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What is Climate Change and how did it

Climate change is a change of global or regional weather patterns, in
particular a change apparent from the past to the future 20th century
onwards. This happens because of increased levels of the globalwide
carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Few examples of
climate change are natural disasters, heat waves, rising temperatures and
more. Climate change is the same as global warming.
Climate Change starts from greenhouse gases trapping the heat from the
sun in the Earth’s atmosphere. The sun’s heat is trapped by burning fossil
fuels to generate electricity, driving cars and power our lives. Carbon
Dioxide is the main thing that started to warm up earth. There is much more
global warming expected to happen in the next century. It also starts from
some types of air pollution too. But not all types of air pollution affects
climate change. Some types, like aerosols slow down climate change.

How many and how are people and

animals affected?
There a lot of animals and people that are affected from Climate Change.
400,000 people die by Climate change every year. Death totals are
expected to rise in the next 10 years. Deaths increase by 250,000 people
from 2003-2015. Nature Disasters and not consistent rainfall patterns kills
760,000 children under 5 every year. People die because of no water or
hydration during heat waves, injuries from natural disasters, rising
temperatures, extreme weather like lighting, injuries from earthquakes,
tsunamis, and more. Animals like polar bears and sea turtles are affected
by Climate Change. They lose their homes. Like polar bears, they live in
the Arctic and the ice in the Arctic is starting to break up. So polar bears
don’t have a place to live if the ice breaks up. Sea Turtles lose their homes
by the sea levels rising by 50 cm. Those 2 animals will not have a place to
live and they might die.
What is Canada doing to stop this issue
around the world and are there any
solutions yet?
Canada helps stopping this issue by trying to lower carbon dioxide in other
countries and also here in Canada. They are trying to make Canada and
other countries’s economy back to normal. Canada is trying to lower
emissions in other countries. Canada is also trying to lower carbon and air
pollution in other countries. Canada will be attending the Paris Climate
Conference and will discuss with other countries about stopping Climate
Change. Canada will invest in clean energy and clean technology. They will
spend $2 Billion to find objects that lower Carbon dioxide. There are a few
solutions that could help stop climate change. Save energy, go vegetarian
and stop cutting down trees are a few solutions. You could save energy by
switching light bulbs to LED, turn off or unplug computers, tvs and other
electronics when you are not using them and don't use dryers, because
they take up a lot of energy. Wash your clothes in warm or cold water. Go
vegetarian, because 18% of greenhouse gas emissions come from meat
and dairy production. Eat organic or locally grown foods. Grow your own
food. Don’t eat processed items. People should stop cutting down trees,
because trees take away carbon dioxide and gives you oxygen and it is
clean. Every year, there are 3-6 Billion trees that are cut down every year.
That is 1.5 Billion metric tons of carbon to the earth. That is also part of
20% greenhouse gas emissions.

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