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Quiz Study Guide– Unit 1

Date: 10/19 or 10/20

Question type Content Pages
Vocabulary and Please refer to the vocabulary p.10, 11
Expressions list below p.4

Reading Comprehension Lesson 1b – The Selfie p.10

Generation p. 15
Lesson 1c – Blood Lines

Listening Comprehension Lesson 1a – Listening p.3

Lesson 1b – Selfie Generation p.12
Lesson 1c – Blood Lines p.15
Lesson 1d – Real Life 2 p.16
Lesson 1f – Lady Liberty and p.19
Ellis Island

Grammar Lesson 1a –Simple, p.10-11

Continuous &
Perfect p.13
Lesson 1b – Simple Past &
Present Perfect

II. Vocabulary List:

1a (p.10-11)
1. laid-back: seeming not to worry about anything; calm and relaxed
- He seems to be very laid-back about the Calculus final exam.
- The atmosphere at the beachside cafe was so laid-back that I could truly
enjoy my coffee.

2. solitary: done alone, without other people; enjoying being alone.

- She enjoys long solitary walks along the riverbank.
- A solitary figure was busy chopping down trees on the hill.

3. keep up: continue without stopping; make progress at the same rate as
- Tomorrow is not ideal for picnicking. According to the weather report,
the rain will keep up all day.
- Complains are everywhere since wages are not keeping up with

4. hang out: to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone.

- The local kids love to hang out at this park.
- Who is he hanging out with these days?

5. stand by: to be waiting and ready to do something or to help

- Cabin crew, please stand by for take-off.
- The loyal dog would always stand by his owner, offering comfort and

1b (p.12-13)
6. millennial: relating to a millennium or to the year 2000
- The millennial generation grew up in the digital age, with easy access to
technology and social media.
- Millennial celebrations occur once every thousand years.
7. apathy: behavior that shows no interest or energy and shows that someone
is unwilling to take action, especially over something important
- Voter apathy led to low turnout in the recent election.
- There is widespread apathy among students, reflected in their disinterest
in school activities.
8. sublime: extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable
- The book has sublime descriptive passages.
- The sunset over the mountains was a sublime beauty.
9. withdrawal: when you take money out of a bank account
- The bank became suspicious after several large withdrawals were made
from his account in a single week.
- I made a withdrawal of $100 from the ATM this morning to cover my
10. mindful: careful not to forget about something
- Politicians are increasingly mindful that young voters are turning away
from traditional parties.
- I try to be mindful of my surroundings when I go for a walk, noticing the
beauty of nature and the sounds of the birds.
1c (p.15)
11. diversity: the fact of many different types of things or people being.
included in something; a range of different things or people.
- Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the.
- The city's cultural festival showcases the diversity of art forms.
12. evident: clear to the vision or understanding
- The problems have been evident for quite some time.
- Her love for him was evident in all that she did.
13. descendant: a person who is related to you and who lives after you, such.
as your child or grandchild
- They claim to be descendants of a French duke.
- Recent evidence supports the theory that birds are the modern.
descendants of dinosaurs.
14. work ethic: a belief in work as a moral good
- Harmon had a reputation in terms of his work ethic of always being on
- His professional demeanor and strong work ethic were regularly.
mentioned by teammates.
15. dedication: the willingness to give a lot of time and energy to something
because it is important
- She thanked the staff for their dedication and enthusiasm.
- With a certain amount of dedication and determination, you can achieve
a great deal.
16. inherit: to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died
- All her children will inherit equally.
- He inherited the family business, but he had little interest in it and soon.
sold it.

1d (p16)
17. bump into: informal to meet by chance; encounter unexpectedly
- We bumped into Amy when we were in town last week.
- I bumped into her in Hawaii by chance, just as she was leaving for a
day trip

1e (p17)
18. lush: A lush area has a lot of green, healthy plants, grass, and trees
- The first photograph is flush with lush color, bluest skies and a verdant
forest pathway.
- The region is covered by lush green vegetation all year round.

1f (p19)
19. Infrastructure: the basic systems and services, such as transport and.
power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work
- The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.
- The industry was accused of having invested little in workers, plant or.

20. renovation: the act or process of repairing and improving something,

especially a building
- The museum is closed for renovation.
- Extensive renovations were carried out on the property.

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