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Do you know your mass is the same whether you are on Earth, on the moon or floating in
This is because the amount of stuff you are made of does not change. However, your
weight depends on how much gravity is acting on you at the moment; you would weigh
less on the moon than on Earth, and in interstellar space you'd weigh almost nothing at
So mass is a measurement of how much matter is in an object; weight is a measurement
of force on the object due to gravity.
Mass is the amount of matter present in a body and is a fundamental property of the
body. Mass of an object remains the same always at any place.
Weight on the other hand is the force, which a given mass feels due to the gravity at its
place. Weight is measured in units of Force such as Newton (which is the SI unit of
If your mass is 60 kg then your weight is approximately 60 x 10 = 600 Newton.
One kilogram of mass has a force of ten Newton on
Earth. Note: 10 is the approximate value taken for
Earth’s gravity.

If you go to the moon your mass

remains the same, i.e. 60 kg, but
your weight reduces by 1/6, since
the moon's gravity is 1/6 that of earth.

Mass of a body is measured by balancing it equally with another known amount

of mass with the help of a balance. You keep the known amount of masses such
as blocks of 1 kg, 2 kg etc. on one side until both the sides balance and then add
up the numbers on the known side of mass and thus calculate the unknown

Weight is measured using a scale that effectively measures the pull on the mass
exerted by the gravity of the Earth. This scale is known as a force meter. It is
also known as a spring balance.

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Mass Weight

1. Is always a constant at any place and 1. Depends on gravity at the place

2. Is measured in Newton (in SI unit)
2. Is measured in kilograms (in SI unit)
3. Is measured using spring balance / force
3. Is measured using balances meter

4. Can never be zero 4. Can also be zero

5. Is an intrinsic property of a body and 5. Depends on:

is independent of any external factor.
a) Mass of the object which is attracting it

b) Force (gravity)with which it is being


Force is a push or pull. It is measured in Newton (N)
Forces act in different directions.
Forces act in pairs.
Each force in a force pair acts in the opposite direction to the

Force diagrams

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You add force arrows to a diagram to show which forces are acting. The arrows show the
direction and the size of the force (the longer the arrow, the bigger the force). The
arrows must touch the object in the diagram.
An arrow shows:
● The size of the force (the longer/ thicker the arrow, the bigger the force)
● The direction in which the force acts
● The arrow is labelled with the name of the force and its size in Newton.

If an object is stationary, or moving at a constant speed, the forces on it are balanced.

Balanced forces act in opposite directions and are the same size. The forces in the
diagram below are balanced.

If the forces on an object are balanced this is what happens:

● an object that is not moving stays still
● an object that is moving continues to move at the same speed and in the same

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When an object rests on a surface such as the ground, its weight is balanced by the

reaction force from the ground. The ground pushes up against the object. The
reaction force is what you feel in your feet as you stand still. Without this balancing
force, you would sink into the ground.

When two forces acting on an object are not equal or when one force is greater than
other, we say that they are unbalanced forces.
If the forces on an object are unbalanced, this is what happens:
● the object that is not moving starts to move
● an object that is moving changes speed or direction.
● If the object is speeding up the forward arrow will be larger

● if the object is slowing down the backward arrow will be larger

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The Effects of Force

Force can make things move. When you exert force on a ball by kicking or rolling it, you
make the ball move. Forces can also speed up moving objects.
Forces can also slow down moving objects or make them stop. When a ball rolls into a
wall, it stops moving. The wall exerts force on the ball to stop it moving.
Forces can change the direction in which an object moves. When you kick the ball from
person to person, it changes direction each time. Each person exerts a force on the ball
that changes the direction of the ball’s movement.
Forces can change the shape of an object. When you squeeze a soft ball, you exert a
force on it. The force makes the ball change shape. Forces that change the movement or
shape of an object are unbalanced forces.
To summarize force can cause objects to
● change shape
● turn
● speed up
● move in a new direction
● decrease in speed

Frictional force is observed everywhere when
objects come into contact with each other.
Frictional force acts in the opposite direction to the
motion of the object.

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Example: If a car needs to stop at a stop sign, it slows because of the friction between
the brakes and the wheels.
The amount of friction depends on surface material and force between the objects.
Rough surfaces such as sandpaper provide more friction.
The objects with heavy weight apply more force on the surface, and hence experience
more friction.
The greater the amount of friction, the harder/slower an object moves; the smaller the
amount of friction, the faster/easier an object moves.

Advantages of friction
● It enables us to walk without slipping. To enhance
friction, it is advisable to use shoes with rough soles
while walking on slippery floors.
● The brakes and tires of our cars and bicycles depend
on friction to function properly.
● The ridges in the skin of our fingers and palms enable us to grasp and hold objects
due to friction.
Disadvantages of Friction
● Friction produces heat and/or noise.
● Machine parts rubbing against one another will cause them to wear out faster.
● Friction reduces the efficiency of engines and other machines.

Ways to increase friction

Frictional force can be increased by
increasing the roughness of the contact
surfaces. Frictional force is bigger over
large surfaces than small surfaces.

