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Our task was to interview doctors.

My partner Diya Mulchandani and I had

interviewed Dr.Tejal Shah. It was a really informative experience. I and Pehr
Agrawal also edited the entire weebly page. For me it was quite difficult in the
beginning but I overcame it with the help of my teammates.

We interviewed two doctors.Even though they had very different profession most of
their answers were the same. Both Dr. Tejal Shah and Dr. Laddha were both really
cooperative and removed time in between their busy schedules.

Our interview with Dr.Tejal Shah was voice recorded and then put in a video by my
teammate. The seconed interview with Dr. laddha was in a writen format.

This task has helped me in alot of ways.By helping me gain confidence and
increasing my information on doctor life.

The partern school had choosen a cancer hospital doctor to interview and it was
very enlightening to us when we discussed about it, in our video confesses.

The work that we did was good but not great. we could have improved in may ways.
Like by dividing the task load equally and by planning it in advance.

But I still do think we deserve the five bonus points because, we are very
determined and we work hard to achieve every goal we set.

Lastly I would like to thank the school for this opportunity. It was truly a
remarkable experience.

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