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House Leasing Contract

Party A (Lessor) : Royal Property Management Co.,Ltd

Party B (Lessee) :

甲、 乙双方经平等协商,就租赁 Elephant International Resort(以下简

Through equal consultation, Party A and Party B reach the following
agreements on the leasing of Elephant International Resort (hereinafter referred to
as “the resort”) for mutual compliance:

一、位置及面积 Location and area

位于 Elephant International Resort A6 栋③楼 2 间宿舍(6302/6303)④
楼 3 间宿舍(6531/6532/6533)总面积为 200 平方米。
It is located at the building A6 of dormitory room 6302/6303/ 6531/ 6532/
6533 ,with the area of 200 square meters.

二、租赁用途 Lease Use

The houses leased by Party B shall only be used for office and
accommodation. Party B shall not engage in fraud or business activities in
violation of local laws and regulations. Party B shall not change the use of the
houses without authorization.

三、租金 Rent
3.1 房屋每月租金泰铢 15 万铢(大写:壹拾伍万铢整)。
3.1 Monthly rent: 150000 Baht.

逾期超过三天后,每天需缴纳当月租金 10%的滞纳金给甲方,逾期超过 10
3.2 Party B shall pay one month's rent as a deposit.Party B will pay the
full amount when signing the contract. After that, each installment of rent will be
paid five working days in advance, and the first payment will be made. Use later.
If overdue for more than three days, a late payment fee of 10% of the current
month's rent shall be paid to Party A every day, and if overdue for more than 10
days, it shall be deemed that Party B waives the contract automatically。
3.3 甲方收到乙方押金和租金后,向乙方出具收据。
3.3 Party A will issue a receipt to Party B after receiving the deposit and

四、其他费用 Other Fees

4.1 甲方为乙方提供网络服务,每月租金为泰铢 2000 铢/兆;乙方每月
1 号支付,先付后用。
4.1 Party A provides Network services for Party B at a monthly rent of
2000 baht/MB. The payment shall be made by Party B on the first day of each
month, pay before use.

4.2 甲方为乙方提供安保、保洁、水电维护等物业管理服务,物业管理
服务费为: 办公室;每月泰铢 100 铢/平方米,宿舍;每月泰铢 50 铢/平方米;
乙方每月 1 号支付,先付后用。
4.2 Party A provides Party B with property management services such as
security, cleaning, water and electricity maintenance. The property management
service fee shall be: 150 baht/square meter per month for the office and 50
baht/square meter per month accommodation room, party B will pay on the first
day of each month, pay before use.

4.3 甲方为乙方员工提供食堂四餐用餐,收费标准为每月泰铢 9000 铢/

人,乙方每月 1 号支付餐费,先付后用。
4.3 Party A shall provide party B's employees with four meals in the
canteen at a charge of 9,000 baht per person per month. Party B shall pay the meal
fee on the first day of each month.

4.4 乙方租赁期间产生的电费由乙方自付,电费标准为:泰铢 16 铢/度,

由甲方每月月底抄表,根据实际用量代收代缴,第二个月 1 号支付。
4.4 During the lease term, Party B shall pay the electricity fee of 16
baht/unit. Party A shall read the electric meter at the end of each month and
collect the fee according to the actual amount. The fee shall be paid on the first
day of the second month.
4.5 乙方租赁期间产生的水费自理,水费标准为:泰铢 50 铢/吨,由甲
方每月月底抄表,根据实际用量代收代缴,第二个月 1 号支付。
4.5 During the lease term, Party B shall pay the water fee of 50 baht/ton.
Party A shall read the water meter at the end of each month and collect the fee
according to the actual amount. The fee shall be paid on the first day of the
second month.
五、房屋租赁期限 Lease Term
5.1 甲方从 2023 年 11 月 01 日起将出租房屋交给乙方用,合同期限为
壹年(2023 年 11 月 01 日-2024 年 10 月 31 日),签订之日生效。
5.1 Party A leases the houses to Party B from 2023,November 01, the term
of contract is one year(from 2023,November 01 to 2024,October 31), effective
on the date of signing.

