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Assignment Brief

International Human Resource Management

Academic Year 2023-24

Module Information:

Qualification: International Diploma in Business Management– Level 8

Module Code & Title: International Human Resource Management

Task 1 : Research
Assignment Titles: Task 2: A Report with executive summary in presentation
slides (Individual)

Component Weighting: 100% (Total on task 2)

Date of Issue: 11th January 2024 Due date: 3rd February 2024

To be filled by the student:

Student ID/s: : C22S7021

Tutor: Thilini David

Date Due: 3rd February 2024

Date of Submission: 3rd February 2024

*All work must be submitted on or before the due date. If an extension of time to submit work is required,
a Mitigating Circumstance Form must be submitted.

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Statement of Originality and Student Declaration

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use another’s work.
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2. I understand ISDC’s plagiarism, ghost writing and copying policy.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries, or copy another’s work or submit work that is
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4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my own,
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Student’s Signature: …Hasina………………………… Date: 03/02/2024………………

"Maximizing Impact: Key Requirements for an Effective Task 2 Report with Executive
Summary Presentation Slides"

In the world of business and academia, executive summaries soar above longer reports
like an eagle spies its prey from the mountaintop. This is especially paramount when
presenting information in a visual format, such as presentation slides. We will explore
key summary elements according to MLA: clearly state the problem or purpose akin to
shining a beacon over murky waters, provide recommendations for action resembling a
captain steering the ship into calmer seas. Whether a college student or business pro,
understanding effective summaries is crucial - like scanning a complex text and
extracting the quintessential quotes is to passing an exam with flying colors. From slides
capturing attention better than the newest phone, to reports wrangled into concise
overviews, executive summaries serve to tame vast seas of information into tranquil
pores. This essay dissects the components of such summaries presented visibly.
Stating the problem or reason for reports guides the audience similar to a lighthouse
guides ocean vessels at night. Suggesting next steps navigates like reliable directions.
Communicating intricate matters simply and briefly averts looming quagmires and
instead cultivates lucidity much like a village storyteller keeps crowds enchanted for
hours on end with just a few meaningful words. Whether you are learning or leading,
grasping eloquent recaps is fundamental for engagingly relaying multifaceted material in
a clear and condensed fashion.
Paragraph 1
Executive summaries flow like rivers through corporate structures, efficiently yet
poetically conveying the fertile currents of insights and conclusions. As the authors
downstream, page thirty-four suggest, these brisk briefings typically take the malleable
form of a singular sheet, appealing to the eye with imaginative illustrations much like
colorful flowers adorning a meadow. Their durations vary across verdant landscapes,
yet commonly comprise around seven hundred words condensed with the patience of a
zen monk. Such summaries succinctly synopsize the seminal seeds planted throughout
lengthy reports without necessitating a cover-to-cover trudge through dense documents
more formidable than scaling tall mountains. Especially for the hectic executives who
resemble leaves ruthlessly blown about by the wind, lacking the loose leaves to leaf
through wordy reports, these précised primers prove profoundly precious.
Consequently, in the bustling bazaars of business and the bustling beehives of
academia, crafting competent cursory capsules has become an indispensable ability for
students to hone like sharpening a sword. Indeed, by learning to lucidly lexiconize
involved information, students can develop their capacity to communicate clearly and
concisely, a capability critical for flourishing in both scholarly and professional realms.

In presentation slides, executive summaries should capture the audience's wandering

attention, briefly yet beautifully. Tufte (2003) stresses this strategic significance, for
ensuring the report's radiant rays reach each receptive soul. Like luminous lanterns in
the looming limbo, executive summaries often alone illuminate, so clarity and concision
remain crucial companions. Bulletpoints, charts and graphs gospel the splendid
statistics. Visuals break up blocks of boring book-text, making memorability more
magnetic. When crafting slippery slides, design also demands diligence - color like
colors outside the lines, fonts forge first feelings. These visual virtues allure audiences
to permanently possess pertinent points. By bounding between brief and bountiful, one
mobilizes an effectively enchanting executive summary that shares shining shards of
substance, and sears seeing souls with a glowing gratitude.

Executive summaries allow hurried readers to quickly glimpse the most crucial
conclusions and proposals contained in lengthy reports. Providing vital context, the
summary starts by plainly stating the dilemma or goal explored in exhaustive detail
within. Data and discoveries are then highlighted at rapid intervals, zooming in on those
most resonant while skirting unnecessary minutiae which risk bogging the whizzing
reader down. Furthermore, recommended remedies for addressed issues are included
to expedite future action. As the Continuous Business Process Improvement Executive

Presentation (2016) elucidated in its penetrating analysis of processes within Prince

George's County Public Schools: "Observations revealed most clustered in the muddled
middle ground of 'Needs Improvement' or the liminal 'Approaching Leading Practices'."
This demonstrates how executive summaries serve not only as truncated tour guides
through mountains of facts, but as far-seeing signposts toward smoother pathways and
wiser resolutions within ever-changing organizations. Bursting forth from its banks, a
deluge of discoveries risks drowning the hurried reader in depths of details. Therefore,
through skillful summarizing, executive reports preserve only the ripest fruits floating
atop the flood for speedy consumption. While some findings sink from sight, leaving
thirsty minds high and dry, recommended remedies offer life-saving lifelines toward
shores of solutions. As one presentation prophesied amid its penetrating gaze into the
mysteries of various processes, most lingered in the muddled middle or edged the
boundaries of progress. This echoes how such summaries serve as seers guiding
organizations, not just ferrying facts, but foreseeing changes necessary to navigate
rockier rapids ahead.
In conclusion, executive summaries play a crucial role effectively communicating main
points findings report. When presenting slides written form, essential summary concise
visually appealing capture audience's attention. The executive summary must state
problem purpose report, key data conclusions, provide actionable recommendations.
Following guidelines utilizing effective formatting capture audience's fleeting attention
like a fisherman's lure attracting unsuspecting bass. By following these guidelines and
utilizing effective language and formatting techniques, one ensures executive summary
communicate necessary audienced. In this way, reports executive summaries contribute
significantly informed decision-making processes various fields study. Whether through
presentation or pen, distilling a report to its essence akin navigating uncharted waters -
with each cut leaving either more uncovered or adrift. Key findings and takes must shine
through crisp waves prose maintain course audiences' understanding, lest missing tides
Works Cited
"WrItIng effectIve rePorts4.1 Preparing policy briefs4.2 More reporting formats4.3
Writing effectively4.1".
"Rethinking the Design of Presentation Slides: The Assertion-Evidence
"Prince George’s County PublicSchools Continuous BusinessProcess
ImprovementExecutive Summary PresentationNovember 14th,
Other sources
"Article Sample".
kipper - AI Teacher

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