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English teachers may be part of the authorities of an university; Article 6 of the (LOES,
2018) states that "The rights of teachers and researchers, in accordance with the
Constitution and this Law, are: Access to the teaching and research career and to
management positions". In such a way that to be part of the university authorities would
necessarily require additional training, in this case obtaining a graduate degree, and a
continuous updating of information, this by attending various courses related to
education; obtaining this job position will allow the teacher a job satisfaction as well as
depending on the culture and gender it is possible to establish new data in the index of
teachers with administrative positions.

The job as a university authority requires many aspects, (Ministerio de Educación, n.d)
emphasizes the academic training of the teacher applicant, as well as the leadership
capacity that he/she may have, this includes being in category D of the teaching scale. It
is also necessary to recognize the effort and discipline involved in complying with these
requirements, which is why not all teachers can apply. However, perseverance in personal
training through workshops, seminars and practical work in the classroom opens
opportunities to be eligible. Considering these aspects, a teacher who applies for
university authority requires knowledge and practical work to achieve leadership within
a university.

Obtaining this position of authority of a university causes job satisfaction, and this
allows them to have access to material resources, health, and good quality food. Aspects
such as personal fulfillment, work commitment, motivation in the work area are also
considered as a consequence. (Diana Gomez, 2023) mention that today's society is very
competitive, which is a positive aspect because there are people motivated to overcome
challenges and goals. In other words, healthy competitiveness promotes people who seek
to acquire knowledge and thus be able to improve their reality and that of others.

However, the positions of university authorities are mainly held by men regardless of
their cultures, so if a woman were to reach these positions, it would make a significant
difference. The data are shown in 5 columns divided in 2 in which a small part constitutes
the data of the women, and the major part constitutes the data of the men with positions
of university authorities.
Figura 1Men and women with intermediate university positions, by ethnicity.

In fact, from the data, holding this position would present a change in the indexes
represented in the graphs, so being a woman and holding this position would expand the
social ideals and current indexes of people with university authority positions.

In conclusion, the requirements, the current indexes on the positions of university

authorities, are aspects to take into account to achieve job satisfaction in relation to the
objectives set by the applicants, so that the aspiring teacher must be characterized by his
discipline, responsibility and interest in constant updates and learning, this in order to
obtain these positions that have many benefits.

Diana Gomez. (26 de October de 2023). HubSpot. Obtenido de HubSpot:
LOES. (02 de August de 2018). Obtenido de
Ministerio de Educación. (n.d). Obtenido de

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