5.2 合同到期后,为了符合当地通货膨胀形势和新的政策规定及相关
5.2 After the expiration of the contract, both parties will renegotiate the
rent in accordance with the local inflation situation, new policies and relevant
information, and the contract can be renewed with the consent of both parties.

六、甲乙双方的权利及义务 Rights and obligations

6.1 甲方致力于打造国际化标准的度假村物业,提供餐饮、KTV、SPA 会
6.1 Party A is focusing to build international standard resort, providing
restaurants, KTV, SPA clubs, duty-free shops, cafes and other entertainments.
Equipped with militarized security management, responsible for security work
within the resort.

6.2 甲方保障乙方在度假村范围内的人身安全及每天正常上班工作(在
不违反 6.4 的情况下)。
6.2 Party A shall guarantee party B's personal safety and normal daily
work within the resort area (provided that 6.4 is not violated).

6.3 甲方提供房屋空调、吊顶、地板、网线入户等配套设施。
6.3 Party A shall provide facilities such as air conditioning, suspended
ceiling, floor and network cable.

6.4 乙方团队人员需积极配合、严格遵守有关规定,不得从事诈骗等违
6.4 Party B shall actively cooperate with Party A in strictly observing
relevant regulations, and shall not engage in fraud or other illegal or criminal
activities, the following points must be strictly observed:

6.4.1 乙方不得与其他公司人员发生打架斗殴事件,如有违反将重罚。
6.4.1 Party B shall not engage in fighting with other groups’ members,
and any violation will be severely punished.

6.4.2 乙方不得参与经营其他性质的项目,严禁涉毒。
6.4.2 Party B shall not participate in the operation of other kinds of
projects or business, shall not use the drugs.
6.4.3 乙方无权代表甲方,包括公司宣传、项目拓展(共同开发项目除
6.4.3 Party B has no right to represent Party A in company advertising,
project developments (except joint development projects), property sublease, etc.

6.4.4 乙方要热爱度假村,不做有损甲方的负面宣传,不损坏度假村
6.4.4 Party B shall value the resort and shall not do any negative
publicity that may damage Party A or damage the public properties of the resort.
If there is any damage, pay for it according to the price.
6.4.5 乙方必须遵守当地的法律法规,尊重当地的风俗习惯,遵守度假
6.4.5 Party B must observe local laws and regulations, respect local
customs and observe the property managements of the resort.

6.5 未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将该房屋转租他人。
6.5 Party B shall not sublet the houses without party A's written consent.

6.6 度假村范围内禁止乙方私开炉灶,除征得甲方同意外。
6.6 Party B is not allowed to set kitchen in the resort area, unless party A

Modification, rescission and termination of the contract
7.1 合同期限未满,如乙方提前终止合同,甲方将不予退还押金以及办
7.1 If Party B terminates the contract before the expiry date, Party A will
not return the deposit and office equipments.

7.2 合同期满,甲方将三个工作日内安排人员验收房产,乙方在未损坏
7.2 Upon the expiration of the contract, Party A will check the houses and
properties within 3 days, if there were damages, Party B must repair them, then
Party A will return the deposit within 7 days after repaired.

7.3 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可单方面解除合同、不退押金并收回
7.3 If Party B falls under any of the following circumstances, Party A may
unilaterally terminate the contract and take back the houses:

① 擅自将该房屋转租、分租、转让、转借、或与他人调剂交换的;
(a)Subletting, transferring, lending or exchanging houses to others without
permission of Party A.

② 乙方利用房屋进行非法活动,损害公共利益的;
(b)Party B uses houses for illegal activities and damages public interests.

③ 未经甲方书面同意,拆改变动房屋结构的。
(c)Demolishing or changing the constructive structure of houses without

④ 作出有损甲方声誉的。
(d)Damaging Party A’s reputation.

8. This contract is made in triplicate, two for Party A and one for Party B. It
shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties.

甲 方(盖章) 乙 方(盖章)
Party A(Seal) Party B(Seal)

签 字: 签 字:
日 期: 日 期:
Sign&Date: Sign&Date:

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