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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10

Quarter 3

2nd Semester

A.Y. 2023-2024

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Evaluate and analyze written text to identify the author's purpose and the type of writing

b. Develop an appreciation for the diverse purposes and styles of writing, recognizing the impact
of language choices on the audience.

c. Apply acquired knowledge by creating examples of each communication type, effectively

utilizing appropriate language, structure, and persuasive techniques to convey information ,
analyze concepts, persuade an audience, and construct compelling arguments.

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: Using a variety of Informative, Analytical, Persuasive, and Argumentative Writing

B. Reference: Module 2 Quarter 3 by Andres Julio V. Santiago, PhD

C. Material: Visual aid, pictures and laptop

D. Value focus: Critical thinking

III. Procedure

A. Activity


· Prayer

· Greetings

· Quick chair arrangements

· Checking of attendance
· Some questions are asked to the students about the past lesson


(The teacher will provide pictures with jumbled letters, then the students will be given a minute to think
of the answer.)

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