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SfB Jd:Gi:df2

UDC 620.19:624.




. !

G. D. Base, BSc (Eng), AMICE, J. B. Read,

A. W. Beeby, BSc (End, AMICE and H. P. J. Taylor, BSc (Tech)

SUMMARY where c = the distance of the point of measurement

An investigation, sponsored by the Civil Engineering of the crack from the surface of the
Research Association, into the factors influencing the nearest reinforcement bar;
widtk and distribution of cracks in zones of unjform d = the distance of the point of measurement
bending moment in rbinforced concrete flexural mem- of the crack from the compression face
bers incorporating various types of bar, is described. In of the section;
tests on 133 beams nearly a quarter of a nzillion crack d, = the distance of the centroid of the
measurements were made and analysed. reinforcement from the compression face
It was shown that the distribution of cracks in a beam o f the section;
was Gaussian and that the standard deviation of the d,, = the distance of the neutral axis from the
crack widths averaged 0.42, of the mean crack width; compressionface of the section;
approximately one crack in a hundred thus exceeded a f, = the mean stress in the reinforcement;
width of twice the mean crack width. E, = the modulus of elasticity ofthe reinforce-
The principal factors determining crack width on the ment; and
surface of the effective tension zone of a beam were K = a constant of value 3.3 for deformed bars
shown to be the distance from the point of measurement (ribbed or square twisted) and 4.0 for
of the crack to the surface of the nearest reinforcement plain round bars.
bar and the distance from the neutral axis of the beam.
Part 1 of this report discusses the findings of the
The type of bar (whether plain round, square twisted
initial series of tests on 105 beams. The detailed test
or ribbed) and the size of bar (within the range 4 in. to
results fi-om these 105 beams are given in the form of
1 # in.) had little influence on cracking.
diagrams in the separately published supplement to
The following hypothesis would explain the results of
Part I ; the findings of an additional programme of
the investigation. Within the range of crack widths
tests on a further 28 beams wiN be published as Part 2
normally considered acceptable in reinforced concrete,
of the report.
adhesion between the reinforcement and the concrete
does not break down significantly and crack width is
primarily a.function of the elastic recovery of the con-
crete between cracks and of the restraining influence of
the nearby reinforcement. Cracks taper from a certain Very many investigations of the phenomenon of
width on the surface of a beam to near zero width at the bond between the concrete and the steel in reinforced
steel-concrete interface. concrete beams have been carried out since 1878.
The investigation results in the following formula for Hundreds of patents have been issued for deformed
the prediction of the maximum crack width on the sur- bars but it is only in comparatively recent years that
face of the effective tension zone in a region of unfform deformed bars (with the exception of square twisted
bending moment in a beam: bars) have been widely used in this country.
Most of the experimental and theoretical research
- Kc
E, (d,-dj
d - d,, on bond has been directed towards an understanding
of two basic aspects of the problem: the anchorage
length required at the end of a reinforcing bar in Possible mechanisms of crack formation
various situations; and the factors governing the
The basic concepts regarding the mechanism of
magnitude and distribution of cracks in the body of a
crack formation used in most previous studies have
beam, particularly in zones of constant bending mo-
been closely similar and the basic mathematical ex-
ment. However, despite the amount of work carried
pressions developed for crack width and spacing have
out, the phenomenon is still far from being completely
therefore also been similar. General equations were
understood and reliable design data are lacking.
given by Watstein and Parsons in 1943") and several
It has generally been assumed that the two aspects
other theories, differing primarily in the distribution
of the problem are related and that better anchorage
assumed for local bond stress, are given in the published
properties in a bar automatically ensure better crack
proceedings of the RILEM Symposium on bond and
control characteristics. This assumption has possibly
crack formation in reinforced concrete'''. Commission
been a factor contributing to the preponderance of
IVa on Cracking, of the European Concrete Commit-
research effort on what is generally considered to be
tee (CEB), has attempted a synthesis of various
the more amenable aspect of the research problem-
theories. The basic concepts used by the CEB, which
the anchorage length.
are common to most individual theories, are as follows.
As indicated in the next section, there might, indeed,
be little or no connexion between the two aspects and
an extensive effort to investigate, directly, the factors
governing crack control is essential.
The parameters that might influence cracking are
numerous and include-the following: In a reinforced concrete member loaded in axial
(1) stress in the reinforcement; tension (Figure la), cracks will form when the tensile
(2) surface characteristics of the reinforcement; strength of the concrete is exceeded. The first cracks
(3) size of the reinforcing bars; (A and C) will be at the weakest sections, which will
' f
(4) percentage of reinforcement in the total beam be randomly spaced. Similarly, in a beam loaded in
cross section; bending (Figure I b), initial cracks (A and C) will form
(5) degree of concentration of the reinforcement when the modulus of rupture is exceeded at weak
within the tension zone of the beam. This gives sections. At higher loads further cracks (B) will form
rise to the parameter p,, the ' effective reinforce- between the initial ones but the crack spacing can only
ment ratio ' defined as the ratio of the total cross be reduced to a certain minimum value, S,, which is
sectional area of the reinforcement to the area of reached when a tensile force of sufficient magnitude to
concrete, A,, with the same centroid as the rein- form an additional crack between two existing cracks
forcement ; can no longer be transmitted by bond from the steel
(6) the area of concrete associated with individual to the concrete.
reinforcing bars; Crack formation is inherently subject to far greater
variation than such properties of concrete as tensile or
(7) the cover to the bars;
compressive strength. If two cracks form initially with
(8) the strength of the concrete;
a spacing slightly greater than 2Spi, then another crack
(9) the degree of compaction of the concrete achieved may later form between them. However, if two initial
around the bars; cracks form at a spacing slightly less than 2Sminthen
(10) the deformability of the concrete; a new crack cannot form. Thus, basically, crack spac-
(I I) the type of concrete, particularly aggregate type ing may be expected to vary from Smhto 2Smi,with
and cement type; an average spacing of 1-5Smi,so that S,,, = $Save
(12) the curing conditions of the concrete; and Smi,= $Save
(13) the positioning of stirrups; To develop mathematical expressions for minimum
(14) the method of loading. crack spacing it is considered that tension sufficient to
Complicated interaction of some of these para- form a new crack at B (Figure I) is transferred by bond
meters occurs and it is not possible to investigate each from steel to concrete between A and B. Then concrete
one separately. Successful investigation of them is only tensile strength = transferred tension, i.e.
possible in a programme designed to isolate those
parameters that can be,isolated and to compare, in as
many ways as possible, the effects of groups of inter- where A, = effective concrete area in tension
acting parameters so that the predominent parameters S, = tensile strength of concrete
are determined. Such a programme must clearly be Smin
= minimum crack spacing
very extensive and has not, to date, been reported. The r, = factor defining distribution of bond
investigation described in this report is, however, con- stress
siderably more extensive than any previously reported u = maximum bond stress
work. Co = sum of bar perimeters.
Figure 1: Mechanism of cfacking-'classical' theory. Figure 2: Mechanism of cracking-elastic model for the
'no slip' theory.

Substituting Smax= 2S,,,i, gives is an over-emphasis of the effect of p,. Thus the follow-
ing modified expression has been adopted by the CEB:
Smax =- ................(2)
0,. - +) :
0.40 j;
DE......... . ( 5 )
4 4 As where K , is a coefficient depending on the bond charac-
Substituting Zo = - and p, = -gives
D A, teristics of the reinforcement and is determined experi-
This approach thus assumes that cracks are
produced by slip of the concrete relative to the
where A, = area of reinforcement reinforcement; that the crack spacing is governed by
D = bar diameter the force that can be transmitted from the steel to the
p, = effective reinforcement ratio. concrete and, thus, by the bond characteristics of the
The maximum crack width, o m a x ,is assumed to be steel; and that the crack is approximately uniform in
the elongation of the steel between twb cracks minus width between the steel and side of the beam.
the elongation of the concrete. In the CEB general
theory"' the elongation of the concrete is neglected so 2: 'NO S L I P ' T H E O R Y OF THE

that w,,, - S,,,

- which gives
This approach is fundamentally different from the
' classical ' theory in that it assumes that, for the range
of crack widths normally permitted in reinforced con-
crete, there is no slip of the steel relative to the
where w,,, = 'maximum crack width adjacent concrete. The crack is thus assumed to be of
zero width at the steel-concrete interface and to in-
crease in width towards the face of the beam. The
crack width is essentially a function of the elastic
fr = stress in reinforcement.
strain of the concrete.
4' Considering, as a simplified model of the problem,
Expression 4 states inverse proportionality between a concentrated load applied to a section as in Figure
. wmaXand p, but European test data indicate that this 2, we have the basic expression'4):
Figure 3: 'No slip' theory.
Relationship bet ween Z and Q
for various values of P.

the maximum value. It is thus necessary to determine

the rate at which the term

(ac cosh ac + sinh ac) cosh ay - ay sinh ay sinh ac ?!77 s-,a.x'

sinh 2ac + 2ac
m= I
approaches zero at the surface of the specimen, i.e.
when x = 1.
< <
for values of >, 2, cosh = sinh C = i e c t o within Considering, therefore, the function
2 %- -
sin aa 1 + ab
n )x(7)
Thus, for all reasonable values of c, I and y we can
write: 9 cosmn

a b
iT) :+
ace OLC
- +yemy ac
)\ cos a x
if we let -

and -

sin mnP I
Q we have

+ mnQ ) cos mn
Further, the term 2ac is generally small compared
z - - )? (
m= 1

with Be2OLc and the equation finally simplifies to Plotting Z against Q for various values of P gives the
curves in Figure 3.
In a direct tension specimen it seems likely that
further cracking- will occur when the surface stress

where b
= c -'y = distance from one end of the Z -
approaches the maximum value very closely, i.e. when
0. In a flexural specimen, however, bending stress
will be superimposed on the direct stresses considered
in this simplified approach to the problem. In beams
As b increases my -
qa . ] t a b
- slnce - 0.
e e ab
- of the proportions used in the investigation covered in
this repo'rt the bending stress at the extreme fibres will
At a crack the stress, cry, on the face of the concrete be approximately 115 % of the stress at the steel level.
specimen must be zero. Moving away from the crack Thus it seems logical to consider a value of Z = 15
the stress uy increases until the stress through the as the criterion governing the formation of further
section is uniform. A second surface crack is unlikely surface cracks between existing cracks. If P is plotted
to occur until the surface stress has built up to nearly. against Q for Z = 15 the curve in Figure 4 is obtained.
0 1 2 3 4


Figure 5: 'No slip' theory of cracking-predicted crack



Figure 4: 'No slip' theory. Relationship between P and Q for Figure 6: ' N o slip' theory of cracking-predicted crack widths.
Z = 15.

