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A fault is a form of brittle strain which is characterized by a break in a body of rock along which
one block slides relative to another. Stress on rock can cause rock to break. Breaks in rock along which
there is no movement of the surrounding rock is called a fracture, on the other hand, a break along which
the surrounding rock moves is called a fault.

The surface or plane along which the motion occurs is called the fault plane. In a
nonvertical fault, the hanging wall is the rock above the fault plane. The footwall is the rock below the
fault plane.

Normal Faults
A normal fault is a fault in which the hanging wall moves downward relative to the
footwall. Normal faults commonly form at divergent boundaries where the crust is being pulled apart by
tension. Normal faults may occur as a series of parallel fault lines, forming steep, steplike landforms.

Reverse Faults
When compression causes the hanging wall to move upward relative to the footwall, a
reverse fault forms. A thrust fault is a special type of reverse fault in which the fault plane is at a low
angle or nearly horizontal. Reverse faults and thrust faults are common in steep mountain ranges,
such as the Rockies and the Alps.

Strike-Slip Faults
In a strike-slip fault, the rock on either side of the fault plane slides horizontally in response
to shear stress. Strike-slip faults got their name because they slide, or slip, parallel to the direction of
the length, or strike, of the fault. Strike-slip faults commonly occur at transform boundaries.

A break or crack along which rocks move is called a (1) Fault . Movements along a fault can be up,
down, or (2) left . (3) right often occur along faults in the Earth’s (4) crust .
block of rock/crust segment that lies above a fault is called the (5) lateral . The block of
rock/crust segment that lies below the fault is called the (6) footwall . Tension stress
((7)squezzing apart) will
result in a (8) sideways fault. Compression stress ((9) pulling together) will cause the
(10) sideways wall to (11) move over the foot (12) wall . In a thrust fault, (13) older
rocks are pushed over (14) younger rocks. Normal and reverse faults are (15) horizontal;
movement, while thrust faults are nearly (16) vertical in rock movement. In a (17) earthquake
fault, the rock blocks move horizontally past each other.

Younger Footwall Wall Hanging Squeezing

Lateral Fault Move Vertical Earthquakes
Hanging wall Sideways Older Horizontal Normal
Pulling Crust


Block of rocks between two (1) normal faults will (2) uplift and cause fault-block
(3) mountains . When the block of land between two normal faults slides (4) downwards ,
it is called a
(5) rift valley. (6) death Valley is formed this way.

Uplift Normal Rift Death Mountains Downward


Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences.
1. Think of an item in real life that has a similar mechanism with the three plate boundaries. Draw
and explain why.
An item with a mechanism similar to plate boundaries could be a zipper. Just like how tectonic plates move past,
collide, or pull away from each other at boundaries, the teeth of a zipper either interlock, come together, or move
apart, mimicking the different plate interactions.
2. What are tectonic plates, and how do they relate to plate boundaries?
Tectonic plates are large slabs of Earth's lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them.
They're pieces of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. These plates constantly move, and their interactions at
boundaries cause geological activities like earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain formation.

3. What are the primary types of plate boundaries, and what geological features are associated with each

The primary types of plate boundaries are divergent boundaries (where plates move apart), convergent
boundaries (where plates collide), and transform boundaries (where plates slide past each other). Divergent
boundaries create features like mid-ocean ridges, convergent boundaries form features like mountains and
subduction zones, while transform boundaries generate features like fault lines.

4. How do plates move at plate boundaries, and what drives their motion?

Plates move at boundaries due to convection currents in the mantle. At divergent boundaries, they move apart as
new crust forms; at convergent boundaries, one plate subducts beneath the other or they collide and buckle; at
transform boundaries, plates slide alongside each other horizontally.

5. What role do subduction zones play in plate tectonics, and how do they affect plate movements?

Subduction zones occur at convergent boundaries where one plate sinks beneath another. This process leads to the
recycling of Earth's crust, influencing plate movements by pulling one plate into the mantle and contributing to the
overall motion of tectonic plates
6. How do mid-ocean ridges form at plate boundaries, and what processes contribute to
their development?
Mid-ocean ridges form at divergent boundaries due to the upwelling of magma from the mantle, creating
new oceanic crust as tectonic plates move apart. This continuous process builds underwater mountain

7. What are hotspots, and how are they related to plate boundaries and the formation of volcanic

Hotspots are stationary plumes of magma that rise through the mantle, creating volcanic activity. While not directly
associated with plate boundaries, hotspots can create chains of volcanic islands as tectonic plates move over them,
forming islands like the Hawaiian Islands.

8. Explain the connection between plate boundaries and seismic activity, including earthquakes and volcanic

Plate boundaries are hotspots for seismic activity. Transform boundaries often produce earthquakes due
to the release of stress as plates slide past each other. Convergent boundaries generate both earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions due to the collision and subduction of plates, releasing pressure and magma

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