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NAMA : Muhammad sofyan

NIM : 230512601004

1. Describe your SELF CONCEPT. How do you see yourself?

2. Explain your needs based on the HIERARCHY OF NEEDS by Abraham
Maslow (physical needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem needs, self-
actualization needs). Mention and explain your needs one by one.
3. What is the difficult problem do you have right now and how do you solved it?
4. How do you build up a new relationship with a new person? And how to
maintain the relationship?
5. Explain your CONFLICT STYLES. Which one is your style: physical violence,
withdrawal, the silent treatment, blow up, or bagging? Choose one.

Jawaban :

1. I see myself as someone who never gives up. If I want to get something I
want, I have to be able to get it. For example, if I want to buy something, I
have to save to be able to buy it.
2. For physical needs, maybe I need an ideal body weight hahah, that's why I'm
starting a gym now

• As for the need for security, I don't need it because I always feel safe
and never cause problems or deal with other people
• for the love that I need, maybe someone who can love me as sincerely
as we can make him a home for us, why is that because we don't get
that kind of love from our parents, because some people don't all get
enough love from their parents, that's why Mita You have to be smart
and smart to find out what love is
• for self-esteem needs, I think everyone has self-esteem, so there may
not be any self-esteem needs because everyone will definitely
maintain their self-esteem
• For my needs, maybe I need a way to easily find a solution to a
problem. Finding your own version of pleasure or satisfaction.
Understand what is needed to achieve satisfaction. Don't be shy and
appear to be yourself.
3. For the difficult times I'm facing now are the economy where I used to earn
my own money by selling on TikTok, but since TikTok closed, many people
have suffered, including myself, and my way of dealing with this is so that I
don't depend on my parents, I've started looking for part-time work and
starting to save my expenses maybe that's the only problem I'm facing right
4. The way I build new relationships with new people is to start a conversation
first. Let's take the example of friendship. I built a friendship with my friend.
It's been going on for 4 years. Why? because in our friendship there is
mutual benefit, reciprocity in friendship, to maintain the relationship there
must be communication so that the friendship relationship remains long-
5. For my conflict style, I fall into the silent treatment, where if I have a
conflict with someone, if I'm in the wrong, I'll keep quiet, but if I'm not in
the wrong, I'll argue with that person, but if that person is physically violent,
I'll probably retaliate, maybe that's all. that I can explain, thank you

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