From this can be obtained the relationships between widths of these micro-cracks will be similar to the sum
crack spacing and the distance of the point of measure- of the widths of the primary cracks at the surface of
ment of the crack from the nearest bar, as shown in the beam. As the steel stress increases to large values
Figure 5. Such relationships will later be compared it is probable that the micro-cracks will widen and
with the experimental results. It can be seen that an complete bond break-down between the steel and con-
almost direct proportionality between, crack spacing crete will follow. However, we are interested primarily
and cover is predicted. in the range of steel stresses used in current practice,
Extension of this,elastic theory can be used to pre- or likely to be used in the forseeable future, and should
dict proportionality between crack width and cover to limit our considerations to these stresses.
the reinforcement") (Figure 6). A more refined theoret-
ical approach in which the force is considered to be
transferred from the steel to the concrete along the sur-
Basis of programme of tests
face of the bar may seem desirable but would clearly The large number of parameters involved clearly
require assumptions as to the bond stress distribution. makes a statistical approach to the problem of crack-
The basic assumptions of this mechanism of crack- ing a formidable task. However, previous research
ing, based on the theory of elasticity, is that there is work and generally accepted ideas indicated that cer-
no slip between the steel and the concrete at primary tain of the parameters have a very strong influence on
cracks, i.e. cracks visible on the beam surface. It seems cracking. For example, from the extensive series of
likely, however, that there will also be micro-cracking tests carried out by the Portland Cement Association
of the restrained concrete near the steel-concrete inter- and reported by HognestadI6), the following are in-
face, particularly in the highly strained concrete on cluded in the major findings.
either side of a primary crack, and that the sum of the " The use of modern American deformed bars is a
( a ) plain round.

( b ) Square twisted.

( c ) Helibond.

( d ) Welbond 60.

( e ) Unisteel60.

( f ) GK60.

Figure 7: Typicul reinforcing bars used in the investigation.

T A B L E 1 : Details of deformations of typical steels.






Helibond 0.500 Helical rib 3 in. pitch 0.028 0-062 Rib 0-350 1.190
Helibond 0.875 Helical rib 5 in. pitch 0.078 0.088 Rib 0-700
Helibond 1.250 Helical rib 7 in. pitch 0.118 0.088 Rib 0.875 2.250

Unisteel 60 0.500 None - - Rib

Unisteel 60 0.875 None - - Rib
Unisteel 60 1.250 None - - Rib

Welbond 60
Welbond 60
Welbond 60 1 1
1 1 1

Rib 0.078 0.033 Rib

Rib 0.078 0.054 Rib
Rib 0.075 0-058 Rib
Rib 0.075 0.060 Rib

Hi Bond A 0.875 Rib 0.087 0.057 Rib

highly effective crack control measure. Crack width The basis of the programme was therefore the in-
for such deformed bars is less than one half of that vestigation, within groups of six beams cast and tested
for plain bars. under uniform conditions, of the effect of varying a
" Crack width is essentially proportioned to bar single parameter. Where parameters could not be
diameter, D, for plain bars and old-type American separated, several groups of beams were used with the
deformed bars, but less dependent on bar diameter for inter-related parameters varied in different ways.
modern American deformed bars.
" The more recent CEB equation 7 predicts the Variables investigated
crack width reasonably well for modern American
deformed bars. However, equation 7 tends to over-
emphasize effects of bar diameter and effective rein- Of the large number of bars available in this country
forcement ratio." only a limited number could be included in the test
CEB equation 7 is the equation 5 in this report and programme. The bars used were chosen as represent-
indicates a very strong influence on crack widths of bar ative of the range of bars available and were classified
diameter and bar type. The influence of bar type is as follows.
governed by the factor K , and a ratio 1 :1.6 for plain (a) Plain round: in the majority of cases mild steel
and deformed bars was assumed. was used but in some cases steel with higher tensile
The more highly deformed steels available in Britain properties was used.
are very similar to modern American deformed bars. (b) Square twisted, cold worked: bars with the same
It was therefore anticipated that the two parameters, cross-sectional area as the round bars were used.
bar size and bar type, would prove as important in (c) Deformed, cold worked: only one such steel ap-
Britain as in America. peared to be available at the time of testing.
The inherent variability of crack width within a (d) Heavily deformed, hot rolled : a number of steels
beam has already been discussed and it was clear that, fitted into this classification and choice of the
for statistical reasons, measurement of a considerable actual steels used was quite arbitrary.
number of crack widths and spacings in each beam (e) Lightly deformed, hot rolled: a number of steels
would be essential. A constant moment zone 80 in. fitted into this classification and, again, choice of
long was therefore used in most tests and at least 20 the actual steel used was arbitrary.
cracks usually occurred in this zone. All steels were used in a condition approximating
Variability between similar beams was also expected to the ' as milled ' condition. Any light rusting that
t o be considerable but, particularly for the parameters occurred during transit was removed by wire brushing
bar type and bar size, it was expected that compara- before use. Figure 7 shows typical steels used in the
tively small, well-controlled groups of comparison investigation and Table 1 gives information regarding
tests could be used to show the effect of parameters. rib details for typical steels.
main reinforcing s t n l f In. dl* stirrups at 4 In. centre1


inclinometer posltlon
cr u a l o n point
Zft 6in.
6in.61n. 61n. 6in. 6in. 6 2ft 6in.

I 1


I twentv-two 4 in. I
- 1
D E M E ~G R I D

cnck measurement line

position of
Dernec line


four f in. dl& h r r
two in.dia. bars

twelve + In. d i r bar


Figure 8: Details of beams in Series A I , A2 and A3.

The first 36 beams tested were cast in six lots, each fluence the formation of cracks, generally no stirrups
of six beams. In each casting there was one beam with were used in the constant moment zones of the test
each of the above five types of steel and the sixth beam beams. It was intended to investigate the effect of
was a duplicate of one of the five. stirrups by comparing beams with no stirrups in the
Equal cross-sectional areas of the various types of constant moment zone with beams with stirrups at
steel were used and comparison was made at similar spacings of and 14 times the average crack spacing
stresses. Figure 8 shows the details of the beams, in- observed in beams without stirrups. However, normal
cluding the instrumentation. crack spacing was so small that stirrup spacing at $
times the crack spacing would have been absurd. The
2: B A R S I Z E influence of concrete cover to the stirrups was sus-
pected to be important and therefore two groups of
For the basic investigation of this parameter three four beams were cast, one with plain bars and one with
sizes of bar were used, namely those with cross-section- deformed bars; two beams in each casting had a small
al areas equivalent to f in., H in. and 14 in. diameter side and bottom cover to the stirrups while two beams
bars. Of the first six castings, two were with 4 in., two had larger side and bottom cover. All eight beams had
with H in. and two with l a in. bars and comparison in. diameter mild steel stirrups at 6 in. centres in the
was made between castings. Total cross-sectional areas constant moment zone; 6 in. was approximately 1:
of steel were maintained almost constant; either twelve times normal crack spacing.
4 in. bars (2-35;in2), four 5 in. bars (2.40 in2) or two
l a in. bars (2.45 in2) were used (Figure 8). Effective
depth and width of beam, bottom and side cover to 6: P E R C E N T A G E R E I N F O R C E M E N T A N D
bars and stirrup details in the shear spans were in- EFFECTIVE R E I N F O R C E M E N T R A T I O
tended to be identical. However, an error in bottom
cover occurred in the casting of the beams with 4 in. The quantity of reinforcement in a beam can be
bars and must be adowed for in the comparisons of varied by changing either the bar size or the number
results. of bars. Changing th- bar size produces a rapid change
in the cross-sectional area of steel but a slow change in
the surface area of the steel and in the cross-sectional
3 : S I D E COVER TO R E I N F O R C E M E N T area of concrete associated with each bar. Changing
Variation of side cover to reinforcement can be the number of bars produces similar rates of change
made in several ways and other parameters are in- in bar cross-sectional area, in bar surface area and in
volved. These are illustrated in Figure 9. In Figure 9a, the cross-sectional area of concrete associated with
four H in. bars at normal spacing and in rectangular each bar. Both methods of varying the reinforcement
layout are given various amounts of side cover. The were used in the investigation (Figure 11). Two cast-
cross-sectional area of concrete associated with each ings, each of six beams, were made, one with plain
bar is thus varied considerably, as is the effective rein- round bars and one with deformed bars. In three of
forcement ratio, p,. In Figure 9b, twelve 3 in. bars at the beams in each casting the reinforcement was varied
normal spacing, in rectangular layout, are given by changing the number of bars (twelve, nine 2nd six
various amounts of side cover. The variation in con- in. bars) and in the other three the bar size was
crete area per bar and in p, is considerably less pro- changed (four i,3 and 3 in. bars). Cover to the bars,
nounced in this series. Finally, in Figure 9c, four ;in. the beam width and effective depth were kept constant.
bars are grouped in three different ways within the
same area of concrete. Six beams were cast in each
series, half with plain round bars and half with heavily 7: L E N G T H OF SHEAR S P A N
deformed bars. Variants of the series illustrated in Because there is some indication from previous work
Figures 9a and 9b were then made, with half as many that the length of the shear span has an influence on
reinforcing bars and with deformed steel only. the cracking in the constant moment zone of a beam,
three beams were tested with three different shear spans
4 : BOTTOM COVER T O R E I N F O R C E M E N T (30, 42 and 60 in. shear spans and 120, 96 and 60 in.
constant moment zones respectively).
Bottom cover t o a rectangular layout of four 5 in.
bars was varied between 4 in. and 22 in. as in Figure 10.
All other details of the beams were maintained con- 8: C O N C R E T E S T R E N G T H
This was varied in two ways. Three beams were cast
with different compacting factors (obtained by varying
5: S T I R R U P S I N T H E C O N S T A N T
water content) and then tested at approximately the
same age and three beams were cast together under
Because it was suspected that stirrups would in- similar conditions and tested at different ages.
8 in.

four f in. d l a four f in. d l r four f In. dl&



8 in.
- In.
4 In.


X -6
0 z

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* 2 O C
" V
n L
0 0 0 0

twelve i In. dl& twelve 4 In. dia. twelve + in. dl2



-- .-.
=i 2
- 34 In. j in.

00 0
00 0
1- 8 i
m . 4 I
1 -
8 in.
four i in. dia. four f in. dia. four in. dll.


Figure 9: Beams for investigation of side cover to reinforcement.

1 1

7 .

It in.

0 L
0 0
four f in. dia,

B E A M S DS 6 6
four 4 in. dia. four 4 in. dia.
BEAMS D l 6 2 BEAMS D3 6 4

Figure 10: Beams for investigation of bottom cover to reinforcement.


8 nn.

twelve 4 in. dis. nine + in. dia. SIX 4 In. dlr.


I 8 in. 1- 8 tn. I
four 4 In. dir. four f In. dl.. four t in. dla.

