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Academic mobbing

Academic mobbing refers to a hostile and unethical behavior in academic settings where a group of
individuals collaboratively targets and harasses a colleague. This phenomenon is characterized by a
systematic and sustained effort to undermine, discredit, isolate, and intimidate a targeted individual
within an academic community. The mobbing behavior is often orchestrated by a group of colleagues,
administrators, or even students, and it can have severe consequences on the targeted person's
professional and personal life.

Key features of academic mobbing may include:

Isolation and Alienation: The targeted individual may be socially isolated and excluded from academic
and professional activities, meetings, and collaborations.

Spread of Rumors: False or exaggerated rumors about the targeted person may be circulated within the
academic community, damaging their reputation and credibility.

Undermining Work: Colleagues may intentionally sabotage the targeted individual's work, research
projects, or academic contributions.

Harassment and Intimidation: The targeted individual may experience various forms of harassment,
including verbal abuse, threats, and intimidation.

Professional Sabotage: Efforts to damage the person's professional standing, such as blocking
promotions, tenure, or research opportunities, may occur.

Psychological and Physical Impact: Academic mobbing can have severe psychological effects on the
targeted individual, leading to stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical health issues.

Common reasons for academic mobbing may include personal conflicts, professional jealousy,
competition for resources, ideological differences, or perceived threats to the existing power structure
within an academic institution.

Addressing academic mobbing typically requires a comprehensive approach involving institutional

policies, supportive colleagues, and, if necessary, external intervention. Creating a positive and inclusive
academic culture, promoting open communication, and having mechanisms in place to address conflicts
can help prevent and mitigate instances of academic mobbing. Additionally, raising awareness about the
detrimental effects of such behaviors is crucial for fostering a healthier and more collaborative academic

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