water drainage systems play a crucial role in ensuring the
efficient removal and management of wastewater and storm water from urban
areas. These systems are vital for maintaining public health, protecting the
environment, and preventing flooding. Understanding the basics of wastewater
and storm water drainage systems is essential for professionals working in civil
engineering, urban planning, and environmental management.
Components of Wastewater and Storm Water
Drainage Systems

Sewer Systems

Sewer systems are one of the primary components of wastewater and storm
water drainage systems. They are designed to collect and convey domestic,
commercial, and industrial wastewater from buildings to treatment plants or
disposal points. Sewer systems consist of a network of underground pipes,
manholes, and pumping stations.
Storm Water Systems

Storm water systems are designed to manage the excess rainwater or surface
runoff from precipitation events. These systems prevent flooding by collecting
and diverting storm water away from urban areas into designated water bodies,
such as rivers or lakes. Storm water systems typically include drainage pipes,
catch basins, and retention ponds.
Key Design Considerations

Hydraulic Design

Hydraulic design is a critical aspect of designing wastewater and storm water

drainage systems. It involves determining the size, slope, and layout of pipes and
channels to ensure the efficient conveyance of wastewater and storm water.
Factors such as peak flow rates, pipe capacities, and the pipe material's durability
are taken into account during hydraulic design.
Capacity Planning

Capacity planning is another important consideration when designing wastewater

and storm water drainage systems. It involves predicting future wastewater and
storm water demands to determine the system's capacity requirements. An
accurately sized system ensures that it can handle the anticipated flow rates and
prevent system overloading or backups.
Pollution Control

Managing pollution is a key aspect of wastewater and storm water drainage

systems. Pollutants present in wastewater and storm water, such as heavy
metals, oils, and chemicals, can have detrimental effects on the environment if
discharged without proper treatment. Incorporating pollution control measures,
such as treatment plants and oil and grease separators, helps mitigate the
environmental impact of these systems.
Maintenance and Operation

Ensuring the long-term functionality and effectiveness of wastewater and storm

water drainage systems relies on proper maintenance and operation. Regular
inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of pipes, pumps, and other infrastructure
components are necessary to prevent blockages, leaks, or system failures.
Additionally, implementing proper operation protocols and monitoring helps
identify any operational issues and allows for timely corrective actions.
Conclusion - Introduction to Wastewater and Storm Water Drainage Systems
In conclusion, understanding the basics of wastewater and
storm water drainage systems is essential for anyone
involved in the design and implementation of these systems.
By learning about the different components, such as pipes,
pumps, and storage tanks, and the principles behind their
design, professionals can ensure the efficient and effective
management of wastewater and storm water. Remember,
these systems play a crucial role in protecting the
environment, public health, and infrastructure, so it is
important to apply the appropriate design principles and
calculations to ensure their proper functioning.

Calculating Flow Rates and

Pipe Sizing for Wastewater
and Storm Water Drainage

Calculating Flow Rates and Pipe Sizing for Wastewater and Storm Water
Drainage Systems


Calculating flow rates and pipe sizing is a crucial aspect of designing and
maintaining efficient wastewater and storm water drainage systems. Accurate
calculations help determine the appropriate pipe sizes to ensure optimal
performance, prevent blockages and overflows, and minimize the risk of flooding
and environmental damage. In this topic, we will explore the key principles and
methods involved in calculating flow rates and sizing pipes for wastewater and
storm water drainage systems.
Flow Rates

Flow rate refers to the volume of wastewater or storm water that passes through
a pipe or channel within a specified time period. By calculating flow rates, we can
determine the required pipe capacity to handle the expected volume of water in a
drainage system. Here are the main steps involved in calculating flow rates:
1. Determine the design flow: The design flow represents the estimated peak flow rate
that the drainage system must be able to handle. This flow rate is based on factors such
as rainfall intensity, catchment area, and anticipated water usage. Accurate estimation of
the design flow is crucial to ensure the system is adequately sized.
2. Determine the time of concentration: The time of concentration is the time it takes for
water to travel from the farthest point in a drainage system to the outlet. It is influenced
by factors such as surface slope, roughness, and distance. Calculating the time of
concentration helps determine the duration of the design storm event, which is used in
flow rate calculations.
3. Select the appropriate flow rate formula: There are several formulas available to
calculate flow rates, depending on the characteristics of the drainage system. Commonly
used formulas include the Rational Method, Manning's Equation, and the Hazen-Williams
Equation. The selection of the formula depends on factors such as the type of flow (e.g.,
laminar or turbulent) and the available data.
4. Determine the appropriate coefficients and parameters: Flow rate formulas require
specific coefficients and parameters to account for different factors, such as the
roughness of the pipe material, slope of the channel, and shape of the catchment area. It
is essential to use accurate data and values for these parameters to ensure the reliability
of flow rate calculations.
5. Calculate the flow rate: Once the design flow, time of concentration, formula, and
parameters are determined, the flow rate can be calculated using the selected formula or
software. The result will provide the required pipe capacity to handle the expected water
flow in the drainage system.