Figure I I : Beams for investigation of percentage reinforcement.

tu TA B L E 2: Details of the beams in the main investigation.
Variable Beam dimensions Reinforcement Concrete
Beam Cast- Beam Variable series Effect. Width Cover* Cube Indirect Modulus Remarks
No. Series ing code within or Depth depth Type Size % strength tensile of
series casting Comp. Tens. Bottom Side strength rupture
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) -
(in.)-(in.) *+ (Ib/in2) (Ib/inz) (Ib/in2)
- -

Actual bottom
Variable Beam dimensions Reinforcement Concrete
Beam Cast- Bean1 Variable series Effect. Width Cover* Remarks
No. Series ing code within or Depth depth Type Size % strength tensile

series casting
(in.) (in.)
(in.) 1 Side
(in.) 1
Mild steel
* ~t
4 No. 7-- 2.29 3,843 319
Mild steel 4 No. 7 2.29 3,843 319
Cover Bar Mild steel 4 No. 7 2.29 3,843 319 8 in. diameter mild steel
in beam: type Mild steel 4 No. 7 2.29 3,843 319 stirrups at 6 in. centres
compared 4 No. 7 2.29 4,175 348 in constant bending
in two G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 4,190 348 moment zone
castings G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 4,203 348
G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 4,216 348

1 pi
H.T. round 4 No. 7 4,820 352 T beam
H.T. round 4 No. 7 4,870 352 T beam
H.T. round 4 No. 7 4,900 352 T beam
' Side
I2 No. 4 2.67
I2 No. 4 2.25
type 12 No. 4 1.84 4,500 352
Mild steel
C6P and , compared

in two G.K.60 4 No. 7 5,270 472 T beam
castings G.K.60 4 No. 7 5,320 472 T beam
G.K.60 4 No. 7 5,050 472 T beam
G.K.60 I2 No. 3 2.67 5,210 472
G.K.60 12 NO. 4 2.25 5,300 472
G.K.60 12 No. 4 1.84 5,340 472
G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 3,800 -
G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 3,880 -
I~o~; G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 3.950 -
cover G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 4,000 -
G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 4,190 -
D6 G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 4,240 -
EIP Layout H.T. round 4 No. 7 2.29 4,600 374
E2P H.T. round 4 No. 7 2.29 4,800 374
E3P bars H.T. round 4 No. 7 2.29 4,850 374
G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 4,700 374
G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 4,950 374
G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 5,160 374
4 No. 7 Tested at 14 days
4 No. 7 Compaction factor 0.92
Concrete 4 No. 7 Compaction factor 0.88
strength 4 No. 7 Compaction factor 0.95
4 No. 7 Tested at 35 days
4 No. 7 Tested at 85 days
T A B L E 2 continued

Variable Beam dimensions Reinforcen~ent., Concrete

I Cast-
No. Scrics ing I



C o n ~ p . Tens.
(in.) (in.)

rype Size

Cube Indirect Modulus
7; strength tensile of
strength rupture
(Ib/inL) (Ib/in2) (Ib/inL)

16 134 8 8 14 13 Mild steel 12 No. 4 2.25 4,770 365 51 5

16 13fi 8 8 14 I$ Mild steel 9 No. 4 1.68 4,980 365 515
16 13b 8 8 13 la Mild steel 6 No. 4 1.12 5,050 365 515
,152 13Q 8 8 Id I# Mild steel 4 No. 7 2.29 4,700 365 515
153 136 8 8 1 a I# Mild steel 4 NO. 6 1.68 4,500 365 515
15j 136 8 8 14 I# Mild steel 4 No. 5 1.17 4,940 365 515
% Bar 16 134 8 8 18 I# G.K.60 I2 No. 4 2.25 4,850 375 415
and type 16 I3$ 8 8 18 13 G.K.60 9 No. 4 1.68 4,775 375 415
bar 16 13a 8 8 1# 18 G.K.~O 6 NO. 4 1.12 5,020 375 415
diameter 15% 136 8 8 1it I# G.K.60 4No.7 2.29 5,190 375 415
152 136 8 8 18 18 G.K.~O 4 No. 6 1.68 4,960 375 415
15% 134 8 8 1 a la G.K.~O 4 NO. 5 1.17 4,900 375 41s
16 136 8 8 I ft 18 G.K.60 12 No. 4 2.25 4,340 326 389
16 13Q 8 8 1it 1% G.K.60 9 No. 4 1.68 4,150 326 389
16 136 8 8 18 14 G.K.60 6 No. 4 1.12 4,540 326 389
Inverted 152 139 8 8 I4 Ig G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 4,085 - -
casting 15% 139 8 8 16 It G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 4,048 - - V means steel in
bottom of mould;
15% 139 8 8 1# 18 G.K.60 4 No. 7 2.29 4,150 - -
- - R in top
15% 134 8 8 1 a 16 G.K.60 4 NO. 7 2.29 4,279
Curing 15% 136 8 8 111 I# Hibond A 4 No. 7 2.29 3,410 252 350 JI kept wet for 1 month
152 13Q 8 8 1t IQ Hibond A 4 No. 7 2.29 4,400 354 428 52 kept damp for 1 week
152 1 3 ~ 8 8 18 I# Hibond A 4 No. 7 2.29 4,670 358 405 33 exposed after I day
Length 15% 139 8 8 18 I# Welbond 60 4 NO. 7 2.29 4,360 349 450
of shear( I S $ 138 8 8 I# 1 1) Welbond 60 4 N o 7 2.29 4.360 349 450
- span
-- 15%
- -136 8
~ 8 13 1 1% Welbond 60
~ 4 No. 7 2.29 4,360 349 -
- 450
LID Side 15) 14 8 31 1 h G.K.60 2 No. 7 4,080 347 317 T beams
) L2D cover
153 14
sit 1t It G.K.60 2 No. 7 4,060 347 317 T beams
T beams
153 7Q 14 2# G.K.60 2 No. 7 3,920 347 317
beam 16 14i 64 6f 18 4 G.K.60 , 6 No. 4 1.26 4,040 347 317
width 16 14) 8 8 18 1% G.K.60 6 N o . 4 1.03 4,110 347 317
16 1461 9% 92 16 2f G.K.60 6 No. 41 0.85 3,940 347 317

* Nominal cover.
** Diameter or equivalent diameter in 4 in.
9: C U R I N G The effect of varying reinforcement percentage was
investigated primarily with the castings of Series G
Three beams were subjected to different curing con-
(fifteen beams) but also by comparison between Series
ditions. All were removed from their formwork after
C and Series L.
one day. One was then immediately allowed to dry out
The remaining parameters were investigated within
in the warm laboratory atmosphere, one was covered
smaller groups of beams.
in polythene sheet for seven days after casting and the
other was covered in damp hessian and polythene
sheet until two days before testing. Shrinkage speci-
mens treated in the same way as the beams showed Specimen manufacture and control
shrinkage movements in the ratios 9:5:1. Beams were cast in groups of u p t o six and great
importance was attached t o reducing t o a minimum
10: W H E T H E R T H E REINFORCEMENT undesired variation between beams in a casting. A
W A S I N T H E T O P OR BOTTOM OF group of six beams required twelve batches of concrete
THE SECTION A S C A S T which were combined in pairs and then distributed in
Four beams were cast together, two with the rein- equal layers in each mould. Poker vibrators were used
forcement in the bottom of the mould and two with to compact the concrete, similar treatment being given
the reinforcement in the top. to each beam. The beams were generally moist cured
under polythene sheet for seven days before being trans-
ferred together to the laboratory for instrumentation
Details of test programme and storage in the laboratory atmosphere until tested
Apart from trial beams to determine the suitability at about 21 to 28 days.
of the chosen sections, the programme consisted of 105 The concrete consisted of 2 in. Thames gravel, in.
beams in the initial investigation and a further 28 Thames gravel, sand and ordinary Portland cement in
beams tested subsecpently. The over-all size of the the proportions 1.38:2.14:2.10:1 by weight. The water/
beams was approximately 8 in. wide by 16 in. deep by cement ratio was approximately 0.5 (except in Series
17 ft long, and all were tested under symmetrical two- F). A compaction factor of 0-91 f 0.01 was specified
point loading on a 15 ft span. Of the 105 beams, initially but this was increased to 0.93 $ 0-01 after the
nineteen were reinforced with plain round mild steel, first six beams to increase the time taken to reach the
six with plain round high-tensile steel, six with square- desired strength at testing of approximately 4,500
twisted steel and 74 with various ribbed high-tensile Ib/in2.
steels. Of the additional 28 beams, twelve were Timber moulds, treated to give a smooth finish to
' identical ' beams containing plain round mild steel the concrete, were used. Except where the effect of
reinforcement and twelve were 'identical' beams con- casting the beam upside down was being investigated
taining ribbed, high-tensile reinforcement. They were (Series H), the beams were cast with the tension zone
cast in six castings of four beams each, two beams in at the bottom of the mould. The beams were, however,
each casting having plain round reinforcement and all tested with the tension zone uppermost to facilitate
two having ribbed reinforcement. The remaining four crack measurement.
beams contained a star-section reinforcement. Concrete control specimens were made for each pair
Reinforcement sizes ranged from 3 in to I &in. and of batches; generally three 6 in. cubes, one 4 in. by 4
steel percentages from 0.85 % to 2.67 %. in. by 20 in. beam for flexure testing and one 6 in. by
Details of the 105 beams in the initial investigation 12 in. cylinder for E tests and the indirect tension test
are given in Table 2 and of the 28 beams in the were made. The results were averaged for a group of
supplementary investigation in Table 1 of Research beams, except in Series F and J, but allowance made
Report 18 Part, 2. It can be seen that, in the main in the cube results for the small variation in the age
investigation, the effect of varying the type of bar was of the beam at testing that was inevitable because each
investigated primarily within each of the six castings beam took approximately one day to test. Results of
in Series A l , A2 and A3 (36 beams) but also within tests on control specimens are given in Table 2 and
Series E (six beams in one casting) and between in Research Report 18, Part 2, Table 1.
castings in Series C (twelve beams in two castings). The condition of the reinforcement was generally
Direct comparison between plain and ribbed rein- ' as milled ' but any loose scale or rust that had
forcement was also made in 24 beams of the developed was removed by wire brushing. Typical
supplementary series. stress-strain curves for several of the types of steel
The effect of varying bar size was investigated by used are shown in Figure 12.
comparing the results of Series A l , A2 and A3. No stirrups were used in the uniform bending
The effect of varying cover was investigated prim- moment zone (generally the central 80 in.) except in
arily in Series C, D, E and L (thirty beams) but also those beams in which the influence of stirrups on crack
in Series B (eight beams). formation was under investigation (Series B). Also, n o
0.00 1

Figure 12: Typical stress-strain curves of reinforcement steels used in the invesrigafion.