Ways to reduce friction

● Polish the surfaces
● Add a lubricant such as oil between the two surfaces.
● Adding wheels or ball bearing

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Buoyant Force:
The mass and shape of an object can affect whether it floats or

Let’s also try to look into what happens when something is placed in water. Observe the
beakers in the picture. As the number of fingers immersed increases the water raises and
finally overflows i.e. the water is pushed out. This is displacement.
The water exerts an upward force and hence it flows out. More water is displaced when
the surface area of an object is large. Also objects float because
they are being pushed on by a force equal to the weight of the
water they displaced.
The upward force exerted by liquids is buoyant force. Two forces
act on a floating object - the gravitational forces and the
buoyant force. When the buoyant force is greater than the gravitational force the object
floats. When opposite the object sinks like the nail in water.

The Solar system and forces:

The Sun’s gravity pulls the planet towards the sun, which changes the straight line into a
curve. This keeps the planet moving in orbit around the sun. Because of the Sun's
gravitational pull all the planets in the solar system orbit around it.
Every planet spins around its own axis; a single rotation of a planet gives one day
(including the night). Each planet spins at a different speed so their days are not the
same length (e.g. on Earth a day is 24 hours, on Mercury a day is 1407.5 hours).

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1. How is mass different from weight?






2. Name the measuring devices used to measure mass and weight. Mention the
Units used.





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3. The pictures given below show bananas being weighed on the Earth and the Moon.
Does the weight of bananas remain the same on earth and moon? Explain.






4. What would be the mass of bananas if they were taken to space and measured?






5. a. Where do you weigh the most? Where do you weigh the least?




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b. Weigh yourselves or guess your weight. Record the mass in the table given.
Weight = mass x gravity
Multiply the mass with the gravity of each celestial object to figure out your
weight at each location. [Most of the numbers in the table are given to the nearest
whole number for convenience]
Location Mass Gravity Weight

Earth 10

Moon 1.6

Venus 9

Mars 4

Mercury 4

Jupiter 25

Neptune 11

c. Where do you weight almost zero?



6. Read about how Isaac Newton’s observations led him to understand and explain
the force of gravity.
Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he noticed an apple fall to the
ground. This started him thinking about why objects always fall downwards. He
thought that there must be a force that attracted the objects towards the ground.
He called the force gravity.
Newton thought further about gravity and the apple. He wondered if the same
force at work on the apple was also at work on the Moon. If it was, why did the
apple fall down to the Earth but the Moon didn’t?

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Newton calculated the force needed to keep the moon moving around the Earth.
Then he compared it with the force that made the apple fall downwards. Newton
eventually came to the conclusion that, in fact, the apple and the moon were
influenced by the same force. This was the force of gravity. But because the Moon is
so far away, the Earth’s force of gravity is not strong enough to pull it down.
Instead, it holds the Moon in the pathway, or orbit, around the Earth.

a. What evidence made Newton suggest the idea of gravity?


b. Explain what gravity is.


c. What units do we use to measure the force of Gravity? ________________

d. How did Newton explain the fact that the Moon does not fly off into space?




e. Why do you think the Moon does not fall down onto the Earth?



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7. Draw arrows to show the direction of force.

The pull of gravity of the spring The force of magnet attracting pieces of iron

Force of the hammer The Force exerted by each team (two arrows)

8. Examine the forces acting on the freezer in the diagram

And answer questions 1–3. F push
a. Are any of the forces acting on the freezer
balanced? If so, which ones? W


b. Are any of the forces acting on the freezer unbalanced? If so, which ones?


c. Describe the motion of the freezer.


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9. Four children of equal strength have a tug-of-war. Draw the forces that are acting.

a. Which team will win the tug-of-war?


b. If another child joins each end of the rope. Does this affect the result of the tug-
of-war? If not, why not?


c. In the given figure which team will win the tug-of-war now? Why?


d. In the picture, if each man pulls with a force of 10 Newton.

i. How much force does team A use? __________ Newton

ii. How much force does team B use? __________ Newton

e. Explain the result of the tug-of-war using the values for the forces in each team.


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10. An aero plane has a weight of 100,000 N. The aero plane’s engine applies a force of
a. Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?


b. What will happen to the plane?


11. In this worksheet record the observations and draw force diagrams.
Complete the table.

Force on object Effect of force Balanced or unbalanced

1. Ball on table

2. Pushing or blowing

3. Hitting another object

4. Flicking

5. Squeezing

12. Read the story and answer the questions:

Maya felt cold. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up. That did not help
much so she struck a match to light the fire. Maya went outside to fetch more wood
for the fire. She slipped and fell on the icy ground. “I must tell my brother to throw
some sand on the path to the woodshed”, she thought. Back inside, Maya pushed an
egg across the table by mistake. It rolled away and stopped right at the edge of the
table, but did not fall off. “That was lucky!” she thought.

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a. Identify the examples of friction. State whether each example of friction is useful
or problematic.



b. Why did Maya want her brother to put sand on the icy path?


c. Why did the egg not fall off the table?



13. Label the arrows in the picture and complete the text using the words in the box.

When you place an object in water, __________________ pushes the object


And _____________________ pushes the object ______________________.

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14. Some objects can float, but if pushed down by a denser object, the object will
submerge itself underwater. Choose the objects that would hold the fat toad above
the water.




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