Pipe Sizing

Pipe sizing is the process of selecting the appropriate pipe diameter and material
to ensure efficient water flow and prevent blockages in a wastewater or storm
water drainage system. It involves considering factors such as the flow rate, pipe
material, slope, and the hydraulic grade line. Here are the main steps involved in
pipe sizing:
1. Determine the flow velocity: The flow velocity is the speed at which water moves
through a pipe. It affects the pipe size selection and is influenced by factors such as the
flow rate and slope. Calculating the flow velocity helps ensure that the water moves with
sufficient speed to prevent sedimentation and blockages, but not too fast to cause
excessive erosion.
2. Select an appropriate pipe material: Pipe materials, such as PVC, concrete, or steel,
have different hydraulic properties, resistance to corrosion, and maintenance
requirements. The suitability of the pipe material depends on factors such as expected
lifespan, environmental conditions, and budget. It is crucial to select a pipe material that
can withstand the anticipated flow conditions and is compatible with the wastewater or
storm water composition.
3. Calculate the required pipe diameter: The pipe diameter directly influences the flow
capacity, velocity, and potential for blockages. The chosen pipe diameter should be able
to accommodate the calculated flow rate and maintain a reasonable velocity without
causing excessive pressure loss. Various formulas and engineering reference materials
can be used to determine the appropriate pipe diameter based on the flow rate and
required velocity.
4. Consider slope and hydraulic grade line: The slope of the pipe or channel plays a
significant role in maintaining proper flow and preventing stagnation. For gravity-driven
drainage systems, the slope is designed to create a hydraulic grade line that ensures
water flows naturally and does not accumulate. The pipe sizing process should factor in
the desired slope and hydraulic grade line to ensure effective drainage.
5. Consider future expansion and maintenance: When sizing pipes, it is essential to
consider future expansion needs and maintenance requirements. The selected pipe
diameter should have sufficient capacity for potential growth in the catchment area or
changes in water usage. Additionally, access points and maintenance considerations,
such as cleaning and inspection requirements, need to be accounted for in the pipe
sizing process.
Conclusion - Calculating Flow Rates and Pipe Sizing for Wastewater and Storm Water Drainage
In conclusion, accurately calculating flow rates and properly
sizing pipes are crucial steps in the design of wastewater
and storm water drainage systems. By considering factors
such as rainfall intensity, catchment area, and desired
velocities, professionals can determine the appropriate pipe
sizes to handle the anticipated flow rates. Additionally,
understanding the concepts of partial and full pipe flow, as
well as the effects of friction and head losses, allows for
accurate calculations and the selection of appropriate
materials for construction. Accurate flow rates and pipe
sizing are essential to ensure the efficient and effective
operation of wastewater and storm water drainage systems.

Design Principles for

Wastewater and Storm
Water Drainage Systems

03 Design Principles for Wastewater and Storm Water Drainage Systems

Scope and Importance

Designing an efficient wastewater and storm water drainage system is crucial to

maintain public health and safety, as well as to protect the environment. A well-
designed system ensures the effective removal and transport of wastewater and
storm water, preventing flooding, groundwater contamination, and pollution of
water bodies. This topic explores the key design principles for wastewater and
storm water drainage systems, covering various aspects such as pipe sizing,
slope calculation, hydraulic design, and storage requirements.
Proper Sizing of Pipes

One of the fundamental principles in designing drainage systems is to ensure that

the pipes are appropriately sized. The pipe's diameter determines its capacity to
handle the flow of wastewater and storm water. Proper sizing is essential to
prevent pipe blockages, backups, and flooding. The size of pipes is determined
based on the expected flow rates, which are influenced by factors such as the
type of building or area served, the number of users, rainfall intensity, and site
dimensions. Engineers typically refer to local standards and codes to determine
the minimum pipe size based on these factors.
Slope Calculation

Proper slope calculation is critical for the efficient conveyance of wastewater and
storm water. The slope of drainage pipes determines the velocity at which the
liquids flow, ensuring self-cleaning and preventing the accumulation of debris. The
slope is usually expressed as a percentage or ratio, indicating the change in
elevation over a certain distance. The general rule of thumb is to maintain a
minimum slope of 0.4% (1/4 inch per foot) for wastewater pipes and 1% (1/8 inch
per foot) for storm water pipes. However, the slope may vary depending on
factors such as pipe material, flow characteristics, and local regulations.
Hydraulic Design