permanent spacers were used on the reinforcement in bending zone) and on the other face there were only
the uniform bending moment zone because it was two gauge lengths at each level.
feared that they might influence cracking. Instead, In early tests, strains were also measured on the
timber spacers were used and withdrawn as casting reinforcement but these were later omitted becauseit
proceeded butYhis did not entirely eliminate variations was feared that the gauges would influence crack
in cover to the reinforcement. It was therefore neces- formation and, furthermore, the measurements of
sary, after testing, to expose the reinforcement at strain on the concrete gave adequate information.
important points and measure the cover. Deflexions were measured relative to the supports
Within the shear spans of the beams 8 in. diameter with dial gauges (0.001 in. divisions) at mid-span and
mild steel stirrups at 4 in. centres were used, together at the loading points. The slope of the beam was
with plastic bar positioners. measured at fourteen stations along the upper (tension)
face by demountable inclinometers.
The general layout of the test rig is shown in Figure
Test procedure 14. The ends of the beams were anchored t o the floor
All the beams, except those used for the investiga- by crossheads and pairs of 14 in. diameter rods which
tion of the effect of shear span, were tested on a 180 in. were flexible enough to permit longitudinal freedom.
span and loaded symnletrically at two points to give Roller pivots permitted rotational freedom. Load was
an 80 in. long zone of uniform bending. All the beams applied upwards at positions 40 in. on each side of
were tested with the tension face uppermost to facil- mid-span by 50 ton capacity hand-operated hydraulic
itate crack measurement. jacks. Steel plates and thick rubber pads were incor-
Each crack was measured, with microscopes with a porated between the jacks and beam to transmit the
magnification of 25 and calibrated in 0.001 in. divi- load and permit the required longitudinal and rota-
sions, at nine positions at every load stage; the nine tional freedom as deformation occurred. Load was
positions were: both edges, the centre-line of the measured by calibrated hydraulic capsules placed
tension face. and 1 4 , 3 and 45 in. from the tension face under the jacks.
down each side of the beam. In a typical test about Load was applied to the beams in about six o r seven
1,500 measurements of crack width were made. Each increments until failure occurred.
measurement was entered on a specially prepared
form (Figure 13) giving the position of the crack and
its width at each load stage.
- After each test the cracks Method of reduction of data
were outlined in ink and photographed.
Strains were measured on the surface of the beams
with 8 in. gauge length Demec gauges at three levels Every crack visible on the surface of the concrete
along the sides of the beam, namely at the level of the was measured at, or as near as possible to, the nine grid
centroid of the reinforcement and at 4 in. and 3 in. lines at every load stage and all measurements are
from the compression face. On one face there were 24 included in the analysis of results.
locating discs at 4 in. centres at each level (giving 22 Comparison between the assessments, made by
overlapping gauge lengths covering the whole uniform various operators, of a set of cracks was made in the
- I I I 1
I c[;lyI, / Crack widths in 0.001 in. units

Beam NO. A /b'/
Sheet N o .

I ~ u . 1 ~

Load stage 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7

4 Figure 13: Crack record sheet.
crosrhead bolted early stages of the programme and the histograms and
down to test-floor
i the calculated values of the mean crack widths and
standard deviations in Figure I5 show the close agree-
ment between operators.
Measurement of the width of a particular crack at
nine positions permitted a profile of the crack width up
the sides of the beam to be drawn. Different types of
beams had different crack profiles. For beams with
approximately equal side and bottom cover to the
main reinforcement (and, thus, approximately equal
distances from each crack measurement grid line t o the
nearest reinforcement bar), the width of a crack on
Ffgure 14: Details of rest rig. the side of the beam was closely proportional t o the
distance of the point of measurement from the neutral
- 17 axis of the beam. The average strain of the concrete
- 16
along the side of a beam (derived from the Demec
-14 strain gauge measurements along the entire uniform
- 13

moment zone) was also proportional to the distance
from the neutral axis and therefore plotting the crack
width against average concrete strain at the level of the
crack measurement gave a straight line for such beams.
Since crack width was also proportional to the average
4 steel stress (and thus to the average concrete strain),
3 all measurements of a crack on the sides of a beam, in
1 the linear range of behaviour of the reinforcement,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
were on a single line as illustrated in Figure 16.
For beams in which the distances from the crack
C R A C K WIDTH - In. x 10"
measurement grid lines to the nearest reinforcement
Hun.M = 517 were dissimilar the crack width was not dependent
Standard devhtlor\U= 2.20
solely on the distance from the neutral axis and the
measurements at each grid line produced different
lines as illustrated in Figure 17. In fact, Figure 16 is
simply a particular case of Figure 17.
In practice, instead of plotting the width of a sir~gle
crack, the mean width m of all cracks in the uniform
moment zone of the beam was plotted. Evidence of
normal, or Gaussian, distribution of crack widths in
a beam was made in several ways, one of which is
illustrated in Figure 18. For beam A2W4 the measure-
ments of crack width were each divided by the average
strain in the concrete at the surface of the beam at the
same level as the crack measurement. The resulting
values of W/E were grouped and cumulative frequencies
were prepared. These were then converted to percen-
tage cumulative frequencies and plotted on normal
probability paper (Figure 18). The straight-line plot
indicates normal distribution of the values of U/E and,
thus, of crack widths.
Further confirmation of normal distribution of crack
widths in a beam was made by considering a popula-
tion of 655 crack width measurements on the first 36
beams tested. For normal distribution, it is to be
expected that 2.27% of measured values will exceed
the value of (m 20) for the population. Thus, for
the 655 cracks, 14.8 would be expected t o be greater
than the (m 2a); in fact 12 measured cracks were
Figure IS: Crack measurement control test (histogratns +
greater. The value (m 20) is, in fact, a useful
showing cornparison of readings faken by different individuals). approximation to the maximum crack width to be
C R A C K WIDTH-in. x 1 0 3

Figure 16: Method of plotting crack width measurements-beam with similar side and bottom cover to reinforcement.
I- %
0 4

5 10

C R A C K WIDTH-in. x 10-3

Figure 17. Method of plotting crack width measurements-beam with unequal side and bottom cover.
below 125
expected in practice. Being derived from measure- the uncracked concrete. A t the level of the reinforce-
ments on the entire population of cracks in a beam it ment the ' average strain ' in the concrete was, ob-
is subject to less experimental error than the measured viously, the same as the average strain in the steel.
value of maximum crack width in the beam. In many The strain measurements with e.r.s. gauges on the
of the graphs in this report the values of both (m 20) reinforcing bars in the early tests gave fair agreement
and mean crack width have been plotted for the various with the Demec readings but were less useful than the
measurement grid lines. Demec readings since they only measured local strain.
Although the stress in the reinforcement is not used Furthermore, the e.r.s. gauges acted as crack inducers
directly as one of the axes in this method of plotting, and were eliminated in the majority of tests.
the steel stress may be calculated by reading off the
strain in the concrete a t the level of the reinforcement, 3: DEFLEXION MEASUREMENTS A N D
at each load stage, and multiplying by the modulus of INCLINOMETER MEASUREMENTS
elasticity of the steel. (The average steel strain is equal
to the average concrete strain at the same level.) This These measurements were used only as a simple
has been done in the explanatory graphs of Figures 16 comparison between beams in cases where anomalies
and 17 but has not been done in the graphs of the existed in the results of other forms of observation.
actual results in the report.
The basis used in this report for comparison of crack Methods of analysis of results
widths in various beams is comparison of the slopes
of lines such as those in Figures 16 and 17. By this Although the tests were not planned with the idea
method all measurements are included in the analysis; of statistical analysis of the effects of the parameters
some 150,000 measurements of crack width were made investigated, it became clear that, since the differences
in the initial investigation. The lines plotted were, in between nominally identical beams were of the same
all cases, com uted best-fit lines for the results. order as the differences attributable to some of the
The calculat~onsof mean crack widths and standard main parameters in the Frogramme, a statistical ap-
deviations for each beam were made using a Sirius proach to the analysis of the results was very desirable.
digital computer; the following values were calculated Thus the results have been considered in two ways:
and tabulated at each load stage. from what may be termed the ' engineeringjudgement '
(a) The mean crack width, the standard deviation of approach and, so far as is possible, from a statistical
the crack widths and the number of cracks along approach.
- Both methods of analysis were based on the slopes
each of the nine measurement grid lines.
(b) The mean, standard deviation and number of of the graphs of mean crack width m and maximum
cracks for the pairs of grid lines on opposite faces +
crack width (in fact, m 20) against the average
of the beam, i.e. for grid lines a and c (tension strain on the surface of the concrete at the level of the
face), d and g (1 & in. down), e and h (3 in. down) crack width measurement.
and S a n d j (46 in. down). The ' engineering judgement ' analysis consisted of

The value a = prni which gives a mea-

direct comparisons between the slopes of the graphs
for particular beams or groups of beams. This was
done in tabular form to show the apparent effects of
sure of the skewness of the crack width distribu- the parameters investigated.
tion, for the combined measurements on the ten- The statistical analysis was based on Student's ' f '
sion face. tests. This uses the mean standard deviation and num-
(d) The actual measured maximum width of crack at ber of observations to determine whether two sets of
each load stage. observations are drawn from the same total popula-
Values of a were small for all beams, showing tion. It is postulated that there is no significant differ-
symmetrical distribution of crack widths about the ence between the means of the two populations being
mean values. compared unless the probability of difference occur-
ring due to chance alone is less than an certain pre-
determined value. Student's ' t ' is a measure of the
probability of the difference occurring due to chance
The measurements obtained with Demec mechanical alone and a value of ' r ' corresponding to a 5 %
gauges along the constant moment zone at three levels probability (for a given number of degrees of freedom)
were transferred to punched tape and the computer is frequently used as the limit above which the differ-
was used to calculate the neutral axis of the beam and ence between the.two means must be considered as
the ' average strain ' in the concrete at the level of being ' probably significant '. Values of ' t ' above that
each crack measurement grid line at each load stage. corresponding to a 1 % probability would indicate that
The ' average strain ' so obtained was, in the tension the difference between the two means is ' highly signi-
zone, the sum of all the crack widths and the strain in ficant '---that is, unlikely to be due to chance alone.
% + ac level
dr level
b eh level
0 fj levd

5 10 15 5 10 IS

CRACK WIDTH-In. x 10-3 CRACK WIDTH-In. x 10'1

Figure 19: Typical graph of strain against crack width, Figure 20: Typical graph of strain against crack width,
beam AIMI. beam A3H3.

