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ANTONIO, Jazmine C.

BS Biology 3-2 MB

GENETICS (LEC): Final Exam

I. MATCHING TYPE. Match Column I with the corresponding item in Column II. Write the letter
only. (25 x 2 points = 50 points)
J 1. Frederick Griffith A. Synaptonemal complex
O 2. Mitosis B. Eukaryotic promoter
X 3. DNA Replication C. AUG
P 4. Introns D. MN blood groups
L 5. Stop Codon E. Haploid set of chromosomes
G 6. Permease F. Mafran syndrome
A 7. Zygonema G. lacY gene
I 8. Dihybrid cross H. Chiasma
K 9. Thomas Morgan I. 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio
T 10. Pribnow box J. Transformation
Q 11. Dizygotic K. X- linkage
F 12. Pleiotropy L. UAA
R 13. RNA Polymerase M. population genetics
V 14. Sex- influenced inheritance N. Milk yield in dairy cattle
D 15. Codominance O. Diploid set of chromosomes
W 16. Monozygotic P. Non- coding regions
E 17. Meiosis Q. Fraternal twins
U 18. Monohybrid cross R. Transcription
S 19. Exons S. Coding regions
C 20. Start codon T. Prokaryotic promoter
N 21. Sex- limited inheritance U. 3:1 phenotypic ratio
B 22. TATA box V. Pattern baldness
Y 23. Β- galactosidase W. Identical twins
H 24. Diplonema X. DNA polymerase
M 25. Hardy-Weinberg law Y. lacZ gene

II. ANALOGY. What word completes each of the following analogies? SPELL CORRECTLY. Wrong
spelling is wrong. (10 points)
1. Adenine: purine :: Cytosine: PYRIMIDINE
2. Mitosis: Anaphase :: MEIOSIS : Anaphase I
3. EUCHROMATIN : uncoiled chromosomes :: Heterochromatin: condensed chromosomes
4. Middle: Metacentric chromosome :: at end : ACROCENTRIC CHROMOSOME
5. Sister chromatids separate: Anaphase :: homologous chromosomes separate:
6. Adenine: thymine :: GUANINE: cytosine
7. TRANSCRIPTION: RNA :: Translation: Protein
8. Phenotype: physical expression of a trait :: GENOTYPE: genetic makeup of an individual for
the trait
9. Modified genetic information: mutant allele :: normal : WILD-TYPE ALLELE
10. AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE: albinism :: X-linked recessive: Duchenne muscular dystrophy
III. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the terms described. SPELL CORRECTLY. Wrong spelling is wrong.
(20 x 2 points= 40 points)
PLEIOTROPY 1. A phenomenon in which the expression of a single gene has
multiple phenotypic effects.
TESTCROSS 2. 2. A cross in which the organism expressing the dominant
phenotype but having an unknown genotype is crossed with a
known homozygous recessive individual.
EPISTASIS 3. A phenomenon where the expression of one gene pair masks or
modifies the effect of another gene pair.
ACTIVATORS 4. Transcription factors that increase the levels of transcription
TRANSFORMATION 5. Uptake by the bacterial cell of exogenous DNA, which
occasionally becomes integrated into the bacterial genome.
CODOMINANCE 6. A dominance relationship in which there is joint expression of
both alleles in a heterozygote.
ALLELES 7. An alternative form of a gene.
DIHYBRID CROSS 8. A cross, involving two pairs of contrasting traits.
TRANSDUCTION 9. A mechanism for genetic recombination in bacteria that involves
DNA that has been brought into a bacterial cell by a
PROMOTER 10. A region of DNA that recognizes the transcription machinery and
binds one or more proteins that regulate transcription initiation.
PROKARYOTIC 11. Sequence-specific posttranscriptional regulation repressing
TRANSLATION translation and triggering the degradation of mRNAs.
RNA 12. Process by which messenger RNA is translated into proteins.
SYNAPONEMAL 13. A complex responsible for proper alignment during the pairing of
COMPLEX homologous chromosomes during Meiosis I.
REPRESSORS 14. A mechanism for genetic recombination in bacteria that involves
DNA that has been
DNA 15. Enzyme-mediated addition or removal of methyl groups to or
METHYLATION from bases and sugars in DNA.
LACTOSE OPERON 16. A gene cluster in E. coli that functions in an integrated fashion to
provide a rapid response to the presence or absence of lactose
PEPTIDYL 17. Enzyme that catalyzes the peptide bond formation between
TRANSFERASE amino acids during translation.
CROSSING OVER 18. Process by which non- sister chromatids undergo genetic
CYTOKINESIS 19. The division or partitioning of the cytoplasm.
BACTERIOPHAGE 20. Viruses that infect bacteria.

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