Hydraulic design is a crucial aspect of wastewater and storm water drainage

system design. Designers need to consider factors such as peak flow rates, pipe
capacities, and hydraulic loading to prevent flooding and system overloading. For
storm water drainage systems, designers analyze rainfall intensity-duration-
frequency data to determine the peak flows and sizes of storage facilities required
to manage excess storm water during heavy rain events. Hydraulic design also
includes consideration of pressure losses, flow velocities, and pipe materials to
ensure the system operates within acceptable limits.
Storage Requirements
In some cases, it may be necessary to incorporate storage facilities within the
drainage system to manage excessive storm water flow rates. These storage
facilities, such as detention basins or underground tanks, allow for the temporary
storage and controlled release of storm water, preventing downstream flooding.
Designers need to calculate the required storage volume based on factors such
as the rainfall intensity, duration, and frequency, as well as the site characteristics
and local regulations. Proper consideration of storage requirements ensures the
system can handle peak flow rates and prevent damage or disruption to
surrounding areas.
Consideration of Future Growth and Climate Change

Designing a wastewater and storm water drainage system is not only about
meeting current needs but also anticipating future growth and changing climate
conditions. It is essential to consider projected population growth, urban
developments, and potential impacts from climate change, such as increased
rainfall intensity or sea-level rise. Incorporating allowances for future expansion
and adaptation ensures the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of the
system, avoiding costly retrofits or system failures in the future.

Conclusion - Design Principles for Wastewater and Storm Water Drainage Systems
In conclusion, designing wastewater and storm water
drainage systems requires a solid understanding of the
design principles that govern the layout and functionality of
these systems. By applying these principles, such as slope
requirements, minimum pipe sizes, and hydraulic efficiency,
professionals can ensure that the systems are designed to
handle the expected flow rates and prevent issues such as
blockages or flooding. Successful design of wastewater and
storm water drainage systems ensures the safe and efficient
removal of water, preventing damage to property and the
surrounding environment.

Practical Exercises
Let's put your knowledge into practice

04 Practical Exercises

In the this lesson, we'll put theory into practice through hands-on activities. Click
on the items below to check each exercise and develop practical skills that will
help you succeed in the subject.

System Components

In this exercise, you will identify and describe the different components
that make up a wastewater and storm water drainage system.

System Layout

In this exercise, you will create a system layout for a wastewater and
storm water drainage system based on given specifications and design

Flow Rate Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate the flow rate of wastewater and storm
water in a drainage system based on the given inputs and use it to
determine the appropriate pipe sizing.
Let's review what we have just seen so far

05 Wrap-up

In conclusion, understanding the basics of wastewater and storm water drainage

systems is essential for anyone involved in the design and implementation of
these systems. By learning about the different components, such as pipes,
pumps, and storage tanks, and the principles behind their design, professionals
can ensure the efficient and effective management of wastewater and storm
water. Remember, these systems play a crucial role in protecting the
environment, public health, and infrastructure, so it is important to apply the
appropriate design principles and calculations to ensure their proper functioning.

In conclusion, designing wastewater and storm water drainage systems requires

a solid understanding of the design principles that govern the layout and
functionality of these systems. By applying these principles, such as slope
requirements, minimum pipe sizes, and hydraulic efficiency, professionals can
ensure that the systems are designed to handle the expected flow rates and
prevent issues such as blockages or flooding. Successful design of wastewater
and storm water drainage systems ensures the safe and efficient removal of
water, preventing damage to property and the surrounding environment.

In conclusion, accurately calculating flow rates and properly sizing pipes are
crucial steps in the design of wastewater and storm water drainage systems. By
considering factors such as rainfall intensity, catchment area, and desired
velocities, professionals can determine the appropriate pipe sizes to handle the
anticipated flow rates. Additionally, understanding the concepts of partial and full
pipe flow, as well as the effects of friction and head losses, allows for accurate
calculations and the selection of appropriate materials for construction. Accurate
flow rates and pipe sizing are essential to ensure the efficient and effective
operation of wastewater and storm water drainage systems.

Check your knowledge answering some questions

06 Quiz
Question 1/6
What is the main purpose of wastewater and storm water drainage
To provide clean water for drinking
To manage and remove wastewater and storm water
To prevent flooding

Question 2/6
What are some common design principles for wastewater and storm
water drainage systems?
Proper slope and alignment
Using high-quality materials
Installing solar panels

Question 3/6
How are flow rates calculated for wastewater and storm water drainage
By using magic
By measuring the temperature of the water
By considering the expected rainfall and drainage area
Question 4/6
What is the purpose of pipe sizing in wastewater and storm water
drainage systems?
To make the pipes look aesthetically pleasing
To ensure proper flow velocity and capacity
To confuse people

Question 5/6
Which factors should be considered when designing a storm water
management plan?
Traffic congestion
Safety regulations
The price of coffee

Question 6/6
What is the role of green infrastructure in wastewater and storm water
To provide shade for pedestrians
To reduce storm water runoff and filter pollutants
To grow vegetables


Congratulations on completing this course! You have taken an important step in
unlocking your full potential. Completing this course is not just about acquiring
knowledge; it's about putting that knowledge into practice and making a positive
impact on the world around you.
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