Before the ' t ' tests were carried out, variance ratio were designed particularly to show the influence of bar
tests were made to determine whether the sample type on the cracking. In,each casting there was one
variances were sufficiently alike to warrant the assump beam with plain round mild steel reinforcement, one
tion that they were independent estimates of the same with square twisted reinforcement and four with
population; this test was passed in practically all cases. ribbed reinforcement. Superficial comparison of the
beams within a group showed no clearly defined in-
fluence of bar type; it was, in general, impossible to
Results decide from observation of the crack patterns alone
The effects of the various parameters are, so far as whether a beam contained plain or deformed steel.
is possible, first discussed separately and then general It was found that for this group of beams, which
points arising from the tests are discussed. had equal side and bottom cover to the reinforcement,
plotting crack widths against the average concrete
1 : I N F L U E N C E OF STEEL STRESS strain at the level of the crack measurement gave a
single straight line for all measurements. In Figures 19
For stresses within the linear range of behaviour of
and 20 typical graphs* are shown; both the mean
the steels, it was found that mean crack width and
maximum crack width were both closely proportional
crack width and the value (m 20) at each of the
four measurement levels (ac, dg, eh,J) are plotted for
to the stress in the reinforcement. At very low levels
every load stage. Each graph thus represents in excess
of stress there was a transition from the apparently
of 1,000 measurements of crack width.
uncracked beam to the cracked beam but this was a
In Table 3 the slopes of the mean crack line and the
very short zone in most of the beams tested and
straight line graphs of crack width against average
(m + 20) line are tabulated for the 36 beams. The
similarity between the majority of beams is noticeable
concrete strain generally passed through, or very close
and there are no very clear differences between types
to, the origin.
of bar. No one type of bar gave consistently poor or
The first six castings of six beams each (beams 1-36) * All of the graphs are reproduced in the Supplement.
consistently good results, the poorest results being ob- T A B L E 3 : Summary of results for beams 1-36.
tained with Welbond 60 in one case, Helibond in
another, square twisted in a third and mild steel in the Rein- Number Mean Standard
remaining three. The best results were obtained with Beam forcement of crack deviation m + 2a
No. type* cracks slope slope E
Helibond in two cases, square twisted in two cases, ** (in.) (in.) (in.)
Unisteel 60 in one case and Welbond 60 in one case. 1 MS 37 3.59 1.41 641
(The mean crack slope given in Table 3 is the criterion 2 ST 37 3.18 1.43 6.04
used .) 3 H 36 2-59 1.14 4.87
In Table 4 various ratios have been calculated for 4 U 36 3.10 1.16 5.42
the six castings. The beam with mild steel is compared 5 U 40 3.14 I .39 5.92
6 W 34 3.84 1.29 642
with the best result with ribbed steel beam, the worst
result with ribbed steel, the average result with ribbed 7 MS 33 3.53 1.61 6.75
8 ST 40 3.09 1.28 5.65
steel, the result with square twisted steel and the 9 H 34 4.04 1.62 7.28
average result with deformed steel (including square 10 U 42 3.19 1.25 5-69
twisted). Ratios for mean crack width and (m 20) + 11 U 34 3.4 1 1.37 6.15
can be seen to have been very similar to each other 12 W 38 3.20 1.35 5.90
while the ratios for 1/N values were smaller. The worst 13 MS 32 4.19 1.72 7.63
and best results for beams with ribbed steel are also 14 ST 38 3.05 1.38 5.81
compared. The Table indicates that, in general, beams 15 H 41 3.46 1.53 6.52
16 U 41 2.61 1.07 4.75
with deformed steel had rather more cracks than those 17 W 37 2.77 1.19 5.15
with plain round mild steel and that the cracks were 18 W 44 2.82 1.14 5.10
generally smaller for those with deformed steel. The 19 MS 34 3.49 1.69 6.87
beams with square twisted steel gave results which 20 ST 37 3.72 1.65 7.02
were, on average, almost identical to the average result 21 H 36 3.42 1.46 6.34
for ribbed stezl beams and there seems no reason t o 22 U .32 3.41 1.20 5-81
separate the results of square twisted steel beams from 23 W 42 2.85 1-15 5.15
24 W 35 2.96 1.21 5.38
ribbed steel beams.
In some castings the beam with mild steel was better 25 MS 41 3.40 I .25 5.90
26 ST 45 2.25 19 4 4.33
than the worst deformed steel result but in all castings 27 H 44 2.57 1.1 1 4.79
the best deformed steel result was considerably better 28 U 48 2.41 1.02 4.45
than the mild steel result. However, the considerable 29 W 46 2.45 1.05 4.55
range of results for deformed steel (even between 30 -
- W- 41 2.28 0.97
nominally identical beams) precludes the drawing of 31 MS 42 3.1 1 1.12 5.35
conclusions regarding relative crack control charac- 32 ST 43 2.80 1.18 5.16
teristics of deformed and plain steels. 33 H 45 2.64 1.14 4.92
34 U 42 2.72 1.14 5.00
A statistical investigation of the results of beams W
35 42 2.67 1.12 4.91
1-36 was made; the following ' t ' tests were per- 36 W 43 2.92 1.00 4.92
formed. * MS = Plain round mild steel. ** This is the sum of the
(1) Each of the four nominally identical beams ST = Square twisted. numbers of cracks on
(Unisteel 60) in Series A1 was compared H = Helibond. both sides of the beam.
individually with the total population of four U = Unisteel 60.
(Table 5). W = Welbond 60.

(2) Each of the four nominally identical beams

(Unisteel 60) in Series Al was compared
individually with a total population consisting
of the other three (Table 5). (9, 10) Tests 7 and 8 were repeated for Series A2
(3, 4) Tests I and 2 were repeated with the four (Table 9).
nominally identical beams (Welbond 60) in (11, 12) Tests 7 and 8 were repeated for Series A3
Series A2 (Table 6). (Table 10).
(5, 6) Tests 1 and 2 were repeated with the four Tests 1-6 were used to determine the values o f ' t ',
nominally identical beams (Welbond 60) in and the probability levels, corresponding to groups of
Series A3 (Table 7). nominally identical beams. These values were then
(7) Each of the beams in Series A l was compared used as the criteria in the comparisons in tests 7-12.
individually with the total population of Table I I shows the distribution of results of tests
twelve beams in Series A l (Table 8). 1-6.
(8) The combined populations of the nominally Thus it was postulated that values of ' I ' less than
identical beams in Series Al were compared 2.0 indicated no significant difference between the
with the total population (Table 8). means, values between 2-0 and 3.3 correspond to a
TA B L E 4 : Various ratios derived from the results for beams 1-36.
I Ratios

Beams Term

+ Group Numbers


* Including square twisted steel.

T A B L E 5 : Student's ' t ' test results for the four T A B L E 6 : Student's ' t ' test results for the four
nominally identical beams in Series A l . nominally identical beams in Series A2.

TEST 1 ' t ' Tests TEST 3 ' t ' Tests

Degrees of Degrees of
freedom freedom
- 0.34


Beam I Degrees of
freedom I Beam I Degrees of
TABLE 7: Student's ' t ' test results for the four TABLE 9: Student's ' t ' test results for all beams
nominally identical beams in Series A3. in Series A2.

TEST 5 ' t ' Tests TEST 9 ' t ' Tests

Degrees of Degrees of
freedom freedom

A3W3 147 0.41

A3W4 147 1 60

Degrees of
A3W2 - 1.83

Degrees of
Beam freedom 'I'

T A B L E 8: Student's ' t ' test results for all beams TABLE 10: Student's ' r ' test results for all
in Series Al. beams in Series A3.
TEST 7 ' t ' Tests TEST 1 1 ' I ' Tests
Degrees of Degrees of
Beam freedom 't' Beam freedom '1'

AIM1 387 1.02

AlSl 387 - 0.53
AlHl 387 - 2.80

Degrees of
freedom Beam I Degrees of

AIS -0.98
AIH 41 7 -0.05
A1 W 417 16 6
T A B L E 11 : Results of Student's ' t ' tests on In test 10 (Series A2) pairing the two beams with
groups of nominally identical beams in Series A l , mild steel gave a ' t ' of 2.97 which is in the zone of
A2 and A3 (summary).
uncertainty. The other three results were less than 2.0.
Probability % In test 11 (Series A3) one of the beams with mild
steel was just in the zone of uncertainty and the other
' t ' (for
120 degrees was just in the zone of difference. One of the square
of freedom) twisted beams was just in the zone of uncertainty. A11
- -

Number of -20 - ------ 3 ------- --I the other beams had ' t ' values less than 2.0.
results ( I = 2.06) In test 12 (Series A3) pairing the two beams with
mild steel gave a ' t ' of 3-59, in the zone of difference.
All the other beams had ' t ' values less than 2.0.
T A B L E 12 : Comparison between the slopes of Tables 5 to 10 give all the values of ' t ' for tests
the mean crack-strain graphs for Series B, C, E 1-12.
and G. Additional ' t ' tests were carried out on Series A l ,
Plain steel Deformed steel Ratio A2 and A3, but with the beams with mild steel ex-
Series plain cluded from the populations. These tests confirmed
Beam Slope Beam Slope deformed that there was no significant difference between the
37-BIPI 2.8 41-BID1 results for the various types of deformed steel, includ-
B 38-BlP2 2.2 42-BID2 3.3 0.67 ing square twisted steel.
39-B2P1 3.2 43-B2D1 3.2 1-00 Further comparisons between deformed and plain
CB2P2 3.2 44--B2D2 1.7 1.88
round steel can be made from the results of Series B,
45-C1P 2.9 51-CID 2.2 1.32 C, E and G . In Series B and C the plain and deformed
C 46C2P 3.1 52-C2D 2.8 1.11
steels were in separate castings and this may have
47-C3P 4.8 53-C3D 4.6 1.04
(Level 48-C4P r2.3 54--C4D 1.6 1.44 produced differences. In Series E all beams were in one
ac) 49-C5P 2.7 55-CSD 2.4 1.13 casting but, because of differences in the cover to the
5GC6P 4.5 56C6D 4.9 0.92 reinforcement, crack measurements at each grid line
E 63-E1P 1.3 66E1D 1.2 1.08 gave different slopes when plotted against strain; only
(Level %E2P 3.5 67-E2D 3.2 1.09 the grid line ac (soffit of beam) has been used in the
ac) 65-E3P 5.7 68-E3D 5.8 0.98 comparisons. Comparison between the slopes of the
75-G1P 3.5 81-G1D 3.5 1.00 graphs of mean crack width against strain is given in
76G2P 2.6 82-G2D 3.1 0.84 Table 12; because of other variables comparisons may

