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understanding the usage of Applied geology in the modern

pattern for new and future geoscientists:

By: djamila CHEKIROU

Today, geology is critical to the understanding of the complexities of our planet's dynamic
processes and informing various aspects of our modern life. Geologists will be studying the
structure, composition, and processes of the Earth, which is essential for addressing critical
issues such as natural resource management, environmental sustainability, and dangerous
mitigation, In this article, I will be explaining the usage of different patterns of applied geology
to reflect it importance in a very simple way to our new and future geologists, where
understanding geological patterns and formations will help you with the exploration of this vast
field, as a geologist and precisely in the applied side of it, this article will help you to discover
the 4 disciplines you will find in every university such as mine (The University of Science and
Technology – Houari Boumediene – Algiers ), enjoy reading.
Geotechnical engineering The use of
geological knowledge in construction and
infrastructure (Geotechnical engineering), In modern
times, it is essential to refer to it during the study,
construction, maintenance, and repair of any type of
construction, such as roads, railways, canals, mountain
and coastal development, bridges and viaducts,
tunnels, dams and forges, mines and buildings, and the execution of any type of work, such as
terracing, foundation, and drainage, regardless of the type of site, whether terrestrial, fluvial, or
maritime, permitted or filled with activity.

Mining engineering, mineral Resources, Environment and geomaterials

and let me tell you about my favorite part, (Mining engineering, mineral Resources, Environment
and geomaterials) it designed the systems and processes for extracting minerals efficiently and
safely to humans, and nature. They are responsible for planning and overseeing the construction
of mines, as well as managing the extraction and processing of minerals.

Mineral resources can be categorized into

metallic (e.g., iron, copper, gold) and non-
metallic (e.g., limestone, gypsum, potash).
They are further classified as renewable
or non-renewable based on their ability to
be replaced naturally over time. and we
geologists and mineralogists play a
crucial role in exploring and identifying
new mineral resources. This involves
geological surveys, remote sensing, and
geophysical techniques.
Mining activities can have significant environmental impacts,
including habitat destruction, soil erosion, water and air
pollution. Environmental scientists and engineers work to
develop and implement strategies for minimizing these
impacts and promoting sustainable mining practices. The
disciplines of mining engineering, environment, geomaterials,
and mineral resources are intertwined and essential to the
building of infrastructure, sustainable environmental
practices, and the exploitation of precious resources. The difficulty is striking a balance between the
preservation of the environment and the responsible use of geological materials and the financial
gains from resource exploitation.
Marine Geology

(Marine Geology) is an aspect of geology that specializes in an examination of the geological

structures as well as processes that occur beneath the planet's oceans. It entails analyzing the
composition of marine sediments, patterns of sedimentation, and the topography of the seafloor.
Underwater landform creation, subsurface volcanic activity, and the geological history of ocean
basins are all researched by marine geologists. They additionally inquire at the connection
between the hydrosphere and the Earth's crust, which advances our comprehension of
oceanography, marine environments, and the geologic elements affecting marine ecosystems.
Marine geology is special because it focuses on studying the Earth's oceans and seas, which
cover a significant portion of the planet. The ocean floor is challenging to access directly, and
marine geologists use advanced technologies to explore its unique geological features. Much of
the Earth's tectonic activity, like plate movements and seafloor spreading, occurs beneath the
oceans. The ocean floor also hosts distinctive formations like underwater mountain ranges, deep-
sea trenches, and hydrothermal vents. Understanding marine geology provides insights into
processes that shape the Earth's crust and influence natural phenomena, including earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions.
Hydrogeology (hydro/geology), It is also
essential for understanding groundwater systems,
aquifer properties, and water movement in the
subsurface. This knowledge is critical for us to
manage water resources sustainably, especially in
light of rising water scarcity in this modern world.
We also help to identify suitable well sites, assess
water quality, and understand the dynamics of
surface and groundwater interactions. We have
the Groundwater Movement: Understanding the
flow of groundwater through aquifers (permeable
rock or sediment that can transmit water) is
crucial. This involves studying factors like
hydraulic conductivity, porosity, and groundwater
gradients. Aquifer Properties: Hydrogeologists analyze the physical and chemical properties of
aquifers to determine their capacity to store and transmit water. This includes assessing porosity,
permeability, and storage coefficients. Groundwater Recharge and Discharge: Investigating
the processes by which water enters (recharge) and exits (discharge) the groundwater system is
important for understanding the overall balance and sustainability of groundwater resources.
Groundwater Contamination: Examining the sources, transport, and fate of contaminants in
groundwater is a critical aspect of hydrogeology. This involves assessing potential risks to water
quality and designing strategies for groundwater protection. Well Hydraulics: Hydrogeologists
study the behavior of wells and the interaction between wells and aquifers. This includes
analyzing factors like drawdown, recovery, and the efficiency of well systems. Isotope
Hydrology: The use of isotopes helps hydrogeologists trace the origin and movement of water.
Isotope hydrology is particularly useful in understanding groundwater recharge sources, age
dating, and identifying the influence of surface water on groundwater. Groundwater Modeling:
Hydrogeologists use mathematical models to simulate and predict groundwater flow and
contaminant transport. This helps in understanding complex hydrogeological systems and aids in
decision-making for resource management. Environmental Impact Assessment:
Hydrogeologists assess the potential impacts of human activities, such as mining, construction,
and waste disposal, on groundwater quality and quantity. They provide recommendations for
sustainable development and environmental protection.
Applied geology emerges as a true ally in our journey towards a sustainable and
resilient future. It's not just about rocks and formations; it's a dynamic,
multifaceted discipline that resonates with the heartbeat of our planet and
influences our everyday lives in profound ways.
In essence, applied geology is not just a scientific discipline; it's a human
endeavor with a profound impact on our collective well-being. It's the compass
guiding us towards sustainable development, the shield protecting us from
environmental threats, and the storyteller illuminating the Earth's journey
through time. In our complex world, applied geology stands as a testament to the
harmonious intersection of sciences.

Thank you for reading.

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