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Subject Science Worksheet 1

Class Grade 2A 2B1 2B2

Topic Revision worksheet -TOPIC 3 Getting right materials
Student Name

Q1. Choose the correct words.

A. Wood is often used for a table because it is...

a. Brown
b. Strong
c. Dull

B. Rubber is used to make balloons because it is...

a. Flexible
b. Shiny
c. Colorful

C. Paper is used to make books because it is...

a. Absorbent
b. Weak
c. Flexible

Q2 .What materials should not be used to make a table, a balloon

or a book? Why?


Q3. Write the materials to the correct group:

Paper -cardboard -wood –Stone- water –metal

strong flexible

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Q4 . Choose the right words to complete the sentences. (4marks)
1. Heating butter makes it……………... (freeze / cold /melt).

2. You can make water freeze by making it ……. (very hot / very

3. Chocolate can change from …………. (liquid to solid /solid to

liquid) when heated.

4. Eggs can change from …....... (liquid to solid / solid to liquid)

when heated.

Q.5 What materials are these things made of? use

these word to help you.

Metal plastic rubber rock fabric


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