I 77-G3P
only be made between pairs of beams. The ratios of
the slopes for pairs of beams ranges from 0-67 to 1.88
8GG6P 3.1 86G6D 3.2 0.97 and have an average value of 1-13, indicating that, on
Mean ratio 1.13 average, the mean crack width was slightly greater for
plain round steel than for deformed steel. This result
was shown by ' t ' tests to be ' probably significant '.
zone of uncertainty and values above 3.3 indicate a
The results of the supplementary series of tests com-
real difference between the beams being compared. paring twelve beams with mild steel with twelve beams
Test 7 (Series A l ) produced ten values of ' r ' below with deformed steel are given in Research Report 18,
2.0 and only the two Helibond beams gave values of Part 2.
' t ' greater than 2.0, both in the zone of uncertainty.
Both mild steel beams gave values of ' t ' less than
3: I N F L U E N C E O F B A R S I Z E
that for the 30% probability level.
Test 8 (Series A l ) produced four values of '1'. all less The 'influence of bar size was investigated by com-
than 2.0. The value for the pair of Helibond beams paring Series Al, A2 and A3 containing I f , 8 and 4 in.
was extremely small; this result considered in conjunc- bars respectively. The beams with plain round rein-
tion with test 7 shows that one of the Helibond beams forcement were considered separately from the beams
had a good crack control and one a poor crack control with deformed bars. The averages of the mean crack
but, on average, the Helibond beams were not signi- +
width slopes, of the (m 20) slopes and of the number
ficantly different from the other types of beam. of cracks are given for each series in Table 13. It can
In test 9 (Series A2) one beam with mild steel be seen that there was no consistent difference between
had a ' t ' of 3.47, i.e. the beam must be considered as Series A1 and A2 but Series A3 had smaller cracks,
different from the remainder but the other beam with and more of them, than the other two series. The
mild steel had a ' r ' of only 0.94. One other value of difference between Series A3 and Series A1 and A2
' r ' greater than 2 (2.32) occurred, for a Unisteel beam, was, however, small and (as shown later in the dis-
placing it in the zone of uncertainty; all other beams cussion of the influence of cover) was probably caused
had values o f ' t ' less than 2.0. by the smaller bottom cover that was accidentally used
T A B L E 13 : Comparison of beams with various
sizes of bar.

Mean crack (m + 20) Number of

width slope slope cracks ( x 2)
I Plain 1 Deformed Plain Deformed
I bars I bars bars

c iVf; d; ;il;
T A B L E 14: Series E, comparison of mean slopes
of crack width against strain.

t d f i c;;;~~
for level

1.3 0.8 0.8 EID 1.2 0.9 0.6

MEAN C R A C K WIDTH-in. x 10-3

Figure 21: Typical graph of stmin against crack width,

cover series, beam El D.

4: I N F L U E N C E O F C O V E R
in Series A3. There was certainly n o indication of a
strong influ'ence of bar size on the crack control The effect of: varying the cover to the reinforcement
characteristics of either plain or deformed steels. was investigated primarily in Series C , D, E and L,
Student's ' t ' tests to compare individual beams in totalling thirty beams.
Series A1 with the total population of Series A2 gave The mean crack width was plotted against the
n o results with values of ' t ' higher than 3.3 and only average concrete strain at the level of the crack
2 results between 2.0 and 3.3, indicating that Series A1 measurement and, in general, each level produced a
and A 2 were similar. separate straight line. Typical graphs are shown in
Similar comparisons between individual A1 beams Figures 21 to 23 and all the graphs are shown in
and Series A3 gave five results greater than 3.3 and the Supplement
four between 2.0 and 3-3, indicating that Series A1 In discussing the results it is convenient t o deal with
and A3 were significantly different. Series E first. All the factors which the ' classical '
Similarly, comparison between individual beams of theoretical approach predicts should have an influence
Series A 2 and Series A3 gave six values of ' t ' greater on the crack widths were constant within each of two
than 3.3, indicating that Series A2 and A3 were groups of three beams in this series. Thus bar type,
significantly different. bar diameter, steel percentage and the distance of the
Other ' r ' tests between the total populations of centroid of the steel from the tension face of the beam
beams with deformed steel in each of Series A l , A 2 were constant and the theory would therefore predict
and A3 gave values of ' t ' indicating similarity be- equal crack widths for the three beams. It would, on
tween A1 and A 2 and a significant difference between the other hand, predict a difference between the two
A1 and A3 and between A2 and A3. groups of 3 beams, one of which used plain round
These ' t ' tests thus confirm the engineering judge- mild steel and the other heavily ribbed steel. In fact,
ment comparisons that Series A1 and A2 were similar there were very considerable differences within the
t o each other but Series A3 was different from Series groups of three but only very small differences between
A1 and from Series A2. These ' t ' tests cannot, of the two groups; this is shown in Table 14.
course, show whether the difference was due to varying From the results of Series E it is clear that the
bar size o r t o varying cover to the reinforcement. ' classical ' theory is incapable of predicting even the
M E A N C R A C K WIDTH-In. x 10-3 M E A N CRACK WIDTH-In. x 1 0 3

Figure 22: Typical graph of strain against crack width, Figure 23: Typical graph of strain against crack width,
cover series, beam E2D. cover series, beam E3D.

ratios of mean crack widths between various beams similarity between the experimental best-fit straight
and that a completely new basis for predicting crack line and the theoretical lines from Figure 6 is evident.
widths is necessary. The plain steel beam results produced a line slightly
It was found from the results of Series C, D, E and above (i.e. indicating wider cracks) that for the
L that, for the range of cover in the tests, the width of deformed steel beams.
a crack was closely proportional to the distance of the In Figures 26 and 27 ultimate mean crack spacings
point of measurement of the crack from the nearest at the various measurement levels have been plotted
reinforcing bar. against the distance to the nearest bar.
The results for the thirty beams are plotted in As load on a beam was increased the crack spacing
Figures 24 and 25; Figure 24 is for the 21 beams with approached a limiting value as illustrated for three
deformed bars and Figure 25 is for the nine beams typical beams in Figure 28. This limiting spacing o r
with plain bars. Each ofthe mean crack widths divided ' ultimate mean crack spacing ' occurred generally
by the average concrete strain at the level of the when the average strain in the concrete reached
measurement is plotted, except for measurements at approximately 130 x In Figures 26 and 27
level f j . In Series L, level fj was outside the effective the correlation between the ultimate mean crack
tension zone of the beam and measurements at this level spacing and the distance to the nearest bar is very
did not follow exactly the same trend as those at other good.
levels; measurements a t level f j on all beams were Plain bars appear to give wider spacing than
therefore omitted from the graphs. Each beam thus, deformed bars at low covers but the lines converge
generally, gave four points to be plotted-the averages at larger covers. Correlation between the experi-
of a and c, d and g , e and h and the measurement at mental best-fit lines and the theoretical lines in
b (centre of soffit)-but where there were appreciable Figure 5 is reasonable.
differences in the cover to the reinforcement on the two It is interesting to note that the units of both the
sides of the beam the measurements at each side were crack characteristic W/E and the crack spacing are
plotted separately. Best-fit lines were computed and inches and thus the difference between the slopes of
drawn through the points. The correlation between the W/E graph and the crack spacing graph is a function
crack width and distance to bar is very good and the of true concrete strain. Total extension between the
1 1 5 2 2.5


Figure 24: Experimental relationships between w/o and the distance of the point of measurement of a crack from nearest
reinforcement (deformed steels).

D I S T A N C E T O N E A R E S T GAR - n

Figure 25: Experimental relationships between o/c and the distance of the point of measuremetrt of a crack from nearest
reinforcement (plain steels).

Figure 26: Experimental relationships between crack spacing and the distance of point of measurement of a crack from the nearest
reinforcement (deformed steels).


Figure 27: Experimental relalionships between crack spacing and the distance of point of measurement of a crack from the nearest
reinforcement (plain steels).

0.5 1



Figure 28: Development of cracking as load increases. Beams Figure 29: Relationships between strain in the concrete and
EID, E2D and E3D. distance of point of measurement of a crack from the nearest
reinforcement (plain and deformed bars).

centres of two cracks = ES where E is the average follows that bar type and bar diameter should have
' strain ' over the 80 in. constant moment zone and S little influence on cracking, a t least, until adhesion
is the average crack spacing. between the steel and concrete is broken down.
By referring back to the Series A ] , A2 and A3, it can
be seen that the smaller crack widths in Series A 3
where w is the crack width and E , is the true concrete compared with A l and A2 were probably due to the
strain (average over length S - w, w negligible com- smaller bottom cover in Series A3. The ratios of the
pared with S). Therefore mean crack width slopes for Series A3, A2 and A1
were 1 :1.21:1-27 for deformed bars and 1:1-18:1.10
for plain bars. The average difference of 20 % between
A3 and the other two series is very similar to the
Thus from the graphs (using the best fit lines), further difference in cover between A3 and the other two
graphs, of E ~ / Eagainst distance to bar, can be drawn series.
as in Figure 29. It can be seen that deformed steel and The influence of the distance from the point of
plain steel gave similar curves. Both curves indicate measurement of a crack to the nearest bar is shown
that the actual concrete strain becomes a higher pro- in Figure 30 which shows diagrams typical of
portion of the combination of crack width and the Figures 106 to 136 in the Supplement. At each grid
concrete strain, E , as the distance to the bar decreases. level the mean crack width has been plotted when the
The concrete strain, E,, does not reach a limiting value average strain in the concrete at the level of the
when a crack pattern developes but continues to in- particular grid line was a certain value. Strain values
crease as E increases and the results show that the of 0.001 and 0-002 were chosen. The diagrams show
concrete strain can, in fact, reach very high values the actual positions of the reinforcement bars as
when the cover is low. This supports the theory that measured when the beams were broken after testing,
the concrete adjacent to the steel is able to reach high and illustrate the proportionality between crack width,
strains before adhesion between the steel and concrete at a given strain, and the distance to the nearest bar.
is broken down and, therefore, that cracks are likely These Figures illustrate the difficulty of correlating the
to be wedge shaped with small (possibly zero) width results of investigations by various research workers
at the steel-concrete interface and gradually increasing when full details of the positions of measurements of
in width with increasing distance from the steel. It cracks and of actual bar positions are not given.
00 2.8 .
7 - 6 3.8
00 5.4
7.63.8 f 6.5 13.9 2.9 2.9 5-4

BEAM C 3 D f in. dia. bm BEAM C 4 D 4 in. dla. bar^

B E A M I A fln.dia.ban ~
B E ED 1 A d f In. d i . bars

5 In. do^ bars
;in. dia. ban

Figure 30: Influence of distance from point of measurement of a crack to the nearest bar upon crack width for six representative
beams. ( Values are in in. x 1 0 3 at the I00 and 200 x 10-*strain levels.)
( a ) Beam C3P. Plain round steel, 23 in. side cover.

(6) Beam C3D. Deformed steel, 2g in. side cover.

( c ) Beam CIP. Plain round sfeel, 4 iri. side cover.

( d ) Beam CI D. Deforn~edsteel, 2 in. side cover.

Figure 31: Beams of Series C (after completion of testing).

The four photographs in Figure 31 are of beams of
Series C after completion of testing and show all cracks
outlined in ink. Figures 31a and 31b are of two beams
with equal nominal side covers to the reinforcement
(29 in.) but the beam in Figure 31a has plain round
reinforcement whereas the beam in Figure 31b has
heavily ribbed reinforcement. Despite the difference
in reinforcement the crack patterns are very similar.
Figures 31c and 31d are of two other beams with equal
nominal side covers (only 4 in. in this case) and with
plain round and heavily ribbed reinforcement respec-
tively. Again the two crack patterns are very similar.
However, the difference in the crack patterns between
the two pairs of beams is remarkable and illustrates
the effect of cover (or more precisely the distance from
point of measurement of the crack to the nearest
reinforcement bar) on cracking. (a)

Three beams of Series F were made with different
compacting factors (0.88, 0-92, 0-95) to give a range

100 200 300 400 500

3 lw
0 Z_ Figure 33: Influence of concrete strength on crack spacing.
2 2 2
54 5
of concrete strengths when the beams were tested at
E l -

approximately the same age. Three other beams were
w u
made with the same compacting factor (0.92) but were
tested at different ages (14, 35 and 85 days). Cube
strengths (Table 1) ranged from 2,825 to 4,960 Ib/in2,
indirect tensile strengths (splitting cylinder) ranged
from 247 to 389 Ib/in2 and the modulus of rupture
(a) from 340 to 510 Ib/in2.
The mean crack widths and maximum crack widths,
both plotted against average concrete strain at the
level of the measurement, are shown in Figures 69 to
74 in the Supplement. The six graphs are very similar.
In Figures 32a and 3;b, the slope of the mean crack
width line, a/€,has been plotted against cube strength
and tensile strength respectively and in Figures 33a
and 33b, crack spacing (when E >, 130 x has
been plotted against cube strength and tensile strength.
No correlation between cracking and concrete strength
can be observed in these graphs.
Furthermore, Student's ' r ' tests confirmed that all
the beams in the series could have come from the
same population; no values of ' t ' exceeded that
Figure 32: Influence of concrete strength on crack width. corresponding to a 5 % probability.
6 : INFLUENCE OF REINFORCEMENT cracks should be regularly positioned at the stirrups
PERCENTAGE and also halfway between; the spacing would be
approximately the normal minimum crack spacing.
The percentage of reinforcement was varied in two
The foregoing reasoning is, of course, based on the
ways. In three beams the number of bars was varied;
assumption that minimum crack spacing is half the
twelve, nine and six bars of 4 in. diameter were used
maximum crack spacing and, thus, that maximum
in a constant section. In three other beams the size of
crack spacing is 1.33 times the mean crack spacing. In
bar was varied; four bars of 4, and in. diameter
fact the standard deviation of the crack widths in the
were used in a constant section. The investigation was
first 36 beams averaged 0.415 (range 0-34 to 0.46) of
made both with plain and heavily deformed steels
the mean crack width and mean crack width was
(Series G).
approximately proportional to mean crack spacing.
No correlation between reinforcement percentage
and cracking was shown, or between D/p, (a term in-
Thus the maximum crack spacing, (m 20), was +
approximately 1.8 times the mean spacing, and the
cluded in most crack prediction formulae) and crack-
results cannot be expected to support the reasoning
ing. A straight-line regression analysis gave a slope not
significantly different from zero, indicating no correla-
Careful study of the crack patterns supports the
tion. Cover to the sides of the reinforcement was
assumption that stirrups tend to act as crack inducers
variable in this series but this does not appear to affect
and that this is more likely to be so for small cover
the validity of the conclusion that variation of rein-
than for large cover. In the beams with small cover
forcemeht percentage between 1-12 and 2.29% does
there were very few cases where a stirrup did not induce
not influence cracking significantly.
a crack but in the beams with larger cover there were
rather more stirrups without cracks.
Where stirrup spacing was 4 in. and the cover such
7: I N F L U 7 N C E O F S T l R R U P S that the normal mean crack spacing would be 4 in.
there was some evidence that the 'stirrups reduced the
In Series B, stirrups were incorporated in four beams variability of crack spacing. Where the stirrup spacing
(two with plain steel and two with deformed steel) was 6 in. in the same beams, that is between the normal
generally at a spacing of 6 in., which was about 14 mean and maximum crack spacings, cracks formed at
times the mean crack spacing for the similar beams in most stirrups and additional cracks formed between
Series A2. Bar layout, cover, etc., in these beams were approximately half the pairs of stirrups.
as in Series A2. In the beams where the cover was small the normal
In four other beams (two with plain steel and two mean crack spacing would have been about 2 in. The
with deformed steel) stirrups were also incorporated stirrup spacings were thus multiples of the mean crack
generally at 6 in. centres but the side and bottom cover spacing and either one or two cracks formed between
was reduced from 14 in. to in. The effect of reducing stirrups in addition to the cracks at stirrups.
cover in this way in a beam without stirrups would be Many more tests would be necessary to give statis-
approximately to halve the crack spacing and width. tically acceptable evidence of the influence of stirrup
Thus a stirrup spacing of 6 in. would be about 2 to 3 spacing on cracking.
times nominal mean crack spacing. In all eight beams
the four stirrups adjacent to each loading point were at
4 in. centres.
If it is assumed that stirrupqact as crack inducers,
then the inclusion of stirrups at the mean crack spacing Three beams cast together were subsequently treated
that would occur in an unstirruped beam should have in different ways. One was allowed to dry in the
the effect of producing cracks at uniform spacing, laboratory after one day, one was kept moist under
reducing the standard deviation. The inclusion of polythene for one week and then allowed to dry and
stirrups at a spacing greater than the normal minimum the other was kept under damp hessian and polythene
crack spacing but less than the normal mean crack for a month. The three beams were tested when
spacing should decrease the crack spacing and, there- approximately one month old. Shrinkage control speci-
fore, the crack width. The inclusion of stirrups at a mens kept with the beams had shrunk approximately
spacing between the normal mean crack spacing and in the ratios 9:5:1 at the time the beams were tested.
the normal maximum crack spacing should increase Comparison of the graphs of mean crack width
the crack spacing and the crack width because after against strain for the three beams shows no significant
cracks have formed at stirrups no further cracks would diflerences, either in slope or intercept on the axes, and
be able to form in the spaces between stirrups, the ' t ' tests indicate that the three beams were from the
stirrup spacing being less than twice minimum normal same population. Each beam was also compared with
crack spacing. When the stirrup spacing just exceeds Series A2 and found to be similar; no values of ' 1 '
the normal maximum crack spacing the resulting exceeded the 5 % probability level.
Four beams were cast together, two with the tension
zone at the bottom of the mould and two with the
tension zone at the top of the mould. This small
sample of beams gave no clear indication of the effect
of the parameter being studied; variation between
similar beams was of the same order as the variation
between comparison beams.


Three beams were cast together and tested with
shear spans of 30,42 and 60 in. and the uniform bend-
ing moment zones were thus 120,96 and 60 in. respec-
tively. Shear reinforcement in the shear spans consisted
of an equal number of stirrups in each, the spacing
being reduced as the shear span was reduced.
In these beams crack widths and spacings were
measured in the shear spans as well as in the uniform
bending zone. Strain measurements were made along Figure 34: Relationship between crack width and crack spacing
the whole length of the beam. at a certain level on the beam.
.The slopes of the graphs of mean crack width against
average concrete strain for the the uniform bending
moment zones were cdmpared by means of ' t ' tests; or statement, that crack width is proportional to crack
each of the three beams was compared with the spacing is, however, very loose and must be more
remaining two and each of the three beams was also precisely defined. It must, for example, be established
compared with the population of twelve beams in whether the relationship applies at all loads on the
Series A2. Except for comparison between beam K1 beam or at all positions (distances from the neutral
(30 in. shear span) and Series A2, all the tests indicated axis) or whether something more specific is meant.
that the beams came from the same population; ' t ' As load is applied to a beam for the first time the
values did not exceed the 5 % probability level. Com- relationship between mean crack spacing and mean
parison between K1 andseries A2 gave a value of ' t ' crack width at a particular level on the beam (say the
at the level of uncertainty. centre of the soffit, or the level of the centroid of the
Measurements in the shear spans were treated in the reinforcement) must clearly be of the type illustrated
same general way as those in the uniform moment in Figure 34. At zero load, crack spacing is infinite and
zones. The shear spans were divided into ten sections crack width zero. At a certain load, cracks begin to
and the mean crack widths in each section plotted form and, as the load is increased, the crack spacing
against the mean concrete strain in the section. In all tends towards a limiting minimum value while the
cases the slope of the graph was slightly less than that crack width continues to increase. The crack width is
for the uniform moment zone; the average ratio was a function of the stress in the reinforcement and, there-
I :I.] but this is only a rough indicatiomof the possible fore, of the average ' strain ' in the concrete at the
difference between shear span and uniform moment level of the reinforcement; in fact, direct proportion-
zone. ality between crack width and the ' strain ' has been
At high loads (steel stress greater than 50,000 lb/in2) demonstrated. Thus, the mean crack width axis in
the cracks in the shear spans became inclined and Figure 34 can also be considered as the 'average
were then generally wider than the cracks in the uni- strain ' axis. (Figure 26 is of this type of relationship.)
form bending moment zone. Now strain also increases with increasing distance
from the neutral axis of a beam and thus the distribu-
tion of crack spacing between the neutral axis and the
General observations arising from the results soffit of a beam should, if other factors have no
influence, be as in Figure 34. In a small zone below
the neutral axis there would be no cracks. In a zone of
considerable height above the soffit of the beam the
The relationship between crack spacing and crack crack spacing would be constant. Between the zones
width is involved in the theories of cracking and is there would be a rapid transition from a certain
often considered in the examination of research into minimum crack spacing to infinite crack spacing. In
the phenomenon of cracking. The typical assumption, other words, most cracks present at the soffit of a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

C R A C K SLOPE, a/&
Figure 35: Relalionship between cracking spacing and mean crack slope.

beam extend to within a small distance of the neutral ment there are many cracks in the region of the
axis, a few extend slightly further than the majority reinforcement which d o not penetrate far towards the
and a few terminate slightly lower than the majority. neutral axis.
This pattern of cracking is very common, particularly The proportionality between crack width and crack
in beams where the depth of the tension zone is not spacing that is assumed in the ' classical ' theory refers
large compared with the side cover to the reinforce- to the relationship that exists at a load when the crack
ment. pattern is completely formed. It is simply a statement
In beams where the cover to the reinforcement is that for a given set of conditions (namely, specified bar
small, the variation in the distance of the point of type, bar size, effective reinforcement ratio and steel
measurement of a crack to the nearest bar is con- stress) the crack width is inversely proportional to the
siderable within the tension zone of the beam. As number of cracks that exist. It is, of course, implicit
shown by this investigation, this variation has a very that all cracks are included in the relationship; there
considerable influence on crack spacing and on crack may be no arbitrary division between ' major ' and
width and in beams with small cover to the reinforce- ' minor ' or ' primary ' and ' secondary ' cracks.

Figure 36: Relationship bet ween mean crack slope and starldard deviation slope.

For the present investigation Figure 35 shows the should be w,, = 1.33 o.,, In fact a greater range
graph of the crack pitch existing when the average than this would be expected owing to factors not con-
concrete strain exceeded 130 x at the level con- sidered in the theory.
sidered, plotted against the slopes of graphs of mean In Figure 36, the slopes of graphs of mean crack
crack width against average concrete strain for the width against average concrete strain are plotted
level considered. Despite the scatter of results there is against those of standard deviation against average
no reason to doubt the linear relationship. strain. The best-fit line from the regression analysis
does not pass through the origin and a best-fit line
2: THE R E L A T I O N S H I P BETWEEN forced through the origin has been plotted; the
MEAN C R A C K W I D T H A N D equation to this is
S T A N D A R D D E V I A T I O N OF C R A C K standard deviation = 0.416 x mean crack width.
A value of mean 2.4 standard deviations is exceeded
The classical theory suggests that the relationship in a normal distribution approximately once in a
between maximum crack width and mean crack width hundred events. Thus we can say that a value of
wmax = omean (2.4 X 0.416) omran i.e., omax = Comparison between typical existing crack
2-0 w,,, will only be exceeded approximately once in prediction formulae and the proposed
a 100 cracks. formula
Existing crack prediction formulae generally in-
clude, as major parameters, bar diameter and effective
Suggested crack width formula reinforcement ratio and exclude the cover to the
From the relationship between mean crack width reinforcement. The proposed formulae exclude bar
diameter and effective reinforcement ratio and include
and distance to nearest bar c, (see Figure 24) we
the cover to the reinforcement.
have, for deformed bars:
wmean= I . 6 7 c ~
The proposed CEB equation is
where E is the average ' strain ' in the concrete at the
level of the crack measurement.
Thus omax = 2 a,,,,
=3 . 3 ~ ~ In Figure 37 the maximum crack width has been
Then, if d = distance from the compression face of plotted against (4.5 +0.4/p,)D for a value off, of
the beam to the level of the crack 40,000 Ib/in2 and for deformed bars only (i.e. K, is
measurement constant) for reported results by H ~ ~ n e s t a d ( Kaar~),
,dn = distance of the neutral axis from the and ~attock"),and for all the deformed bar beams of
compression face of the beam the main C & C A investigation. To ensure that com-
d, = distance of the centroid of the tension parisons are made on a reasonably uniform basis, only
reinforcement from the compression measurements made at the level of the centroid of the
face of the beam reinforcement are plotted. It must, however, be pointed
P, -- average ' strain ' in the concrete at the out that the ~ o i nof
t maximum width of a crack is not
' level of the centroid of the reinforce- necessarily at the level of the centroid of the reinforce-
ment, ment; indeed it is unlikely to be. The correlation be-
tween the theoretical line and the reported results, in
Figure 37, is poor and it appears unlikely that it
we have om,,= 3-3 c E,
would be significantly improved if it were possible to
plot crack widths for points other than the level of the
centroid of the reinforcement.
The empirical equation derived as a result of the
For plain round bars crack widths were, on average, PCA investigation"' is w,,, = 0.1 15 .\~/ALx in.
20% greater than for deformed bars. Thus for plain where A = A, divided by number of bars, described
round bars as " area of concrete surrounding each bar ". In Figure
38 the maximum crack width at the steel level has been
plotted against m f o r ~ =, 40,000 Ib/in2 for results
reported by ~ o ~ n e s t a d ' ~Kaar
' , and ~ a t t o c k ( ' ' and
all the deformed bar beams of the main C & C A
The formulae predict maximum crack widths, at the
investigation. The correlation is again poor.
level of the centroid of the reinforcement, as calculated
The formula for deformed steel proposed as a result
in Table 15. of the C & C A investigation is

T A B L E 15: Predicted maximum crack widths in

reinforced concrete beams.
Maximum crack width at level of centroid
In most cases previously reported work does not in-
of reinforcement (in. x 10-3) clude enough information to permit direct comparison
between the results and this equation; either the cover
Stress in Plain round steel Deformed steel
reinforce- to the reinforcement is not specified (or not measured)
ment Side cover (in.) Side cover (in.) or the position of the crack measurement is not
(Ib/in2) 1 1: 2 1 11 2 detailed. However, the C & C A investigation and
20,000 2.7 4.0 theory indicate direct proportionality between ultimate &-
30,000 4.0 6.0 mean crack spacing at the level of the centroid of the
33.000 4.4 6.6 reinforcement and the side cover to the reinforcement.
The ultimate mean crack spacings can be deduced
from the photographs shown in the reports on many
At the soffit of the beam crack widths slightly greater previous investigations and in Figure 39 they are
than the values in Table 15 would occur. plotted against side cover to the reinforcement (stated
IS -l
1 3


2 10-

5 5- ~ e r u i r rdue to
- 0 Hognestad
4 Kaar & Mattocr

5 10 15 20 25

(43 + % ) ~ - i ~ .

Figure 37: Comparison between various reported maximum crack widths and the CEB formula for a steel stress of 40,000 Ib/in2.

Results due to

0 Hognertad
Kaar 8 Mattock

Figure 38: Comparison between various reported maximum crack widths and the PCA formula for a steel stress of 40,000 Ib/inz.
D I S T A N C E TO N E A R E S T B A R - i n .

Figure 39: Ultimate mean crack spacings at the level of the centroid of reinforcement plotted against the side cover to the
reinforcement, for various reported investigations.

o r assumed). A linear relationship is apparent. The reinforcement) the width of a crack is directly
line plotted in Figure 39 is the best-fit regression line proportional to the distance from the point of
for the main C & C A investigation (deformed steel measurement of the crack to the surface of the
only) and the fit of the various experimental results nearest reinforcement bar.
and this line is good. (4) The width of a crack is, within the effective ten-
sion zone, proportional to the distance of the
point of measurement below the neutral axis of
the beam.
From this investigation into crack spacing and crack (5) There is a linear relationship between the ulti-
width in uniform bending moment zones in rectan- mate mean crack spacing and the distance of the
gular, o r near-rectangular, beams the following con- point of measurement of the cracks from the
clusions are drawn. nearest reinforcement.
( I ) The distribution of crack widths is Gaussian and (6) Within the range of crack widths normally con-
the standard deviation averages 0.42 times the sidered acceptable in reinforced concrete, the
mean crack width. Thus one crack in a hundred type of reinforcing steel has little influence on the
can be expected to exceed a width of twice the crack width. In beams reinforced with plain
mean crack width. round mild steel the mean crack width may, on
(2) There is a linear relationship between crack width average, be 20% greater than that in beams rein-
and stress in the tension reinforcement. forced with deformed bars (including square
(3) Within the effective tension zone of a beam (i.e. twisted bars) at the same steel stress. However,
the area of concrete with the same centroid as the other factors produce differences between nom-
inally identical beams greater than the difference dl = thedistance from the compression
due to bar type and thus the mean crack width in face of the section to the centroid of
a deformed steel beam may be greater than that the main tension reinforcement
in a plain steel beam at the same stress. dn = the distance of the neutral axis from
(7) There is no significant difference between the the compression face of the beam
crack control characteristics of any of the de- f, = the mean stress in the reinforcement
formed steels tested, including square twisted E, = the modulus of elasticity of the rein-
steel. forcement
(8) There is no significant difference between the K = a constant of value 3.3 for deformed
crack control characteristics of a small number bars and 4.0 for plain round bars.
of large bars and a large number of small bars For prediction of the maximum crack width at
of the same total cross-sectional area if the cover the level of the centroid of the reinforcement the
to the bars is the same. formula reduces to
(9) The investigation produced no evidence that
variation of the percentage of reinforcement,
within the range 0.85 to 2-29 %, has a significant
influence on cracking at a given steel stress.
(14) The proportionality between crack width on the
(10) Stirrups act as crack inducers, particularly when
surface of the concrete and the distance of the
the concrete cover is small and it is possible that
point of measurement of the crack from the
some measure of control over crack spacing may
nearest reinforcement can be explained by the
be obtained by judicious spacing of the stirrups.
hypothesis that cracks taper from a certain width
(11) The investigation produced no evidence that
variation of concrete strength or of curing condi- on the surface of the beam to approximately zero
width at the steel-concrete interface. This implies
tions, whether tbe beam was cast with the tension
that adhesion between the steel and concrete does
zone at the bottom or the top of the mould, or
not break down significantly within the range of
variation of the length of the shear span have a
stresses normally used in reinforced concrete
significant effect on cracking.
design and that the width of a crack is basically
(12) Because the effect of variation in the cover to the
reinforcement on the width and spacing of cracks a function of the elastic recovery of the concrete
is overwhelming, any crack prediction formula between cracks and of the restraining effect of
the nearby reinforcement.
that does not include this parameter cannot be
generally applicable. Moreover the effect of vari-
ation of bar size and bar type is greatly exag- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
gerated in most formulae. The formula for the
This research was initiated and carried out by the
prediction of maximum crack width at present in
Structural Design Research Department of the Cement
the Recommendations for International Code of
and Concrete Association under the general direction of
Practice for Reinforced concrete(') predicted a
Dr R. E. Rowe. The research team was led and super-
ratio of 1 :4 in the maximum crack widths for two
vised by G. D. Base.
types of beam (Type AI, plain steel and Type A3,
Valuable assistance in the programming and inter-
deformed steel) whereas the ratio that occurred
pretation of this project was given by a Steering Panel
was 1 :I-2. In another case, the formula predicted
comprising the following members:
identical maximum crack widths'in two types of
Dr S. C. C. Bate, BSc(En#). PhD; A M I C E
beam (Type El and Type E3) whereas the max-
Mr H . G . C O U S ~BSc(Enp),
~ S , MICE, MlStrucrE
imum crack widths were actually in the ratio
Dr K. Hajnal-Kdflyi, DEng, FASCE, MICE, MlStrucIE
I :5.8.
Mr N. P. Roberts, BSC, A M I C E
(13) From this investigation the following formula,
Thanks are also due to the following colleagues of the
for the prediction of the maximum crack width
authors for their individual contributions to the project:
on the surface of the effective tension zone, has
Mr B. C. Best (advice on statistics); Mrs S. Pitcher
been derived.
(computer operator); Mr R. Lunn (vacation student for
twelve months); Mr T . Pearce and Mr V. Dent
where c the distance of the point of measure-
ment of the crack from the surface of REFERENCES
the nearest main reinforcement bar 1. WATSTEIN, D. and PARSONS, D. E. Width and spacing of tensile
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